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   第二课 题型分类指导

   1. 词法句法题 (连词成句;句型转化;补全对话等)

   2. 补全短文

   3. 短文写作

   1. 词法句法题 (连词成句;句型转化;补全对话等)

   1.) 根据英语提示补全句子。

   ? He is a worker. He makes machines in a ________.


   ? In autumn, we often climb hills. It's good for our ______.

   Be good for; be bad for


   ? Ninety-nine and one is a ________.

   加法 sth and sth is sth


   ? I'm ______. I can't eat any more.



   ? My _______ is not far from school. I go to school on foot every day.

   2.) 根据英、汉提示补全句子

   a) 躺在床上看书对眼睛有害。

   ______ in bed ______ ______ ______ your eyes.


   答案: lying, is, bad, for

   b) 你最好尽早完成这项工程。

   You'd better _______ the work ______ ______ ______ you can.

   答案: finish, as, soon, as

   c) 中国的气候与美国的气候大不相同。

   The weather in China ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ in U.S.A.

   答案:is, quite, different, from, that

   3.) 根据文字提示写句子

   a) 他太粗心了,不能干这种工作。

   so that


   too to 太。。。以至于不能。。。

   so that 太。。。以至于。。。 that后接从句

   答案:He is so careless that he can not do the work.

   b) 我哥哥喜欢游泳,我也喜欢。


   答案:My brother likes swimming. I like it, too. (either)

   My brother likes swimming, and I like it, too.

   My brother likes swimming; I like it, too.

   c) best wishes, Christmas, New Year, and, for


   答案:Best wishes to you for Christmas and New Year.

   d) visit London, Mr. Smith, in 1990, twice.


   答案:Mr. Smith visited London twice in 1990.

   4.) 根据文字提示和图画写句子



   (1.) an old man, read, in an armchair, with a dog beside him


   答案:An old man was reading a newspaper in an armchair with a dog beside him.

   (2.) wake up the dog, let it get, the shoes, for him.


   答案:He woke up the dog and let it get the shoes for him.

   (3.) the dog, don't move, bark to the cat, to his surprise.


   答案:To the old man's surprise, the dog didn't move, and (only) barked to the cat.

   (4.) a moment later, came, with the old man's shoes.


   答案:A moment later, the cat came with the old man's shoes.



   第二课 题型分类指导

   1. 词法句法题 (连词成句;句型转化;补全对话等)

   2. 补全短文

   3. 短文写作

   1. 词法句法题 (连词成句;句型转化;补全对话等)

   1.) 根据英语提示补全句子。

   ? He is a worker. He makes machines in a ________.


   ? In autumn, we often climb hills. It's good for our ______.

   Be good for; be bad for


   ? Ninety-nine and one is a ________.

   加法 sth and sth is sth


   ? I'm ______. I can't eat any more.



   ? My _______ is not far from school. I go to school on foot every day.

   2.) 根据英、汉提示补全句子

   a) 躺在床上看书对眼睛有害。

   ______ in bed ______ ______ ______ your eyes.


   答案: lying, is, bad, for

   b) 你最好尽早完成这项工程。

   You'd better _______ the work ______ ______ ______ you can.

   答案: finish, as, soon, as

   c) 中国的气候与美国的气候大不相同。

   The weather in China ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ in U.S.A.

   答案:is, quite, different, from, that

   3.) 根据文字提示写句子

   a) 他太粗心了,不能干这种工作。

   so that


   too to 太。。。以至于不能。。。

   so that 太。。。以至于。。。 that后接从句

   答案:He is so careless that he can not do the work.

   b) 我哥哥喜欢游泳,我也喜欢。


   答案:My brother likes swimming. I like it, too. (either)

   My brother likes swimming, and I like it, too.

   My brother likes swimming; I like it, too.

   c) best wishes, Christmas, New Year, and, for


   答案:Best wishes to you for Christmas and New Year.

   d) visit London, Mr. Smith, in 1990, twice.


   答案:Mr. Smith visited London twice in 1990.

   4.) 根据文字提示和图画写句子



   (1.) an old man, read, in an armchair, with a dog beside him


   答案:An old man was reading a newspaper in an armchair with a dog beside him.

   (2.) wake up the dog, let it get, the shoes, for him.


   答案:He woke up the dog and let it get the shoes for him.

   (3.) the dog, don't move, bark to the cat, to his surprise.


   答案:To the old man's surprise, the dog didn't move, and (only) barked to the cat.

   (4.) a moment later, came, with the old man's shoes.


   答案:A moment later, the cat came with the old man's shoes.
