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  高中英语一轮复习 阶段性效果检测题31

  Ⅰ. 单项填空

  1. (2024·金华模拟)Only with the greatest of luck to escape from the flood.

  A. managed she B. she managed

  C. did she manage

  D. she did manage

  2. (2024·宁波模拟)Whenever I look at these photos, they will happy memories of my stay in New York.

  A. call off B. call for

  C. call up

  D. call on

  3. —What’s wrong with Jenny?

  —A call from her mother an attack of homesickness.

  A. set up B. set out

  C. set off

  D. set down

  4. (2024·淮安模拟)As is said, it won’t be longwe participate in the 4th Huaian United Exam.

  A. since B. when

  C. before

  D. that

  5. (2024·莱州模拟)Hardly could Tomthis amount of homework in such a short time.

  A. get down B. get into

  C. get off

  D. get through

  6. The police have collected all the evidencethe murder two years ago.

  A. associating with B. involved with

  C. involving with

  D. associated with

  7. (2024·北京模拟)Many companies give away small quantities of their products as samplespeople can try them before buying them.

  A. if B. because

  C. so that

  D. since

  8. (2024·杭州模拟)Poor as she was, she was eager for attention. Thus she had to think of borrowing some jewels to at the party.

  A. show up B. show out

  C. show in

  D. show off

  9. She’s hoping her first performance in the US will be the first step on the road to success, then she wants to try her in Hollywood.

  A. reputation B. fortune

  C. fame

  D. target

  10. The judge condemned the criminal all his life in prison.

  A. to spend B. spending

  C. to spending

  D. spent

  11.(2024·哈尔滨模拟)Tom woke up to find himself stolen by someone, only him three broken glasses.

  A. to leave B. leaving

  C. left

  D. having left

  12. (2024·长春模拟)He is my favorite film star. I regard him other stars.

  A. more superior to B. more superior than

  C. superior to

  D. superior than

  13. My father always brings me some small nice gifts he returns home from his business trip.

  A. by the time B. every time

  C. the first time

  D. all the time

  14. What the science teacher does and says to college students.

  A. was of great importance

  B. are very important

  C. is of great importance

  D. were very important

  15. (2024·杭州模拟)When they got there, they found the people suffering the storm were food and water supplies.

  A. in need of B. in praise of

  C. in honour of

  D. in place of

  Ⅱ. 阅读理解A “talking kitchen” teaches students how to cook French food and speak French. Researchers at New Castle University in the United Kingdom have developed the French Digital Kitchen. Professors Paul Seedhouse and Patrick Olivier led the project. Professor Seedhouse told us that it works like a satellite navigation(导航)system in a car.

  The kitchen equipment and tools use motion sensor(动作传感器)technology. The sensors help a computer guide the students through instructions in French.

  The system can tell whether you’ve done what you were asked to do or not. For example, the system tells you to take some butter and cut it with a knife. There’s a sensor on the package containing the butter so it can tell where the butter’s being moved. The sensor in the knife not only knows that the knife is moving, but it also knows what motion the knife is making. So it can know whether the knife is cutting or not. And it doesn’t go on to the next step of the program unless you’ve done what it senses you’ve done.

  Students can ask the computer to repeat the instructions or translate them into English. There are vocabulary lessons before and after the cooking.

  Professor Seedhouse says the French Digital Kitchen turns the process of learning language into a real-life experience. “Here you’re taking it out of the classroom and you’re actually using the language to produce something which you can eat at the end of it. It’s very enjoyable. ”

  The system could be available for sale in the near future. Adding the technology to a new kitchen could add about ten to twenty percent to the building costs. The researchers have also been given money to develop programs in six other languages, including English, Italian and Spanish. (303W)

  1. The “talking kitchen” developed by New Castle University is mainly aimed at .

  A. helping students who love French food

  B. helping house owners prepare their meals

  C. helping learners who study French as a foreign language

  D. helping housewives who want to learn to cook French food

  2. The third paragraph mainly tells us .

  A. what the system is

  B. how the system works

  C. what a motion sensor is

  D. how the system was invented

  3. What does the underlined word “it” (in Para. 5)refer to?

  A. French food.

  B. French language.

  C. The process of cooking and learning.

  D. The process of listening and translating.

  4. What would be the best title for the passage?

  A. Learn While Eating.

  B. A Talking Kitchen.

  C. A New Trend of Kitchens.

  D. Kitchens Become Classrooms.

  Ⅲ. 阅读第二节


  A. Avoid asking your child too many questions

  B. Tell your child stories about your growing up

  C. Don’t judge or criticize your child

  D. Listen to your kids with respect

  E. Provide pressure-free conversation opportunities

  F. Ask children gently what they think

  If your child has gone from a continuous chatterbox to making conversations that consist mostly of yes and no, it’s time to consider these tips on how to talk to kids, so you’ll know what’s going on in your child’s world.


  The quickest way to get kids to shut up and, as a result, shut you out of their lives is to continuously press them about things. A more effective way is to sit back and patiently wait for them to open up in a low-stress family and then be prepared to listen.


  Parents can sometimes make kids at a young age decide, it is best not to talk about something when they are criticized. If you really want to know what’s on your child’s mind, then avoid passing judgment and focus instead on why something seems important to your child.


  If you want to raise a creative and independent thinker, stop telling your child what he ought to feel or think. You can gently encourage additional conversations by simply asking why he feels the way he does or what he would do in a certain situation.


  You may think you’re just asking questions out of curiosity when communicating with your children, but an endless stream of questions about what they did, whether everyone got along, if they went to the bathroom, etc. , are enough to make anyone shut up! Practice patience and let your kids open up on their terms.


  Kids can relate to you and other adults when you tell your stories happening when you were at their age. Talking to kids by telling them about things like something embarrassing that happened or the first crush(迷恋)you had helps them to connect with you and understand that you might actually know what they are going through!


  Ⅰ.1.【解析】选C。考查倒装句。句意:万分侥幸, 她得以从洪水中逃生。当 “only+状语” 放在句首时, 句子要用部分倒装语序。故选C。

  2.【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意:无论什么时候我看到这些照片, 它们都会勾起我对在纽约停留期间的快乐回忆。call up使想起, 符合句意。call off取消; call for需要; call on号召。

  3.【解析】选C。句意:——珍妮怎么了?——她妈妈打来的电话使她突然想家了。set off爆炸, 引起, 符合句意; set up建立, 设立; set out动身, 着手; set down记下, 写下。

  4.【解析】选C。句意:正如所说的那样, 我们不久就要参加第四次淮安联合考试。It won’t be long before. . .

  “……不久就……” 是一个固定句型。

  5.【解析】选D。句意:汤姆在如此短的时间内几乎不能完成这么多作业。get through完成; get down下来; get into进入; get off下车。

  6.【解析】选D。句意:警察已经收集到了与两年前的谋杀案有关的所有证据。be associated with与……有关; involved into被卷入。

  7.【解析】选C。句意:很多公司赠送少量的产品作为样品, 以便人们在购买之前可以试用。so that以便, 以至于, 引导目的状语从句。

  【知识拓展】so. . . that. . . 与so that的用法

  1. so. . . that. . . 引导表示结果的状语从句, so后面加形容词或副词, 意为 “如此……以至于……” 。

  The coffee is so hot that I can’t drink now.


  She is so young that she can’t look after herself.


  2. so that引导目的状语从句, 其从句中的谓语动词通常和can, may, should等情态动词连用, 而且主句和从句之间不使用逗号, 意为 “以便, 为了, 使能够” 。

  I read more books so that I can catch up with my classmates.

  我读更多的书, 以便我能赶上我的同学。

  Please open the window so that we can breathe fresh air.


  3. so that句型也可以用来引导结果状语从句, 意为 “因此, 结果” , 这时其从句中的谓语动词不与情态动词连用。这种结构和so. . . that. . . 引导的结果状语从句在含义上有很大的区别。

  so that句型所表示的结果往往同主句有因果关系, 而so. . . that. . . 句型所表示的结果往往表明so后面形容词或副词的程度。请比较:

  He didn’t plan his time well, so that he didn’t finish his work on time.

  他没有把时间计划好, 结果没有按时完成他的工作。


  It’s so hot that I can’t sleep. 天气热得我不能入睡。


  8.【解析】选D。句意:尽管她很穷, 她渴望被注意。所以她不得不想着借一些珠宝在宴会上炫耀。show off炫耀。show up出席; show out领某人出去; show in领某人进来。

  9.【解析】选B。考查名词词义辨析。句意:她希望她在美国的第一次表演将会是她成功之路的第一步, 然后她想在好莱坞碰碰运气。A项意为 “名誉, 名声” ; B项意为 “机会, 运气, 命运, 前途” ; C项意为 “名声, 名誉, 名气” ; D项意为 “目标, 靶子” 。try one’s fortune意为 “找机会, 碰运气” 。由句意可知B项正确。


  The millionaire passed away, leaving his children with a large.

  A. fortune

  B. luck

  C. money

  D. amount

  【解析】选A。考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个百万富翁去世了, 留给他的孩子们一大笔财富。fortune财富; luck运气; money钱; amount数量, 总额。根据句意排除B、D; 又因money为不可数名词, 不与a连用, 排除C, 故选A。

  10.【解析】选A。句意:法官判罪犯在监狱中度过终生。condemn sb. to do sth. 使某人注定做某事, 后跟的是动词不定式。

  11.【解析】选B。句意:汤姆醒来发现自己被人偷了, 只留给他三个打碎的玻璃杯。现在分词短语作状语表示结果。不定式表示出乎意料的结果; 过去分词left表被动; having left表示动作先于谓语而发生。


  (2024·嘉兴模拟)Jack looked at Jenny, with tears filling his eyes, and shouted out the words in his heart for years.

  A. hiding B. hidden

  C. to hide

  D. to be hidden

  【解析】选B。句意:杰克看着珍妮, 眼里含着泪水, 把藏在他心里多年的话大声喊了出来。words和hide之间是被动关系, 因此用过去分词。不定式一般表示将来; 现在分词表示主动。

  12.【解析】选C。句意:他是我最喜爱的电影明星, 我认为他比其他明星都优秀。superior to比……优秀/高级, superior本身含有比较, 因此不用比较级, 也不与than搭配。

  13.【解析】选B。考查状语从句的连词。句意:每次父亲出差回家, 总是会给我带回来一些漂亮的小礼物。by the time后接状语从句, 根据状语从句时态不同, 主句要用过去完成或将来完成时态; the first time引导时间状语从句, 从句的动作应发生在过去, 要用一般过去时; every time表示经常性的动作, 用一般现在时; all the time在句中作时间状语, 但不能引导状语从句。


  英语中有些名词结构可用作从属连词, 用以引导状语从句, 且主要是时间状语从句。这类结构归纳起来有以下六类:


  其中的瞬间名词主要包括moment, minute, instant, second等, 意为 “一……就……” , 相当于as soon as。

  例如:The minute he saw her he fell in love with her.



  其中的季节名词包括spring, summer, autumn, winter, 意为 “在……的那年春天、夏天、秋天、冬天。例如:

  His wife left him the spring he went abroad.



  其中的时间名词主要包括hour, day, night, week, month, season, year等, 意为 “在……的时候、那天、那个晚上、那周、那个月、那个季节、那年” 。例如:

  We were there the week it snowed so heavily.



  其中的序数词包括first, second, third, fourth等, 意为 “当第几次……的时候” 。例如:The second time I saw her, she looked like an old woman.

  第二次见她, 她看上去像个老妇人。


  其中的不定代词主要包括each, every, any等。例如:Every time I ring her, the phone is engaged.

  我每次给她打电话, 线路都忙。
