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  144. How aware do you think are people today about environmental issues in China?

  Thats an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, the air pollution in our cities is making people more aware of the issues because it is affecting them directly. For example, often in the winter one has difficulty breathing outside in the mornings. Secondly, water pollution has resulted in us not being able to drink our water. This means that water for domestic purposes has to be bought at high cost. One aspect that people have to be made more aware of is recycling. Housewives should be taught to sort their garbage into groups like glass, plastic, paper and biodegradable waste. These groups of waste can then be recycled into new products which in turn will save on our use of natural resources.

  145. What role does tourism play in Chinas economy?

  Thats an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly: At the moment tourism is not playing a great role in Chinas economy. This is because of the many years of a closed policy. Many foreign tourists do not know China. As a matter of fact, I have heard that people of the west are afraid to visit China.

  146. How serious is unemployment in China?

  I feel unemployment is very serious in China at he moment, and is growing day by day. More and more people are loosing their jobs everyday. Every person that does not have a job becomes a problem to his or her community and the country as a whole.

  147. What is the worst place you have visited in China?

  My recent visit to the city of Shanghai was not pleasant. Allow me to explain some reasons. Firstly, the traffic is no pleasure. For example, one cannot move around freely because of all the traffic jams. Secondly, I found that the language of the people was vey different to mine. This meant that although we were of the same nation, I could not always communicate smoothly with people well.

  148. What is the best place you have been to in China?

  The best place that I have been to has definitely been The Great Wall. It has a very long history, and its size is amazing. It is the only human structure that can be seen from the moon.

  149. Could you tell me something about the traditional architecture in China?

  I dont know much about architecture, but I will try my best. I know that Chinese architecture is unique in the world. This is due mainly to the types of building materials that have been available to people for many centuries. In modern times new materials have become available, and has resulted in our architecture becoming more westernized.

  150. What are the major social problems in China?

  Thats a broad question. Allow me to explain my views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, unemployment is a large problem in many parts of the world. For example, more and more people are loosing their jobs, resulting in many social problems, like poverty, on the ground level. Secondly, lack of education leads to ignorance amongst the populations of the world. This in turn restricts in people not appreciating what the challenges are that are facing them.

  151. How can these social problems be solved?

  Thats an interesting question. Allow me to explain my views by shortly mentioning the following points: First of all, pollution and overpopulation cannot be solved easily. It will take a lot of effort by many governments and other organizations. Individuals all over the world will have to make a contribution as well. Pollution is a result of development in general and industrialization in particular. Fighting pollution usually means that the profits made by industries are reduced, which leads to resistance from the industrialists. I believe that the answer will be to find a balance between development and conservation.

  152. What do you think are the most significant events in the recent history of China?

  Thats an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I believe The Second World War has been the most significant single event in recent times. For example, it resulted in dramatic changes in the world order. From it two superpowers, America and Russia emerged. Countries like Japan and Germany were affected in the most spectacular ways, but it also had a major influence on many other countries such as China.

  153. What role does religion play in everyday life in China?

  Thats a broad question. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, amongst the younger generation I would say that is has virtually no influence. This can be seen for example in the way that the youngsters are becoming more and more unfamiliar with the traditional customs as practiced by the generations before them. They are becoming more humanistic in their worldviews. To be more exact, they believe that the human being itself is the ultimate force to be reckoned with in life.

  154. Do you think more and more people want to leave China? Why?

  Thats a tough question. Allow me to explain myself/my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Yes. I believe more and more people want to leave China. If I had to highlight the main reason why they want to leave, I would say that they are under the impression that they will have an easier and more affluent life abroad. They are lured by the images that they see on television of all the comforts and luxuries people abroad enjoy. I believe that this is a fallacy created by the western media. The media does not show the downside of life in many of these countries. Except for maybe a country like Switzerland, all countries have some people living in poverty and ignorance. I believe that it is not necessary to go to another country to be successful and happy.


  144. How aware do you think are people today about environmental issues in China?

  Thats an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, the air pollution in our cities is making people more aware of the issues because it is affecting them directly. For example, often in the winter one has difficulty breathing outside in the mornings. Secondly, water pollution has resulted in us not being able to drink our water. This means that water for domestic purposes has to be bought at high cost. One aspect that people have to be made more aware of is recycling. Housewives should be taught to sort their garbage into groups like glass, plastic, paper and biodegradable waste. These groups of waste can then be recycled into new products which in turn will save on our use of natural resources.

  145. What role does tourism play in Chinas economy?

  Thats an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly: At the moment tourism is not playing a great role in Chinas economy. This is because of the many years of a closed policy. Many foreign tourists do not know China. As a matter of fact, I have heard that people of the west are afraid to visit China.

  146. How serious is unemployment in China?

  I feel unemployment is very serious in China at he moment, and is growing day by day. More and more people are loosing their jobs everyday. Every person that does not have a job becomes a problem to his or her community and the country as a whole.

  147. What is the worst place you have visited in China?

  My recent visit to the city of Shanghai was not pleasant. Allow me to explain some reasons. Firstly, the traffic is no pleasure. For example, one cannot move around freely because of all the traffic jams. Secondly, I found that the language of the people was vey different to mine. This meant that although we were of the same nation, I could not always communicate smoothly with people well.

  148. What is the best place you have been to in China?

  The best place that I have been to has definitely been The Great Wall. It has a very long history, and its size is amazing. It is the only human structure that can be seen from the moon.

  149. Could you tell me something about the traditional architecture in China?

  I dont know much about architecture, but I will try my best. I know that Chinese architecture is unique in the world. This is due mainly to the types of building materials that have been available to people for many centuries. In modern times new materials have become available, and has resulted in our architecture becoming more westernized.

  150. What are the major social problems in China?

  Thats a broad question. Allow me to explain my views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, unemployment is a large problem in many parts of the world. For example, more and more people are loosing their jobs, resulting in many social problems, like poverty, on the ground level. Secondly, lack of education leads to ignorance amongst the populations of the world. This in turn restricts in people not appreciating what the challenges are that are facing them.

  151. How can these social problems be solved?

  Thats an interesting question. Allow me to explain my views by shortly mentioning the following points: First of all, pollution and overpopulation cannot be solved easily. It will take a lot of effort by many governments and other organizations. Individuals all over the world will have to make a contribution as well. Pollution is a result of development in general and industrialization in particular. Fighting pollution usually means that the profits made by industries are reduced, which leads to resistance from the industrialists. I believe that the answer will be to find a balance between development and conservation.

  152. What do you think are the most significant events in the recent history of China?

  Thats an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I believe The Second World War has been the most significant single event in recent times. For example, it resulted in dramatic changes in the world order. From it two superpowers, America and Russia emerged. Countries like Japan and Germany were affected in the most spectacular ways, but it also had a major influence on many other countries such as China.

  153. What role does religion play in everyday life in China?

  Thats a broad question. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, amongst the younger generation I would say that is has virtually no influence. This can be seen for example in the way that the youngsters are becoming more and more unfamiliar with the traditional customs as practiced by the generations before them. They are becoming more humanistic in their worldviews. To be more exact, they believe that the human being itself is the ultimate force to be reckoned with in life.

  154. Do you think more and more people want to leave China? Why?

  Thats a tough question. Allow me to explain myself/my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Yes. I believe more and more people want to leave China. If I had to highlight the main reason why they want to leave, I would say that they are under the impression that they will have an easier and more affluent life abroad. They are lured by the images that they see on television of all the comforts and luxuries people abroad enjoy. I believe that this is a fallacy created by the western media. The media does not show the downside of life in many of these countries. Except for maybe a country like Switzerland, all countries have some people living in poverty and ignorance. I believe that it is not necessary to go to another country to be successful and happy.


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