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  时间120分钟 满分150分

  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

  第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)


  1.How much did the woman pay for the dress?

  A.40 dollars. 

  B.45 dollars. C.50 dollars.

  2.Who is the girl over there in red?

  A.Susan's neighbor.

  B.The woman's sister.

  C.The woman's roommate's friend.

  3.Why does the woman refuse to eat carrots?

  A.Because she doesn't like carrots at all.

  B.Because she doesn't think they're healthy.

  C.Because she has been eating them every day.

  4.How does the man probably feel?




  5.What does the woman mean?

  A.She'll go with the man.

  B.Her daughter dislikes reading.

  C.She'll spend time with her daughter.




  6.When will the wonderful show begin?

  A.At 8:00 p.m.

  B.At 8:30 p.m.

  C.At 9:00 p.m.

  7.What will the woman do tonight?

  A.Watch TV with Lily.

  B.Watch a basketball game.

  C.Stay with the man the whole time.


  8.Why does the man go to Paris?

  A.To visit a friend.

  B.To work.

  C.To visit museums.

  9.Which country did the woman go to about five years ago?




  10.What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?


  B.Husband and wife.



  11.Why is the woman calling the man?

  A.To invite the man and Julia to a party.

  B.To invite the man and Julia over to dinner.

  C.To ask the man and Julia to enjoy outdoors on Saturday.

  12.What is the man's reply to Rose's invitation?

  A.He's not free.

  B.He's not sure.

  C.He'll certainly go.

  13.What has the man promised to do?

  A.Visit Julia's mother.

  B.Persuade Julia to join him.

  C.Give Rose a phone call later.


  14.How did the man probably look when the woman saw him?




  15.What does the woman think of the man?

  A.That he is hard­working.

  B.That he is careful.

  C.That he is funny.

  16.What will the man do?

  A.Lend the woman some books.

  B.Buy some books for the woman.

  C.Ask the woman what kinds of books she likes.

  17.What is the woman?

  A.A teacher.

  B.A student.

  C.A writer.


  18.How old is the man's grandmother?




  19.What is the man's father?

  A.A farmer.

  B.A teacher.

  C.A doctor.

  20.What does the man's mother like doing in her free time?

  A.Going fishing.


  C.Watching TV.

  答案:1-5 ACCBC 6-10 CACAC 11-15 BBCBA

  16-20 ABBCC


  Text 1

  M:How much did you pay for the dress?

  W:It usually costs fifty dollars. But I got a twenty percent discount.

  Text 2

  M:Is the girl over there in red your sister?

  W:No. That's Susan,my roommate's friend.

  Text 3

  W:I don't want to eat carrots today.

  M:But they're good for your eyes.

  W:I know that. But do we have to eat them every day?

  Text 4

  M:What's going on around here? All the offices were changed. I really cannot believe this!

  W:Haven't you heard? Where have you been,anyway?

  M:I was sent to Beijing. I just went back.

  W:Well, a lot of changes were made last week. By the way, Han Mei is your boss now.

  Text 5

  M:I'll go to Mr Black's garage sale. Mr Black has many books for sale.

  W:There are many books for sale too at a flea market on this street. Why don't you go there?

  M:I'd like to, but I've promised Mr Black I'll go to his garage sale this afternoon. Do you want to come ?

  W:I'll play with my daughter in the park this afternoon.

  Text 6

  W:What's on TV tonight?

  M: Here's news from 7:00 p. m. to 8:00 p. m.

  W:Oh, good.

  M:And then there's a basketball game at 8:30 p. m.

  W:Oh, no! There's a wonderful show on another channel at 9:00 p. m. I'd rather watch that.

  M:Well, the basketball game ends at ten. I'm afraid you cannot watch it.

  W:But I don't want to miss the show.

  M:Why not go to Lily's? You two can watch it together.

  W:That's a good idea.

  Text 7

  W:Are you going to Paris,too?

  M:Yes. I'm going to Paris

  first, and then I'll go to Amsterdam. I'd like to visit the museums of these two cities.

  W:May I ask where you're from?

  M:I'm from Germany.

  W:Oh, I went to Berlin once about five years ago. It was beautiful.

  M:I'm glad you liked it. Are you Japanese?

  W:No. I'm from China.

  M:Oh,I've been to China.

  W:Really? Which cities have you been to?

  M:Well, I have been to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

  W:Which city did you like best?

  M:Beijing. The Great Wall is so amazing.

  Text 8

  M:Hello. This is Jack. Who is that,please?

  W:Hello,Jack. This is Rose. How are you?

  M:Just fine, thanks, Rose.

  W:Say, Romeo and I are wondering if you and Julia are free this Saturday.

  M:Saturday. Let me see. It seems Julia mentioned something about visiting her mother that afternoon.

  W:Oh,what a pity!

  M:Why? What did you have in mind?

  W:Oh, do you think it would be nice to have you over for dinner? But if you're not free...

  M:Well, let me check with Julia again. She is out

  now. I'll call you tonight, and let you know for sure. OK?

  W:Great! I'm waiting for your call. Goodbye!


  Text 9

  W:What's wrong?

  M:I can't find my list. I wish I hadn't thrown it away by mistake.

  W:It's a list of books,isn't it?

  M:Yes. Have you seen it?

  W:I thought it might be useful, so I took it from thewaste paper basket.

  M:Oh,that's very kind of you. I am always so careless. Can I get it back?

  W:Of course, but I don't have it on me. I put it in my desk in our classroom. By the way, how can you

  read so many books when you have to study all day long?

  M:I read them as long as I have any time.

  W:You are really diligent. You set a good example for me.

  M:What kinds of books do you like reading?

  W:Books on science and technology.

  M:Then we can share these books.

  W:Good idea.

  Text 10

  (Read by a man)

  My name is Xiao Ming. I'm 16 years old and like to play tennis at school. There are five people in my family: my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and I.

  My grandfather and grandmother live on the farm. My grandfather works in the fields all the day even though he is 62 years old this year and my grandmother ,who is two years younger than her husband, works at home as a housewife. They are very strong and healthy, They enjoy walking when they have time. My father,a kind­hearted doctor in his late 30s,

  is respected and loved by patients because he has

  saved so many people's lives. He often invites his

  friends to go fishing after work. As an English teacher, my mother spends much of her time on her

  students. She does a good job in her school. She is fond of watching TV at home when she is free. That's my family. All the members in my family live a happy life and we love each other deeply.

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

  第一节  (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)




  I went to the Tsavo National Park in northern Kenya for a film.We set off early for a distant water hole.A huge elephant covered with dry mud, drank calmly and deeply.He might have traveled 50 km to reach the water.He wasn't going to hurry now.He'd drink a while and rest in the shade, and then drink again or so we thought.What actually happened was that he drank deeply and stepped away.Then he suddenly fell down.Within minutes he was dead.

  We called animal doctor Jeremiah Poghon immediately.He removed the head of a poisoned arrow from the elephant's body, and let out over 100 liters of pus (胺)—the result of the elephant's meeting with a poacher(偷猎者)months before.

  Today's poacher shoots from a blind.He fires an arrow, covered with poison, into the body of an elephant.If the poacher is lucky, the elephant might die in an hour or two; if not, he might have to follow the elephant for days before it dies.Often the arrow head fails to kill the elephant at once­it doesn't mean the poison won't finally kill the elephant, but it will be a slow death.

  Living in Tsavo through these times, I could see the results of poaching from time to time.When I think about the death of that elephant, what stays with me is the extraordinary silence after the shocking sound of his body hitting the ground.I took some comfort from the knowledge that as the dead body returned to the soil, some animals would benefit—but I couldn't escape the feeling that with the death of such a large animal, the world seemed to be a poorer and emptier place.


  21.While filming near the water hole, the author and his team ________.

  A.knew the elephant was injured

  B.found the elephant acted violently

  C.tried their best to save the elephant

  D.thought the elephant was in good condition

  答案:D 细节理解题。由第一段第四、五、六句话“He might have traveled 50 km to reach the water.He wasn't going to hurry now.He'd drink a while and rest in the shade, and then drink again or so we thought.”可知,作者和他的团队原以为这头大象状况良好。

  22.Further examination showed that the dead elephant ________.

  A.had suffered an hour or two

  B.was killed by a poisonous needle

  C.had suffered a lot

  D.had had a good fight with a poacher

  答案:C 推理判断题。由第二段可知,这头大象是几个月前就中了毒箭,所以一定是经受了很多痛苦。

  23.How does the author feel when thinking about the elephant's death?


  C.Upset. D.Relieved.

  答案:C 推理判断题。由最后一段最后一句话“...but I couldn't escape the feeling that with the death of such a large animal, the world seemed to be a poorer and emptier place.”可知,作者非常难过。

  24.Why did the author write the text?

  A.To introduce African elephant.

  B.To show the cruelty of poaching.

  C.To describe his filming experience.

  D.To ask readers to protect wild animals.

  答案:D 推理判断题。通过对那头中毒死去的大象的哀悼呼吁人们保护野生动物。



  There's a “culture of walking and texting” on the Utah Valley University campus, according to conversations with students, but that's not the main reason Matt Bambrough, the creative director at UVU, came up with an idea to paint a “texting lane” on a staircase leading up to the Wellness Center.

  According to Bambrough, it's first and foremost a design project—the texting lane was a tongue­in­cheek(戏谑)reference to the college­wide epidemic(流行)of kids walking around with their faces buried in their iPhones.

  “You have 18­24­year­olds walking down the hall with smart phones.You're almost bound to run into someone somewhere; it's something we're dealing with in this day and age,” Bambrough said.“But preventing collisions isn't the reason we did it—we did it to arouse the students' attention.It's meant to be there for people to look at and enjoy.”

  Still, when talking to Utah Valley students, it sounds like texting and walking can be quite the annoyance.

  Robbie Poffenberger, an assistant news editor at the UVU Review, said that most collisions he witnesses aren't human­on­human; rather, it's generally human­on­inanimate­object.“They walk into barriers—chairs on the side of the hallway, or railings,” Poffenberger said, “I'm sure they're fairly embarrassed.”


  25.What do we learn about the “texting lane” from the text?

  A.It is a special campus culture in Utah Valley University.