2024届高考英语二轮复习语法篇专题训练:专题7 句子结构与特殊句式(新课标全国通用)

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2024届高考英语二轮复习语法篇专题训练:专题7 句子结构与特殊句式(新课标全国通用)

  专题七 句子结构与特殊句式



  1.Not until we lose our health  we  (realize)its value. 

  2.Mary never does any reading in the evening,   Tom. 

  3.Then  (come)a new difficulty. 

  4.It was what he meant rather than what he said  annoyed me. 

  5.It was in the small house  was built with stones by his father  he spent his childhood. 

  6.Have a bath and a rest,  you’ll feel better. 

  7.Attention!  (fill)in the form right now,making sure that every detail supplied is accurate. 

  8.Fighting an artificial greenhouse effect seems to be the greatest environmental challenge, (do not)it? 

  9.Between the two rows of trees  (stand) the teaching building. 

  10.Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent  the patients be treated properly in this hospital. 

  答案:1.do;realize 2.neither/nor does 3.came/comes 4.that 5.which;that 6.and 7.Fill 8.doesn’t 9.stands 10.can


  1.So loudly he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.


  2.Only when he returned home he realized what had happened.


  3.Try although he might,he couldn’t open the door.


  4.It was 9 o’clock that he came back last night.


  5.Following the road round to the right and you’ll find his house.


  6.How fun it will be when we all go on holiday together.


  7.Oh,much smoke here! Somebody opens the window,please.


  8.So difficult did I found it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice.


  9.Only when he apologizes for his rudeness I speak to him again.


  10.Do tell me the truth,but I can’t help you.


  答案:1.he前加did 2.he realized→did he realize 3.although→though/as 4.that→when 5.Following→Follow 6.How→What 7.opens→open 8.found→find

  9.I前加will 10.but→or/otherwise


  I do believe in recycling and think recycling is a good thing,because I work at a local recycling center.In fact,I think everyone should recycle to make the earth a better place as a whole.

  Clearlake,California alone on a busy day can bring in 80,000 pounds of trash to the local dump.I know the figure because I work at the local dump in McKinleyville.I see bags of plastic,aluminum and glass get thrown into the bin,which we transport straight to a landfill(垃圾填埋池) in Anderson,California.If everyone recycled the plastic,aluminum and glass,they could save thousands of pounds a day from going to the landfill.Waste is a big problem in this world.

  Recycling saves a lot of natural resources,because every time you turn something into the recycling center,part of that is reused on a future product.When people don’t recycle plastic bottles,aluminum cans,or glass bottles in their trash can,they are only used once and then sent to a landfill just to take up space.So why don’t more people recycle?I think it’s because recycling is an inconvenience for a lot of people.What they have to know is how to sort out the recycling from their trash and where to put their recycling.

  Now,almost every place has somewhere to recycle.People in Clearlake take a recycling bin to Trinidad twice a week where people in the town of Trinidad will sort and place their recycling.The town of Orick just opened a recycling center about a month ago to help clean up the town and to aid in the recycling situation itself.

  When people buy materials in stores,they have to pay the California Refund Value on the beverage containers.Therefore,unless you take the recycling down to the local recycling center,you are throwing the extra money you paid for the container away.When you buy a glass,aluminum,or plastic beverage container in California,you are paying four cents for any container under twenty-four ounces,and eight cents for one over twenty-four ounces.

  If everyone recycled,the landfills wouldn’t fill so quickly,and our natural resources wouldn’t disappear so quickly.We would also keep pollution down with less objects being submitted as trash.


  1.According to Paragraph 2,the figure “80,000” is mentioned to prove that  . 

  A.the waste in Clearlake is causing big problems

  B.the dustmen in Clearlake are working really hard

  C.the landfills can contain all the waste in Clearlake

  D.the writer works at a large local dump in Clearlake

  解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的“Clearlake,California alone on a busy day can bring in 80,000 pounds of trash to the local dump.”以及“Waste is a big problem in this world.”可知,作者提到这个数字是为了强调这么多的垃圾造成严重的问题。


  2.Paragraph 4 is organized by  . 

  A.making analysisB.giving examples

  C.making comparisons D.offering descriptions

  解析:篇章结构题。根据第四段的“Now,almost every place has somewhere to recycle.”可知,作者列举了能够将垃圾重新回收利用的地方,为了证明垃圾回收站点是很多的。


  3.How much should you get paid if you recycle two glass containers of twenty-five ounces?

  A.Four cents. B.Eight cents.

  C.Twelve cents. D.Sixteen cents.

  解析:推理判断题。根据第五段的“...you are paying four cents for any container under twenty-four ounces,and eight cents for one over twenty-four ounces.”可知,消费者要为每个24盎司以上的玻璃容器支付8美分,故两个25盎司以上的玻璃容器需支付16美分。


  4.What is the passage mainly about?

  A.The benefits of recycling.

  B.The expense of recycling.

  C.The procedures of recycling.

  D.The development of recycling.




  Several months ago,I read an article in a newspaper.It is about a 40-year-old, 1  young lady who tried her best to live her life to the fullest and achieved many desired results.When asked  2 she tried to live every day to the fullest,she said that life was like a(n)  3 .According to her,not every book was worth  4 .She wanted her book of life to be thrilling, 5 ,inspiring and meaningful.The more I read this article,the more  6 I was.And I was lost in  7 after reading the book.Careful consideration should be given to the essence of life. 

  Right now,your book is being written and you are the  8 .Every moment that passes,every day that appears and  9 ,your pages are being written.Every word you  10 ,shapes page after page in your book of life.How you live and how you  11  others also shape the pages of your book—from cover to cover.The way you behave towards others is important. 

  In retrospect(回顾),perhaps the beginning of your book may not have been written  12  because of mistakes,or unwise  13 .But you can make it a bestseller.You can make it a bestseller  14  you are the character and author and you,by your present and future actions, 15  how the final chapter of your book will read.You should try to be the  16  of your life;to succeed in the life is one’s goal. 

  Start a new chapter today—a chapter that will give you and others the  17  to read.Enjoy who you are and what you do. 18 writing and live your life to the fullest. 

  How does your book read so far and what will your  19 chapter say?Have you ever wondered?If you haven’t, 20  it now and I hope you’ll be inspired,too. 



  C.healthy D.successful

  解析:根据“who tried her best to live her life to the fullest...”可知推断这个女人很“成功”。


  2.A.where B.when

  C.how D.why



  3.A.house B.umbrella  C.book D.picture



  4.A.advertising B.observing C.reading D.selling



  5.A.short B.valuable C.exhausting D.expensive



  6.A.inspired B.puzzled C.amused D.shocked



  7.A.surprise B.excitement C.anger D.thought



  8.A.actress B.actor C.author D.director

  解析:根据“your book is being written”可知我们都是我们自己人生之书的“作者”。


  9.A.improves B.disappears C.occurs D.performs



  10.A.invent B.translate C.memorize D.speak

  解析:根据Every word可知这里是指所“说”的每一个字。


  11.A.meet B.recognize C.treat D.remember



  12.A.difficultly B.well C.gradually D.frequently

  解析:根据because of mistakes可知这里是指书的前面部分可能没写“好”。


  13.A.decisions B.worries C.hobbies D.words



  14.A.though B.unless C.because D.if

  解析:you are the character...是在解释原因,故选C项引导原因状语从句。


  15.A.desire B.explain C.prove D.control



  16.A.loser B.winner C.member D.designer

  解析:根据to succeed in the life is one’s goal可知这里是指成为人生“赢家”。


  17.A.sentence B.result C.concern D.delight



  18.A.Avoid B.Suggest C.Keep D.Consider



  19.A.final B.first C.amazing D.old



  20.A.care about B.think about

  C.make up D.look for




  My sisters’ car was parked in the front of our house for the night yesterday.This morning,I was sad to see that her driver side mirror destroyed.There was no note;whoever hit it has driven off.The mirror would need replaced.My sister didn’t earn too many with the holidays being over,so when I told her about them,she was very depressed and angry.Later,my sister told me that someone stuck a $50 bill in the space between the mirror base or the glass when she was at work.That randomly act of kindness really lightened the load in my sister’s shoulders and could pay for a bit of gas as well.



  car was parked in


  front of our house for the night yesterday.This morning,I was sad to see that her driver side mirror destroyed.There was no note;whoever hit it

  driven off.The mirror would need .My sister didn’t earn too

  with the holidays being over,so when I told her about ,she was very depressed and angry.Later,my sister told me that someone stuck a $50 bill in the space between the mirror base

  the glass when she was at work.That

  act of kindness really lightened the load

  my sister’s shoulders and could pay for a bit of gas as well.

  专题七 句子结构与特殊句式



  1.Not until we lose our health  we  (realize)its value. 

  2.Mary never does any reading in the evening,   Tom. 

  3.Then  (come)a new difficulty. 

  4.It was what he meant rather than what he said  annoyed me. 

  5.It was in the small house  was built with stones by his father  he spent his childhood. 

  6.Have a bath and a rest,  you’ll feel better. 

  7.Attention!  (fill)in the form right now,making sure that every detail supplied is accurate. 

  8.Fighting an artificial greenhouse effect seems to be the greatest environmental challenge, (do not)it? 

  9.Between the two rows of trees  (stand) the teaching building. 

  10.Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent  the patients be treated properly in this hospital. 

  答案:1.do;realize 2.neither/nor does 3.came/comes 4.that 5.which;that 6.and 7.Fill 8.doesn’t 9.stands 10.can


  1.So loudly he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.


  2.Only when he returned home he realized what had happened.


  3.Try although he might,he couldn’t open the door.


  4.It was 9 o’clock that he came back last night.


  5.Following the road round to the right and you’ll find his house.


  6.How fun it will be when we all go on holiday together.


  7.Oh,much smoke here! Somebody opens the window,please.


  8.So difficult did I found it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice.


  9.Only when he apologizes for his rudeness I speak to him again.


  10.Do tell me the truth,but I can’t help you.


  答案:1.he前加did 2.he realized→did he realize 3.although→though/as 4.that→when 5.Following→Follow 6.How→What 7.opens→open 8.found→find

  9.I前加will 10.but→or/otherwise


  I do believe in recycling and think recycling is a good thing,because I work at a local recycling center.In fact,I think everyone should recycle to make the earth a better place as a whole.

  Clearlake,California alone on a busy day can bring in 80,000 pounds of trash to the local dump.I know the figure because I work at the local dump in McKinleyville.I see bags of plastic,aluminum and glass get thrown into the bin,which we transport straight to a landfill(垃圾填埋池) in Anderson,California.If everyone recycled the plastic,aluminum and glass,they could save thousands of pounds a day from going to the landfill.Waste is a big problem in this world.

  Recycling saves a lot of natural resources,because every time you turn something into the recycling center,part of that is reused on a future product.When people don’t recycle plastic bottles,aluminum cans,or glass bottles in their trash can,they are only used once and then sent to a landfill just to take up space.So why don’t more people recycle?I think it’s because recycling is an inconvenience for a lot of people.What they have to know is how to sort out the recycling from their trash and where to put their recycling.

  Now,almost every place has somewhere to recycle.People in Clearlake take a recycling bin to Trinidad twice a week where people in the town of Trinidad will sort and place their recycling.The town of Orick just opened a recycling center about a month ago to help clean up the town and to aid in the recycling situation itself.

  When people buy materials in stores,they have to pay the California Refund Value on the beverage containers.Therefore,unless you take the recycling down to the local recycling center,you are throwing the extra money you paid for the container away.When you buy a glass,aluminum,or plastic beverage container in California,you are paying four cents for any container under twenty-four ounces,and eight cents for one over twenty-four ounces.

  If everyone recycled,the landfills wouldn’t fill so quickly,and our natural resources wouldn’t disappear so quickly.We would also keep pollution down with less objects being submitted as trash.


  1.According to Paragraph 2,the figure “80,000” is mentioned to prove that  . 

  A.the waste in Clearlake is causing big problems

  B.the dustmen in Clearlake are working really hard

  C.the landfills can contain all the waste in Clearlake

  D.the writer works at a large local dump in Clearlake

  解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的“Clearlake,California alone on a busy day can bring in 80,000 pounds of trash to the local dump.”以及“Waste is a big problem in this world.”可知,作者提到这个数字是为了强调这么多的垃圾造成严重的问题。


  2.Paragraph 4 is organized by  . 

  A.making analysisB.giving examples

  C.making comparisons D.offering descriptions

  解析:篇章结构题。根据第四段的“Now,almost every place has somewhere to recycle.”可知,作者列举了能够将垃圾重新回收利用的地方,为了证明垃圾回收站点是很多的。


  3.How much should you get paid if you recycle two glass containers of twenty-five ounces?

  A.Four cents. B.Eight cents.

  C.Twelve cents. D.Sixteen cents.

  解析:推理判断题。根据第五段的“...you are paying four cents for any container under twenty-four ounces,and eight cents for one over twenty-four ounces.”可知,消费者要为每个24盎司以上的玻璃容器支付8美分,故两个25盎司以上的玻璃容器需支付16美分。


  4.What is the passage mainly about?

  A.The benefits of recycling.

  B.The expense of recycling.

  C.The procedures of recycling.

  D.The development of recycling.




  Several months ago,I read an article in a newspaper.It is about a 40-year-old, 1  young lady who tried her best to live her life to the fullest and achieved many desired results.When asked  2 she tried to live every day to the fullest,she said that life was like a(n)  3 .According to her,not every book was worth  4 .She wanted her book of life to be thrilling, 5 ,inspiring and meaningful.The more I read this article,the more  6 I was.And I was lost in  7 after reading the book.Careful consideration should be given to the essence of life. 

  Right now,your book is being written and you are the  8 .Every moment that passes,every day that appears and  9 ,your pages are being written.Every word you  10 ,shapes page after page in your book of life.How you live and how you  11  others also shape the pages of your book—from cover to cover.The way you behave towards others is important. 

  In retrospect(回顾),perhaps the beginning of your book may not have been written  12  because of mistakes,or unwise  13 .But you can make it a bestseller.You can make it a bestseller  14  you are the character and author and you,by your present and future actions, 15  how the final chapter of your book will read.You should try to be the  16  of your life;to succeed in the life is one’s goal. 

  Start a new chapter today—a chapter that will give you and others the  17  to read.Enjoy who you are and what you do. 18 writing and live your life to the fullest. 

  How does your book read so far and what will your  19 chapter say?Have you ever wondered?If you haven’t, 20  it now and I hope you’ll be inspired,too. 



  C.healthy D.successful

  解析:根据“who tried her best to live her life to the fullest...”可知推断这个女人很“成功”。


  2.A.where B.when

  C.how D.why



  3.A.house B.umbrella  C.book D.picture



  4.A.advertising B.observing C.reading D.selling



  5.A.short B.valuable C.exhausting D.expensive



  6.A.inspired B.puzzled C.amused D.shocked



  7.A.surprise B.excitement C.anger D.thought



  8.A.actress B.actor C.author D.director

  解析:根据“your book is being written”可知我们都是我们自己人生之书的“作者”。


  9.A.improves B.disappears C.occurs D.performs



  10.A.invent B.translate C.memorize D.speak

  解析:根据Every word可知这里是指所“说”的每一个字。


  11.A.meet B.recognize C.treat D.remember



  12.A.difficultly B.well C.gradually D.frequently

  解析:根据because of mistakes可知这里是指书的前面部分可能没写“好”。


  13.A.decisions B.worries C.hobbies D.words



  14.A.though B.unless C.because D.if

  解析:you are the character...是在解释原因,故选C项引导原因状语从句。


  15.A.desire B.explain C.prove D.control



  16.A.loser B.winner C.member D.designer

  解析:根据to succeed in the life is one’s goal可知这里是指成为人生“赢家”。


  17.A.sentence B.result C.concern D.delight



  18.A.Avoid B.Suggest C.Keep D.Consider



  19.A.final B.first C.amazing D.old



  20.A.care about B.think about

  C.make up D.look for




  My sisters’ car was parked in the front of our house for the night yesterday.This morning,I was sad to see that her driver side mirror destroyed.There was no note;whoever hit it has driven off.The mirror would need replaced.My sister didn’t earn too many with the holidays being over,so when I told her about them,she was very depressed and angry.Later,my sister told me that someone stuck a $50 bill in the space between the mirror base or the glass when she was at work.That randomly act of kindness really lightened the load in my sister’s shoulders and could pay for a bit of gas as well.



  car was parked in


  front of our house for the night yesterday.This morning,I was sad to see that her driver side mirror destroyed.There was no note;whoever hit it

  driven off.The mirror would need .My sister didn’t earn too

  with the holidays being over,so when I told her about ,she was very depressed and angry.Later,my sister told me that someone stuck a $50 bill in the space between the mirror base

  the glass when she was at work.That

  act of kindness really lightened the load

  my sister’s shoulders and could pay for a bit of gas as well.