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  Cloze 1

  (2024·新课标全国卷II ) 电话中感受与现实生活中感受 264

  17分钟 Hundreds of people have formed impressions of you through that little device (装置) on your desk. And they’ve never actually  1  you. Everything they know about you  2  through this device, sometimes from hundreds of miles away.  3  they feel they can know you  4  from the sound of your voice. That’s how powerful the  5  is.Powerful, yes, but not always  6 . For years I dealt with my travel agent only by phone. Rani, my faceless agent whom I’d never met  7 , got me rock-bottom prices on airfares, cars, and hotels. But her cold voice really  8  me. I sometimes wished to  9  another agent.One morning, I had to  0  an immediate flight home for a family emergency. I ran into Rani’s office  1 . The woman sitting at the desk,  2  my madness, sympathetically jumped up. She gave me a  3  smile, nodded while listening patiently, and then printed out the  4  immediately. "What a wonderful lady! " I thought.Rushing out  5  I called out over my shoulder, "By the way, what’s your name?" "I’m Rani," she sai.

  I turned around and saw a  6  woman with a big smile on her face waving to wish me a safe trip. I was  7 ! Why had I thought she was cold? Rani was, well, so  8 .Sitting back in the car on the way to the airport, I figured it all out. Rani’s  9  — her warm smile, her nods, her ‘I’m here for you’  0  — were all silent signals that didn’t travel through wires..A. accepted

  B. noticed

  C. heard

  D. met

  42.A. came

  B. moved

  C. ran

  D. developed

  43.A. Thus

  B. Yet

  C. Then

  D. Indeed

  44.A. rather

  B. also

  C. just

  D. already

  45.A. telephone

  B. voice

  C. connection

  D. impression

  46.A. direct

  B. useful

  C. easy

  D. accurate

  47.A. in person

  B. by myself

  C. in public

  D. on purpose

  48.A. annoyed

  B. interested

  C. discouraged

  D. confused

  49.A. promote

  B. train

  C. find

  D. know

  50.A. arrange

  B. postpone

  C. confirm

  D. book

  51.A. for the first time

  B. at any time

  C. from time to time D. in good time

  52.A. expecting

  B. seeing

  C. testing

  D. avoiding

  53.A. shy

  B. comforting

  C. familiar

  D. forced

  54.A. bill

  B. form

  C. ticket

  D. list

  55.A. hopefully

  B. disappointedly

  C. gratefully

  D. regretfully

  56.A. careful

  B. serious

  C. nervous

  D. pleasant

  57.A. amused

  B. worried

  C. helpless

  D. speechless

  58.A. calm

  B. nice

  C. proud

  D. clever

  59.A. forgiveness

  B. eagerness

  C. friendliness

  D. skillfulness

  60.A. explanation

  B. attitude

  C. concept

  D. behavior

  Cloze 2

  (2024·浙江卷) During the war, my husband was stationed at an army camp in a desert in California.

  I went to live there in order to be  21  him. I hated the place. I had never  22  been so unhappy. My husband was ordered out on a long-term duty, and I was left in a tiny shack(棚屋) alone. The heat was  23  — almost 125°F even in the shade of a cactus(仙人掌).  24  a soul to talk to. The wind blew non-stop, and all the food I ate, and the very air I breathed, were  25  with sand, sand, sand!I was so sorry for myself that I wrote to my parents. I told them I was  26  and coming back home. I said I couldn’t stand it one minute longer. I  27  be in prison! My father answered my  28  with just two lines — two lines that will always sing in my  29 — two lines that completely changed my life:Two men looked out from prison bars,

  One saw the mud, the other saw the stars.

  I read those two lines  30 . I was ashamed of myself. I made up my mind I would find out what was good in my present  31 ; I would look for the stars.I made friends with the natives, and their  32  amazed me. They gave me presents of their favorite artworks which they had  33  to sell to tourists. I studied the delightful forms of the cactus. I watched for the desert sunsets, and  34  for seashells that had been left there millions of years ago when the sands of the desert had been an ocean  35 .What brought about this  36  change in me? The desert hadn’t changed,  37  I ha.

  I had changed my  38 . And by doing so, I changed an unhappy experience into the most amazing  39  of my life. I was excited by this new world that I had discovere.

  I had looked out of my self-created prison and  40  the stars..A. off

  B. behind

  C. near

  D. beyond

  22.A. before

  B. already

  C. then

  D. still

  23.A. inflexible

  B. incomprehensible C. uncontrollable

  D. unbearable

  24.A. Only

  B. No

  C. Many

  D. Such

  25.A. covered

  B. filled

  C. buried

  D. charged

  26.A. catching up

  B. keeping up

  C. giving up

  D. getting up

  27.A. ought to

  B. might well

  C. would rather

  D. had better

  28.A. request

  B. call

  C. question

  D. letter

  29.A. comparison

  B. imagination

  C. consideration

  D. memory

  30.A. over and over

  B. by and by

  C. up and down

  D. now and then

  31.A. company

  B. occupation

  C. situation

  D. relationship

  32.A. movement

  B. reaction

  C. guidance

  D. purpose

  33.A. refused

  B. failed

  C. managed

  D. happened

  34.A. asked

  B. hunted

  C. waited

  D. headed

  35.A. floor

  B. surface

  C. rock

  D. level

  36.A. shocking

  B. challenging

  C. puzzling

  D. astonishing

  37.A. as

  B. but

  C. for

  D. or

  38.A. attitude

  B. principle

  C. identity

  D. standard

  39.A. vacation

  B. operation

  C. affair

  D. adventure

  40.A. sought

  B. counted

  C. found

  D. reached

  Cloze 3

  (2024·江苏卷) Years ago, a critical event occurred in my life that would change it forever. I met Kurt Kampmeir of Success Motivation Incorporation for breakfast. While we were , Kurt asked me, "John, what is your for personal growth?"Never at a loss for words, I tried to find things in my life that might  3 for growth. I told him about the many activities in which I was . And I went into a about how hard I worked and the gains I was making. I must have talked for ten minutes. Kurt patiently, but then he smiled and said, "You don’t have a personal plan for growth, do you?""No," I ."You know," Kurt said simply, "growth is not a(n) process."And that’s when it me. I wasn’t doing anything to make myself better. And at that moment, I made the : I will develop and follow a personal growth plan for my .That night, I talked to my wife about my with Kurt and what I had learned. I her the workbook and tapes Kurt was selling. We that Kurt wasn’t just trying to make a sale. He was offering a for us to change our lives and achieve our dreams.Several important things happened that day. First, we decided to the resources. But more importantly, we made a commitment to together as a couple. From that day on, we learned together, traveled together, and sacrificed together. It was a decision. While too many couples grow apart, we were growing together..A. working

  B. preparing

  C. thinking

  D. eating

  37.A. suggestion

  B. demand

  C. plan

  D. request

  38.A. appeal

  B. look

  C. call

  D. qualify

  39.A. involved

  B. trapped

  C. lost

  D. bathed

  40.A. lecture

  B. speech

  C. discussion

  D. debate

  41.A. calculated

  B. listened

  C. drank

  D. explained

  42.A. eagerly

  B. gradually

  C. gratefully

  D. finally

  43.A. admitted

  B. interrupted

  C. apologized

  D. complained

  44.A. automatic

  B. slow

  C. independent

  D. changing

  45.A. confused

  B. informed

  C. pleased

  D. hit

  46.A. on loan

  B. on purpose

  C. on sale

  D. on balance

  47.A. comment

  B. announcement

  C. decision

  D. arrangement

  48.A. life

  B. progress

  C. performance

  D. investment

  49.A. contract

  B. conversation

  C. negotiation

  D. argument

  50.A. lent

  B. sold

  C. showed

  D. offered

  51.A. recalled

  B. defined

  C. recognized

  D. declared

  52.A. tool

  B. method

  C. way

  D. rule

  53.A. provide

  B. buy

  C. give

  D. deliver

  54.A. grow

  B. survive

  C. move

  D. gather

  55.A. difficult

  B. random

  C. firm

  D. wise

  Cloze 4

  (2024·天津卷) The journey my daughter Cathy has had with her swimming is as long as it is beautiful.

  Cathy suffered some terrible in her early childhooD.

  After years of regular treatment, she became healthy.Two years ago, while Cathy was watching the Olympics, a dream came into her sweet little head — to be a swimmer. Last summer, she wanted to our local swim team. She practiced hard and finally it. The team practice,  2 , was a rough start. She coughed and choked and could hardly  2 her first few weeks. Hearing her coughing bitterly one night, I decided to  2 her from it all. But Cathy woke me up early next morning, wearing her swimsuit  2 to go! I told her she shouldn’t swim after a whole night’s coughing, but she refused to  2 and insisted she go.From that day on, Cathy kept swimming and didn’t a single practice. She had a intention within herself to be the best she could be. My ten-year-old was growing and changing right before my eyes, into this human being with a passion and a mission. There were moments of of course: often she would be the last swimmer in the race. It was difficult for Cathy to accept that she wasn’t a — ever. But that didn’t stop her from trying.Then came the final awards ceremony at the end of the year. Cathy didn’t expect any award but was still there to  3 her friends and praise their accomplishments. As the ceremony was nearing the end, I suddenly heard the head coach  3 , "The highest honor goes to Cathy!" Looking around, he continued, "Cathy has inspired us with her and enthusiasm. skills and talents bring great success, the most valuable asset(财富) one can hold is the heart."It was the greatest  3 of my daughter’s life. With all she had been in her ten years, this was the hour of true triumph(成功)..A. failure

  B. pressure

  C. loss

  D. illness

  17.A. usually

  B. finally

  C. firstly

  D. frequently

  18.A. improve

  B. train

  C. join

  D. contact

  19.A. increased

  B. found

  C. created

  D. made

  20.A. however

  B. therefore

  C. otherwise

  D. instead

  21.A. use

  B. survive

  C. save

  D. waste

  22.A. pull

  B. tell

  C. hide

  D. fire

  23.A. afraid

  B. nervous

  C. ready

  D. free

  24.A. take off

  B. set off

  C. give up

  D. show up

  25.A. attend

  B. miss

  C. ban

  D. start

  26.A. rich

  B. weak

  C. firm

  D. kind

  27.A. trusted

  B. determined

  C. experienced

  D. embarrassed

  28.A. frustration

  B. delight

  C. excitement

  D. surprise

  29.A. beginner

  B. learner

  C. partner

  D. winner

  30.A. cheer on

  B. compete with

  C. respond to

  D. run after

  31.A. admitting

  B. explaining

  C. announcing

  D. whispering

  32.A. humor

  B. will

  C. honesty

  D. wisdom

  33.A. Although

  B. Since

  C. Once

  D. Because

  34.A. discovery

  B. choice

  C. influence

  D. moment

  35.A. through

  B. under

  C. across

  D. around

  Cloze1 (2024·浙江卷)

  Since finishing my studies at Harvard and Oxford, I’ve watched one friend after another land high-ranking, high-paying Wall Street jobs. As executives (高级管理人员) with banks, consulting firms, established law firms, and major corporations, many are now  1  on their way to impressive careers. By society’s  2 , they seem to have it made.On the surface, these people seem to be very lucky in life. As they left student life behind, many had a  3  drink at their cheap but friendly local bar, shook hands with longtime roommates, and  4  out of small apartments into high buildings. They made reservations at restaurants where the cost of a bottle of wine  5  a college year’s monthly rent. They replaced their beloved old cars with expensive new sports cars.The thing is, a number of them have  6  that despite their success, they aren’t happy. Some  7  of unfriendly coworkers and feel sad for eight-hour workweeks devoted to tasks they  8 . Some do not respect the companies they work for and talk of feeling tired and  9 . However, instead of devoting themselves to their work, they find themselves working to support the  0  to which they have so quickly become  1 .People often speak of trying a more satisfying path, and  2  in the end the idea of leaving their jobs to work for something they  3  or finding a position that would give them more time with their families almost always leads them to the same conclusion: it’s  4 . They have loans, bills, a mortgage (抵押贷款) to  15 , retirement to save for. They recognize there’s something  6  in their lives, but it’s  7  to step off the track.In a society that tends to  8  everything in terms of dollars and cents, we learn from a young age to consider the costs of our  9  in financial terms. But what about the personal and social costs  0  in pursuing money over meaning? These are exactly the kinds of costs many of us tend to ignore — and the very ones we need to consider most.













































  33.A.let out

  B.turn in

  C.give up

  D.believe in


