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  For some people, surgery may be too risky. These people have other options for treating their kidney cancers, including:  Treatment to freeze cancer cells. Recent studies show cryoablation may be useful for treating kidney tumors that cant be removed through surgery. During cryoablation, one or more special needles are inserted through small incisions in your skin and into the tumor. Gas in the needles creates extreme cold that causes the cells around the point of each needle to freeze. Doctors use CT scans to monitor the procedure and to ensure that all of the visible cancer tissue and some of the surrounding healthy tissue is frozen. Another type of gas in the needles creates warmth to thaw the frozen tissue. Then the process is repeated. The cycles of freezing and thawing cause cancer cells to die. You may experience some pain after the procedure. Rare side effects may include bleeding, infection and damage to tissue surrounding the tumor.  Kidney cancer that recurs and kidney cancer that spreads to other parts of the body may also be curable. In these situations, treatments may include:  Drugs that use your immune system to fight cancer. Biological therapy uses your bodys immune system to fight cancer. Drugs in this category include interferon and interleukin-2, which are synthetic versions of chemicals made in your body. These biological therapy drugs have serious side effects, including chills, fever, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite.  A.special material is injected into the main blood vessel leading to the kidney.  C.It cuts oxygen and other nutrients supply to the tumour.  正确答案:D  2.Side effects of cryoablation include the following EXCEPT  B.infection.  D.damage to tissue surrounding the tumor.  解析:问题问的是:冷冻疗法的副作用不包括哪项?第三段提到了冷冻疗法,其副作用包括流血,感染和肿瘤周围组织损坏。没有提到C严重的皮疹。  A.Once in three months.  C.At least once a year.  正确答案:A  4.The therapy that stimulates your immune system with drugs to fight cancer is named  B.Cryoablation.  D.Surgery.  解析:问题问的是:利用药物刺激免疫系统抵抗癌症的疗法叫什么?有最后一段可知应该叫biological therapy生物治疗。  A.If a patient vomits, hep  B.Bleeding is seldom seen among patients who are using cryoablation.  D.X-rays may cause the most serious side effects.  解析:问题问的是:根据短文哪项不正确?第四段提到X-ray即x光只是复诊的一项检查,并没提到它的副作用。因此不正确。


  For some people, surgery may be too risky. These people have other options for treating their kidney cancers, including:  Treatment to freeze cancer cells. Recent studies show cryoablation may be useful for treating kidney tumors that cant be removed through surgery. During cryoablation, one or more special needles are inserted through small incisions in your skin and into the tumor. Gas in the needles creates extreme cold that causes the cells around the point of each needle to freeze. Doctors use CT scans to monitor the procedure and to ensure that all of the visible cancer tissue and some of the surrounding healthy tissue is frozen. Another type of gas in the needles creates warmth to thaw the frozen tissue. Then the process is repeated. The cycles of freezing and thawing cause cancer cells to die. You may experience some pain after the procedure. Rare side effects may include bleeding, infection and damage to tissue surrounding the tumor.  Kidney cancer that recurs and kidney cancer that spreads to other parts of the body may also be curable. In these situations, treatments may include:  Drugs that use your immune system to fight cancer. Biological therapy uses your bodys immune system to fight cancer. Drugs in this category include interferon and interleukin-2, which are synthetic versions of chemicals made in your body. These biological therapy drugs have serious side effects, including chills, fever, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite.  A.special material is injected into the main blood vessel leading to the kidney.  C.It cuts oxygen and other nutrients supply to the tumour.  正确答案:D  2.Side effects of cryoablation include the following EXCEPT  B.infection.  D.damage to tissue surrounding the tumor.  解析:问题问的是:冷冻疗法的副作用不包括哪项?第三段提到了冷冻疗法,其副作用包括流血,感染和肿瘤周围组织损坏。没有提到C严重的皮疹。  A.Once in three months.  C.At least once a year.  正确答案:A  4.The therapy that stimulates your immune system with drugs to fight cancer is named  B.Cryoablation.  D.Surgery.  解析:问题问的是:利用药物刺激免疫系统抵抗癌症的疗法叫什么?有最后一段可知应该叫biological therapy生物治疗。  A.If a patient vomits, hep  B.Bleeding is seldom seen among patients who are using cryoablation.  D.X-rays may cause the most serious side effects.  解析:问题问的是:根据短文哪项不正确?第四段提到X-ray即x光只是复诊的一项检查,并没提到它的副作用。因此不正确。


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