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  一、 听录音,找出与你在录音里听到的意思相同或相近似的句子,本题读一遍。

  1. A . Kate lent a book to Lucy. B. Lucy had a book . C. Lucy lent a book to Kate.

  2. A. Sam likes football . B. Sam doesnt like football . C. Sam likes football better than swimming

  3. A. Lucy sits on Tims right. B. Tim sits between Lucy and Lily . C. Lily sits on Tims left .

  4. A. Mr Green may be in Toronto now . B. Mr Green went to Toronto once .

   C. Mr Green has just returned from Toronto .

  5. A. Could you tell me where you live now ? B. Would you lend me your address ?

   C. Would you help me to find the address ?

  二、 听下面5段对话,每段对话后面有一个问题,选择最佳答案,本题只读一遍。

  6. When does Mr James have the problem ?

   A. At night B. In the daytime C. In the afternoon

  7. What time they are talking ?

   A. 8:00 B. 8:10 C. 8:15

  8. The girls father is not _______________ .

   A. happy B. poor C. rich

  9. The boy cant find his ______________ .

   A. homework B. mother C. pen

  10. What did John do just now ?

   A. Had a visit B. Had a meeting C. Had a talk

  三、 听下面几段对话,每段对话后面有两至三个问题,选择最佳答案,本题读两遍。


  11. How many things does Mr Li want ?

   A. One B. Two C. Three

  12. How is Mr Lis son ?

   A. Hes tall B. Hes fine C. Hes ill


  13. The English teacher is ____________ .

   A. American B. British C. Chinese

  14. Mr Brown teaches ______________ .

   A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English

  15. The teacher teaches the boy __________ times a month .

   A. three B. twelve C. twenty


  16. What does Lin Tao often do on Sunday ?

   A. Flies a kite B. Goes shopping C. Plays basketball

  17. Wheres his fathers farm ?

   A. Behind my village B. Far from my village C. Near my home


  18. When does Lilys mother leave home in the morning ?

   A. 7:00 B. 6:20 C. 7:30

  19. What may Lily be ?

   A. A farmer B. A student C. A driver


  20. Where was the Frenchman ?

   A. He was in Paris . B. He was in London C. He was in Sydney

  21. Why did the Frenchman put his head out of the window ? Because he wanted to see ____________ .

   A. what was happening B. who was calling him C. whether the water was clean

  22. What happened to the man ?

   A. He ate his food by the window B. He got wet and angry C. He laughed at another Frenchman there .

  23. What do English people mean when they say look out ?

   A. Be worried B. Look out of the window C. Be careful



  ( ) 1. Youd better do it _________ your mother did .

   A. when B. as C. like D. because

  ( ) 2. I wont go to see the film tonight , because I __________ my ticket .

   A. lost B. have lost C. will lost D. didnt have

  ( ) 3. All parents love their children , and my parents love __________ , too .

   A. ours B. theirs C. them D. his

  ( ) 4. These farmers have been to the United States . Really ? When __________ there ?

   A. will they go B. did they go C. do they go D. have they gone

  ( ) 5. When shall we meet again next time ? _________ day is OK .

   A. Either B. Neither C. None D. Any

  ( ) 6. I wont go to the party tomorrow . _____ you told me you would . Whats happening ?

   A. But B. So C. And D. Or

  ( ) 7. Im sorry I havent got any money . Ive __________ my handbag at home .

   A. missed B. left C. put D. forgotten

  ( ) 8. This question is _________ more difficult than one .

   A. rather B. quite C. very D. a little

  ( ) 9. He could neither _________ French nor German . So I ________ with him in English .

   A. speak, talked B. talk, told C. say, spoke D. tell, talked


  ( ) 10. Mr Smith always has to tell us _____________ .

   A. some good pieces of news B. some pieces of good news

   C. some good piece of news D. some piece of good news

  ( ) 11. We saw him _________ the building and go upstairs .

   A. to enter B. enter C. entering D. entered

  ( ) 12. You must remember _________ .

   A. what your teacher said B. what did you



  一、 听录音,找出与你在录音里听到的意思相同或相近似的句子,本题读一遍。

  1. A . Kate lent a book to Lucy. B. Lucy had a book . C. Lucy lent a book to Kate.

  2. A. Sam likes football . B. Sam doesnt like football . C. Sam likes football better than swimming

  3. A. Lucy sits on Tims right. B. Tim sits between Lucy and Lily . C. Lily sits on Tims left .

  4. A. Mr Green may be in Toronto now . B. Mr Green went to Toronto once .

   C. Mr Green has just returned from Toronto .

  5. A. Could you tell me where you live now ? B. Would you lend me your address ?

   C. Would you help me to find the address ?

  二、 听下面5段对话,每段对话后面有一个问题,选择最佳答案,本题只读一遍。

  6. When does Mr James have the problem ?

   A. At night B. In the daytime C. In the afternoon

  7. What time they are talking ?

   A. 8:00 B. 8:10 C. 8:15

  8. The girls father is not _______________ .

   A. happy B. poor C. rich

  9. The boy cant find his ______________ .

   A. homework B. mother C. pen

  10. What did John do just now ?

   A. Had a visit B. Had a meeting C. Had a talk

  三、 听下面几段对话,每段对话后面有两至三个问题,选择最佳答案,本题读两遍。


  11. How many things does Mr Li want ?

   A. One B. Two C. Three

  12. How is Mr Lis son ?

   A. Hes tall B. Hes fine C. Hes ill


  13. The English teacher is ____________ .

   A. American B. British C. Chinese

  14. Mr Brown teaches ______________ .

   A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English

  15. The teacher teaches the boy __________ times a month .

   A. three B. twelve C. twenty


  16. What does Lin Tao often do on Sunday ?

   A. Flies a kite B. Goes shopping C. Plays basketball

  17. Wheres his fathers farm ?

   A. Behind my village B. Far from my village C. Near my home


  18. When does Lilys mother leave home in the morning ?

   A. 7:00 B. 6:20 C. 7:30

  19. What may Lily be ?

   A. A farmer B. A student C. A driver


  20. Where was the Frenchman ?

   A. He was in Paris . B. He was in London C. He was in Sydney

  21. Why did the Frenchman put his head out of the window ? Because he wanted to see ____________ .

   A. what was happening B. who was calling him C. whether the water was clean

  22. What happened to the man ?

   A. He ate his food by the window B. He got wet and angry C. He laughed at another Frenchman there .

  23. What do English people mean when they say look out ?

   A. Be worried B. Look out of the window C. Be careful



  ( ) 1. Youd better do it _________ your mother did .

   A. when B. as C. like D. because

  ( ) 2. I wont go to see the film tonight , because I __________ my ticket .

   A. lost B. have lost C. will lost D. didnt have

  ( ) 3. All parents love their children , and my parents love __________ , too .

   A. ours B. theirs C. them D. his

  ( ) 4. These farmers have been to the United States . Really ? When __________ there ?

   A. will they go B. did they go C. do they go D. have they gone

  ( ) 5. When shall we meet again next time ? _________ day is OK .

   A. Either B. Neither C. None D. Any

  ( ) 6. I wont go to the party tomorrow . _____ you told me you would . Whats happening ?

   A. But B. So C. And D. Or

  ( ) 7. Im sorry I havent got any money . Ive __________ my handbag at home .

   A. missed B. left C. put D. forgotten

  ( ) 8. This question is _________ more difficult than one .

   A. rather B. quite C. very D. a little

  ( ) 9. He could neither _________ French nor German . So I ________ with him in English .

   A. speak, talked B. talk, told C. say, spoke D. tell, talked


  ( ) 10. Mr Smith always has to tell us _____________ .

   A. some good pieces of news B. some pieces of good news

   C. some good piece of news D. some piece of good news

  ( ) 11. We saw him _________ the building and go upstairs .

   A. to enter B. enter C. entering D. entered

  ( ) 12. You must remember _________ .

   A. what your teacher said B. what did you

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