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  Some people think the traditional skill of writing letters will disappear?

  现场习作 本人写的文章,没有经过认真修改,也没有经过内行审阅,如果有不当之处,敬请读者指出,以便共同进步,不胜感谢

  Computers or mobile phones are widely used. However, will the use of these machines harm the tradition of writing letters? Unlike what has been imagined, the tradition will not disappear. On the contrary, it will last for a relatively long period of time.



  It will last not because people still pay attention to its function but because people emphasize its aesthetic value, which is virtually woven in the warp and weft of culture. This might explain why some letters written in ink by some celebrities and distinguished are exhibited in museums. Hence, such a tradition as writing letters will not extinct in case the culture continues.


  解释:第一个句子是个主题句子。本句含有定语从句,比较出彩的地方是不仅有两个原因状语从句,而且还有使用暗喻的写作手法:woven in the warp and weft。另外一个值得注意的地方,就是段首句和上一段末尾的句子之间的隐形衔接,非常巧妙。没有过渡词,但是两个句子重复使用一些简单的单词。

  Another piece of evidence supporting this theory is that the skills in writing using traditional tools such as the Chinese brush have been remarkably emphasized by educators, parents, and the community as a whole. In schools, the traditional writing clubs are common. In fact, national competitions about these skills are held by various governmental or civil organizations. In households, parents generally encourage the kids to practice the traditional skills while computers and mobiles are necessary.


  Even in the field of business operation and government administration, traditional skills in writing letters are not disappearing. For instance, many advertisements of products or services are not printed with computers. Rather they are written by very famous people in a society to attract more consumers. The letters written by a certain leader such as a president usually convey more than those printed with machines when establishing or entrenching the international relationship between two nations.


  To sum up, while the computers and mobiles phones become the routines, the traditional skills in writing letters will survive and thrive.



  Some people think the traditional skill of writing letters will disappear?

  现场习作 本人写的文章,没有经过认真修改,也没有经过内行审阅,如果有不当之处,敬请读者指出,以便共同进步,不胜感谢

  Computers or mobile phones are widely used. However, will the use of these machines harm the tradition of writing letters? Unlike what has been imagined, the tradition will not disappear. On the contrary, it will last for a relatively long period of time.



  It will last not because people still pay attention to its function but because people emphasize its aesthetic value, which is virtually woven in the warp and weft of culture. This might explain why some letters written in ink by some celebrities and distinguished are exhibited in museums. Hence, such a tradition as writing letters will not extinct in case the culture continues.


  解释:第一个句子是个主题句子。本句含有定语从句,比较出彩的地方是不仅有两个原因状语从句,而且还有使用暗喻的写作手法:woven in the warp and weft。另外一个值得注意的地方,就是段首句和上一段末尾的句子之间的隐形衔接,非常巧妙。没有过渡词,但是两个句子重复使用一些简单的单词。

  Another piece of evidence supporting this theory is that the skills in writing using traditional tools such as the Chinese brush have been remarkably emphasized by educators, parents, and the community as a whole. In schools, the traditional writing clubs are common. In fact, national competitions about these skills are held by various governmental or civil organizations. In households, parents generally encourage the kids to practice the traditional skills while computers and mobiles are necessary.


  Even in the field of business operation and government administration, traditional skills in writing letters are not disappearing. For instance, many advertisements of products or services are not printed with computers. Rather they are written by very famous people in a society to attract more consumers. The letters written by a certain leader such as a president usually convey more than those printed with machines when establishing or entrenching the international relationship between two nations.


  To sum up, while the computers and mobiles phones become the routines, the traditional skills in writing letters will survive and thrive.



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