2024高三英语二轮复习(江苏专用)B 高频考点(高频 规律 技巧)课件:B5

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2024高三英语二轮复习(江苏专用)B 高频考点(高频 规律 技巧)课件:B5

  (1)名词与介词的固定搭配 ①要求用to的名词:key, answer, visit, apology, introduction, attitude, monument, devotion, journey, entrance等。 ②要求用in的名词:interest, expert等。 ③要求用on的名词:mercy, congratulations, effect等。 ④要求用其他介词的名词:prize(for),respect(for),victory(over), struggle(with),excuse(for),(for)fear(of)等。

  2.介词与某些词类的搭配 (2)形容词与介词的固定搭配 ①要求用at的形容词:afraid, angry, good, bad, clever, surprised, excited, puzzled, frightened等。 ②要求用of的形容词:afraid, sure, certain, full, tired, fond, proud, worthy等。 ③要求用with的形容词:angry, strict, careful, busy, popular, patient等。 ④要求用in的形容词:weak, strict, rich, interested, successful, slow等。 ⑤要求用to的形容词:next, good, polite, kind, cruel, rude, known, married, close, similar, due等。 ⑥要求用for的形容词:sorry, famous, fit, unfit, eager, anxious, hungry等。 ⑦要求用from的形容词:far, different, free, safe, absent等。 ⑧要求用about的形容词:sorry, worried, curious, anxious, sure, certain等。  

  名 师 招 招 鲜 介词是英语中最活跃的词类之一,使用频率相当高,用法多而杂。一个介词有多种不同的用法,一个相近的意思又可以用不同的介词表示。所以必须逐一学会每个介词的用法,弄清楚易混介词的用法异同,能够根据语境和交际条件灵活运用介词并能搞清介词的基本用法。此外,介词与动词、名词、形容词的习惯搭配也不能忽视。

  * (2011·北京卷)With new technology, pictures of underwater valleys can be taken ________color. A.by



  D.in 答案 D [in color“用彩色”。]

  热点5·3 Ⅰ.句型转换(每空一词) ①He went to Beijing by car.

  He went to Beijing ________ ________ ________. ②I prefer to travel by ship.

  I prefer to travel ________ ________. 用by, over, in, on填空 ③This form is to be filled ________ink. ④This toy is not machine­made. It is made ________hand. ⑤In the morning I usually listen to the news ________the radio.

  答案 ①in this/a car ②by water/sea ③in ④by ⑤over/on

  (2011·北京西城期末)—How can I reserve the tickets? —________phone. A.On



  D.In 答案 C [by phone“用电话的方式”,固定用法。故选C。]



  三个词都表示旅行的方式。 (1)不涉及交通工具的名词而用相应的抽象名词时用by,名词前不带冠词。如:by sea, by water, by land, by air等。 (2)涉及交通工具的名词时用by,但名词须用单数,其前面不加冠词或任何修饰语。如:by bike, by taxi, by plane, by ship/boat, by train, by spaceship等。

  1.by, in, on (3)当旅行方式涉及确定特指的交通工具时,用on或in,名词前应有冠词、物主代词、指示代词等修饰语。如:travel to New York in this plane, leave on an early train, go to school on my bike等。 说明:步行、骑马、骑骆驼均用on。如:on foot, on horseback/on a horse, on the camel。

  三个词均意为“用”,表示行为的工具、手段或方式。 (1)with用于有形的工具或身体某些器官之前,其后的名词多被冠词、物主代词等修饰。 (2)by, in, on, over, through等多用于无形的工具或方式、手段之前。如:by hand, in ink, on the telephone, over the radio, through the telescope等。 说明:①使用语言、原料、材料时用in表示,如:in English/Japanese; in blue ink ②表达“用……方法/方式”时,所用介词分别为: in this/that/the same way by means of by this/that means with this/that method

  2.with, by, in (浙江卷)The open­air celebration has been put off ________the bad weather. A.in case of

  B.in spite of C.instead of

  D.because of 答案 D [根据句意,天气不好导致露天庆祝会延期。]

  热点5·4 Ⅰ.单项填空 ①(2011·山东烟台调研)She was told to wear flat shoes ________her back problem.

  A.on account of

  B.regardless of

  C.in terms of

  D.in case of

  答案 A [句意:因为她背部有问题,她被告知应穿

  平底鞋。on account of表示原因,根据句意选A。]

  ②(2024·河北质检)An average of RMB 77,000 is spent on each wedding, excluding the cost of the wedding ring and honeymoon, ________the China Wedding Industry Development Report.

  A.due to

  B.because of

  C.in spite of

  D.according to

  答案 D [according to意为“根据,按照”。根据句意选D。]

  Ⅱ.用because of, due to, thanks to填空 ①I came back late ________the rain. ②His absence is ________the heavy rain. ③The company has had a successful year, ________the manager. 答案 ①because of ②due to ③thanks to

  表示原因的介词短语 because of, as a result of,owing to, due to, on account of, thanks to等表示原因 1.以上常见表示原因的介词短语多可以相互替换,类似

  的还有by reason of; on the ground of; in view of等。 2.considering/given...考虑到,鉴于,也可表示原因

  Considering/Given his health,we'd better have him

  stay at home.

  (2024·北京卷)Do you think this shirt is too tight ______the shoulders? A.at



  D.across 答案 D [考查介词。句意为:你觉得这件衬衣的肩部是不是太紧了?across此时表示从一边到另一边。]

  热点5·5 点击进入word

  The kite looks prettier against the blue sky.

  在蓝天映衬下,那只风筝更漂亮了。 2.across从一平面上“横穿”,或在……对面

  I can't get my idea across to him.我无法与他沟通。 3.at:①在一点/小地方 ②对……做出反应

  At my request, he came to help me.


  4.after:①在……后(时间、地点) ②追求/寻 ③


  The boy looks after his father.

  这小孩长得像他的父亲。 5.beyond超出某范围(具体、抽象)

  The road extends beyond.

  公路消失在远处。 6.behind在……后(地点、具体、抽象)

  There's something behind his words.


  He longs for a watch. 他想要一块手表。

  You can find much honesty in Tom. 你会发现汤姆很诚实。

  8.in在……里(时间、地点、具体或抽象) 远离海岸处有一个小岛。

  ②动作状态延续 Rain still on, we had to stay there. 雨还下个不停,我们只好留在那里。

  Let's discuss the matter over the meal. 咱们吃饭期间讨论此事。

  Her love saw me through the hard time. 她的爱使我度过那个艰苦的时代。

  11.on:①在……之上(具体、抽象) 12.over:①在正上方,跨越 ②经过一段时间、距离 ③翻滚 13.through:①从(内部)穿过 ②经过一段时间或距离 ③经

  历/穿过(困难等) (2024·福建卷)Nothing is so easy as ________parents to raise their expectations of their children too high. A.of



  D.for 答案 D [for sb对……来说。]

  热点5·6 Ⅰ.用for或of填空 ①It is very considerate ________you to remind me. ②It is necessary ________the students to know some

  learning methods. ③It is possible ________him to come here soon. 用介词on或in填空 ④The patient's life is ________danger. ⑤The guard is ________watch now. ⑥The house is ________fire.

  用except, except for, besides填空 ⑦I know nothing about the young lady ________that she

  is from Beijing. ⑧I don't mind picking up your things from the store. ________,the walk does me good. ⑨The car is nice ________the color. ⑩We all went to the park ________Tom. Tom was ill in

  hospital. 答案 ①of ②for ③for ④in ⑤on ⑥on ⑦except ⑧Besides ⑨except for ⑩except

  Ⅱ.单项填空 ①(广东卷)I feel that one of my main duties ________a teacher

  is to help the students to become better learners.





  答案 C [as后接名词的意思是“作为”。表示“我认为作

  为老师的主要责任之一是帮助学生成为更好的学习者”。] ②(北京卷)________two exams to worry about, I have to work

  really hard this weekend.



  C.As for

  D.Because of

  答案 A [with表示原因或理由,意思是“因为,由于”。



  on用于表示动态,如正在从事某种活动或处于某种运动状态之中。如:on business在出差;on a visit在访问;on strike在罢工;on sale在出售;on show在展览;on watch在站岗/放哨;on fire着火了;on vacation/holiday在度假。 in多用于表示静态状况,如安全、危险、健康、情绪好/不好等。如:in trouble陷入困境;in danger处于危险中;in order有序,有条理;in surprise惊讶地;in silence沉默地;in high/low spirits情绪高涨/低落。

  1.on与in表示处于某种状态 2.besides, except, but, other than, except for的区别 3.except和but/other than都可接名词、代词、动名词、动词原形,可以互换;但except后接副词、介词短语、when从句等时,but/other than不可替换except。

  He has always been in high spirits except recently.


  The window is never opened except in summer.


  He has always been busy except when it is Sunday.


  4.but, except后都可接that从句作宾语;but, except可以互换。

  I asked nothing from him but/except that he should write to me every other week.

  我只要求他每两周给我写一封信。 5.以上比较了except, besides, but作介词时的区别,另外,besides还可用作副词,意为“in addition; also; moreover; furthermore(而且,还有)”。

  I don't want to go; besides, I am too tired.


  (2024·江苏卷)—Thank God you're safe! —I stepped back, just ________to avoid the racing car. A.in time

  B.in case

  C.in need

  D.in vain 答案 A [in time to do来得及做某事。]

  热点5·7 点击进入word

  (1)at: at dawn在黎明;at daybreak拂晓;at sunrise日出时;at sunset/sundown日落时;at noon在中午;at dusk在黄昏;at night在夜晚;at home在家;at table在用餐;at school在上学;at college在上大学;at risk有危险,冒险;at last最后;at rest静止不动

  1.at, in的有关表达 (2)in:in addition to除了……之外(还有);in celebration of为庆祝……;in case of假设,万一;in search of寻求;试图发现;in place of代替;in need of需要;in charge of对……负责;主管;in the charge of由……负责(表被动意义);in spite of尽管;即使;虽然;不管;in time of在……时刻;in a state of处于……状况中;in course of在进行中;in the course of在……期间;in favour of赞同;有利于;in honor of向……表示敬意,为纪念……;in memory of为纪念……;instead of代替;而不是;in/with relation to关于;涉及

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  高频考点(高频 / 规律 / 技巧) B5


  考 纲 解 读


  考 情 解 读

  考点 题量 分布 介词辨析


  2008 9 4 2009 11 3 2010 6 4 2011 9 4 2024 7 5

  趋 势 解 读


  仍是2024年高考介词部分的试题立意。 2.题目设问角度细微化,题干结构复杂

  化,综合趋势明显。   易 错 警 示 I know nothing about him ________he is an advanced engineer. A.apart from

  B.except for C.besides

  D.except that


  本题考生很容易误选A或B。apart from和except for都可表示“除……之外”,但它们是介词短语,后面不能接句子,而此处空格后面是一个句子,因此A和B不对。C项besides表示“除……之外(还)”,这与题意不符。except that的意思与B项相同,但其后接从句,因此,选D。  

  Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden? They are ________everyone's enjoyment.  A.in





  不能准确地判断此处所填词与哪个词构成搭配,此处所填介词应该与空后的名词enjoyment构成搭配,表示目的,意为“为了”。选C。 考 点 精 析

  基 础 盘 点

  1.表时间、空间的介词用法; 2.介词与动词、名词的常见搭配。    

  热 门 考 点

  1.方位介词; 2.时间介词; 3.工具、手段、方式介词; 4.表示原因的介词短语; 5.against, for, at, in, beyond, across, of, over, off等常见介词活用; 6.besides, except in, except for, but, but,for等常见易混介词; 7.常见介词搭配。

  关 注 节 点

  (2024·全国Ⅱ卷)100 ℃ is the temperature ________which water will boil. A.for



  D.of 答案 B [at表示在一个点上,此处结合定语从句考查介词。]


  ①The sunlight came in ________(穿过)the windows in the

  roof and lit up the whole room. ②The bicycle is ________(不能)repair. ③He hit his head ________(对着)the wall and hurt

  himself. 用介词in, to填空 ④Japan is/lies ________the east of China. ⑤Beijing lies ________the north of China.

  Ⅰ.完成句子 用介词between, among填空 ⑥The town lies ________the mountains. ⑦Switzerland lies ________France, Germany, Austria and Italy. 用介词from, out of填空 ⑧The young student is ________Tibet. ⑨When we were listening to the news, a man rushed ________the room. 用介词in,on填空 ⑩There is a map of the world ________the wall. ⑪Birds are singing ________the tree. 答案 ①through ②beyond ③against ④to ⑤in ⑥among

  ⑦between ⑧from ⑨out of ⑩on ⑪in

  —Yes, I see. I will keep the secret ________you and me. A.with



  D.between 答案 D [between意为“位于……之间,处在……之间,介于……间”,根据所提供的情景you and me,可判断出是在两者之间,所以要用between。with意为“和……一起”;around意为“在……的周围”;among意为“在(多数)之中,在……中间”。]