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  I know only too well


  用only too来强调know,表示知道得非常彻底。only too表示非常,很的意思,但在语气上比only too程度强,又表示太过了的含义,所以有时候会有故意说反话的含义。


  A:Im sorry you failed the test.


  B:Im just so upset with myself.


  A:I know only too well how you feel.


  B:You do?


  A:Sure,Ive failed my tests ,too.


  B:Then you do know how I feel.



  A:Tom is so down that he wont talk to anyone.


  B:I know only too well what thats like.


  A:What do you mean?


  B:I was very sad when I was laid off last year.



  I am sorry you failed the test.


  #当你听到一件不辛的消息,你要向对方表示你的关怀时,可以用Im sorry这个句型,下面接对方所遇到的不辛事件。

  For example:

  Im sorry you got laid off.


  Im sorry you didnt pass the test.



  fail 失败

  upset 难过的,生气的

  mean 意欲,意思

  lay off 解雇


  I know only too well


  用only too来强调know,表示知道得非常彻底。only too表示非常,很的意思,但在语气上比only too程度强,又表示太过了的含义,所以有时候会有故意说反话的含义。


  A:Im sorry you failed the test.


  B:Im just so upset with myself.


  A:I know only too well how you feel.


  B:You do?


  A:Sure,Ive failed my tests ,too.


  B:Then you do know how I feel.



  A:Tom is so down that he wont talk to anyone.


  B:I know only too well what thats like.


  A:What do you mean?


  B:I was very sad when I was laid off last year.



  I am sorry you failed the test.


  #当你听到一件不辛的消息,你要向对方表示你的关怀时,可以用Im sorry这个句型,下面接对方所遇到的不辛事件。

  For example:

  Im sorry you got laid off.


  Im sorry you didnt pass the test.



  fail 失败

  upset 难过的,生气的

  mean 意欲,意思

  lay off 解雇