
雕龙文库 分享 时间: 收藏本文


  a variety of

  a beam of

  a big deal

  a bite to eat

  a blast of

  a break with

  a bunch of

  a bundle of

  a cloud of

  a cluster of

  a column of water

  a couple of

  a crew of

  a crowd of

  a far cry from

  a fit of

  a good/great deal

  a grain of truth

  a great many

  a gust of wind

  a handful od

  a heap of

  a host of

  a large amount oflarge amounts of

  a loaf of

  a matter of

  a multitude of

  a myriad of

  a number of

  a pile of

  a series of

  a set of

  a slice of

  a standing ovation

  a stretch of

  a strip of

  a swarm ofswarms of

  a wealth of

  a while back

  abandon oneself to

  abhorrent to

  abound in

  about to

  above all

  absent from

  abstain from

  abuse of

  accede to=agree to

  access to

  according to

  account for

  accuse of

  acquaint with

  acquire a tase for

  act as

  act for

  act on/upon

  active volcano

  adapt to

  add to

  add up

  add in

  add on

  adhere to

  adjacent to

  adjust A to B

  admiration for/of


  adorn with

  adventage over

  advertise for

  advise on

  affiliate to /with

  affix to

  afflicted by

  afford to

  after all

  after hours =after work time

  against someones will

  agitate for

  agree on/upon

  agree to

  agree with

  ahead of

  ahead of time

  aid to

  aim at

  aim for

  air current

  akin to =similar to

  alien to=foreign to

  alght on=descend upon

  alike to

  all along

  all but

  all day long

  all inclusive

  all kinds of

  all night long

  all ones life

  all over 1)=finished 2=everywhere

  all over again=once again

  all over the place

  all right 1)=ok 2)beyond any doubt;al the evidence shows

  all right with some one=agreeable to someone

  all sorts of

  allergic to

  allow for=take into consideration

  allow of=permit

  allude to=refer to in a brief or indirect way

  along with

  amenable to =willing to=influenced by

  among other=as well as other things

  amount to =add up to

  an array of=a display of

  and so forthand so onand others

  and that而且

  example:Bacteria under the micrscope often bounce about in

  the water.this is because they collide with the water molecules

  and are pushed this way and that

  and the like

  and yet =any wey

  answer back

  antagonistic to=hostile to

  anxious about/for=worried about

  anxious to=longing for

  any longer/more=any more time

  anything but

  apart from

  apologize to...for

  apeal to 1=attract 2=bring a decion by a lower count to a higher court for review

  appetite for=desire and capacity for

  apply to

  appropriate for /to

  approve of=consent;admire;praise

  argue about/over

  arise from=come into being from

  arrange for

  arrive at

  as a matter of fact

  as a means of

  as a result of

  as a rule

  as a whole

  as far as

  as far as i know /as far as anyone knows

  as far as im concerned=from my point of view

  as follows

  as for

  as it is =as the present/existing situation is

  as it turns out=it is now known,although it was not before

  as long as 1=since,because 2=if ,only if

  as luck would have it =by good or bad luck;by chance

  as soon as possible

  as such

  as the case might be=whatever is true

  as to

  as usual

  as well

  as well as

  as with=like

  as yet=up until now,for now

  as ...go=better than the average thing of its type

  ascribe ti=attribute=assign to

  aside from=except for

  ask for

  ask over

  aspire to =having a strong desire or hope to

  assembly line

  assent to =agree to

  assign to

  assist in assist with

  associate with=allywith;connect to

  associates degree

  at a breath=at a streth

  at a loss=confused, bewildered

  at a rate/speed of at rate/speed of

  be accustomed to

  be characteristic of

  be characterized by

  be civil to

  be credited to/with

  be descended from

  be determined to

  be eager to

  be finished with

  be fond of

  be free from

  be good at

  be good for

  be hard on

  be hard up =poor,lacking money

  be harmful to

  be in harmony with

  be known as

  be made up of

  be obliged to do=force to do

  be out of line=inappropriate,unsuitable

  be out of ones mind

  be out of order

  be out of service

  be the case=be true;describe an actual situation

  be the last peason=be the least desirable person

  be tied=finish at the same time or score the same number of points a competition

  be upstay up

  be worth of

  be/fall/get behind

  be/go in one ear and out the other

  bear fruit 1=give fruit 2=be successful

  bear in mind=keep in mind

  becoming to =suitable for

  before long

  beg A for B

  begin with

  behind the time/times

  believe in

  believe it or not

  belong in=be in the right place or feel this way

  belong to

  be to blame

  beneficial to

  benefit from

  between life and death=neither alive nor dead

  between you and me=secretively

  beyond the reach of

  big sale

  Bill of Rights

  bind... together

  black and blue

  black and white=referring to photography that does not have any colors except black ,white and grey

  blame for

  block out=plan

  blood pressure

  blood serum

  blood vessel

  blood plasma

  blow/lose ones cool

  blow out

  blow over=go away without causing harm

  blow up

  boast of

  boil down to

  bomb out

  booked up

  border on 1=be next to 2=resemble

  bounce about

  bread and butter

  break away with

  break down 1=stop operating 2=decompose

  break faith=violate trust;violate confidence

  break in=train;discipline

  break into

  break into pieces

  break new ground=make prograss;make advances

  break off

  break ones heart

  break ones neck =work extremely hard

  break ones words

  break out

  break out of =escape from

  break the ice=get past the uncomfortable feeling that exists

  break through

  break ties with=break off

  break up

  brighten ones spirits

  bring about=cause

  bring an end to bring an end

  bring back

  bring forth=cause to appear

  bring forward 1=cause to happen earlier 2=propose for discussion

  bring in 1=usher in 2=earn

  bring into action

  bring into effect/operation

  bring off=succeed

  bring on 1=introduce 2=cause

  bring over=convey

  bring through=rescue

  bring to light=reveal which has been hidden

  bring to ruin=destroy

  bring to terms=force to agree to conditions

  bring together

  bring under=depress

  bring up


  a variety of

  a beam of

  a big deal

  a bite to eat

  a blast of

  a break with

  a bunch of

  a bundle of

  a cloud of

  a cluster of

  a column of water

  a couple of

  a crew of

  a crowd of

  a far cry from

  a fit of

  a good/great deal

  a grain of truth

  a great many

  a gust of wind

  a handful od

  a heap of

  a host of

  a large amount oflarge amounts of

  a loaf of

  a matter of

  a multitude of

  a myriad of

  a number of

  a pile of

  a series of

  a set of

  a slice of

  a standing ovation

  a stretch of

  a strip of

  a swarm ofswarms of

  a wealth of

  a while back

  abandon oneself to

  abhorrent to

  abound in

  about to

  above all

  absent from

  abstain from

  abuse of

  accede to=agree to

  access to

  according to

  account for

  accuse of

  acquaint with

  acquire a tase for

  act as

  act for

  act on/upon

  active volcano

  adapt to

  add to

  add up

  add in

  add on

  adhere to

  adjacent to

  adjust A to B

  admiration for/of


  adorn with

  adventage over

  advertise for

  advise on

  affiliate to /with

  affix to

  afflicted by

  afford to

  after all

  after hours =after work time

  against someones will

  agitate for

  agree on/upon

  agree to

  agree with

  ahead of

  ahead of time

  aid to

  aim at

  aim for

  air current

  akin to =similar to

  alien to=foreign to

  alght on=descend upon

  alike to

  all along

  all but

  all day long

  all inclusive

  all kinds of

  all night long

  all ones life

  all over 1)=finished 2=everywhere

  all over again=once again

  all over the place

  all right 1)=ok 2)beyond any doubt;al the evidence shows

  all right with some one=agreeable to someone

  all sorts of

  allergic to

  allow for=take into consideration

  allow of=permit

  allude to=refer to in a brief or indirect way

  along with

  amenable to =willing to=influenced by

  among other=as well as other things

  amount to =add up to

  an array of=a display of

  and so forthand so onand others

  and that而且

  example:Bacteria under the micrscope often bounce about in

  the water.this is because they collide with the water molecules

  and are pushed this way and that

  and the like

  and yet =any wey

  answer back

  antagonistic to=hostile to

  anxious about/for=worried about

  anxious to=longing for

  any longer/more=any more time

  anything but

  apart from

  apologize to...for

  apeal to 1=attract 2=bring a decion by a lower count to a higher court for review

  appetite for=desire and capacity for

  apply to

  appropriate for /to

  approve of=consent;admire;praise

  argue about/over

  arise from=come into being from

  arrange for

  arrive at

  as a matter of fact

  as a means of

  as a result of

  as a rule

  as a whole

  as far as

  as far as i know /as far as anyone knows

  as far as im concerned=from my point of view

  as follows

  as for

  as it is =as the present/existing situation is

  as it turns out=it is now known,although it was not before

  as long as 1=since,because 2=if ,only if

  as luck would have it =by good or bad luck;by chance

  as soon as possible

  as such

  as the case might be=whatever is true

  as to

  as usual

  as well

  as well as

  as with=like

  as yet=up until now,for now

  as ...go=better than the average thing of its type

  ascribe ti=attribute=assign to

  aside from=except for

  ask for

  ask over

  aspire to =having a strong desire or hope to

  assembly line

  assent to =agree to

  assign to

  assist in assist with

  associate with=allywith;connect to

  associates degree

  at a breath=at a streth

  at a loss=confused, bewildered

  at a rate/speed of at rate/speed of

  be accustomed to

  be characteristic of

  be characterized by

  be civil to

  be credited to/with

  be descended from

  be determined to

  be eager to

  be finished with

  be fond of

  be free from

  be good at

  be good for

  be hard on

  be hard up =poor,lacking money

  be harmful to

  be in harmony with

  be known as

  be made up of

  be obliged to do=force to do

  be out of line=inappropriate,unsuitable

  be out of ones mind

  be out of order

  be out of service

  be the case=be true;describe an actual situation

  be the last peason=be the least desirable person

  be tied=finish at the same time or score the same number of points a competition

  be upstay up

  be worth of

  be/fall/get behind

  be/go in one ear and out the other

  bear fruit 1=give fruit 2=be successful

  bear in mind=keep in mind

  becoming to =suitable for

  before long

  beg A for B

  begin with

  behind the time/times

  believe in

  believe it or not

  belong in=be in the right place or feel this way

  belong to

  be to blame

  beneficial to

  benefit from

  between life and death=neither alive nor dead

  between you and me=secretively

  beyond the reach of

  big sale

  Bill of Rights

  bind... together

  black and blue

  black and white=referring to photography that does not have any colors except black ,white and grey

  blame for

  block out=plan

  blood pressure

  blood serum

  blood vessel

  blood plasma

  blow/lose ones cool

  blow out

  blow over=go away without causing harm

  blow up

  boast of

  boil down to

  bomb out

  booked up

  border on 1=be next to 2=resemble

  bounce about

  bread and butter

  break away with

  break down 1=stop operating 2=decompose

  break faith=violate trust;violate confidence

  break in=train;discipline

  break into

  break into pieces

  break new ground=make prograss;make advances

  break off

  break ones heart

  break ones neck =work extremely hard

  break ones words

  break out

  break out of =escape from

  break the ice=get past the uncomfortable feeling that exists

  break through

  break ties with=break off

  break up

  brighten ones spirits

  bring about=cause

  bring an end to bring an end

  bring back

  bring forth=cause to appear

  bring forward 1=cause to happen earlier 2=propose for discussion

  bring in 1=usher in 2=earn

  bring into action

  bring into effect/operation

  bring off=succeed

  bring on 1=introduce 2=cause

  bring over=convey

  bring through=rescue

  bring to light=reveal which has been hidden

  bring to ruin=destroy

  bring to terms=force to agree to conditions

  bring together

  bring under=depress

  bring up


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