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  4 字篇(上)

  134.不用担心! Dont be afraid. / Dont worry.

  135.长话短说! Make a long story short!

  136. 少说废话! Cut the crap! / BullSHE(粗俗些)

  137.你懂什么? What do you know? / you dont know the half of it!


  138.我尽力了! I did the best I could.

  139. 你疯了吗? Are you crazy? / Are you out of your mind?

  140. 半斤八两。 Same difference!

  141. 这就怪啦! It doesnt add up! / It doesnt make any sense.

  e.g. I just bought milk yesterday But were out of it today. It doesnt add up!

  142. 知足常乐。 Easy to please.

  注:相反的就是hard to please(很难伺候)

  143. 教坏小孩。 Bad influence (on the kids).

  e.g. I dont want you to hang out with him anymore. Hes such a bad influence on the children.

  144. 小气巴拉。 Scrooge!

  e.g. What a scrooge! He didnt even buy presents for them on Christmas!


  145. 不识抬举。 You just dont appreciate it.

  e.g. You dont know when a good things right in front of you. You just dont appreciate it.

  注:appreciate (欣赏), 相反词是scorn(藐视),disparage(贬抑)

  146. 在说一次! Say again?

  注:say again是口头上,私下聊天时的用法。正式一点的像是Pardon me? Excuse me?, 或是Could you repeat that please?, 会比较有礼貌。

  147. 你觉得呢? What do you think? / Whats your opinion?(更正式些)

  148. 岂有此理! How did it come to this?


  149. 脸皮真厚! What nerve!

  e.g. How dare you talk back to your mother! What nerve!


  150. 你急什么? Whats the rush?

  151. 没完没了。 Will it never end?

  Doesnt he know when to stop?

  注:will it never end? 就文法上应该是:Will it ever end? 这里用Never,是在强调语气懂得无奈。 Someone doesnt know when to stop 意思是有人就是不知道适可而止。

  152. 太过分了! Thats too much!

  153. 太夸张了! Thats an exaggeration!

  154. 死都不要(干)! Over my dead body!


  155. 真没想到。 I had no idea.

  156. 我的妈呀! Oh my god!

  157. 赶时间吗? Are you in a hurry?

  注:in a hurry亦可用rushed for time 或 pressed for time代替。

  158. 常有的事。 Happens all the time.

  159. 你真没用! You are useless!

  160. 真没水准! No class!


  161. 不一定啦! Not necessarily. (反义:definitely)

  162. 别想骗我! Dont try to pull one over me!

  注:Over me是over my eyes, 意思是蒙骗。

  163. 想得没喔! In your dreams! (是指某事极不可能发生)

  164. 想都别想! Dont even think about it!


  165. 怎么搞的? Whats eating you? 形容对方看起来疲惫、沮丧、生气、不快乐等。

  What happened? 一般人常用的句子。

  166. 这也难怪! No wonder!

  167. 你很烦耶! Youre getting on my nerves! / Youre really annoying!

  168. 原来如此。 So thats how it is!


  169. 没日没夜。 Day and night。

  170. 一视同仁。 Friend or foe

  e.g. Whether youre a friend or foe, I wont treat you any different.

  注:foe的意思是敌人, 同enemy,虽然enemy较常见,但这里是要强调两个字一样都是f开头,所以用Foe。

  171. 表里不一。 Thinks one way, but acts another.

  e.g. Shes so hypocritical. She thinks one way but acts another.


  172. 正是时候。 Its about time!

  173. 真是经典! Its a classic!

  174. 多此一举! Theres no need! (最常用同义词:Dont worry about it.)

  175. 真是够了! Thats enough! (说enough时加重语气,显露不耐烦的意思)

  176. 骗你的啦! Im joking. / Im kidding. / Im (just) pulling your chain.

  177. 你有病啊?! Youre sick!

  178. 别害羞嘛! Dont be shy!

  179. 勿失良机。 Dont pass up a golden opportunity.

  注:简短一点可以说:Dont pass it up! 或 Dont pass this up!.

  180. 两全其美。 Everyone wins. / Good for both sides.

  注:这两句情况有些不同,everyone wins愿意是每个人都赢。因此,所指的对象可以不只是两个而已;Good for both sides。就特别针对只有两个对象的情况。

  181. 一举两得。 Shooting two birds with one stone. / Get two birds with one stone.

  182. 心照不宣。 Mutual understanding.

  注:本句与tacit agreement(默契)意思一样。

  183. 自相残杀。 At each others throats. / Killing each other.

  184. 好事成双。 Good things come in pairs.

  185. 别惹麻烦! Dont make trouble. / Stay out of trouble!

  186. 搬弄是非! What a gossip!

  187. 算你厉害。 You win.(通常带有认输的语气)

  188. 不见不散。 Im not leaving until I see you. / Be there be square.

  189. 行行好嘛! Have a heart!

  190. 没这回事! No such thing.

  191. 安静一点! Be quiet.

  192. 那又怎样? So what? (本句通常带有挑衅的语气)

  193. 有话快说。 If you have something to saysay it!

  194. 拐弯抹角。 Beat about the bush.

  195. 慢吞吞的! Slow as molasses.


  196. 很好玩的。 Super fun。

  197. 祝你好运! Good luck!

  198. 口是心非。 You say it, but you dont mean it. (可以只说: You dont mean it.)

  199. 乱七八糟。 What a mess!

  200. 替天行道。 Carry out Gods will.


  4 字篇(上)

  134.不用担心! Dont be afraid. / Dont worry.

  135.长话短说! Make a long story short!

  136. 少说废话! Cut the crap! / BullSHE(粗俗些)

  137.你懂什么? What do you know? / you dont know the half of it!


  138.我尽力了! I did the best I could.

  139. 你疯了吗? Are you crazy? / Are you out of your mind?

  140. 半斤八两。 Same difference!

  141. 这就怪啦! It doesnt add up! / It doesnt make any sense.

  e.g. I just bought milk yesterday But were out of it today. It doesnt add up!

  142. 知足常乐。 Easy to please.

  注:相反的就是hard to please(很难伺候)

  143. 教坏小孩。 Bad influence (on the kids).

  e.g. I dont want you to hang out with him anymore. Hes such a bad influence on the children.

  144. 小气巴拉。 Scrooge!

  e.g. What a scrooge! He didnt even buy presents for them on Christmas!


  145. 不识抬举。 You just dont appreciate it.

  e.g. You dont know when a good things right in front of you. You just dont appreciate it.

  注:appreciate (欣赏), 相反词是scorn(藐视),disparage(贬抑)

  146. 在说一次! Say again?

  注:say again是口头上,私下聊天时的用法。正式一点的像是Pardon me? Excuse me?, 或是Could you repeat that please?, 会比较有礼貌。

  147. 你觉得呢? What do you think? / Whats your opinion?(更正式些)

  148. 岂有此理! How did it come to this?


  149. 脸皮真厚! What nerve!

  e.g. How dare you talk back to your mother! What nerve!


  150. 你急什么? Whats the rush?

  151. 没完没了。 Will it never end?

  Doesnt he know when to stop?

  注:will it never end? 就文法上应该是:Will it ever end? 这里用Never,是在强调语气懂得无奈。 Someone doesnt know when to stop 意思是有人就是不知道适可而止。

  152. 太过分了! Thats too much!

  153. 太夸张了! Thats an exaggeration!

  154. 死都不要(干)! Over my dead body!


  155. 真没想到。 I had no idea.

  156. 我的妈呀! Oh my god!

  157. 赶时间吗? Are you in a hurry?

  注:in a hurry亦可用rushed for time 或 pressed for time代替。

  158. 常有的事。 Happens all the time.

  159. 你真没用! You are useless!

  160. 真没水准! No class!


  161. 不一定啦! Not necessarily. (反义:definitely)

  162. 别想骗我! Dont try to pull one over me!

  注:Over me是over my eyes, 意思是蒙骗。

  163. 想得没喔! In your dreams! (是指某事极不可能发生)

  164. 想都别想! Dont even think about it!


  165. 怎么搞的? Whats eating you? 形容对方看起来疲惫、沮丧、生气、不快乐等。

  What happened? 一般人常用的句子。

  166. 这也难怪! No wonder!

  167. 你很烦耶! Youre getting on my nerves! / Youre really annoying!

  168. 原来如此。 So thats how it is!


  169. 没日没夜。 Day and night。

  170. 一视同仁。 Friend or foe

  e.g. Whether youre a friend or foe, I wont treat you any different.

  注:foe的意思是敌人, 同enemy,虽然enemy较常见,但这里是要强调两个字一样都是f开头,所以用Foe。

  171. 表里不一。 Thinks one way, but acts another.

  e.g. Shes so hypocritical. She thinks one way but acts another.


  172. 正是时候。 Its about time!

  173. 真是经典! Its a classic!

  174. 多此一举! Theres no need! (最常用同义词:Dont worry about it.)

  175. 真是够了! Thats enough! (说enough时加重语气,显露不耐烦的意思)

  176. 骗你的啦! Im joking. / Im kidding. / Im (just) pulling your chain.

  177. 你有病啊?! Youre sick!

  178. 别害羞嘛! Dont be shy!

  179. 勿失良机。 Dont pass up a golden opportunity.

  注:简短一点可以说:Dont pass it up! 或 Dont pass this up!.

  180. 两全其美。 Everyone wins. / Good for both sides.

  注:这两句情况有些不同,everyone wins愿意是每个人都赢。因此,所指的对象可以不只是两个而已;Good for both sides。就特别针对只有两个对象的情况。

  181. 一举两得。 Shooting two birds with one stone. / Get two birds with one stone.

  182. 心照不宣。 Mutual understanding.

  注:本句与tacit agreement(默契)意思一样。

  183. 自相残杀。 At each others throats. / Killing each other.

  184. 好事成双。 Good things come in pairs.

  185. 别惹麻烦! Dont make trouble. / Stay out of trouble!

  186. 搬弄是非! What a gossip!

  187. 算你厉害。 You win.(通常带有认输的语气)

  188. 不见不散。 Im not leaving until I see you. / Be there be square.

  189. 行行好嘛! Have a heart!

  190. 没这回事! No such thing.

  191. 安静一点! Be quiet.

  192. 那又怎样? So what? (本句通常带有挑衅的语气)

  193. 有话快说。 If you have something to saysay it!

  194. 拐弯抹角。 Beat about the bush.

  195. 慢吞吞的! Slow as molasses.


  196. 很好玩的。 Super fun。

  197. 祝你好运! Good luck!

  198. 口是心非。 You say it, but you dont mean it. (可以只说: You dont mean it.)

  199. 乱七八糟。 What a mess!

  200. 替天行道。 Carry out Gods will.


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