2024届高考英语一轮复习基础提升晨练:Module 1《Deep South》(外研版选修8)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习基础提升晨练:Module 1《Deep South》(外研版选修8)

  Module 1 Deep South 外研版选修8 Ⅰ.单词速记 A.识记单词 1.________(adj.) 每年的 2.________(n.) 荣幸 3.________(adj.) 极端的,极度的 4.________(v.) 储存,留存;使陷入困境 5.________(v.) 使平衡 6.________(adj.) 轻便的;便携的 7.________(adj.) 孤单的,孤立的 B.联想串记 8.________(n.) 状态;状况→________ (n.) 陈述,声明 9.________ (adj.) 令人沮丧的→________(v.) 使沮丧→________(n.) 沮丧 10.________ (v.) 促进,增进→________(n.) 促进;促销 11.________ (adj.)不正常的,反常的→________(adj.)正常的 12.________ (v.) 缺乏;没有→________ (adj.) 缺乏的;缺席的 13.________ (v.) 阻止;打消……的念头→________(n.)勇气→______(v.) 鼓励 14.________(n.)紧急情况;突发事件→________(v.)发现,显现出来→________(adj.)紧急的 15.________(n.)鼓舞;启示;灵感→________(v.)鼓舞→________(adj.)鼓舞人心的→________(adj.)有灵感的 16.________(n.)可靠性→________(adj.)可靠的,可信赖的答案:1.annual 2.privilege 3.extreme 4.trap 5.balance 6.portable 7.isolated 8.state; statement 9.depressing; depress; depression 10.promote; promotion 11.abnormal; normal 12.absence; absent 13.discourage; courage; encourage 14.emergency; emerge; emergent 15.inspiration; inspire; inspiring; inspired 16.reliability; reliable .短语速记 1.________________(使)适应 2.________________以……的形式 3.________________引人注目;突出 4.________________进入;到达 5.________________特别,尤其 6.________________进入视野 7.________________碎开,粉碎,分裂 8.________________想出 9.________________如果;假使 10.________________喜欢 11.________________信守诺言 12.________________冒险答案:1.adapt to 2.in the from of 3.stand out 4.set foot on 5.in particular 6.come into sight 7.break up 8.come up with 9.in case of 10.be fond of 11.keep one's promise 12.take a risk .典句忆析 1.____________ the late 18th century ________ the British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctic Circle, but he never saw land. 直到18世纪末,英国探险家詹姆斯·库克才穿越了南极圈,但他却始终未发现任何陆地。 [解析] not until置于句首了,主句采用部分倒装。 [仿写] 直到河里的鱼都死了,村民们才意识到污染有多么严重。 Not until all the fish died in the river _______________________. 2.Then in 1895, a Norwegian called Carstens Borchgievink became ________ man ____________ the Antarctic mainland. 后来到了1895年,一个叫卡斯腾·博克林雷温克的挪威人成为第一个踏上南极大陆的人。 [解析] 当名词前有the first等序数词修饰时,其后用to do不定式作后置定语。 [仿写] 刘洋是中国第一位飞天的女航天员。 Liu Yang was the first Chinese woman astronaut ___________. 答案:1.Not until, did; did the villagers realise how serious the pollution was 2.the first, to set foot on; to fly into space .课文回顾 Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth. It's also the driest. With __(1)__ rainfall close to zero,Antarctica is technically a desert. Covering about 14 million square kilometers around the South Pole,it is the fifth largest __(2)__ in the world. A high mountain __(3)__ , the Trans Antarctic range, runs from east to west,__(4)__ the continent in two. There are volcanoes too,but they are not very __(5)__ . Antarctica holds 90% of the world's ice, and most of its fresh water (70%)is in a __(6)__ state, of course. 98% of the surface is covered __(7)__ in the ice cap. On average it is two kilometers thick, but in some places it is five kilometers in __(8)__ . Strong winds driven by gravity blow from the pole to the __(9)__ ,while other winds blow round the coast. It is difficult to __(10)__ a more inhospitable place. 答案:(1)annual (2)continent (3)range (4)cutting (5)active (6)frozen (7)permanently (8)depth (9)coastline (10)imagine