2024届高考英语二轮复习攻关篇专题训练:题型4 语法填空2.4(新课标全国通用)

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2024届高考英语二轮复习攻关篇专题训练:题型4  语法填空2.4(新课标全国通用)

  题型四 语法填空




  Scientists have discovered that  1 (stay)in the cold could help us lose weight.Researchers at the University of California found that exposure to the cold increases levels of a protein that helps form brown fat—the type of fat that produces heat and keeps us warm.Brown fat burns energy, 2  helps us lose weight.White fat stores extra energy,which results  3  weight gain.The researchers said that because air conditioning and heating give us constant, 4 (comfort)temperatures,our body’s need for brown fat has decreased.They found that:“Outdoor workers in northern Finland who  5 (expose)to cold temperature have  6  significant amount of brown fat when  7 (compare)to same-aged indoor workers.” 

  The research was conducted on two different control groups of mice. 8  group was injected with the protein that helps create brown fat.This group later gained 30% less weight after both groups were fed high-fat diets.The researchers say this could be good news in the fight against obesity.People who are obese have  9 (low)levels of brown fat than thinner people.Head researcher Hei Sook Sul said:“This protein could become an important target for research into the treatment and prevention of obesity and obesity-related diseases.” She added:“If you can somehow increase levels of this protein,you could  10 (possible)lose more weight even if eating the same amount of food.” 

  答案:1.staying 2.which 3.in 4.comfortable 5.are exposed 6.a 7.compared 8.One 9.lower 10.possibly


  Based on recent researches,distance learning is slowly proving as  1 (value)as the traditional campus based form.It is a fixed truth that this form of learning is  2  the increase.Moreover,both students and teachers have expressed their  3 (happy)with these courses.The best part of distance learning courses is their flexible format.Students can continue  4 (work)and study at the same time without any kind of difficulty.You will  5 (provide)with the facilities of a virtual(虚拟的)classroom and a virtual campus.Anyone  6  upgrades their professional knowledge to a new level can apply for these courses.With an online study format,the tests and notes can be  7 (access)with just a mouse click from your home computer.However,a student  8 (attend)an online course must take the time management  9 (serious).Every online student must keep  10  in mind that proper management of time and study schedule is the key towards success in this format. 

  答案:1.valuable 2.on 3.happiness 4.to work 5.be provided 6.who 7.accessible/accessed 8.attending/that attends/who attends 9.seriously 10.it


  Hotel:Good afternoon,Rainbow Hotel.

  Robinson:Good afternoon,my name is Steve Robinson  1  Paris.I’d like to book a room for the 20th March,please. 

  Hotel:A room for the 20th March.Your  2 (nation)is French? 

  Robinson:That’s right.I’m French.

  Hotel:Well,how long do you intend  3 (stay)? 

  Robinson:Well,let me see.The conference will finish on Wednesday.Then I’d like to visit some of my friends there after  4  conference.I’ll leave on Friday. 

  Hotel:You’re leaving on Friday.That’s the 24th March.

  Robinson:Yes,that’s right.

  Hotel:What kind of room do you like,a single or  5 ? 

  Robinson:I’d like a single room.I prefer a room away from the street.I hate noise.

  Hotel:OK.A single room away from the street.

  Robinson:How  6  is it? 

  Hotel:$60 for one night  7 (include)an English breakfast. 

  Robinson:It  8 (sound)good. 

  Hotel:All right,Mr.Robinson.Can I have your passport number,please?

  Robinson:Of course.My number is H33049795.

  Hotel:H33049795.OK,Mr.Robinson.You  9 (book)a single room from 20th March to 24th.We’re expecting your  10 (come). 

  Robinson:Thank you very much.

  Hotel:You’re welcome.

  答案:1.from 2.nationality 3.to stay 4.the 5.double

  6.much 7.including 8.sounds 9.have booked 10.coming


  I feel  1 (delight)to get your email and learn you are so interested in the Chinese Summer Camp  2 (hold)in our school from July 10th to July 30th this summer.On behalf of my classmates,I’d like to welcome you and introduce to you the contents of it. 

  Firstly you will learn everyday Chinese by communicating with  3 (we)Chinese students so that you 4 speak simple Chinese.At the same time you 5 (teach)Chinese,thus understanding the meaning of Chinese characters 6 the help of the teachers.Secondly you are to take part in different parties and know the history of China and Chinese culture,especially Chinese holidays, 7 will impress you deeply.What’s more,you may have chances to visit some museums and tour the Great Wall, 8 (experience)the colorful culture of China and the 9 (great)of the Great Wall. 

  I believe the Chinese Summer Camp will not only provide a chance for you to study Chinese, 10 will promote the friendship between us. 

  答案:1.delighted 2.to be held 3.us 4.can 5.will be taught 6.with 7.which 8.experiencing 9.greatness 10.but


  It was mid-morning on a warm and pleasant Saturday.I was in the middle of my first skydive of the day.It was my 2,123rd  1  since having taken up the sport fifteen years ago. 

  After about one minute of free-fall and 5,000 feet  2  the ground,I parted ways with my fellow jumpers to get far enough away from them to open my parachute  3 .I managed to open it around 3,000 feet above the earth. 4 ,my parachute opened with some twists in the  5  between the parachute and me.This is not that  6 ;I experienced such a problem often.What was different this time was that I was not able to  7  the twists. 

  The twists caused my parachute to  8  an asymmetrical(非对称的) shape.Receiving asymmetrical inputs,the canopy(顶棚)  9  a turn.The problem occurred  10  the turn quickly became a  11 ,diving downward spiral(漩涡) that was spinning me a full 360 degrees about once every second. 

  My first  12  was that I was not going to be able to  13  this problem.Having successfully  14  over 2,100 jumps without having to resort to my second parachute,it was hard for me to believe I had really encountered something  15  at that time in my life.I  16  naturally that I could not fix this problem. 

  It’s always  17  for people to fall into negative feelings when they are confronted with a problem.Fortunately,I  18  myself and managed to solve the problem in the end.I  19  safely in the end. 

  Always believe in yourself when you’re in trouble.If you don’t,you may get panicked and end up with a bigger trouble.You don’t want that to happen,right?So  20  getting into a panic when you are in trouble. 



  C.dream D.jump

  解析:根据in the middle of my first skydive of the day可知应选D项。


  2.A.across B.under

  C.above D.between



  3.A.suddenly B.deliberately

  C.safely D.frequently



  4.A.Interestingly B.Sadly

  C.Fortunately D.Importantly

  解析:根据“my parachute opened with some twists”可知应选B项,表示“令人难过的是”。


  5.A.lines B.covers

  C.designs D.tools

  解析:根据between the parachute and me可知应选A项,表示降落伞上面的“绳子”。


  6.A.attractive B.embarrassing

  C.promising D.uncommon

  解析:根据“I experienced such problem often”可知这种情况并不是“不常见”。


  7.A.obtain B.remove

  C.develop D.observe



  8.A.look into B.send for

  C.take on D.depend on



  9.A.caused B.prevented

  C.replaced D.improved

  解析:根据the turn quickly became...可知这种情况“促使”降落伞的绳子转动了起来。


  10.A.though B.when

  C.unless D.if

  解析:根据The problem occurred可知这里是指当后面那种情况出现的时候。


  11.A.secure B.simple

  C.relaxing D.rapid

  解析:根据a full 360 degrees about once every second可知绳子“快速”转动起来。


  12.A.annoyance B.appreciation

  C.reaction D.expression

  解析:“I was not going to be able to...”是作者的第一“反应”。


  13.A.understand B.raise

  C.require D.solve



  14.A.invented B.completed

  C.checked D.found



  15.A.difficult B.meaningless

  C.harmless D.confident



  16.A.regretted B.imagined

  C.feared D.informed

  解析:I could not fix this problem是作者所“害怕”的事情。


  17.A.stupid B.unbelievable

  C.impossible D.easy



  18.A.looked for B.calmed down

  C.cared about D.came across

  解析:根据managed to solve the problem in the end可知作者很快“镇定”了下来。


  19.A.landed B.appeared

  C.observed D.flew



  20.A.begin B.avoid

  C.suggest D.consider



  题型四 语法填空




  Scientists have discovered that  1 (stay)in the cold could help us lose weight.Researchers at the University of California found that exposure to the cold increases levels of a protein that helps form brown fat—the type of fat that produces heat and keeps us warm.Brown fat burns energy, 2  helps us lose weight.White fat stores extra energy,which results  3  weight gain.The researchers said that because air conditioning and heating give us constant, 4 (comfort)temperatures,our body’s need for brown fat has decreased.They found that:“Outdoor workers in northern Finland who  5 (expose)to cold temperature have  6  significant amount of brown fat when  7 (compare)to same-aged indoor workers.” 

  The research was conducted on two different control groups of mice. 8  group was injected with the protein that helps create brown fat.This group later gained 30% less weight after both groups were fed high-fat diets.The researchers say this could be good news in the fight against obesity.People who are obese have  9 (low)levels of brown fat than thinner people.Head researcher Hei Sook Sul said:“This protein could become an important target for research into the treatment and prevention of obesity and obesity-related diseases.” She added:“If you can somehow increase levels of this protein,you could  10 (possible)lose more weight even if eating the same amount of food.” 

  答案:1.staying 2.which 3.in 4.comfortable 5.are exposed 6.a 7.compared 8.One 9.lower 10.possibly


  Based on recent researches,distance learning is slowly proving as  1 (value)as the traditional campus based form.It is a fixed truth that this form of learning is  2  the increase.Moreover,both students and teachers have expressed their  3 (happy)with these courses.The best part of distance learning courses is their flexible format.Students can continue  4 (work)and study at the same time without any kind of difficulty.You will  5 (provide)with the facilities of a virtual(虚拟的)classroom and a virtual campus.Anyone  6  upgrades their professional knowledge to a new level can apply for these courses.With an online study format,the tests and notes can be  7 (access)with just a mouse click from your home computer.However,a student  8 (attend)an online course must take the time management  9 (serious).Every online student must keep  10  in mind that proper management of time and study schedule is the key towards success in this format. 

  答案:1.valuable 2.on 3.happiness 4.to work 5.be provided 6.who 7.accessible/accessed 8.attending/that attends/who attends 9.seriously 10.it


  Hotel:Good afternoon,Rainbow Hotel.

  Robinson:Good afternoon,my name is Steve Robinson  1  Paris.I’d like to book a room for the 20th March,please. 

  Hotel:A room for the 20th March.Your  2 (nation)is French? 

  Robinson:That’s right.I’m French.

  Hotel:Well,how long do you intend  3 (stay)? 

  Robinson:Well,let me see.The conference will finish on Wednesday.Then I’d like to visit some of my friends there after  4  conference.I’ll leave on Friday. 

  Hotel:You’re leaving on Friday.That’s the 24th March.

  Robinson:Yes,that’s right.

  Hotel:What kind of room do you like,a single or  5 ? 

  Robinson:I’d like a single room.I prefer a room away from the street.I hate noise.

  Hotel:OK.A single room away from the street.

  Robinson:How  6  is it? 

  Hotel:$60 for one night  7 (include)an English breakfast. 

  Robinson:It  8 (sound)good. 

  Hotel:All right,Mr.Robinson.Can I have your passport number,please?

  Robinson:Of course.My number is H33049795.

  Hotel:H33049795.OK,Mr.Robinson.You  9 (book)a single room from 20th March to 24th.We’re expecting your  10 (come). 

  Robinson:Thank you very much.

  Hotel:You’re welcome.

  答案:1.from 2.nationality 3.to stay 4.the 5.double

  6.much 7.including 8.sounds 9.have booked 10.coming


  I feel  1 (delight)to get your email and learn you are so interested in the Chinese Summer Camp  2 (hold)in our school from July 10th to July 30th this summer.On behalf of my classmates,I’d like to welcome you and introduce to you the contents of it. 

  Firstly you will learn everyday Chinese by communicating with  3 (we)Chinese students so that you 4 speak simple Chinese.At the same time you 5 (teach)Chinese,thus understanding the meaning of Chinese characters 6 the help of the teachers.Secondly you are to take part in different parties and know the history of China and Chinese culture,especially Chinese holidays, 7 will impress you deeply.What’s more,you may have chances to visit some museums and tour the Great Wall, 8 (experience)the colorful culture of China and the 9 (great)of the Great Wall. 

  I believe the Chinese Summer Camp will not only provide a chance for you to study Chinese, 10 will promote the friendship between us. 

  答案:1.delighted 2.to be held 3.us 4.can 5.will be taught 6.with 7.which 8.experiencing 9.greatness 10.but


  It was mid-morning on a warm and pleasant Saturday.I was in the middle of my first skydive of the day.It was my 2,123rd  1  since having taken up the sport fifteen years ago. 

  After about one minute of free-fall and 5,000 feet  2  the ground,I parted ways with my fellow jumpers to get far enough away from them to open my parachute  3 .I managed to open it around 3,000 feet above the earth. 4 ,my parachute opened with some twists in the  5  between the parachute and me.This is not that  6 ;I experienced such a problem often.What was different this time was that I was not able to  7  the twists. 

  The twists caused my parachute to  8  an asymmetrical(非对称的) shape.Receiving asymmetrical inputs,the canopy(顶棚)  9  a turn.The problem occurred  10  the turn quickly became a  11 ,diving downward spiral(漩涡) that was spinning me a full 360 degrees about once every second. 

  My first  12  was that I was not going to be able to  13  this problem.Having successfully  14  over 2,100 jumps without having to resort to my second parachute,it was hard for me to believe I had really encountered something  15  at that time in my life.I  16  naturally that I could not fix this problem. 

  It’s always  17  for people to fall into negative feelings when they are confronted with a problem.Fortunately,I  18  myself and managed to solve the problem in the end.I  19  safely in the end. 

  Always believe in yourself when you’re in trouble.If you don’t,you may get panicked and end up with a bigger trouble.You don’t want that to happen,right?So  20  getting into a panic when you are in trouble. 



  C.dream D.jump

  解析:根据in the middle of my first skydive of the day可知应选D项。


  2.A.across B.under

  C.above D.between



  3.A.suddenly B.deliberately

  C.safely D.frequently



  4.A.Interestingly B.Sadly

  C.Fortunately D.Importantly

  解析:根据“my parachute opened with some twists”可知应选B项,表示“令人难过的是”。


  5.A.lines B.covers

  C.designs D.tools

  解析:根据between the parachute and me可知应选A项,表示降落伞上面的“绳子”。


  6.A.attractive B.embarrassing

  C.promising D.uncommon

  解析:根据“I experienced such problem often”可知这种情况并不是“不常见”。


  7.A.obtain B.remove

  C.develop D.observe



  8.A.look into B.send for

  C.take on D.depend on



  9.A.caused B.prevented

  C.replaced D.improved

  解析:根据the turn quickly became...可知这种情况“促使”降落伞的绳子转动了起来。


  10.A.though B.when

  C.unless D.if

  解析:根据The problem occurred可知这里是指当后面那种情况出现的时候。


  11.A.secure B.simple

  C.relaxing D.rapid

  解析:根据a full 360 degrees about once every second可知绳子“快速”转动起来。


  12.A.annoyance B.appreciation

  C.reaction D.expression

  解析:“I was not going to be able to...”是作者的第一“反应”。


  13.A.understand B.raise

  C.require D.solve



  14.A.invented B.completed

  C.checked D.found



  15.A.difficult B.meaningless

  C.harmless D.confident



  16.A.regretted B.imagined

  C.feared D.informed

  解析:I could not fix this problem是作者所“害怕”的事情。


  17.A.stupid B.unbelievable

  C.impossible D.easy



  18.A.looked for B.calmed down

  C.cared about D.came across

  解析:根据managed to solve the problem in the end可知作者很快“镇定”了下来。


  19.A.landed B.appeared

  C.observed D.flew



  20.A.begin B.avoid

  C.suggest D.consider

