2024届新课标高考一轮复习英语人教版 浙江专版课件:part1 必修4 unit4

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2024届新课标高考一轮复习英语人教版 浙江专版课件:part1 必修4 unit4





  arrive 中 是动词不定式to

  arrive 作定语,修饰先行词the first person。动词不 定式作定语,我们应该注意以下问题:

  (1) 注 意非谓语动词动作所发生的时间都是在 谓语动词之后。与先行词是主动关系,就用to do;

  形成被动关系,就用to be done。

  Everyone to visit the Great Wall sign here, please.


  (2) 由only, last, next, 序数词或形容词最高级修 饰的名词常用不定式作定语。动词不定式作定语要 放在所修饰的名词或代词之后。

  She was the only one to get a scholarship.


  (3) 当谓语动词是have 或get作“有”讲时,动 词不定式的主动与被动取决于句中有没有其逻辑主 语参与动词不定式这一活动,有,就用主动式;没 有,就用其被动式。

  I'll go to the post office because I have something

  to post. Do you have something to be posted?

  (4) 作定语的不定式如果是不及物动词,或者 不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点、 工具,不定式后面须加相应的介词。

  She is looking for a room to live in.


  ① represent vt.

  代表,象征;体现,表达;描绘,声称 根据语境感悟其用法

  These exhibitions have been selected because they represent Chinese traditional culture best.

  这些展品最能代表中国传统文化,所以入选。 链接 representation n.

  代表,代理;表现,体现 representative

  n. 代表人,代理人

  adj. 典型的,有代表性的 ① represent vt.

  代表,象征;体现,表达;描绘,声称 短语 represent sb. / sth. as sb. / sth.

  把……描绘成…… represent sb. / sth.…to be

  声称某人/物为…… represent sth. 

  代表/象征…… represent sth. to sb.

  向某人说明/传达某事 ① represent vt.

  代表,象征;体现,表达;描绘,声称 活用

  根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)玫瑰花是英格兰的象征。 The rose __________ England. (2)他们仅表达了一小部分民意。 They __________ only a small section of public opinion. (3)这是一幅行猎图。 The picture __________ a hunting scene.  represents represented represents ②curious adj. 根据语境猜词义 (1) The foreign tourists were surrounded by the curious children.

  (2) Poetry also calls up the colors, feeling, experiences and curious images of a dream world.

  (3) He is suffering from a curious disease.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 奇妙的 

  B. 好奇的

  C. 奇怪的

  B A C 链接 curiosity n.

  好奇心、求知欲 curiously adv.

  好奇地 短语 be curious about

  对……感到好奇 be curious to do

  急于做/极想做 out of curiosity

  出于好奇 ②curious adj. 活用

  单项填空 (1)I was ______ to find out what he said.

  A. strange

  B. amusing

  C. curious

  D. conscious

  解析 考查形容词词义辨析。be curious to do 急于做/极想做。strange 奇怪的; amusing 令人快乐的;conscious 有意识的。 ②curious adj. C (2) People have always been______ about exactly how life on earth began.

  A. curious

  B. excited

  C. anxious

  D. careful 解析 考查形容词的意义和用法。句意:人们一直对于地球生命的起源感到好奇。根据介词about后面宾语从句的意义,可以确定前面表示的是好奇,be curious about 是“对……感到好奇”的意思。 ②curious adj. 活用

  单项填空 A 根据语境猜词义 (1) Spring is approaching. Everything is awaking.

  (2) As we approached the woods, fresh air is coming towards us.


  n. & v. 根据语义找匹配 A. (时间上)临近,接近  B. (空间上)走近,靠近 A B 温馨提示

  approach, way, method和means都可指“方法”。注意它们的用法: (1) 句型搭配 the way of + n. / doing sth. the way to do sth. the method of + n. the approach to + n. / doing sth. ③approach

  n. & v. (2) “用这种方法”表达方法 in this way

  by this means

  with this method ③approach

  n. & v. 温馨提示

  approach, way, method和means都可指“方法”。注意它们的用法: 活用


  There is no easy ______ to the mathematics problem.

  A. way

  B. means

  C. method

  D. approach 解析

  考查名词与介词的搭配辨析。approach方法,与to连用,表示“……的方法”,而means翻译为“方式”,不可与to连用。method与with 搭配。way则与of连用,和to连用时,to为不定式。 ③approach

  n. & v. D ④ major n.,v. & adj. 根据语境猜词义 (1) Chinese, maths and English are three major subjects.

  (2) He is majoring in English.

  (3) He is a history major.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 主修  B. ……专业的学生  C. 主要的(主要做定语,无比较级)

  C A B 链接 the majority of

  大多数 majority n.

  大多数,大部分 反义词: minority

  少数 ④ major n.,v. & adj. 辨析 major/main/chief major adj. 较大的, 主要的

  main adj. 最重要的,主要的 chief

  adj.主要的,最重要的;职位/ 职称最高级别的;n. 部落首领;领袖,总裁 ④ major n.,v. & adj. ⑤ defend v. 根据语境猜词义 (1) We shall defend our country, whatever the cost may be.

  (2) Politicians (政客) are skilled at defending themselves. 根据语义找匹配 A. 捍卫;保卫  B. 辩护 A B 短语 in defence of

  保卫,为……辩护 defend…of

  (后接被保护者) defend…from/ against

  (后接入侵者或造成危害者) ⑤ defend v. 链接 defense n.

  保卫,辩护 活用

  单项填空 We should defend ourselves ______ the traffic accident while walking home from school.

  A. against

  B. with

  C. in

  D. of

  解析 考查固定短语。defend…against 后接造成危害的东西;defend…of后接被保护者。所以答案是A。 ⑤ defend v. A ⑥ general

  adj. 一般的,大体的

  n. 将军 根据语境感悟其用法 He has been promoted to general manager.

  他已被提升为总经理。 链接 generally 普遍地;广泛地;一般地 短语 in general  总的,总而言之 generally speaking

  通常来讲 ⑥ general

  adj. 一般的,大体的

  n. 将军 活用

  根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)我们泛泛地谈了书籍。 We had _____________ about books. (2)将军命令士兵前进。 ___________ ordered the soldiers to march on. (3)深圳的气候总体来说是温暖和潮湿的。 The







  humid __________. a general talk The general in general ⑦ avoid vt.

  避免,消除;(故意)回避;逃避 根据语境感悟其用法 He studies so hard to avoid finishing at the bottom of the class.

  为了不让自己在全班垫底,他刻苦学习。 短语 avoid sth.  避免某事 avoid doing sth.

  避免做某事 ⑦ avoid vt.

  避免,消除;(故意)回避;逃避 活用

  用所给词的正确形式填空 (1)其实这一事故可以避免。 Actually, the accident could _________ (avoid). (2)他避而不答我的问题。 He avoided __________ (answer) my questions. be avoided answering ① be likely to do She is likely to lose the election.

  根据语境be likely to do意为:_______。 有可能 辨析 likely/possible/probable

  likely 是常用词,指从表面上看很有可能。主语既可以是人也可以是物。可以说sb./sth. be likely to do或it‘s likely that…, 但是不可以说 It is likely for sb. to do。

  辨析 likely/possible/probable

  possible强调客观上有可能,但含有实际上可能性 很小的意思。主语不可以是人,只能是用it作形式主语。 构成It is possible for sb. to do sth.或It is possible that…

  probable 语气比possible强,主要强调有根有据、 合情合理的推测,含有“很有可能,十有八九”的意 思。构成It is probable for sb. to do sth. 。作表语时,主 语不能是人或动词不定式。 ① be likely to do 活用

  单项填空 (1) It's nearly eleven o'clock and mother _____ walk in at any moment.

  A. is possible to

  B. is probable to

  C. is likely to

  D. is able to 解析 考查likely/ possible/probable的辨析。当主语是人时,只能用sb. be likely to do sth.句式,所以答案是C。 ① be likely to do C (2) I think the team of your class will be _____ to win, but you have to work harder.

  A. possible

  B. likely

  C. probable

  D. certain 解析 possible和 probable只能构成It's + adj.+to do sth.句式;certain是“一定、理所当然”,根据but you have to work harder判断,没有十足的把握,所以答案是B。 ① be likely to do 活用

  单项填空 C ②at ease

  舒适;自由自在;安逸 I was at ease after I completed my stressful project.

  把这个压力很大的项目完成后,我感到很放松。 短语 put sb. at ease  

  使舒适,使自在 ease one's mind

  使放心;使放松 ease into sth.

  了解或熟悉某事 take it easy

  沉住气,不紧张,慢慢来 ②at ease

  舒适;自由自在;安逸 活用

  根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)知道他在那座城市定居下来,过着舒适的生活,我放心多了。 It would ____________ to know that he settled down in the city and was living a comfortable life. (2)我和朋友在一起感到自在。 I __________ with my friends. ease my mind feel at ease ②at ease

  舒适;自由自在;安逸 活用

  根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (3)熟悉新的工作并不是一件易事,你一定要谦虚、勤奋。 It is no easy job for you ____________ your new work, so you must be modest and hard­working.  to ease into

  The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from

  Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from


  第一个到达的是从哥伦比亚来的托尼·加西亚, 随后紧跟着的是英国的朱莉娅·史密斯。





  arrive 中 是动词不定式to

  arrive 作定语,修饰先行词the first person。动词不 定式作定语,我们应该注意以下问题:

  (1) 注 意非谓语动词动作所发生的时间都是在 谓语动词之后。与先行词是主动关系,就用to do;

  形成被动关系,就用to be done。

  Everyone to visit the Great Wall sign here, please.


  (2) 由only, last, next, 序数词或形容词最高级修 饰的名词常用不定式作定语。动词不定式作定语要 放在所修饰的名词或代词之后。

  She was the only one to get a scholarship.


  (3) 当谓语动词是have 或get作“有”讲时,动 词不定式的主动与被动取决于句中有没有其逻辑主 语参与动词不定式这一活动,有,就用主动式;没 有,就用其被动式。

  I'll go to the post office because I have something

  to post. Do you have something to be posted?

  (4) 作定语的不定式如果是不及物动词,或者 不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点、 工具,不定式后面须加相应的介词。

  She is looking for a room to live in.


  ① represent vt.

  代表,象征;体现,表达;描绘,声称 根据语境感悟其用法

  These exhibitions have been selected because they represent Chinese traditional culture best.

  这些展品最能代表中国传统文化,所以入选。 链接 representation n.

  代表,代理;表现,体现 representative

  n. 代表人,代理人

  adj. 典型的,有代表性的 ① represent vt.

  代表,象征;体现,表达;描绘,声称 短语 represent sb. / sth. as sb. / sth.

  把……描绘成…… represent sb. / sth.…to be

  声称某人/物为…… represent sth. 

  代表/象征…… represent sth. to sb.

  向某人说明/传达某事 ① represent vt.

  代表,象征;体现,表达;描绘,声称 活用

  根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)玫瑰花是英格兰的象征。 The rose __________ England. (2)他们仅表达了一小部分民意。 They __________ only a small section of public opinion. (3)这是一幅行猎图。 The picture __________ a hunting scene.  represents represented represents ②curious adj. 根据语境猜词义 (1) The foreign tourists were surrounded by the curious children.

  (2) Poetry also calls up the colors, feeling, experiences and curious images of a dream world.

  (3) He is suffering from a curious disease.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 奇妙的 

  B. 好奇的

  C. 奇怪的

  B A C 链接 curiosity n.

  好奇心、求知欲 curiously adv.

  好奇地 短语 be curious about

  对……感到好奇 be curious to do

  急于做/极想做 out of curiosity

  出于好奇 ②curious adj. 活用

  单项填空 (1)I was ______ to find out what he said.

  A. strange

  B. amusing

  C. curious

  D. conscious

  解析 考查形容词词义辨析。be curious to do 急于做/极想做。strange 奇怪的; amusing 令人快乐的;conscious 有意识的。 ②curious adj. C (2) People have always been______ about exactly how life on earth began.

  A. curious

  B. excited

  C. anxious

  D. careful 解析 考查形容词的意义和用法。句意:人们一直对于地球生命的起源感到好奇。根据介词about后面宾语从句的意义,可以确定前面表示的是好奇,be curious about 是“对……感到好奇”的意思。 ②curious adj. 活用

  单项填空 A 根据语境猜词义 (1) Spring is approaching. Everything is awaking.

  (2) As we approached the woods, fresh air is coming towards us.


  n. & v. 根据语义找匹配 A. (时间上)临近,接近  B. (空间上)走近,靠近 A B 温馨提示

  approach, way, method和means都可指“方法”。注意它们的用法: (1) 句型搭配 the way of + n. / doing sth. the way to do sth. the method of + n. the approach to + n. / doing sth. ③approach

  n. & v. (2) “用这种方法”表达方法 in this way

  by this means

  with this method ③approach

  n. & v. 温馨提示

  approach, way, method和means都可指“方法”。注意它们的用法: 活用


  There is no easy ______ to the mathematics problem.

  A. way

  B. means

  C. method

  D. approach 解析

  考查名词与介词的搭配辨析。approach方法,与to连用,表示“……的方法”,而means翻译为“方式”,不可与to连用。method与with 搭配。way则与of连用,和to连用时,to为不定式。 ③approach

  n. & v. D ④ major n.,v. & adj. 根据语境猜词义 (1) Chinese, maths and English are three major subjects.

  (2) He is majoring in English.

  (3) He is a history major.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 主修  B. ……专业的学生  C. 主要的(主要做定语,无比较级)

  C A B 链接 the majority of

  大多数 majority n.

  大多数,大部分 反义词: minority

  少数 ④ major n.,v. & adj. 辨析 major/main/chief major adj. 较大的, 主要的

  main adj. 最重要的,主要的 chief

  adj.主要的,最重要的;职位/ 职称最高级别的;n. 部落首领;领袖,总裁 ④ major n.,v. & adj. ⑤ defend v. 根据语境猜词义 (1) We shall defend our country, whatever the cost may be.

  (2) Politicians (政客) are skilled at defending themselves. 根据语义找匹配 A. 捍卫;保卫  B. 辩护 A B 短语 in defence of

  保卫,为……辩护 defend…of

  (后接被保护者) defend…from/ against

  (后接入侵者或造成危害者) ⑤ defend v. 链接 defense n.

  保卫,辩护 活用

  单项填空 We should defend ourselves ______ the traffic accident while walking home from school.

  A. against

  B. with

  C. in

  D. of

  解析 考查固定短语。defend…against 后接造成危害的东西;defend…of后接被保护者。所以答案是A。 ⑤ defend v. A ⑥ general

  adj. 一般的,大体的

  n. 将军 根据语境感悟其用法 He has been promoted to general manager.

  他已被提升为总经理。 链接 generally 普遍地;广泛地;一般地 短语 in general  总的,总而言之 generally speaking

  通常来讲 ⑥ general

  adj. 一般的,大体的

  n. 将军 活用

  根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)我们泛泛地谈了书籍。 We had _____________ about books. (2)将军命令士兵前进。 ___________ ordered the soldiers to march on. (3)深圳的气候总体来说是温暖和潮湿的。 The







  humid __________. a general talk The general in general ⑦ avoid vt.

  避免,消除;(故意)回避;逃避 根据语境感悟其用法 He studies so hard to avoid finishing at the bottom of the class.

  为了不让自己在全班垫底,他刻苦学习。 短语 avoid sth.  避免某事 avoid doing sth.

  避免做某事 ⑦ avoid vt.

  避免,消除;(故意)回避;逃避 活用

  用所给词的正确形式填空 (1)其实这一事故可以避免。 Actually, the accident could _________ (avoid). (2)他避而不答我的问题。 He avoided __________ (answer) my questions. be avoided answering ① be likely to do She is likely to lose the election.

  根据语境be likely to do意为:_______。 有可能 辨析 likely/possible/probable

  likely 是常用词,指从表面上看很有可能。主语既可以是人也可以是物。可以说sb./sth. be likely to do或it‘s likely that…, 但是不可以说 It is likely for sb. to do。

  辨析 likely/possible/probable

  possible强调客观上有可能,但含有实际上可能性 很小的意思。主语不可以是人,只能是用it作形式主语。 构成It is possible for sb. to do sth.或It is possible that…

  probable 语气比possible强,主要强调有根有据、 合情合理的推测,含有“很有可能,十有八九”的意 思。构成It is probable for sb. to do sth. 。作表语时,主 语不能是人或动词不定式。 ① be likely to do 活用

  单项填空 (1) It's nearly eleven o'clock and mother _____ walk in at any moment.

  A. is possible to

  B. is probable to

  C. is likely to

  D. is able to 解析 考查likely/ possible/probable的辨析。当主语是人时,只能用sb. be likely to do sth.句式,所以答案是C。 ① be likely to do C (2) I think the team of your class will be _____ to win, but you have to work harder.

  A. possible

  B. likely

  C. probable

  D. certain 解析 possible和 probable只能构成It's + adj.+to do sth.句式;certain是“一定、理所当然”,根据but you have to work harder判断,没有十足的把握,所以答案是B。 ① be likely to do 活用

  单项填空 C ②at ease

  舒适;自由自在;安逸 I was at ease after I completed my stressful project.

  把这个压力很大的项目完成后,我感到很放松。 短语 put sb. at ease  

  使舒适,使自在 ease one's mind

  使放心;使放松 ease into sth.

  了解或熟悉某事 take it easy

  沉住气,不紧张,慢慢来 ②at ease

  舒适;自由自在;安逸 活用

  根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)知道他在那座城市定居下来,过着舒适的生活,我放心多了。 It would ____________ to know that he settled down in the city and was living a comfortable life. (2)我和朋友在一起感到自在。 I __________ with my friends. ease my mind feel at ease ②at ease

  舒适;自由自在;安逸 活用

  根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (3)熟悉新的工作并不是一件易事,你一定要谦虚、勤奋。 It is no easy job for you ____________ your new work, so you must be modest and hard­working.  to ease into

  The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from

  Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from


  第一个到达的是从哥伦比亚来的托尼·加西亚, 随后紧跟着的是英国的朱莉娅·史密斯。