国际英语资讯:Police seize 11.6 tonnes of cannabis in south Albanian warehouse

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国际英语资讯:Police seize 11.6 tonnes of cannabis in south Albanian warehouse

TIRANA, April 9 (Xinhua) -- The Albanian police mounted an anti-narcotics operation in the south of Albania which resulted in the seizure of 11.6 tonnes of cannabis in the city of Permet, state police said Sunday.

According to a police statement, during a raid on a warehouse in the village of Pagri, Permet, the police officers found the huge amount of narcotic plant.

Albanian police spokesperson Genti Mullahi said in a press statement Sunday that two police chiefs in Permet and Gjirokastra districts were dismissed, an inspector was ousted from police structures while five police officers would face with administrative measures.

Meanwhile, police arrested two of the administrators of the warehouse where the cannabis was found. Police are searching for a third person.