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  1. face--to--face, face to face

  I like to have a ______________ talk with my girlfriend.

  I d like to talk with my girl friend ______________.

  2. fix

  fix s shelf to the wall

  fix a radio

  fix a time (the date) for discussion.

  Fix ones attention/ thoughts/ mind on

  Fix ones eyes on (upon) sth/ sb

  Fix sth in ones mind

  ①Have they fixed the date __________ the meeting?

  ②Fix you mind _______ what I m explaining.

  ③She was nervous because thousands of eyes were fixed _________ her.

  3, to

  ㈠ Look forward to

  ①He looked forward to___________(see) what was going on.

  ②We are looking forward to__________(visit) the photo exhibition.

  ㈡ Be used to

  ①I m not used to ___________ (speak) to like that.

  ②Coal can be used to____________ (produce )electricity for agriculture and industry.

  ㈢ Stick to

  ①No matter what you say, I will stick to ________ (finish) my work.

  ②Never stick out your tongue to___________ (taste) a dish at table.

  ㈣ See to

  ①Who is seeing to ____________ (repair) the bridge ?

  ②Women workers were seen to ________ (repair ) the bridge.

  ㈤ Be devoted to

  ①She was devoted to ___________ (help) the poor all her life.

  ②She devote herself to ___________ (help) the poor all her life.

  ㈥ Get down to

  ①She got down from the top to ___________ (have) a rest.

  ②Lets get down to ___________ (prepare) for the meeting.

  改错: ①The college students are looking forward to spend their holidays in Hainan Island.

  ②The doctor was devoted to find a way to deal with this strange disease.

  4, cover


  be covered by..

  be covered with

  ②By sunset we ________________40 miles. (已经走了40 里)

  ③The exhibition _____________________ 10000 square metres. ( 占地.)

  ④Two more reporters were sent to _____________ the events (采访)

  ⑤How many pages ____________ you ___________? ( 已经看了多少页)

  5, had better do sth

  would rather do

  would rather do than do

  do nothing but do

  All I did was tidy the room.

  My idea is to climb the mountain from the north

  I often hear her sing a song.

  She is often heard to sing a song..

  ①They knew her very well. They had seen her ____________ up from childhood.

  A, grow B, grew C, was growing D, to grow

  ②Though he had often made his little sister_____, today he was made ____ by his little sister.

  A, cry , to cry B, crying, crying C, cry, cry D, to cry, cry

  ③Paul doesnt have to be made________ , He always works hard.

  A, learn B, to learn C, learned D, learning

  6, learn about (of) learn

  hear / hear of (about)

  knew / knew of(about)

  speak /speak of (about)

  tell/ tell of (about)

  understand / understand of (about)

  7, care

  take care

  ① take care of

  care for sb

  ② care for ones health

  care for pop music

  ③ care about

  ④ would you care to go for a swim?

  8, as well, as well as

  She is learning English and French _____ _______. (也学法语)

  This child is lively ______ _________ ______ healthy. ( 即健康又活泼)

  His mother, as well as his father, _______(be ) hardworking.

  9, add

  ①add up the money/ costs /the number/ the figures

  ②add .to

  ③add to

  ④add up to


  ⑴The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, ___that he had enjoyed his stay here.

  A, having added B, to add C, adding D, added

  ⑵His illness _______ _____ our difficulty. (增加)

  ⑶Five and fifteen ___ ____ ___ twenty. (加起来总数为)

  10,there be (no) .left for (doing) sth.

  ① 还有些时间和你谈一谈。

  There is _______ ________ left _____ ________ ________ ________ _________.

  ② 已没有时间去拜访你。

  There is ______ _________ to _______ ___________ .

  ③ 已没有 钱买书

  _______ _______ ________ _______ left ________ ______.

  _______ _______ ________ ________ left _____ _______ ________.

  _______ _______ _______ ________ to _______ _______ ________ ______.

  11, late,

  later ①Because of the storm, the plane _____ _____ _____ _______ _________.

  latest (飞机晚点半小时)


  ②I called on him last Monday and called again______ ______ _____(两天以后)

  later on

  ③I havent seen her _________. ( 最近)

  ④He first went to Canada. ____ ____ he settled in American (以后)

  12, save (up) money

  save for sth

  save sb much trouble

  13, ① take sb a picture/ photo / photograph

  ② take a picture / photo / photograph of sb (sth)

  ③ have ones photo / picture / photograph taken

  14, what s on tonight ?

  whats on at Xinhua cinema ?

  There is a new film on at the cinema .

  15, get down to

  Lets get down to discussion.

  I must get down to repairing the house.

  16, It looks (seems) as if (though)

  ①______________ (看来)we shall have to do the work ourselves.

  ②When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, ___________(看上去好象) it were broken.

  17 be set in

  The film ____________ California in the middle of the nineteenth century.

  ( 以。。。为背景)

  44,what a pity /what a shame

  it s a pity that

  its a shame to be

  1. face--to--face, face to face

  I like to have a ______________ talk with my girlfriend.

  I d like to talk with my girl friend ______________.

  2. fix

  fix s shelf to the wall

  fix a radio

  fix a time (the date) for discussion.

  Fix ones attention/ thoughts/ mind on

  Fix ones eyes on (upon) sth/ sb

  Fix sth in ones mind

  ①Have they fixed the date __________ the meeting?

  ②Fix you mind _______ what I m explaining.

  ③She was nervous because thousands of eyes were fixed _________ her.

  3, to

  ㈠ Look forward to

  ①He looked forward to___________(see) what was going on.

  ②We are looking forward to__________(visit) the photo exhibition.

  ㈡ Be used to

  ①I m not used to ___________ (speak) to like that.

  ②Coal can be used to____________ (produce )electricity for agriculture and industry.

  ㈢ Stick to

  ①No matter what you say, I will stick to ________ (finish) my work.

  ②Never stick out your tongue to___________ (taste) a dish at table.

  ㈣ See to

  ①Who is seeing to ____________ (repair) the bridge ?

  ②Women workers were seen to ________ (repair ) the bridge.

  ㈤ Be devoted to

  ①She was devoted to ___________ (help) the poor all her life.

  ②She devote herself to ___________ (help) the poor all her life.

  ㈥ Get down to

  ①She got down from the top to ___________ (have) a rest.

  ②Lets get down to ___________ (prepare) for the meeting.

  改错: ①The college students are looking forward to spend their holidays in Hainan Island.

  ②The doctor was devoted to find a way to deal with this strange disease.

  4, cover


  be covered by..

  be covered with

  ②By sunset we ________________40 miles. (已经走了40 里)

  ③The exhibition _____________________ 10000 square metres. ( 占地.)

  ④Two more reporters were sent to _____________ the events (采访)

  ⑤How many pages ____________ you ___________? ( 已经看了多少页)

  5, had better do sth

  would rather do

  would rather do than do

  do nothing but do

  All I did was tidy the room.

  My idea is to climb the mountain from the north

  I often hear her sing a song.

  She is often heard to sing a song..

  ①They knew her very well. They had seen her ____________ up from childhood.

  A, grow B, grew C, was growing D, to grow

  ②Though he had often made his little sister_____, today he was made ____ by his little sister.

  A, cry , to cry B, crying, crying C, cry, cry D, to cry, cry

  ③Paul doesnt have to be made________ , He always works hard.

  A, learn B, to learn C, learned D, learning

  6, learn about (of) learn

  hear / hear of (about)

  knew / knew of(about)

  speak /speak of (about)

  tell/ tell of (about)

  understand / understand of (about)

  7, care

  take care

  ① take care of

  care for sb

  ② care for ones health

  care for pop music

  ③ care about

  ④ would you care to go for a swim?

  8, as well, as well as

  She is learning English and French _____ _______. (也学法语)

  This child is lively ______ _________ ______ healthy. ( 即健康又活泼)

  His mother, as well as his father, _______(be ) hardworking.

  9, add

  ①add up the money/ costs /the number/ the figures

  ②add .to

  ③add to

  ④add up to


  ⑴The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, ___that he had enjoyed his stay here.

  A, having added B, to add C, adding D, added

  ⑵His illness _______ _____ our difficulty. (增加)

  ⑶Five and fifteen ___ ____ ___ twenty. (加起来总数为)

  10,there be (no) .left for (doing) sth.

  ① 还有些时间和你谈一谈。

  There is _______ ________ left _____ ________ ________ ________ _________.

  ② 已没有时间去拜访你。

  There is ______ _________ to _______ ___________ .

  ③ 已没有 钱买书

  _______ _______ ________ _______ left ________ ______.

  _______ _______ ________ ________ left _____ _______ ________.

  _______ _______ _______ ________ to _______ _______ ________ ______.

  11, late,

  later ①Because of the storm, the plane _____ _____ _____ _______ _________.

  latest (飞机晚点半小时)


  ②I called on him last Monday and called again______ ______ _____(两天以后)

  later on

  ③I havent seen her _________. ( 最近)

  ④He first went to Canada. ____ ____ he settled in American (以后)

  12, save (up) money

  save for sth

  save sb much trouble

  13, ① take sb a picture/ photo / photograph

  ② take a picture / photo / photograph of sb (sth)

  ③ have ones photo / picture / photograph taken

  14, what s on tonight ?

  whats on at Xinhua cinema ?

  There is a new film on at the cinema .

  15, get down to

  Lets get down to discussion.

  I must get down to repairing the house.

  16, It looks (seems) as if (though)

  ①______________ (看来)we shall have to do the work ourselves.

  ②When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, ___________(看上去好象) it were broken.

  17 be set in

  The film ____________ California in the middle of the nineteenth century.

  ( 以。。。为背景)

  44,what a pity /what a shame

  it s a pity that

  its a shame to be

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