2024届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:23 必修4 Module 5(外研版含解析)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:23 必修4 Module 5(外研版含解析)

  考点规范练23(必修4 Module 5)



  In the summer of 2002,my husband Brian and I fancied a lakeside holiday in Europe,and came across a package holiday in Hungary(匈牙利),on Lake Balaton.

  Curiosity got the better of us.With no further information,we put our trust in the travel company,and were transferred to the southern tip of Lake Balaton.We were the only British guests,the rest being German,Austrian and Hungarian.The hotel was fine,the weather was hot and the lake was very warm.

  There were few tourist attractions locally,but the hotel receptionist(the only English speaker in the hotel) suggested we visit the nearby town of Hévíz,noted for its spa(矿泉) and lake.In spite of our lack of language skills,we boarded the local bus and,half an hour later,arrived at the small town square.

  With no signposts to follow in English,we followed a group of people carrying bags and towels.Moments later,we entered the huge wooden entrance gates to the park and lake,and were transported back a whole century as we came upon the lake and the delightful ancient wooden structure.The lake covers an area of about an acre surrounded by grassy banks and is an impressive 110 feet deep with a constant temperature of 39℃.Its edges are covered in water lilies(睡莲).Once changed,like most other swimmers,we were given an industrial-sized rubber ring.You can lie back in this rubber ring and gently move among the water lilies in the warm water. 

  It was completely relaxing and made for an experience that was extremely enjoyable,and the talking point of our holiday for many years.


  1.The author and her husband went to Lake Balaton because they  . 

  A.wanted to relax beside a lake

  B.had planned to visit there long ago

  C.followed a travel company’s advice

  D.were eager to know something about Hungary


  解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“my husband Brian and I fancied a lakeside holiday in Europe”可知,作者夫妇因为想去湖边度假,所以去了巴拉顿湖。

  2.What was the biggest challenge faced by the author during the journey?

  A.Language. B.Tight schedule.

  C.Limited budget. D.Accommodation.


  解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“We were the only British guests”,第三段中的“the only English speaker in the hotel,our lack of language skills”及第四段中的“With no signposts to follow in English”可知,语言不通是作者夫妇此行的最大障碍。

  3.By saying the underlined words“were transported back a whole century”,the author means the park  . 

  A.is very far away from the hotel

  B.has an antique atmosphere

  C.has a long history

  D.appears to be old


  解析:推理判断题。根据本句中的“as we came upon the lake and the delightful ancient wooden structure”可推测,湖区古色古香的木质结构让作者感觉像是穿越回到了一个世纪前。

  4.How did the author feel about the holiday?

  A.It is tiring. B.It is short.

  C.It is satisfying. D.It is expensive.




  It was already late when we set out for the next town, 1  according to the map was about fifteen miles away on the other side of the  2 . 

  There we felt  3 that we would find a bed  4 the night.Darkness fell soon after we left the village,but luckily we met  5  as we drove fast along the narrow winding road that  6  the hills.As we climbed  7 ,it became colder and rain began to fall, 8  it difficult at times to see the road.I asked John,my companion,to drive more  9 . 

  After we had traveled for about twenty miles,there was still no sign of the town which was  10  on the map.We were beginning to get  11 .Then without warning the car stopped.A quick  12  showed that we had run out of petrol(汽油).Although we had little food with us,we decided to  13  the night in the car. 

  Our meal was soon over.I tried to go to sleep at once, 14 John,who was a  15  sleeper,got out of the car after a few minutes and went for a walk  16  the hills.Soon he came back.From the top of the hill he had seen,in the valley below,the  17  of the town we were looking for.We at once unloaded(卸) all our luggage(行李) and with a great effort(努力), 18  to push the car to the top of the hill.Then we went back to the luggage,loaded the car again and set off down the hill. 19  less than a quarter of an hour we were in the town,where we found a  20  quite easily. 


  1.A.which B.it

  C.where D.that



  2.A.rivers B.hills

  C.towns D.villages


  解析:由第二段的“along the narrow winding road that  the hills”可知,这里选择hills。 

  3.A.surprised B.afraid

  C.pleased D.sure


  解析:根据下文“Darkness fell soon after we left the village”,说明他们“确定”在那儿能找到住宿的地方。

  4.A.at B.in

  C.through D.for


  解析:for the night意为“过夜”,介词for表示“为了”。

  5.A.everybody B.somebody

  C.nobody D.anybody


  解析:根据上文的“Darkness fell soon”,下文的“drove fast以及narrow winding road”可知在这样的夜晚和路况下,开车是很危险的。luckily是提示词,暗示未遇到一个人,选nobody。

  6.A.got to B.arrived

  C.led to D.belonged to


  解析:lead to “通向”;get to“到达”;arrive“到达”;belong to“属于”。

  7.A.taller B.higher

  C.lower D.faster


  解析:从下文可知,他们的车子是逐渐向山上爬行的,当油用完时,车子已接近山顶,以致John后来散步时不知不觉中就到了山顶。下文的“From the top of the hill he had seen,in the valley below”也是很明显的暗示。

  8.A.getting B.thinking

  C.causing D.making


  解析:从词的用法角度可知要用making。making it difficult at times to see the road是v.-ing形式做结果状语。

  9.A.certainly B.carefully

  C.slowly D.surely



  10.A.marked B.set

  C.built D.drawn


  解析:根据常识可知,城镇是“标”在地图上的。mark“标示”;set “安置”;build“建筑”;draw“画”。

  11.A.excited B.worried

  C.cold D.warm


  解析:get worried意为“开始忧虑起来”。

  12.A.attention B.operation

  C.examination D.information


  解析:由“we had run out of petrol(汽油)”这一结果可知,这是a quick examination(检查)的结果。attention“注意力”;operation“操作”;examination“检查”;information“信息”。

  13.A.spend B.live

  C.spare D.stay


  解析:spend the night “过夜”。

  14.A.since B.though

  C.so D.but



  15.A.quick B.fast

  C.poor D.heavy


  解析:从“got out of the car”看出John的睡眠不太好。

  16.A.across B.through

  C.down D.up


  解析:从“From the top of the hill”可推知,他从车里出来以后是向山顶上走的,故选up。

  17.A.lights B.map

  C.bus D.situation



  18.A.ought B.tried

  C.succeeded D.managed


  解析:ought to(应该)不合语境,succeed 后不接to do,而接in doing,故应排除;manage和try均表示“设法”,但有细微差别:前者表示设法做成了某事,后者则不一定成功。故本题答案应为D项。

  19.A.For B.In

  C.Since D.At



  20.A.policeman B.friend

  C.hotel D.cinema




  After a long day of work,I rode my bike home. 1.(sudden),the soft wind soon turned heavy with rain.What would be your 2.(react) to rain?To speed up and get home at the earliest?Well,I had a similar thought until a girl 3.(ride) ahead of me did something different.The girl slowed down.I 4.(think) she must slow down to find a place of shelter in case it poured.5.,to my surprise,she slowed down,and turned her face up towards the sky to feel the tiny droplets of water.I was inspired 6. her.I followed her example,slowed down and tried to take in the pleasant change in weather.And trust me,it was 7.(amaze)!So,when was the last time you slowed down or even stopped 8.(enjoy) the rains?If it’s been years,then don’t let this year’s monsoon pass! 

  Go ahead,experience peace and nature without having to stop your work.Instead of 9.(follow) the same rules,if you try to look at the problem from a different point of view,10. may actually bring in some good rewards.Try it! 



  1.Suddenly 解析:考查副词。此处要用副词做状语。

  2.reaction 解析:考查名词。根据语境可知句意为:你对雨的反应是什么呢?

  3.riding 解析:考查非谓语动词。a girl与ride是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用动词-ing形式做后置定语。

  4.thought 解析:考查时态。这是讲过去的故事,故要用一般过去时。

  5.However 解析:考查连词。根据上下句语意可知,此处表示转折关系。

  6.by 解析:考查介词。be inspired by...此处表示“被……激励”。

  7.amazing 解析:考查形容词。此处用形容词做表语。

  8.to enjoy 解析:考查非谓语动词。stop to do sth意为“停下来做某事”。

  9.following 解析:考查非谓语动词。of是介词,后跟动词-ing形式。

  10.it 解析:考查代词。指代上文提到的“you try to look at the problem from a different point of view”这件事。



  I love camping.It is my favoritest way to spend the summer vacation.Last year,my families and I went camping in the countryside.It was one of the excited experiences I have ever had.We slept in a tent and took a long walk every day.We cooked over a fire and the food always tasted wonderfully.For a whole week,I saw lovely mountain views or breathed fresh air.At night,I heard the gentle wind blowing in the trees,and I feel so peaceful.It doesn’t cost many to camp.What I believe it’s the best way to get close nature and enjoy its beauty.


  I love camping.It is my

  way to spend the summer vacation.Last year,my

  and I went camping in the countryside.It was one of the

  experiences I ever had.We slept in a tent and took a long walk every day.We cooked over a fire and the food always tasted .For a whole week,I saw lovely mountain views

  breathed fresh air.At night,I heard the gentle wind blowing in the trees,and I

  so peaceful.It doesn’t cost

  to camp.


  I believe it’s the best way to get close nature and enjoy its beauty.

  考点规范练23(必修4 Module 5)



  In the summer of 2002,my husband Brian and I fancied a lakeside holiday in Europe,and came across a package holiday in Hungary(匈牙利),on Lake Balaton.

  Curiosity got the better of us.With no further information,we put our trust in the travel company,and were transferred to the southern tip of Lake Balaton.We were the only British guests,the rest being German,Austrian and Hungarian.The hotel was fine,the weather was hot and the lake was very warm.

  There were few tourist attractions locally,but the hotel receptionist(the only English speaker in the hotel) suggested we visit the nearby town of Hévíz,noted for its spa(矿泉) and lake.In spite of our lack of language skills,we boarded the local bus and,half an hour later,arrived at the small town square.

  With no signposts to follow in English,we followed a group of people carrying bags and towels.Moments later,we entered the huge wooden entrance gates to the park and lake,and were transported back a whole century as we came upon the lake and the delightful ancient wooden structure.The lake covers an area of about an acre surrounded by grassy banks and is an impressive 110 feet deep with a constant temperature of 39℃.Its edges are covered in water lilies(睡莲).Once changed,like most other swimmers,we were given an industrial-sized rubber ring.You can lie back in this rubber ring and gently move among the water lilies in the warm water. 

  It was completely relaxing and made for an experience that was extremely enjoyable,and the talking point of our holiday for many years.


  1.The author and her husband went to Lake Balaton because they  . 

  A.wanted to relax beside a lake

  B.had planned to visit there long ago

  C.followed a travel company’s advice

  D.were eager to know something about Hungary


  解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“my husband Brian and I fancied a lakeside holiday in Europe”可知,作者夫妇因为想去湖边度假,所以去了巴拉顿湖。

  2.What was the biggest challenge faced by the author during the journey?

  A.Language. B.Tight schedule.

  C.Limited budget. D.Accommodation.


  解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“We were the only British guests”,第三段中的“the only English speaker in the hotel,our lack of language skills”及第四段中的“With no signposts to follow in English”可知,语言不通是作者夫妇此行的最大障碍。

  3.By saying the underlined words“were transported back a whole century”,the author means the park  . 

  A.is very far away from the hotel

  B.has an antique atmosphere

  C.has a long history

  D.appears to be old


  解析:推理判断题。根据本句中的“as we came upon the lake and the delightful ancient wooden structure”可推测,湖区古色古香的木质结构让作者感觉像是穿越回到了一个世纪前。

  4.How did the author feel about the holiday?

  A.It is tiring. B.It is short.

  C.It is satisfying. D.It is expensive.




  It was already late when we set out for the next town, 1  according to the map was about fifteen miles away on the other side of the  2 . 

  There we felt  3 that we would find a bed  4 the night.Darkness fell soon after we left the village,but luckily we met  5  as we drove fast along the narrow winding road that  6  the hills.As we climbed  7 ,it became colder and rain began to fall, 8  it difficult at times to see the road.I asked John,my companion,to drive more  9 . 

  After we had traveled for about twenty miles,there was still no sign of the town which was  10  on the map.We were beginning to get  11 .Then without warning the car stopped.A quick  12  showed that we had run out of petrol(汽油).Although we had little food with us,we decided to  13  the night in the car. 

  Our meal was soon over.I tried to go to sleep at once, 14 John,who was a  15  sleeper,got out of the car after a few minutes and went for a walk  16  the hills.Soon he came back.From the top of the hill he had seen,in the valley below,the  17  of the town we were looking for.We at once unloaded(卸) all our luggage(行李) and with a great effort(努力), 18  to push the car to the top of the hill.Then we went back to the luggage,loaded the car again and set off down the hill. 19  less than a quarter of an hour we were in the town,where we found a  20  quite easily. 


  1.A.which B.it

  C.where D.that



  2.A.rivers B.hills

  C.towns D.villages


  解析:由第二段的“along the narrow winding road that  the hills”可知,这里选择hills。 

  3.A.surprised B.afraid

  C.pleased D.sure


  解析:根据下文“Darkness fell soon after we left the village”,说明他们“确定”在那儿能找到住宿的地方。

  4.A.at B.in

  C.through D.for


  解析:for the night意为“过夜”,介词for表示“为了”。

  5.A.everybody B.somebody

  C.nobody D.anybody


  解析:根据上文的“Darkness fell soon”,下文的“drove fast以及narrow winding road”可知在这样的夜晚和路况下,开车是很危险的。luckily是提示词,暗示未遇到一个人,选nobody。

  6.A.got to B.arrived

  C.led to D.belonged to


  解析:lead to “通向”;get to“到达”;arrive“到达”;belong to“属于”。

  7.A.taller B.higher

  C.lower D.faster


  解析:从下文可知,他们的车子是逐渐向山上爬行的,当油用完时,车子已接近山顶,以致John后来散步时不知不觉中就到了山顶。下文的“From the top of the hill he had seen,in the valley below”也是很明显的暗示。

  8.A.getting B.thinking

  C.causing D.making


  解析:从词的用法角度可知要用making。making it difficult at times to see the road是v.-ing形式做结果状语。

  9.A.certainly B.carefully

  C.slowly D.surely



  10.A.marked B.set

  C.built D.drawn


  解析:根据常识可知,城镇是“标”在地图上的。mark“标示”;set “安置”;build“建筑”;draw“画”。

  11.A.excited B.worried

  C.cold D.warm


  解析:get worried意为“开始忧虑起来”。

  12.A.attention B.operation

  C.examination D.information


  解析:由“we had run out of petrol(汽油)”这一结果可知,这是a quick examination(检查)的结果。attention“注意力”;operation“操作”;examination“检查”;information“信息”。

  13.A.spend B.live

  C.spare D.stay


  解析:spend the night “过夜”。

  14.A.since B.though

  C.so D.but



  15.A.quick B.fast

  C.poor D.heavy


  解析:从“got out of the car”看出John的睡眠不太好。

  16.A.across B.through

  C.down D.up


  解析:从“From the top of the hill”可推知,他从车里出来以后是向山顶上走的,故选up。

  17.A.lights B.map

  C.bus D.situation



  18.A.ought B.tried

  C.succeeded D.managed


  解析:ought to(应该)不合语境,succeed 后不接to do,而接in doing,故应排除;manage和try均表示“设法”,但有细微差别:前者表示设法做成了某事,后者则不一定成功。故本题答案应为D项。

  19.A.For B.In

  C.Since D.At



  20.A.policeman B.friend

  C.hotel D.cinema




  After a long day of work,I rode my bike home. 1.(sudden),the soft wind soon turned heavy with rain.What would be your 2.(react) to rain?To speed up and get home at the earliest?Well,I had a similar thought until a girl 3.(ride) ahead of me did something different.The girl slowed down.I 4.(think) she must slow down to find a place of shelter in case it poured.5.,to my surprise,she slowed down,and turned her face up towards the sky to feel the tiny droplets of water.I was inspired 6. her.I followed her example,slowed down and tried to take in the pleasant change in weather.And trust me,it was 7.(amaze)!So,when was the last time you slowed down or even stopped 8.(enjoy) the rains?If it’s been years,then don’t let this year’s monsoon pass! 

  Go ahead,experience peace and nature without having to stop your work.Instead of 9.(follow) the same rules,if you try to look at the problem from a different point of view,10. may actually bring in some good rewards.Try it! 



  1.Suddenly 解析:考查副词。此处要用副词做状语。

  2.reaction 解析:考查名词。根据语境可知句意为:你对雨的反应是什么呢?

  3.riding 解析:考查非谓语动词。a girl与ride是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用动词-ing形式做后置定语。

  4.thought 解析:考查时态。这是讲过去的故事,故要用一般过去时。

  5.However 解析:考查连词。根据上下句语意可知,此处表示转折关系。

  6.by 解析:考查介词。be inspired by...此处表示“被……激励”。

  7.amazing 解析:考查形容词。此处用形容词做表语。

  8.to enjoy 解析:考查非谓语动词。stop to do sth意为“停下来做某事”。

  9.following 解析:考查非谓语动词。of是介词,后跟动词-ing形式。

  10.it 解析:考查代词。指代上文提到的“you try to look at the problem from a different point of view”这件事。



  I love camping.It is my favoritest way to spend the summer vacation.Last year,my families and I went camping in the countryside.It was one of the excited experiences I have ever had.We slept in a tent and took a long walk every day.We cooked over a fire and the food always tasted wonderfully.For a whole week,I saw lovely mountain views or breathed fresh air.At night,I heard the gentle wind blowing in the trees,and I feel so peaceful.It doesn’t cost many to camp.What I believe it’s the best way to get close nature and enjoy its beauty.


  I love camping.It is my

  way to spend the summer vacation.Last year,my

  and I went camping in the countryside.It was one of the

  experiences I ever had.We slept in a tent and took a long walk every day.We cooked over a fire and the food always tasted .For a whole week,I saw lovely mountain views

  breathed fresh air.At night,I heard the gentle wind blowing in the trees,and I

  so peaceful.It doesn’t cost

  to camp.


  I believe it’s the best way to get close nature and enjoy its beauty.