2024高考英语一轮复习(大纲版)精品课件 2-6

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2024高考英语一轮复习(大纲版)精品课件 2-6

  5.The manager, realizing ________ was going on, asked Tom to follow him into his office. A.what

  B.that C.which

  D.why 解析:what引导宾语从句,在从句中作主语。 答案:A 6.—I told you that he would come to see you. —Actually I had little doubt ________ it was true. A.whether

  B.that C.since

  D.if 解析:little doubt表示“不怀疑”,要用that来引导宾语从句。当doubt用于肯定句中,其后的宾语从句常用whether/if。 答案:B Ⅳ.写作练笔(图表作文) (2011·陕西太谷中学)电子游戏是很多中学生喜爱的娱乐活动之一,人们对此看法不一。上周你班就这一问题进行了一场讨论。请你根据下表中的内容,用英语写一篇短文,给某英文报投稿。

  70%的学 生的观点 1.沉迷于游戏,不能集中精力学习。 2.很少有时间和朋友交流,会缺乏社交能力。 30%的学 生的观点

  1.有助于培养创造性和快速反应,对学习有好处。 2.使游戏者得到放松,从而更高效地学习。 你本人 的观点 (至少两点) 注意: 1.第一句已为你写好,不计入总词数。 2.词数150左右。 3.可以适当增加细节,使短文连贯、完整。

  Our parents and teachers often warn us to stay away from video games. but many of us just find it bard to tear themselves away from them.

  ______________________________________________________________________ 参考范文

  Our parents and teachers often warn us to stay away from video games, but many of us just find it hard to tear themselves away from them. Last week, our class and a discussion about whether it is beneficial or harmful for high school students to play video games. About 70% of the students are concerned about the negative effects of video games. They think that players can be addicted to them and can't concentrate on their study. Another reason is that while sitting in front of a computer they might have little time to communicate with friends and become socially isolated. On the contrary, about 30% approve of video games. First of all, playing video games requires creativity and quick response, which are both important in our study.

  Besides, as a form of entertainment they can help players get relaxed and thus study more efficiently.

  In my opinion, video games should not be encouraged among high school students ,who are crazy about video game, our school should guide and instruct them to choose games suitable for them.

  10.______________打扫干净;整理 答案:1.catch a glimpse of 2.keep in touch with... 3.in store 4.be well­prepared for 5.keep sb. company 6.pay attention to 7.deal with 8.as usual 9.come true

  10.clean up 考点探究课堂讲一讲 1考点 keep in touch with...和……保持联系 1)get in touch with sb.与某人建立联系 lose touch with sb.与某人失去联系 bring sb. into touch with sb./sth.使……与……接触,使认识 2)be in touch with sb.与某人保持着联系 be out of touch with sb.与某人失去联系 3)be/keep/stay/get in contact with sb.与某人保持/建立联系

  提示:keep in touch with与be in/out of touch with表示状态,可以与表示时间段的状语连用;get in touch with/lose touch with表示动作,不能与表示时间段的状语连用。 ①He still keeps_in_touch_with(保持着联系)his old friends. ②Do_keep_in_touch.(务必保持联系) ③I'm trying to get_into_touch_with (取得联系)my brother. ④We lose_touch(失去联系)with him for about ten years. in company一起;做伴 in the company of在……陪同下,与……在一起 in one's company=in company with sb.与某人在一起 keep company with sb.与某人做伴

  2考点 keep sb. company与某人做伴,陪伴某人 ①Mary's parents are away for the week,so I thought I'd go over and keep_her_company(和她做伴). ②I feel happy in_the_company(有父母陪伴)my parents. ③I keep company with(有我做伴)and she never feels lonely. ④由你陪伴我高兴。(写作小练笔:主系表+介词短语) I_feel_happy_in_your_company.________________________________________________________________________

  两年模拟过关测一测 1.(2010·扬州调研)Email is a fast and cheap way to keep us ________ friends and family. A.in touchB.touching with C.out of touch

  D.in touch with 解析:句意:电子邮件是一种让我们与家人和朋友保持联系的快捷而便宜的方式。keep in touch with“与……保持联系”;out of touch“失去联系”。 答案:D 2.(2011·江西)It is said that dogs will keep you ________ for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely. A.safety

  B.company C.house

  D.friend 解析:本题考查短语keep sb. company意为“陪伴某人,给某人做伴”。 答案:B

  3策略 常考句式 自主复习课前填一填 1.It_is_certain that things will change 考点提取:It is certain that...“确信……”。 感悟应用:相信我们一定会赢得比赛。 ________ ________ ________ ________ we will win the match. 答案:It is certain that 2.For example, we now have e­friends to help us and keep_us_company. 考点提取:keep sb.company“陪伴某人;与某人同行”。 感悟应用:如果你晚上感到孤独,我可以来陪你。 If you feel lonely at night, I'll ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 答案:come along and keep you company 3.If we learn to welcome change and appreciate what_is_new_and_different,_we will be well­prepared for whatever the future may have in store. 考点提取:what is new and different是名词性从句,在句中作宾语。 感悟应用:他还很小,分不清是非。 He is so young that he cannot tell ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 答案:what is right and what is wrong

  4.Twice as good or double trouble? 考点提取:此句为倍数表达句式。 感悟应用:这本书比那本书贵三倍。 This book is________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 答案:three times more expensive than that one

  考点探究课堂讲一讲 考点 It is certain that things will change.将来情况肯定会发生变化。 certain和sure在表示“确信,有把握,必然的,一定的”时的异同点: ①We are_certain/sure_of(肯定) our success. ②It_is_certain_that(肯定) he will win in the competition. ③I am_not_certain/sure(我没有把握)whether he will come. ④转换:1)It is certain that we will get to the top before dark.→We are_certain_to get to the top before dark. 2)I'm sure that he will pass the driving test.→ He is_sure_to pass the driving test. 3)He is sure that he'll be admitted into Peking University. →He is_sure_about_his_being_admitted into Peking University. 两年模拟过关测一测  I know nothing about him except that he works in a ________ company.



  D.any 解析:考查词义区别。句意:除了知道他在一家公司上班之外,我对他一无所知。certain前加a表示“某一……”,与单数名词连用;some与单数名词连用,其前不加a;one不与a连用;any不与a连用。故选A。 答案:A Ⅰ.选用适当的词完成下列句子。 1.regular; normal; common In this building we have a ________ responsibility for maintaining the staircase. Don't worry. Your daughter's temperature is quite ________. It's said that there's a ________ bus service to the airport. 答案:common; normal; regular 2.contemporary; temporary; compulsory Students often find ________ jobs during their summer holidays. Education is ________ for all children in Britain between the ages of 5 and 16. The book is based on ________ accounts of the war. 答案:temporary; compulsory; contemporary 3.accurate; exact; punctual; precise I bought three watches but none of them are ________. Your interview is at 4:30 and make sure you are ________. He was quite ________ about it-there was no possibility of misunderstanding. I remember it was one night in early summer-June 22, to be________. 答案:accurate; punctual; precise; precise/exact Ⅱ.用所给动词的适当形式完成下列句子。 A:warn; remind; cheat; cure; accuse; inform 1.I must ________ you of your responsibility towards your friends. 答案:remind 2.You can't ________ him of being rude: he's always extremely polite. 答案:accuse 3.In the end a team of doctors ________ him of a rare blood disease. 答案:cured 4.The arresting officer failed to ________ the suspect of his rights. 答案:inform 5.He ________ the elderly couple of their property. 答案:cheated 6.We ________ him of the danger but he didn't listen. 答案:warned B: forecast; purchase; reform; ensure; require 1.It ________ great strength to lift 500 pounds. 答案:requires 2.Souvenirs can be ________ at the gift shop. 答案:purchased 3.The report indicates that the company is ________ reduced profits. 答案:forecasting 4.The laws are out of date and need to be ________ at once. 答案:reformed 5.We want to ________ that it doesn't happen again. 答案:ensure Ⅲ.语法专练(名词性从句(Ⅱ)——宾语从句和同位语从句) 1.The manager decided to give the job to ________ he believed had a strong sense of duty. A.whoever

  B.whomever C.who

  D.those 解析:whoever引导宾语从句且作宾语从句的主语;he believed可视为插入语。 答案:A 2.Scientists photographed for the first time ever ________ wild gorillas used a stick to test the depth of a pool before getting into it, according to a recent study. A.which

  B.what C.that

  D.when 解析:考查名词性从句。that引导的宾语从句,充当photographed的宾语。 答案:C 3.Mother made a promise ________ I passed the college entrance examination she would buy me a mobile phone. A.that

  B.if that C.that if

  D.that whether 解析:名词promise后是同位语从句,用that引导;if引导条件状语从句。 答案:C 4.Everything depends on ________ we have enough time. A.that

  B.how C.why

  D.whether 解析:句意:一切取决于我们是否有充足的时间。whether是否,符合题意。 答案:D Life in the future  SB


  五年真题·图析 探究复习·策略 基础题组·调研 1.(2010·江苏高考)It is uncertain ________ side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. A.that B.what C.how

  D.whether 图解分析: 2.(2010·福建)In April, thousands of holidaymakers remained ________ abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud. A.sticking

  B.stuck C.to be stuck

  D.to have stuck 解析:remain为系动词,其后跟过去分词构成系表结构,表示有成千上万的游客被滞留在国外。 答案:B 3.(2009·浙江)There is a great deal of evidence ________ that music activities engage different parts of the brain. A.indicate

  B.indicating C.to indicate

  D.to be indicating 解析:句意:有大量证据表明音乐活动调动大脑不同的部位。现在分词indicating作定语修饰evidence。 答案:B 4.(2008·湖北)When she first arrived in China, she wondered what the future might have ________ for her, but now all her worries are gone. A.in need

  B.in time C.in preparation

  D.in store 解析:in need需要;in time及时;in preparation准备;in store贮藏着;储备着,由句意可知D项正确。 答案:D 5.(2007·上海)________ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e­mail account. A.What is required

  B.What requires C.It is required

  D.It requires 解析:题中的that从句为主语从句,所以应用it作形式主语,代替后面的that从句,而且that从句的内容与require构成被动关系,故C项正确。句意:章程中要求你不应该把你的邮件帐号密码告诉他人。 答案:C 1策略 必考单词 自主复习课前填一填 1.________vt.表明;象征→n.迹象;指示________→adj.表明;显示出________ 2.________vt.保证;担保→(联想)adj.确信;有把握________ 3.________n.消费者;用户;客户→(联想)n.顾客;客户;主顾________→n.习俗;风俗________→n.海关________ 4.________n.必需品;需要→adj.必须的;必要的________ 5.________n.商品;货物→adj.好的________ 6.________vi.保持不变;剩下→adj.剩下的;留下的________ 7.________n.重要(性);重大→adj.重要的________ 8.________adj.医学的;医疗的→n.医学________ 9.________vt.& n.涉及;关系到→adj.有关的;有牵连的________ 10.________n.医生;内科医生→(联想)n.物理________→adj.身体的;物理的________→adv.身体上;体格上________ 答案:1.indicate; indication; indicative 2.ensure; sure 3.consumer; customer; custom; customs 4.necessity; necessary 5.goods; good 6.remain; remaining 7.importance; important 8.medical 9.concern; concerned 10.physician; physics; physical; physically

  考点探究课堂讲一讲 1考点 remain vi.保持不变;仍是;剩下;(人)逗留 People in the future will be able to enjoy a longer and healthier life and remain

  active even in old age. Even so, the bacteria remain in the body. 即使这样,细菌仍然留在了人体内。 remain vi.剩下;留下remain+adj.保持不变  remain+n.仍是remain to be done有待;尚待 ①He went to live in America but his family remained(留在)behind in Europe. ②The death of the innkeeper still remains(仍然是)a mystery. ③It remains(尚待)to be seen whether the method will work. ④门一直开着。(写作小练笔:主系表;open) The_door_remains_open.____________________________________________________________________ 2考点 cure vt.& n.治愈;治疗 Perhaps more importantly, new discoveries in genetics and biochemistry may lead to changes in the way diseases are cured and medicines are made. We'll have you cured in no time. 我们立刻给你治疗。 1)cure a patient/a disease 治愈病人/疾病  cure sb. of a disease 治愈某人的某种疾病 cure sb. of sth. 矫正/根治某人的不良习惯 2)a cure for a disease 治疗某种疾病的疗法或良方 3)treat sb. for sth. 医治某人的病 ①I have no money to cure(治愈)my legs. ②The treatment cured(治好)him of disease. ③It is still not possible to cure(治愈)the common cold. ④There's no known cure(治愈方法)for AIDS. ⑤When I left the hospital I_was_completely _cured(我彻底被治愈). ⑥医生医好了她的感冒。(写作小练笔:主谓宾+介词;doctor, cold) The_doctor_cured_her_of_her_cold.________________________________________________________________________

  3考点 require vt.&vi.要求;需要 You are required to pay for your purchases before you leave the supermarket. What qualifications are required for these committee members? 这些委员应该具备什么条件? require sth. vi.要求某物  require doing需要干某事 require sb. to do要求某人干某事 require that­clause要求(谓语用(should)do) requirement n.需要;要求 require有强制要求的意味;request是客气地要求 ①The trees requires(需要)to be watered (watering). ②I require(需要)two children to help me. ③The emergency requires that it should_be_ done(do). ④Visitors are required not_to_touch(not touch) the exhibits. ensure sb. sth.保证某人得到……  ensure sb. against sth.保护某人免于…… ensure that...保证……;担保…… 4考点 ensure vt.保证;担保;保护 ①This pill will ensure(保证)you a good night's sleep. ②His recommendation will ensure_me_a_job(保证我找到工作). ③We should ensure_ourselves_against(保护自己免于)all possible risks. ④We_can_ensure_that(我们可以保证)the work shall be done in the right way. 两年模拟过关测一测 1.(2011·四川内江模拟)Ladies and gentlemen, please remain ________ until the plane has come to a complete stop. A.seated B.seating C.to seat

  D.seat 解析:seated是一个常用于系表结构中的词,这里的remain是连系动词,故选A。 答案:A 2.Although the medicine can cure you ________ your illness, it has a bad effect ________ you. A.for; in

  B.for; on C.of; on

  D.of ;at 解析:句意:尽管这种药能治愈你的病,但它对你也有副作用。cure sb. of sth.“治愈某人的病”;have a bad effect on sb.“对某人产生坏影响”。 答案:C 3.(2010·湖北衡水重点中学模拟)Finding some necessary information in Google's index ________ free software ________ at http://video. google. com. A.provide; useful

  B.requires; available C.provides; available

  D.require; useful 解析:句意:在谷歌搜索中要找一些必要的信息需要http://video. google. come提供的免费软件。根据句意可知第一空用requires; useful“有用的”;available“可利用的”。故B项正确。 答案:B

  2策略 重点短语 自主复习课前填一填 1.______________瞥见 2.______________与……保持联系 3.______________贮藏着;准备着;就要来到 4.______________为……做好充分准备 5.______________陪伴某人 6.______________注意;留意 7.______________处理;安排 8.______________照常;像往常一样 9.______________变成现实

  5.The manager, realizing ________ was going on, asked Tom to follow him into his office. A.what

  B.that C.which

  D.why 解析:what引导宾语从句,在从句中作主语。 答案:A 6.—I told you that he would come to see you. —Actually I had little doubt ________ it was true. A.whether

  B.that C.since

  D.if 解析:little doubt表示“不怀疑”,要用that来引导宾语从句。当doubt用于肯定句中,其后的宾语从句常用whether/if。 答案:B Ⅳ.写作练笔(图表作文) (2011·陕西太谷中学)电子游戏是很多中学生喜爱的娱乐活动之一,人们对此看法不一。上周你班就这一问题进行了一场讨论。请你根据下表中的内容,用英语写一篇短文,给某英文报投稿。

  70%的学 生的观点 1.沉迷于游戏,不能集中精力学习。 2.很少有时间和朋友交流,会缺乏社交能力。 30%的学 生的观点

  1.有助于培养创造性和快速反应,对学习有好处。 2.使游戏者得到放松,从而更高效地学习。 你本人 的观点 (至少两点) 注意: 1.第一句已为你写好,不计入总词数。 2.词数150左右。 3.可以适当增加细节,使短文连贯、完整。

  Our parents and teachers often warn us to stay away from video games. but many of us just find it bard to tear themselves away from them.

  ______________________________________________________________________ 参考范文

  Our parents and teachers often warn us to stay away from video games, but many of us just find it hard to tear themselves away from them. Last week, our class and a discussion about whether it is beneficial or harmful for high school students to play video games. About 70% of the students are concerned about the negative effects of video games. They think that players can be addicted to them and can't concentrate on their study. Another reason is that while sitting in front of a computer they might have little time to communicate with friends and become socially isolated. On the contrary, about 30% approve of video games. First of all, playing video games requires creativity and quick response, which are both important in our study.

  Besides, as a form of entertainment they can help players get relaxed and thus study more efficiently.

  In my opinion, video games should not be encouraged among high school students ,who are crazy about video game, our school should guide and instruct them to choose games suitable for them.

  10.______________打扫干净;整理 答案:1.catch a glimpse of 2.keep in touch with... 3.in store 4.be well­prepared for 5.keep sb. company 6.pay attention to 7.deal with 8.as usual 9.come true

  10.clean up 考点探究课堂讲一讲 1考点 keep in touch with...和……保持联系 1)get in touch with sb.与某人建立联系 lose touch with sb.与某人失去联系 bring sb. into touch with sb./sth.使……与……接触,使认识 2)be in touch with sb.与某人保持着联系 be out of touch with sb.与某人失去联系 3)be/keep/stay/get in contact with sb.与某人保持/建立联系

  提示:keep in touch with与be in/out of touch with表示状态,可以与表示时间段的状语连用;get in touch with/lose touch with表示动作,不能与表示时间段的状语连用。 ①He still keeps_in_touch_with(保持着联系)his old friends. ②Do_keep_in_touch.(务必保持联系) ③I'm trying to get_into_touch_with (取得联系)my brother. ④We lose_touch(失去联系)with him for about ten years. in company一起;做伴 in the company of在……陪同下,与……在一起 in one's company=in company with sb.与某人在一起 keep company with sb.与某人做伴

  2考点 keep sb. company与某人做伴,陪伴某人 ①Mary's parents are away for the week,so I thought I'd go over and keep_her_company(和她做伴). ②I feel happy in_the_company(有父母陪伴)my parents. ③I keep company with(有我做伴)and she never feels lonely. ④由你陪伴我高兴。(写作小练笔:主系表+介词短语) I_feel_happy_in_your_company.________________________________________________________________________

  两年模拟过关测一测 1.(2010·扬州调研)Email is a fast and cheap way to keep us ________ friends and family. A.in touchB.touching with C.out of touch

  D.in touch with 解析:句意:电子邮件是一种让我们与家人和朋友保持联系的快捷而便宜的方式。keep in touch with“与……保持联系”;out of touch“失去联系”。 答案:D 2.(2011·江西)It is said that dogs will keep you ________ for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely. A.safety

  B.company C.house

  D.friend 解析:本题考查短语keep sb. company意为“陪伴某人,给某人做伴”。 答案:B

  3策略 常考句式 自主复习课前填一填 1.It_is_certain that things will change 考点提取:It is certain that...“确信……”。 感悟应用:相信我们一定会赢得比赛。 ________ ________ ________ ________ we will win the match. 答案:It is certain that 2.For example, we now have e­friends to help us and keep_us_company. 考点提取:keep sb.company“陪伴某人;与某人同行”。 感悟应用:如果你晚上感到孤独,我可以来陪你。 If you feel lonely at night, I'll ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 答案:come along and keep you company 3.If we learn to welcome change and appreciate what_is_new_and_different,_we will be well­prepared for whatever the future may have in store. 考点提取:what is new and different是名词性从句,在句中作宾语。 感悟应用:他还很小,分不清是非。 He is so young that he cannot tell ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 答案:what is right and what is wrong

  4.Twice as good or double trouble? 考点提取:此句为倍数表达句式。 感悟应用:这本书比那本书贵三倍。 This book is________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 答案:three times more expensive than that one

  考点探究课堂讲一讲 考点 It is certain that things will change.将来情况肯定会发生变化。 certain和sure在表示“确信,有把握,必然的,一定的”时的异同点: ①We are_certain/sure_of(肯定) our success. ②It_is_certain_that(肯定) he will win in the competition. ③I am_not_certain/sure(我没有把握)whether he will come. ④转换:1)It is certain that we will get to the top before dark.→We are_certain_to get to the top before dark. 2)I'm sure that he will pass the driving test.→ He is_sure_to pass the driving test. 3)He is sure that he'll be admitted into Peking University. →He is_sure_about_his_being_admitted into Peking University. 两年模拟过关测一测  I know nothing about him except that he works in a ________ company.



  D.any 解析:考查词义区别。句意:除了知道他在一家公司上班之外,我对他一无所知。certain前加a表示“某一……”,与单数名词连用;some与单数名词连用,其前不加a;one不与a连用;any不与a连用。故选A。 答案:A Ⅰ.选用适当的词完成下列句子。 1.regular; normal; common In this building we have a ________ responsibility for maintaining the staircase. Don't worry. Your daughter's temperature is quite ________. It's said that there's a ________ bus service to the airport. 答案:common; normal; regular 2.contemporary; temporary; compulsory Students often find ________ jobs during their summer holidays. Education is ________ for all children in Britain between the ages of 5 and 16. The book is based on ________ accounts of the war. 答案:temporary; compulsory; contemporary 3.accurate; exact; punctual; precise I bought three watches but none of them are ________. Your interview is at 4:30 and make sure you are ________. He was quite ________ about it-there was no possibility of misunderstanding. I remember it was one night in early summer-June 22, to be________. 答案:accurate; punctual; precise; precise/exact Ⅱ.用所给动词的适当形式完成下列句子。 A:warn; remind; cheat; cure; accuse; inform 1.I must ________ you of your responsibility towards your friends. 答案:remind 2.You can't ________ him of being rude: he's always extremely polite. 答案:accuse 3.In the end a team of doctors ________ him of a rare blood disease. 答案:cured 4.The arresting officer failed to ________ the suspect of his rights. 答案:inform 5.He ________ the elderly couple of their property. 答案:cheated 6.We ________ him of the danger but he didn't listen. 答案:warned B: forecast; purchase; reform; ensure; require 1.It ________ great strength to lift 500 pounds. 答案:requires 2.Souvenirs can be ________ at the gift shop. 答案:purchased 3.The report indicates that the company is ________ reduced profits. 答案:forecasting 4.The laws are out of date and need to be ________ at once. 答案:reformed 5.We want to ________ that it doesn't happen again. 答案:ensure Ⅲ.语法专练(名词性从句(Ⅱ)——宾语从句和同位语从句) 1.The manager decided to give the job to ________ he believed had a strong sense of duty. A.whoever

  B.whomever C.who

  D.those 解析:whoever引导宾语从句且作宾语从句的主语;he believed可视为插入语。 答案:A 2.Scientists photographed for the first time ever ________ wild gorillas used a stick to test the depth of a pool before getting into it, according to a recent study. A.which

  B.what C.that

  D.when 解析:考查名词性从句。that引导的宾语从句,充当photographed的宾语。 答案:C 3.Mother made a promise ________ I passed the college entrance examination she would buy me a mobile phone. A.that

  B.if that C.that if

  D.that whether 解析:名词promise后是同位语从句,用that引导;if引导条件状语从句。 答案:C 4.Everything depends on ________ we have enough time. A.that

  B.how C.why

  D.whether 解析:句意:一切取决于我们是否有充足的时间。whether是否,符合题意。 答案:D Life in the future  SB


  五年真题·图析 探究复习·策略 基础题组·调研 1.(2010·江苏高考)It is uncertain ________ side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. A.that B.what C.how

  D.whether 图解分析: 2.(2010·福建)In April, thousands of holidaymakers remained ________ abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud. A.sticking

  B.stuck C.to be stuck

  D.to have stuck 解析:remain为系动词,其后跟过去分词构成系表结构,表示有成千上万的游客被滞留在国外。 答案:B 3.(2009·浙江)There is a great deal of evidence ________ that music activities engage different parts of the brain. A.indicate

  B.indicating C.to indicate

  D.to be indicating 解析:句意:有大量证据表明音乐活动调动大脑不同的部位。现在分词indicating作定语修饰evidence。 答案:B 4.(2008·湖北)When she first arrived in China, she wondered what the future might have ________ for her, but now all her worries are gone. A.in need

  B.in time C.in preparation

  D.in store 解析:in need需要;in time及时;in preparation准备;in store贮藏着;储备着,由句意可知D项正确。 答案:D 5.(2007·上海)________ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e­mail account. A.What is required

  B.What requires C.It is required

  D.It requires 解析:题中的that从句为主语从句,所以应用it作形式主语,代替后面的that从句,而且that从句的内容与require构成被动关系,故C项正确。句意:章程中要求你不应该把你的邮件帐号密码告诉他人。 答案:C 1策略 必考单词 自主复习课前填一填 1.________vt.表明;象征→n.迹象;指示________→adj.表明;显示出________ 2.________vt.保证;担保→(联想)adj.确信;有把握________ 3.________n.消费者;用户;客户→(联想)n.顾客;客户;主顾________→n.习俗;风俗________→n.海关________ 4.________n.必需品;需要→adj.必须的;必要的________ 5.________n.商品;货物→adj.好的________ 6.________vi.保持不变;剩下→adj.剩下的;留下的________ 7.________n.重要(性);重大→adj.重要的________ 8.________adj.医学的;医疗的→n.医学________ 9.________vt.& n.涉及;关系到→adj.有关的;有牵连的________ 10.________n.医生;内科医生→(联想)n.物理________→adj.身体的;物理的________→adv.身体上;体格上________ 答案:1.indicate; indication; indicative 2.ensure; sure 3.consumer; customer; custom; customs 4.necessity; necessary 5.goods; good 6.remain; remaining 7.importance; important 8.medical 9.concern; concerned 10.physician; physics; physical; physically

  考点探究课堂讲一讲 1考点 remain vi.保持不变;仍是;剩下;(人)逗留 People in the future will be able to enjoy a longer and healthier life and remain

  active even in old age. Even so, the bacteria remain in the body. 即使这样,细菌仍然留在了人体内。 remain vi.剩下;留下remain+adj.保持不变  remain+n.仍是remain to be done有待;尚待 ①He went to live in America but his family remained(留在)behind in Europe. ②The death of the innkeeper still remains(仍然是)a mystery. ③It remains(尚待)to be seen whether the method will work. ④门一直开着。(写作小练笔:主系表;open) The_door_remains_open.____________________________________________________________________ 2考点 cure vt.& n.治愈;治疗 Perhaps more importantly, new discoveries in genetics and biochemistry may lead to changes in the way diseases are cured and medicines are made. We'll have you cured in no time. 我们立刻给你治疗。 1)cure a patient/a disease 治愈病人/疾病  cure sb. of a disease 治愈某人的某种疾病 cure sb. of sth. 矫正/根治某人的不良习惯 2)a cure for a disease 治疗某种疾病的疗法或良方 3)treat sb. for sth. 医治某人的病 ①I have no money to cure(治愈)my legs. ②The treatment cured(治好)him of disease. ③It is still not possible to cure(治愈)the common cold. ④There's no known cure(治愈方法)for AIDS. ⑤When I left the hospital I_was_completely _cured(我彻底被治愈). ⑥医生医好了她的感冒。(写作小练笔:主谓宾+介词;doctor, cold) The_doctor_cured_her_of_her_cold.________________________________________________________________________

  3考点 require vt.&vi.要求;需要 You are required to pay for your purchases before you leave the supermarket. What qualifications are required for these committee members? 这些委员应该具备什么条件? require sth. vi.要求某物  require doing需要干某事 require sb. to do要求某人干某事 require that­clause要求(谓语用(should)do) requirement n.需要;要求 require有强制要求的意味;request是客气地要求 ①The trees requires(需要)to be watered (watering). ②I require(需要)two children to help me. ③The emergency requires that it should_be_ done(do). ④Visitors are required not_to_touch(not touch) the exhibits. ensure sb. sth.保证某人得到……  ensure sb. against sth.保护某人免于…… ensure that...保证……;担保…… 4考点 ensure vt.保证;担保;保护 ①This pill will ensure(保证)you a good night's sleep. ②His recommendation will ensure_me_a_job(保证我找到工作). ③We should ensure_ourselves_against(保护自己免于)all possible risks. ④We_can_ensure_that(我们可以保证)the work shall be done in the right way. 两年模拟过关测一测 1.(2011·四川内江模拟)Ladies and gentlemen, please remain ________ until the plane has come to a complete stop. A.seated B.seating C.to seat

  D.seat 解析:seated是一个常用于系表结构中的词,这里的remain是连系动词,故选A。 答案:A 2.Although the medicine can cure you ________ your illness, it has a bad effect ________ you. A.for; in

  B.for; on C.of; on

  D.of ;at 解析:句意:尽管这种药能治愈你的病,但它对你也有副作用。cure sb. of sth.“治愈某人的病”;have a bad effect on sb.“对某人产生坏影响”。 答案:C 3.(2010·湖北衡水重点中学模拟)Finding some necessary information in Google's index ________ free software ________ at http://video. google. com. A.provide; useful

  B.requires; available C.provides; available

  D.require; useful 解析:句意:在谷歌搜索中要找一些必要的信息需要http://video. google. come提供的免费软件。根据句意可知第一空用requires; useful“有用的”;available“可利用的”。故B项正确。 答案:B

  2策略 重点短语 自主复习课前填一填 1.______________瞥见 2.______________与……保持联系 3.______________贮藏着;准备着;就要来到 4.______________为……做好充分准备 5.______________陪伴某人 6.______________注意;留意 7.______________处理;安排 8.______________照常;像往常一样 9.______________变成现实