广东省2024届高考英语二轮复习 专题三 议论文型语法填空课件

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广东省2024届高考英语二轮复习 专题三 议论文型语法填空课件



  专题三 议论文型语法填空

   专题导读 专题三 │专题导读


  议论文有自己的语言特点,了解了文章整体意思后,要通过字里行间的意思推断作者的观点、意图和立场(同意什么,反对什么,喜好什么,憎恶什么,主张什么等),这种理解直接决定你的填词。要仔细复读全文,关注自己所填的词语是否符合原意,从语意连贯、逻辑合理的角度,认真复查答案的合理性和正确性。  典例导练 专题三 │典例导练 【2011·湖南卷改编】Does going to college really pay off?Certainly! I remember taking __1__ English class in college on the short story.Our first assignment was to read __2__ short stories and then discuss which one was better.After __3__(read)both,I wasn’t sure.Over the __4__ several months, my professor taught me __5__ one story was so much better than the other.__6__ was rich in metaphor(隐喻)and character development, __7__ the other was humorous __8__ too shallow.I couldn’t see this at first.Yet,

  专题三 │典例导练 in a few months, my brain got reeducated and __9__ could see the difference between good and bad writing and could appreciate literature at a whole new level. Going to college helps build a strong mind, which leads __10__ greater success in one’s life. 1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________ 专题三 │典例导练

  【解析】 考查冠词。class此处为可数名词单数形式,其前须用冠词。再根据此处表泛指,而English是以元音音素开头,故填an。

  2.two 考查数词。根据本句中“which one was better”以及下文“After … both”中both的提示可推断此处表示“两个短篇故事”,故填two。

  3.reading 考查动名词。after 是介词,括号中所给词是动词,故只能填动名词reading。 考查形容词。根据该空修饰名词months,应填形容词,再由语境可知,此处表示“在接下来的几个月”,故填next。

  5.why 考查名词性从句引导词。根据上文“discuss which one was better”可推断,教授是给我们讲解为什么其中一个故事要比另一个故事好,故填why。 专题三 │典例导练

  6.One 考查不定代词。由语境可知,故事有两个,再根据习惯搭配“one...the other...”可推断填One。

  7.while 考查并列连词,while表示前后对比的意思。

  8.but 考查连词。根据“humorous”和“too shallow”在逻辑上的转折关系可推断,此处填连词but连接两个形容词。

  9.I 考查人称代词。根据该空在句中作主语可判断应填名词或代词。结合语境可知该空应指作者本人,故填I。 考查介词。lead to为固定搭配,意为“导致”。 专题三 │ 新题预测 (一) The following words were written on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop(主教) in the Crypts of Westminster Abbey(西敏寺):

  When I was young and free and my__1__(imagine) had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world.__2__ I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I __3__ (short) my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country. But __4__, too, seemed immovable.  新题预测 专题三 │ 新题预测 As I grew __5__ my twilight years (晚年), in one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family,those __6__(close) to me, __7__alas, they would have __8__ of it.And now as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realize: If I had only changed myself first, then by example I __9__ (change) my family. From their inspiration and encouragement, I would then have been able __10__(better) my country and, who knows, I may have even changed the world. 1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________

  专题三 │ 新题预测 【解析】改变世界从改变自己开始,因为在我们改变自己的同时也潜移默化地影响着家庭。在他们的鼓舞和激励下,我们可能会使我们的国家变得更美好,从某种角度来看,也正改变着世界。

  1.imagination 在形容词性物主代词后要用名词形式。

  2.As 表示“随着”,要用as引导时间状语从句。

  3.shortened 作谓语要用动词,由上下文可知,要用一般过去时。 替代前文中的to change only my country。

  5.into 表示“长成”用grow into。

  6.closest “家人”是“最亲近的人”。

  专题三 │ 新题预测

  7.but 前后是转折关系。

  8.none have none of (=refuse to accept)意为“不接受,不理睬”。

  9.would have changed 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。 better 固定搭配:be able to do。 专题三 │ 新题预测 (二) Lao Tzu was traveling with his followers.They came to a forest __1__ hundreds of woodcutters were cutting the trees.__2__ whole forest had been cut except for one big tree __3__ thousands of branches.It was so big __4__ 10,000 persons could sit in its shade. Lao Tzu told his followers __5__ (go) and ask why this tree had not been cut.They went and asked the woodcutters and they said, “This tree is absolutely __6__(use).You cannot make anything out of it because every branch has so many knots in it—nothing is straight.You cannot use it as fuel because the smoke is 专题三 │ 新题预测 dangerous __7__ the eyes.This tree is absolutely useless, and that’s __8__ we haven’t cut it.” The followers came back and told Lao Tzu.He laughed and said, “Be like this tree.If you are useful you will be cut and you will become furniture in somebody’s house.If you are beautiful you __9__ (sell) in the market.Be like this tree, and you will grow big and vast and thousands of people will find shade under __10__ .” 1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________

  专题三 │ 新题预测 【解析】老子与门徒来到森林边,林木被伐尽,只有一棵树因“无用”而幸存下来,长成参天大树。

  1.where 引导定语从句,where在句中作地点状语。

  2.The 特指整个森林,用定冠词。

  3.with 介词短语作后置定语,with意为“带有,具有”。

  4.that 引导结果状语从句,so...that...意为“如此……以致……”。

  专题三 │ 新题预测 go tell do sth.意为“叫某人做某事”。

  6.useless 根据下文可知,此树无用才没被砍伐,所以填形容词useless。 be dangerous to意为“对……有危险”。

  8.why 引导表语从句,意为“……的原因”。

  9.will be sold



  专题三 议论文型语法填空

   专题导读 专题三 │专题导读


  议论文有自己的语言特点,了解了文章整体意思后,要通过字里行间的意思推断作者的观点、意图和立场(同意什么,反对什么,喜好什么,憎恶什么,主张什么等),这种理解直接决定你的填词。要仔细复读全文,关注自己所填的词语是否符合原意,从语意连贯、逻辑合理的角度,认真复查答案的合理性和正确性。  典例导练 专题三 │典例导练 【2011·湖南卷改编】Does going to college really pay off?Certainly! I remember taking __1__ English class in college on the short story.Our first assignment was to read __2__ short stories and then discuss which one was better.After __3__(read)both,I wasn’t sure.Over the __4__ several months, my professor taught me __5__ one story was so much better than the other.__6__ was rich in metaphor(隐喻)and character development, __7__ the other was humorous __8__ too shallow.I couldn’t see this at first.Yet,

  专题三 │典例导练 in a few months, my brain got reeducated and __9__ could see the difference between good and bad writing and could appreciate literature at a whole new level. Going to college helps build a strong mind, which leads __10__ greater success in one’s life. 1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________ 专题三 │典例导练

  【解析】 考查冠词。class此处为可数名词单数形式,其前须用冠词。再根据此处表泛指,而English是以元音音素开头,故填an。

  2.two 考查数词。根据本句中“which one was better”以及下文“After … both”中both的提示可推断此处表示“两个短篇故事”,故填two。

  3.reading 考查动名词。after 是介词,括号中所给词是动词,故只能填动名词reading。 考查形容词。根据该空修饰名词months,应填形容词,再由语境可知,此处表示“在接下来的几个月”,故填next。

  5.why 考查名词性从句引导词。根据上文“discuss which one was better”可推断,教授是给我们讲解为什么其中一个故事要比另一个故事好,故填why。 专题三 │典例导练

  6.One 考查不定代词。由语境可知,故事有两个,再根据习惯搭配“one...the other...”可推断填One。

  7.while 考查并列连词,while表示前后对比的意思。

  8.but 考查连词。根据“humorous”和“too shallow”在逻辑上的转折关系可推断,此处填连词but连接两个形容词。

  9.I 考查人称代词。根据该空在句中作主语可判断应填名词或代词。结合语境可知该空应指作者本人,故填I。 考查介词。lead to为固定搭配,意为“导致”。 专题三 │ 新题预测 (一) The following words were written on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop(主教) in the Crypts of Westminster Abbey(西敏寺):

  When I was young and free and my__1__(imagine) had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world.__2__ I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I __3__ (short) my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country. But __4__, too, seemed immovable.  新题预测 专题三 │ 新题预测 As I grew __5__ my twilight years (晚年), in one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family,those __6__(close) to me, __7__alas, they would have __8__ of it.And now as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realize: If I had only changed myself first, then by example I __9__ (change) my family. From their inspiration and encouragement, I would then have been able __10__(better) my country and, who knows, I may have even changed the world. 1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________

  专题三 │ 新题预测 【解析】改变世界从改变自己开始,因为在我们改变自己的同时也潜移默化地影响着家庭。在他们的鼓舞和激励下,我们可能会使我们的国家变得更美好,从某种角度来看,也正改变着世界。

  1.imagination 在形容词性物主代词后要用名词形式。

  2.As 表示“随着”,要用as引导时间状语从句。

  3.shortened 作谓语要用动词,由上下文可知,要用一般过去时。 替代前文中的to change only my country。

  5.into 表示“长成”用grow into。

  6.closest “家人”是“最亲近的人”。

  专题三 │ 新题预测

  7.but 前后是转折关系。

  8.none have none of (=refuse to accept)意为“不接受,不理睬”。

  9.would have changed 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。 better 固定搭配:be able to do。 专题三 │ 新题预测 (二) Lao Tzu was traveling with his followers.They came to a forest __1__ hundreds of woodcutters were cutting the trees.__2__ whole forest had been cut except for one big tree __3__ thousands of branches.It was so big __4__ 10,000 persons could sit in its shade. Lao Tzu told his followers __5__ (go) and ask why this tree had not been cut.They went and asked the woodcutters and they said, “This tree is absolutely __6__(use).You cannot make anything out of it because every branch has so many knots in it—nothing is straight.You cannot use it as fuel because the smoke is 专题三 │ 新题预测 dangerous __7__ the eyes.This tree is absolutely useless, and that’s __8__ we haven’t cut it.” The followers came back and told Lao Tzu.He laughed and said, “Be like this tree.If you are useful you will be cut and you will become furniture in somebody’s house.If you are beautiful you __9__ (sell) in the market.Be like this tree, and you will grow big and vast and thousands of people will find shade under __10__ .” 1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________

  专题三 │ 新题预测 【解析】老子与门徒来到森林边,林木被伐尽,只有一棵树因“无用”而幸存下来,长成参天大树。

  1.where 引导定语从句,where在句中作地点状语。

  2.The 特指整个森林,用定冠词。

  3.with 介词短语作后置定语,with意为“带有,具有”。

  4.that 引导结果状语从句,so...that...意为“如此……以致……”。

  专题三 │ 新题预测 go tell do sth.意为“叫某人做某事”。

  6.useless 根据下文可知,此树无用才没被砍伐,所以填形容词useless。 be dangerous to意为“对……有危险”。

  8.why 引导表语从句,意为“……的原因”。

  9.will be sold