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  考点规范练15(必修3 Unit 5)


  In 2011,a law was born.A type of ladybug(瓢虫) became the state insect of North Dakota.When the governor signed the bill into law,four kids stood behind him.These second-grade students had helped create a law!

  Jaden McNeiley,Logan Redding,Megan Zimmer,and Isabel Sieg were in first grade when their idea for a law was born.They were studying the ladybug in school.

  Megan and Logan were farm kids and knew something about the ladybug already.They knew that farmers had a problem with crop-eating pests called aphids(蚜虫) and that ladybugs ate aphids.The more ladybugs were around,the fewer chemicals the farmers had to use.

  The kids were reading an article on the computer when they saw a link that led to a list of state insects.They clicked on the link and couldn’t believe their eyes.North Dakota did not have a state insect!

  The kids decided that a kind of ladybug called the convergent lady beetle should be their state insect.This ladybug was of great benefit to their farming state and it deserved a place of honor.But they had no idea how to create a law.So they asked their teacher for help.Their teacher knew their local state representative.When they all met,the representative told the kids they would have to present facts and solid reasons to convince lawmakers that North Dakota needed the ladybug as its state insect.

  The students spent much of that first grade spring researching ladybugs.Their teacher ordered ladybug larvae(幼虫).They watched the larvae develop into adults.To learn more,they talked to scientists who study insects.The children say their research was hard work and they loved it.“Even if we hadn’t gotten what we wanted,”says Jaden,“even if the bill hadn’t passed,it was worth it.”

  The students want everyone to know that kids can make a difference.“Whether you are 8 or 80,”says Isabel,“you have a voice in your community.”“Believe in your dreams,”say Jaden and Megan.“But make sure you are ready to do work to back them up!”adds Logan.

  1.Before studying the ladybug in school,Megan and Logan already knew  . 

  A.how to create a law

  B.the advantages of aphids

  C.the state insects of the US

  D.how ladybugs benefit people

  2.How did the four kids feel when they saw the list of state insects?

  A.Surprised. B.Excited.

  C.Happy. D.Proud.

  3.Why did the four kids choose the convergent lady beetle as their state insect?

  A.Because it looks beautiful.

  B.Because they knew it very well.

  C.Because of their teacher’s advice.

  D.Because of its contribution to farming.

  4.Jaden and Megan encourage kids to  . 

  A.work for their dreams

  B.believe in themselves

  C.be different from others

  D.be devoted to their communities


  The day I met my best friend for the first time,I was full of anxiety.I was trying to do some  1  for an important oral exam in the local library,but people kept  2  me.I was getting annoyed and of course,I was not able to  3 .Suddenly I heard someone singing loudly behind me.I  4  and glared at the person who was singing.It was a tall girl about the same age as me. 

  She looked like a sensitive and friendly girl,which didn’t matter.If anything,it made me even angrier.“How could she be so selfish?”I thought  5 . 

  I picked up my books,glared at her and whispered coldly,“Thanks to your  6 ,I’ve been unable to study.You’re so  7 !”  

  I left the library in a hurry,leaving my most important textbook  8 .When I got home two hours later,I found that textbook gone.I was so  9  that I almost cried.Just then,the phone rang.A gentle voice  10  the speaker as Jenny and asked if I was Jane.After  11  that I was,she said she had noticed I’d left my book in the library and as my  12  was in it,she’d asked a librarian to get my phone number.She said she didn’t live far away and could bring it around for me if I needed it. 

  I sighed with 13  and agreed to meet her at the convenience store down the road.Of course,you’ve  14  who Jenny was.She was just the girl I had shouted at for singing in the library.When I recognized her in the store,I was filled with  15  and apologized for my rude behavior.I felt so  16 ,but Jenny just laughed,saying she was glad to see I’d also left my  17  in the library!I couldn’t help laughing at this and I invited her to my apartment for a cup of tea. 

  Ever since then we’ve been best friends and we’re getting along well.To be honest,I trust her more than anyone else.I often think how  18  I am.If Jenny hadn’t been a kind person who was willing to  19  my shortcomings,I would  20  have experienced such true friendship. 

  1.A.research B.revision C.work  D.experiment

  2.A.watching B.asking C.warning D.disturbing

  3.A.speak B.improve

  C.concentrate D.follow

  4.A.turned around B.turned down

  C.turned off D.turned over

  5.A.sadly B.hopelessly

  C.angrily D.crazily

  6.A.practice B.noise C.attitude D.existence

  7.A.selfish B.active

  C.sensitive D.stupid

  8.A.out B.around C.aside D.behind

  9.A.nervous B.careless C.upset D.forgetful

  10.A.introduced B.considered

  C.took D.remembered

  11.A.deciding B.confirming

  C.realizing D.thinking

  12.A.address B.class C.writing D.name

  13.A.comfort B.relief

  C.confidence D.satisfaction

  14.A.recognized B.found

  C.guessed D.heard

  15.A.courage B.energy C.doubt D.shame

  16.A.worried B.sorry C.terrible D.excited

  17.A.glare B.expression

  C.virtue D.friendship

  18.A.considerate B.pleased

  C.lucky D.grateful

  19.A.overcome B.share

  C.hide D.forgive

  20.A.ever B.never C.seldom D.still



  Hello Kitty,one of the most famous imaginary 1. (character)in the world,greets us everywhere.Since she was born,she 2.(gain)impressive popularity—she is 3.  international fashion queen. 

  2024 was the character’s 40th birthday.Fans from around the world gathered 4. (cheerful)to celebrate their love of Hello Kitty. 

  Hello Kitty 5.(design)as a character to attract preteenage girls.The designers could not 6. (dream)that she would become such a 7. (globe)star as she is today. 

  Helen McCarthy,an author and expert on Japanese cartoons,explained 8.  the character is so popular.“Because Hello Kitty is all about happiness,friendship and fun.Women and girls all over the world are happy 9.(buy)the image of the trusting,loving childhood represented by Hello Kitty.”  

  And the imaginary character does not only appeal 10.  females.There are also Hello Kitty products for boys and men,such as neckties and golf bags. 



  Alibaba founder Jack Ma,his company has been valued at more than $221 billion of which Ma owned 6%,is put in the top position among China’s wealthiest.But he stays outside the list of the world’s 10 rich people.

  Fought against a hard life,young Ma still managed to learn English well enough to gain a degree and became a teacher.Afterwards he started a translation agency in which took him to the US,where he introduced to the Internet.His fate was bound to change before he was accidentally appointed to take an American visitor Jerry Yang,a co-founder of Yahoo,in a tour of the Great Wall.The meeting obvious proved to be a turning point for all of them,promoting the birth of Alibaba and the later cooperation with Jerry Yang.


  考点规范练15(必修3 Unit 5)


  1.D 推理判断题。由第三段中的“They knew that...the fewer chemicals the farmers had to use”可推断,这两名学生此前就知道瓢虫有益于人类。

  2.A 推理判断题。由第四段末的“couldn’t believe their eyes.North Dakota did not have a state insect”可推断,孩子们看到州虫列表时很惊讶——北达科他州居然没有州虫。

  3.D 细节理解题。由第五段中的“This ladybug was of great benefit to their farming state and it deserved a place of honor”可知,他们之所以选该种瓢虫作为州虫是因为这种瓢虫对该州的农业很有好处。

  4.A 细节理解题。由最后一段中的“Believe in your dreams”及“But make sure you are ready to do work to back them up”可知,这两名学生鼓励孩子们为梦想而努力。


  1.B 下文说作者在图书馆里为一个重要的口语考试作准备,由此可推断,应选B项,表示“复习”。

  2.D 下文说作者感到恼火了,还听到有人在身后高声唱歌,由此判断,应选D项,disturb“打扰”。

  3.C 周围有人打扰作者学习,因此她不能“集中精力”做自己的事。

  4.A 此空与前面的“behind me”呼应,故选A项,表示“转身”。听见身后有人在大声唱歌,作者转身怒视唱歌的那个人。

  5.C 由上文内容可知,作者因为受到打扰感到很生气,因此选C项。

  6.B 作者此时在讥讽唱歌的那个女生,因为她唱歌作者不能静下来学习,故选B项,noise“噪音”。

  7.A 结合上文的“so selfish”可知,应选A项。

  8.D 由下文的“that text book gone”可知,此处应选D项。leave sth.behind “忘记带”。

  9.C 作者想复习备考,可图书馆里太吵,离开图书馆的时候又把最重要的书弄丢了,作者当然觉得“心烦”,故选C项。

  10.A 电话里传来一个人的声音,“介绍”自己叫珍妮。

  11.B 捡到作者书的珍妮在电话中“证实”了作者就是丢书的那个人。

  12.D 结合常识可知,珍妮看到书上有失主的“名字”,然后才能通过管理员查到失主的联系方式。

  13.B 弄丢的书被人捡到并主动联系了作者,在确定书没有丢失后,作者如释重负,因此选B项,表示“轻松”。

  14.C 此处表示想必各位读者已经猜到把书给作者送回来的珍妮是谁了。

  15.D 下文说作者向她道歉,因此选D项,表示作者为自己当初在图书馆对她的无礼感到“羞愧”。

  16.B 前面说作者感到羞愧,此处应选B项。

  17.A 根据“also”可知,珍妮不仅发现作者丢在图书馆里的书,还记住了作者冲她“瞪眼”的表情。

  18.C 每当想起往事,作者就觉得自己“运气好”,起初小小的不快却帮她结识了一个好朋友。

  19.D 如果珍妮不是一个善良的人,愿意“原谅”作者的缺点。

  20.B 这里作者使用了虚拟语气,表示如果不是她好心,作者就“永远”不会与她成为好朋友,因此选B项。

  .【语篇导读】本文主要介绍了卡通人物Hello Kitty。

  1.characters 考查名词的复数。character作“人物,角色”讲时是可数名词,与语境中“one of the most famous imaginary”呼应,故此处用复数形式。

  2.has gained 考查动词的时态。since表示“自从”,引导状语从句时,主句用现在完成时,从句用一般过去时,故此处用has gained。

  3.an 考查冠词。queen是可数名词,且第一次在文中出现,故用不定冠词修饰。international的读音以元音音素开头,故用不定冠词an。

  4.cheerfully 考查副词。此处修饰动词gathered,故用副词形式cheerfully。

  5.was designed 考查动词的时态和语态。design和句子主语Hello Kitty构成逻辑上的动宾关系,且此处是发生在过去的事,故应用一般过去时的被动语态。

  6.have dreamed 考查现在完成时态。根据语境可知,此处是对过去情况的推测,故用“情态动词+have done”的形式。

  7.global 考查形容词。此处修饰名词star,故用形容词global。

  8.why 考查连接副词。根据下一句“Because Hello Kitty is all about happiness,friendship and fun.”可知,应用why引导宾语从句。

  9.to buy 考查非谓语动词。be happy to do sth.,故用to buy。

  10.to 考查介词。appeal to sb.“对某人有吸引力”。

  .Alibaba founder Jack Ma,company has been valued at more than $221 billion of which Ma 6%,is put in the top position among China’s wealthiest.But he stays outside the list of the world’s 10 people.

  against a hard life,young Ma still managed to learn English well enough to gain a degree and became a teacher.Afterwards he started a translation agency


  which took him to the US,where he introduced to the Internet.His fate was bound to change he was accidentally appointed to take an American visitor Jerry Yang,a co-founder of Yahoo,a tour of the Great Wall.The meeting proved to be a turning point for of them,promoting the birth of Alibaba and the later cooperation with Jerry Yang.

  考点规范练15(必修3 Unit 5)


  In 2011,a law was born.A type of ladybug(瓢虫) became the state insect of North Dakota.When the governor signed the bill into law,four kids stood behind him.These second-grade students had helped create a law!

  Jaden McNeiley,Logan Redding,Megan Zimmer,and Isabel Sieg were in first grade when their idea for a law was born.They were studying the ladybug in school.

  Megan and Logan were farm kids and knew something about the ladybug already.They knew that farmers had a problem with crop-eating pests called aphids(蚜虫) and that ladybugs ate aphids.The more ladybugs were around,the fewer chemicals the farmers had to use.

  The kids were reading an article on the computer when they saw a link that led to a list of state insects.They clicked on the link and couldn’t believe their eyes.North Dakota did not have a state insect!

  The kids decided that a kind of ladybug called the convergent lady beetle should be their state insect.This ladybug was of great benefit to their farming state and it deserved a place of honor.But they had no idea how to create a law.So they asked their teacher for help.Their teacher knew their local state representative.When they all met,the representative told the kids they would have to present facts and solid reasons to convince lawmakers that North Dakota needed the ladybug as its state insect.

  The students spent much of that first grade spring researching ladybugs.Their teacher ordered ladybug larvae(幼虫).They watched the larvae develop into adults.To learn more,they talked to scientists who study insects.The children say their research was hard work and they loved it.“Even if we hadn’t gotten what we wanted,”says Jaden,“even if the bill hadn’t passed,it was worth it.”

  The students want everyone to know that kids can make a difference.“Whether you are 8 or 80,”says Isabel,“you have a voice in your community.”“Believe in your dreams,”say Jaden and Megan.“But make sure you are ready to do work to back them up!”adds Logan.

  1.Before studying the ladybug in school,Megan and Logan already knew  . 

  A.how to create a law

  B.the advantages of aphids

  C.the state insects of the US

  D.how ladybugs benefit people

  2.How did the four kids feel when they saw the list of state insects?

  A.Surprised. B.Excited.

  C.Happy. D.Proud.

  3.Why did the four kids choose the convergent lady beetle as their state insect?

  A.Because it looks beautiful.

  B.Because they knew it very well.

  C.Because of their teacher’s advice.

  D.Because of its contribution to farming.

  4.Jaden and Megan encourage kids to  . 

  A.work for their dreams

  B.believe in themselves

  C.be different from others

  D.be devoted to their communities


  The day I met my best friend for the first time,I was full of anxiety.I was trying to do some  1  for an important oral exam in the local library,but people kept  2  me.I was getting annoyed and of course,I was not able to  3 .Suddenly I heard someone singing loudly behind me.I  4  and glared at the person who was singing.It was a tall girl about the same age as me. 

  She looked like a sensitive and friendly girl,which didn’t matter.If anything,it made me even angrier.“How could she be so selfish?”I thought  5 . 

  I picked up my books,glared at her and whispered coldly,“Thanks to your  6 ,I’ve been unable to study.You’re so  7 !”  

  I left the library in a hurry,leaving my most important textbook  8 .When I got home two hours later,I found that textbook gone.I was so  9  that I almost cried.Just then,the phone rang.A gentle voice  10  the speaker as Jenny and asked if I was Jane.After  11  that I was,she said she had noticed I’d left my book in the library and as my  12  was in it,she’d asked a librarian to get my phone number.She said she didn’t live far away and could bring it around for me if I needed it. 

  I sighed with 13  and agreed to meet her at the convenience store down the road.Of course,you’ve  14  who Jenny was.She was just the girl I had shouted at for singing in the library.When I recognized her in the store,I was filled with  15  and apologized for my rude behavior.I felt so  16 ,but Jenny just laughed,saying she was glad to see I’d also left my  17  in the library!I couldn’t help laughing at this and I invited her to my apartment for a cup of tea. 

  Ever since then we’ve been best friends and we’re getting along well.To be honest,I trust her more than anyone else.I often think how  18  I am.If Jenny hadn’t been a kind person who was willing to  19  my shortcomings,I would  20  have experienced such true friendship. 

  1.A.research B.revision C.work  D.experiment

  2.A.watching B.asking C.warning D.disturbing

  3.A.speak B.improve

  C.concentrate D.follow

  4.A.turned around B.turned down

  C.turned off D.turned over

  5.A.sadly B.hopelessly

  C.angrily D.crazily

  6.A.practice B.noise C.attitude D.existence

  7.A.selfish B.active

  C.sensitive D.stupid

  8.A.out B.around C.aside D.behind

  9.A.nervous B.careless C.upset D.forgetful

  10.A.introduced B.considered

  C.took D.remembered

  11.A.deciding B.confirming

  C.realizing D.thinking

  12.A.address B.class C.writing D.name

  13.A.comfort B.relief

  C.confidence D.satisfaction

  14.A.recognized B.found

  C.guessed D.heard

  15.A.courage B.energy C.doubt D.shame

  16.A.worried B.sorry C.terrible D.excited

  17.A.glare B.expression

  C.virtue D.friendship

  18.A.considerate B.pleased

  C.lucky D.grateful

  19.A.overcome B.share

  C.hide D.forgive

  20.A.ever B.never C.seldom D.still



  Hello Kitty,one of the most famous imaginary 1. (character)in the world,greets us everywhere.Since she was born,she 2.(gain)impressive popularity—she is 3.  international fashion queen. 

  2024 was the character’s 40th birthday.Fans from around the world gathered 4. (cheerful)to celebrate their love of Hello Kitty. 

  Hello Kitty 5.(design)as a character to attract preteenage girls.The designers could not 6. (dream)that she would become such a 7. (globe)star as she is today. 

  Helen McCarthy,an author and expert on Japanese cartoons,explained 8.  the character is so popular.“Because Hello Kitty is all about happiness,friendship and fun.Women and girls all over the world are happy 9.(buy)the image of the trusting,loving childhood represented by Hello Kitty.”  

  And the imaginary character does not only appeal 10.  females.There are also Hello Kitty products for boys and men,such as neckties and golf bags. 



  Alibaba founder Jack Ma,his company has been valued at more than $221 billion of which Ma owned 6%,is put in the top position among China’s wealthiest.But he stays outside the list of the world’s 10 rich people.

  Fought against a hard life,young Ma still managed to learn English well enough to gain a degree and became a teacher.Afterwards he started a translation agency in which took him to the US,where he introduced to the Internet.His fate was bound to change before he was accidentally appointed to take an American visitor Jerry Yang,a co-founder of Yahoo,in a tour of the Great Wall.The meeting obvious proved to be a turning point for all of them,promoting the birth of Alibaba and the later cooperation with Jerry Yang.


  考点规范练15(必修3 Unit 5)


  1.D 推理判断题。由第三段中的“They knew that...the fewer chemicals the farmers had to use”可推断,这两名学生此前就知道瓢虫有益于人类。

  2.A 推理判断题。由第四段末的“couldn’t believe their eyes.North Dakota did not have a state insect”可推断,孩子们看到州虫列表时很惊讶——北达科他州居然没有州虫。

  3.D 细节理解题。由第五段中的“This ladybug was of great benefit to their farming state and it deserved a place of honor”可知,他们之所以选该种瓢虫作为州虫是因为这种瓢虫对该州的农业很有好处。

  4.A 细节理解题。由最后一段中的“Believe in your dreams”及“But make sure you are ready to do work to back them up”可知,这两名学生鼓励孩子们为梦想而努力。


  1.B 下文说作者在图书馆里为一个重要的口语考试作准备,由此可推断,应选B项,表示“复习”。

  2.D 下文说作者感到恼火了,还听到有人在身后高声唱歌,由此判断,应选D项,disturb“打扰”。

  3.C 周围有人打扰作者学习,因此她不能“集中精力”做自己的事。

  4.A 此空与前面的“behind me”呼应,故选A项,表示“转身”。听见身后有人在大声唱歌,作者转身怒视唱歌的那个人。

  5.C 由上文内容可知,作者因为受到打扰感到很生气,因此选C项。

  6.B 作者此时在讥讽唱歌的那个女生,因为她唱歌作者不能静下来学习,故选B项,noise“噪音”。

  7.A 结合上文的“so selfish”可知,应选A项。

  8.D 由下文的“that text book gone”可知,此处应选D项。leave sth.behind “忘记带”。

  9.C 作者想复习备考,可图书馆里太吵,离开图书馆的时候又把最重要的书弄丢了,作者当然觉得“心烦”,故选C项。

  10.A 电话里传来一个人的声音,“介绍”自己叫珍妮。

  11.B 捡到作者书的珍妮在电话中“证实”了作者就是丢书的那个人。

  12.D 结合常识可知,珍妮看到书上有失主的“名字”,然后才能通过管理员查到失主的联系方式。

  13.B 弄丢的书被人捡到并主动联系了作者,在确定书没有丢失后,作者如释重负,因此选B项,表示“轻松”。

  14.C 此处表示想必各位读者已经猜到把书给作者送回来的珍妮是谁了。

  15.D 下文说作者向她道歉,因此选D项,表示作者为自己当初在图书馆对她的无礼感到“羞愧”。

  16.B 前面说作者感到羞愧,此处应选B项。

  17.A 根据“also”可知,珍妮不仅发现作者丢在图书馆里的书,还记住了作者冲她“瞪眼”的表情。

  18.C 每当想起往事,作者就觉得自己“运气好”,起初小小的不快却帮她结识了一个好朋友。

  19.D 如果珍妮不是一个善良的人,愿意“原谅”作者的缺点。

  20.B 这里作者使用了虚拟语气,表示如果不是她好心,作者就“永远”不会与她成为好朋友,因此选B项。

  .【语篇导读】本文主要介绍了卡通人物Hello Kitty。

  1.characters 考查名词的复数。character作“人物,角色”讲时是可数名词,与语境中“one of the most famous imaginary”呼应,故此处用复数形式。

  2.has gained 考查动词的时态。since表示“自从”,引导状语从句时,主句用现在完成时,从句用一般过去时,故此处用has gained。

  3.an 考查冠词。queen是可数名词,且第一次在文中出现,故用不定冠词修饰。international的读音以元音音素开头,故用不定冠词an。

  4.cheerfully 考查副词。此处修饰动词gathered,故用副词形式cheerfully。

  5.was designed 考查动词的时态和语态。design和句子主语Hello Kitty构成逻辑上的动宾关系,且此处是发生在过去的事,故应用一般过去时的被动语态。

  6.have dreamed 考查现在完成时态。根据语境可知,此处是对过去情况的推测,故用“情态动词+have done”的形式。

  7.global 考查形容词。此处修饰名词star,故用形容词global。

  8.why 考查连接副词。根据下一句“Because Hello Kitty is all about happiness,friendship and fun.”可知,应用why引导宾语从句。

  9.to buy 考查非谓语动词。be happy to do sth.,故用to buy。

  10.to 考查介词。appeal to sb.“对某人有吸引力”。

  .Alibaba founder Jack Ma,company has been valued at more than $221 billion of which Ma 6%,is put in the top position among China’s wealthiest.But he stays outside the list of the world’s 10 people.

  against a hard life,young Ma still managed to learn English well enough to gain a degree and became a teacher.Afterwards he started a translation agency


  which took him to the US,where he introduced to the Internet.His fate was bound to change he was accidentally appointed to take an American visitor Jerry Yang,a co-founder of Yahoo,a tour of the Great Wall.The meeting proved to be a turning point for of them,promoting the birth of Alibaba and the later cooperation with Jerry Yang.