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  第I卷 听力测试(选择题 30分)




    1. A. B. C.    2. A. B. C.   3. A. B. C.   4. A. B. C.


    5. A. Here you are .      B. I'm sure.      C. see you tomorrow.

    6. A. It doesn't matter.    B. That's right.    C. you're welcome.

    7. A. It's fifty yuan.     B. There're two coats. C. It's green.

    8. A. That's OK.        B. I'd love to .    C. It's fine.

    9. A. I'm sorry to hear that. B. Hold on, please.  C. Very well, thank you.

    10. A. Goodbye.        B. Thank you .     C. All right.


    11. A. Red.        B. Yellow.     C. White.

    12. A. Go to the cinema. B. Go shopping.  C. Stay at home.

    13. A. It's 7:00     B. It's 11:30.   C. It's 7:30.

    14. A. On the chair.   B. On the table.  C. In his bag.

    15. A. To the classroom. B. To the library. C. To the teacher's office.


    16. A. Because he wanted to be a man.

      B. Because he liked the colour.

      C. Because everyone in the village had got one.

    17. A. In his village.

      B. To the east of his village.

      C. To the west of his village.

    18. A. Because he had forgotten about the red hat.

      B. Because his father had sold the rice.

      C. Because there were many interesting things and sounds there.

    19. A. In his village.   B. The story didn't tell us .   C. In a hat shop.

    20. A. Because his father sold his rice.

      B. Because at last he became a man.

      C. Because he enjoyed looking at everything in the market.

                    第II卷 笔试(选择题 60分)



    21. ________does your mother do ?

      She is a worker.

      A. Who      B. Where     C. How      D. What

    22. The ice is thin. You ____ skate on it.

      A. may      B. must     C. can't     D. needn't

    23. Tom is a doctor. He works in a city hospital, ____ he ?

      A. does     B. doesn't    C. did      D. didn't

    24. I am fifteen years old this year. I was born _____ 1985.

      A. on      B. in      C. for      D. at

    25. My mother _____ our room already. It is very clean.

      A. has cleaned  B. had cleaned  C. is cleaning  D. will clean

    26. We want ____ a trip to Hainan this summer vacation.

      A. take     B. takes     C. taking     D. to take

    27. In winter the day is _____ than it is in summer.

      A. short     B. shorter    C. shortest    D. the shortest

    28. Hi! What are you doing?

       We ____ about a football match.

      A. talked    B. talks     C. will talk   D. are talking

    29. After breakfast Bob read the newspaper, _____ his grandma listened to him carefully.

      A. so      B. or      C. and      D. but

    30. Mr Brown isn't in China now. He _____ to America.

      A. has been   B. has gone   C. had gone    D. would go

    31. We _____ a farm if it doesn't rain tomorrow.

      A. visit     B. visited    C. will visit   D. have visited

    32. Do you know ________ last night?

       In beijing Hotel.

      A. where Mr Green stayed     B. where did Mr Green stay

      C. what Mr Green did       D. what did Mr Green do

    33. Rose broke her leg yesterday. She's not able to _______ now.

      A. eat      B. walk     C. hear      D. watch

    34. I need a quiet place to do my homework because it's too _____ here.

      A. high     B. big     C. noisy      D. bright

    35. There's something wrong with his __________, so he can't hear clearly.

      A. ears     B. mouth    C. nose      D. eyes

    36. How many times do you ______ your teeth every day?

      A. brush     B. wear     C. dress      D. wash

    37. He can't carry the box by himself. It's too ________.

      A. new      B. dirty    D. heavy      D. cheap

    38. Can I help you ?

      Yes. I'd like to _________ the blue skirt.

      A. look for   B. put on    C. wait for    D. try on

    39. The flight from Beijing to New York ______ at 9:45 am. on Fridays.

      A. gets off   B. takes off  C. puts up     D. gets up

    40. You'd better fly to a city in the west. Then you can ______ a hired (租赁的) car and

      travel around.

      A. pick up    B. get on    C. pay for     D. ask for




    Linda has brought all her books home tonight. After supper she puts the 41 out on the table and begins to do the homework for each subject. She begins with math. She finds that she has no 42 ; she looks for it everywhere, but doesn't find it. After a little while, she doesn't feel comfortable 43 . She moves to the sofa with all her books. Now the sunlight from the window shines 44 . She moves back to the table. She has made a good start on her 45 when she stops to listen to her mother talking on the telephone. When she comes back to her work, her little sister Betty asks her for some 46 . Betty joins her at the table and begins to draw a horse. Linda has to 47 her. When they have finished, both go to the 48 .Linda eats some cakes there and brings a tin o coke to her table. She says to herself, I'll finish my English exercises 49 at school before classes start. Then she starts to review her history lesson, but she feels 50 . She doesn't know what she is reading. She closes her books and goes to bed.

    41. A. balls      B. books      C. toys       D. pictures

    42. A. cake       B. water       C. ruler      D. bag

    43. A. on the floor   B. near the window C. on the table   D. in the chair

    44. A. on the door   B. on the walls   C. on her feet   D. in her eyes

    45. A. English     B. Chinese     C. history     D. math

    46. A. money      B. paper      C. sweets      D. apples

    47. A. pull      B. help       C. listen to    D. write to

    48. A. bedroom     B. bathroom     C. classroom    D. kitchen

    49. A. today      B. tomorrow     C. this evening   D. this afternoon

    50. A. cold      B. sorry      C. tired      D. hungry


    I was 15 when I walked into McCarley's Bookstore in Ashland. As I was looking at titles (书目) on the shelves, the man behind the counter, 51 , asked if I'd like 52 . I needed to start

  53 for college, so I said yes. I worked after school and during summers for the lowest wages, and the job helped 54 my first year of college. I would work many 55 jobs; I made coffee in the Students Union during 56 , I was a waiter and even made maps for the U. S. Forest Service. But 57 books was one of the most satisfying.

    One day a woman asked me for books on cancer (癌). She seemed nervous. I showed her almost

  58 we had at that time in store and found other books we could 59 . She left the store less 60 . I've always remembered the pride (自豪感) I felt in having helped her.

    51. A. the reader   B. the college student  C. the shop owner  D. the writer

    52. A. a book     B. a job         C. some tea     D. any help

    53. A. planning    B. saving        C. preparing    D. studying

    54. A. pay for    B. go for        C. find out     D. get on with

    55. A. others     B. another        C. other      D. different

    56. A. the work    B. summers        C. college     D. the year

    57. A. sending    B. carrying       C. selling     D. collecting

    58. A. anything    B. something       C. nothing     D. everything

    59. A. give      B. keep         C. throw      D. order

    60. A. worried    B. excited        C. difficult    D. friendly




    Mrs Smith often felt lonely when her husband went to work. The room was small and it took her only half an hour to tidy it. She couldn't get up early in the morning, so Mr Smith had to prepare breakfast himself. She usually had some bread and milk for lunch and cooked supper for herself and her husband. They had no television. They always went to bed at nine.

    It was a winter morning. The sun was shining and it was warmer outside. Mrs Smith sat on the step of a shop, looking at the busy traffic. At that moment a man with a map in his hand was coming to her.

    Excuse me, madam, said the man. Could you tell me how to get to the nearest hospital, please?

    Mrs Smith didn't answer until she looked at him up and down. He seems to be a farmer, she said to herself. Let me make fun of him.

    Then she said, Lie down in the middle of the street and you'll soon be sent to a hospital.

    Please show me how to do that, then, said the man.

    She has to tell him the way and then she said, I think you've been in the city for the first time. It's much more beautiful than the fields, isn't it?

    Yes, madam, said the farmer with a smile. But I think it was built on the fields!

    61. Mrs Smith couldn't get up early in the morning, so her husband ______.

      A felt lonely             B. cleaned the room

      C. had to prepare breakfast himself  D. would do shopping in the morning

    62. The Smiths always went to bed at nine because they ______.

      A. had no television         B. went to work every morning

      C. were very tired in the daytime  D. had to prepare lunch for themselves

    63. The man with a map in his hand wanted to go to ________.

      A. a city     B. a shop     C. a hospital   D. a room

    64. Mrs Smith thought the man _______, so she was going to make fun of him.

      A. was a farmer           B. was a traveller

      C. would ask her the way       D. came from a city

    65. Which of the following is true according (根据) to the story ?

      A. The farmer felt very disappointed.

      B. The farmer cleverly answered the woman.

      C. Mrs Smith got the farmer into trouble.

      D. The farmer didn't know how to answer the woman.


    Edgar felt quite excited at the thought of his first swim of the summer. With the sun shining down so strongly, the sea was certain to be warm enough. He walked quickly along the sea --- front towards the steps that led on to the sands. He smiled cheerfully at the people. He had just smiled and waved his hat to an elderly lady when a man with a camera caught his arm and stopped him. Edgar heard a little buzzing noise (咝的响声) from the camera.

    Your photo, sir , in bright colour in just one moment if you please, said the man.

    Then the buzzing stopped, and the cameraman handed the photo over, and Edgar saw the bright blue of his shirt half filling the picture.

    Seventy pence, sir, the man said. It's the bargain of your holiday.

    Seventy pence, Edgar repeated, For this photo?

    They're normally (正常地) eighty - five, sir, but for one person I make a cut - price offer (出价). It's the best price you'll get in Chadwell.

    You'll have to make a better offer. Edgar said. It was a good photo though, he thought, so bright and clear. His hat was held high, and he was smiling happily at the old lady, whose arm and handbag came into a lower corner. He had had no idea that he was being snapped (快照) .He thought he was really quite a good - looking man.

    That's as good as any studio (照像馆) job that would cost you pounds, said the cameraman. It's better in a way because it's so natural. Only seventy pence, sir.

    I've never paid so much for a photo in my life. It isn't worth that kind of money. It's not as if I need the thing. Look, I'll give you twenty - five.

    No, I can't do that. Each of these colour photos costs me 50p - that's the price of the blank frame (像纸) , so you see ....

    No, No, Edgar broke in. You want a profit of forty per cent. Well, I'll give you your 50p and that's that.

    Let me see, then.The man suddenly took the photo out of Edgar's hand. I can't spend any more time on it with you. It's 70p or I keep it.

    Keep it, Edgar said. He turned, looked out to sea, then walked quickly away.

    66. Edgar smiled and waved his hat to the lady because _____.

      A. she was his neighbour

      B. she was taking a picture of him

      C. he wanted the photo to be funny

      D. he felt excited and cheerful

    67. The cameraman lowered his price to 70p because _____.

      A. Edgar wanted to bargain for the photo

      B. Edgar couldn't pay the normal price