2024届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:选修7 Module5 Ethnic Culture(外研版)

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2024届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:选修7 Module5 Ethnic Culture(外研版)

  Module 5 Ethnic Culture


  1.You should have a good night’s sleep much work you have to do. 

  2.When the headmaster spoke out his plan,the (major) of the students were against it. 

  3. (adjust) to the tropical heat was more difficult than we had expected. 

  4.Their parents (kill) in the war,many children have become orphans. 

  5. (offer)an important role in a new movie,Peter has a chance to become a famous actor. 

  6.(2024浙江杭州外国语学校期中,4)Nowadays,more and more parents wish to bring changes in educating their children due to dissatisfaction with the educational system. 

  7.(2024福建东山二中期中,31)It took what seemed to be years the actress finally turned up,which made the journalists as well as audiences disappointed and angry. 

  8.(2024浙江瑞安中学期中,5)— (hope),I can make it home by 8:30 when the football game will be on TV. 

  —Well,it depends on how efficiently you work.

  9.My father insisted that every minute (be)made full use of (do)the work well. 

  10.The boy knocked down by the car stood up all by himself, (apparent)unhurt. 


  “For many children,Christmas holidays will often include lots of homework.But if schools are teaching correctly,the 1 (major)of homework is unimportant,”says John Walmsley. 

  Personally,my view is that homework is totally 2 (necessary)for primary school pupils and those in the first three years of secondary school education.However,I will admit that 3 is necessary to do some homework when students reach their important exam years. 

  At that stage—from the age of 10 and 4 (high)—homework assignments serve a purpose;they provide opportunities for students to develop valuable skills in 5 (depend)research and the fundamental principles of academic honesty. 

  Ultimately,each school,teacher and parent will draw their own line in the sand when 6 (determine)the correct age for pupils to be given homework,but discussions over homework should not stop there. 

  For parents, 7 it comes to homework,there is a fine line between helping your children and doing the homework for them.Just as teachers should avoid 8 (place)pressure on their students,parents should appreciate that 9 doing the homework for them,they are in fact hindering their children’s 10 (able)to think independently.  


  When I was a little girl,I used to walk with my grandmother up a quiet road.Grandma and I would chat about this and that,or we’d just walk in 1 ,enjoying the outdoors and each other’s 2 .Yet,for me,these times were not just a(n) 3 to be with my grandmother.These walks were treasure hunts. 

  More often than not,money would be 4 with the gravel (沙粒)and dust at the road’s edge.Not lots of it—a penny here.Sometimes,on really 5 days,I’d find more than a quarter. 

  Some days,I wouldn’t find anything.Other days,I’d come back with more than twenty-five cents. 6 back now,it was not 7 the money that was such a big deal;it was the joy of 8 .It made me feel so 9 . 

  Yet,it wasn’t until years later that that simple 10 came to mean so much more to me than simply a child’s happiness.My mother told me a truth that I had never 11 . 

  “Remember when you used to walk with Grandma up Cummings Road?” she started the conversation.All those years,she 12 ,my grandfather used to drive up and down the walking route, 13 change for me to find.I was 14 .He never told me himself.I remembered how he’d smile when I dug my find out of my pocket to show him.I’d never imagined that he was the one 15 for it. 

  My grandfather wasn’t a man who 16 me often as a child,but I had 17 doubted his love for me.Now,I knew,he had given me joy in ways I hadn’t even 18 to him. 

  Now,every once in a while,when I take a walk down the street,I drop a penny or two.I 19 some small child finding it,delighted at the discovery.They’ll never know someone put it there 20 for them to find.But that’s part of the joy.Thanks Grandpa. 

  1.A.excitement B.silence

  C.secret D.relief

  2.A.care B.experience C.life D.company

  3.A.chance B.adventure

  C.honor D.favor

  4.A.faced B.mixed C.crowded D.armed

  5.A.sunny B.rainy

  C.lucky D.peaceful

  6.A.Dating B.Holding C.Coming D.Looking

  7.A.even B.rather

  C.almost D.ever

  8.A.nature B.travel C.discovery D.work

  9.A.casual B.special C.creative D.practical

  10.A.memory B.action C.kindness D.story

  11.A.believed B.missed

  C.supposed D.suspected

  12.A.whispered B.admitted

  C.signed D.agreed

  13.A.dropping B.making

  C.sending D.passing

  14.A.annoyed B.disappointed

  C.amazed D.pleased

  15.A.ready B.responsible C.fit D.famous

  16.A.beat B.respected C.hugged D.scolded

  17.A.always B.often C.sometimes D.never

  18.A.devoted B.replied C.connected D.turned

  19.A.imagine B.notice C.keep D.have

  20.A.by accident B.by mistake

  C.on time D.on purpose



  Should we allow modern buildings to be built next to older buildings in a historic area of a city?In order to answer this question,we must first examine whether people really want to preserve the historic feel of an area.Not all historical buildings are attractive.However,there may be other reasons—for example,economic(经济的)reasons—why they should be preserved.So,let us assume that historical buildings are both attractive and important to the majority of people.What should we do then if a new building is needed?

  In my view,new architectural styles can exist perfectly well alongside an older style.Indeed,there are many examples in my own home town of Tours where modern designs have been placed very successfully next to old buildings.As long as the building in question is pleasing and does not dominate(影响)its surroundings too much,it often improves the attractiveness of the area.

  It is true that there are examples of new buildings which have spoilt(破坏)the area they are in,but the same can be said of some old buildings too.Yet people still speak against new buildings in historic areas.I think this is simply because people are naturally conservative(保守的)and do not like change.

  Although we have to respect people’s feelings as fellow users of the buildings,I believe that it is the duty of the architect and planner to move things forward.If we always reproduced what was there before,we would all still be living in caves.Thus,I would argue against copying previous architectural styles and choose something fresh and different,even though that might be the more risky choice. 

  1.What does the author say about historical buildings in the first paragraph?

  A.Some of them are not attractive.

  B.Most of them are too expensive to preserve.

  C.They are more pleasing than modern buildings.

  D.They have nothing to do with the historic feel of an area.

  2.Which of the following is true according to the author?

  A.We should reproduce the same old buildings.

  B.Buildings should not dominate their surroundings.

  C.Some old buildings have spoilt the area they are in.

  D.No one understands why people speak against new buildings.

  3.By“move things forward”in the last paragraph,the author probably means“ .” 

  A.destroy old buildings

  B.put things in a different place

  C.choose new architectural styles

  D.respect people’s feelings for historical buildings

  4.What is the main purpose of the passage?

  A.To explain why people dislike change.

  B.To warn that we could end up living in caves.

  C.To admit how new buildings have ruined their surroundings.

  D.To argue that modern buildings can be built in historic areas.


  1.however 句意:无论有多少工作要做,你都应该好好睡上一觉。考查状语从句。however引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter how。

  2.majority 句意:当校长说出他的计划的时候,大多数学生都反对。考查名词。设空处在主句中作主语,需用名词形式。

  3.Adjusting 句意:适应热带地区的高温比我们预料的更为困难。考查非谓语动词。根据句意可知,设空处在主句中作主语,故用动名词形式。

  4.killed 句意:许多孩子的父母在战争中死亡,他们成了孤儿。考查独立主格结构。their parents与kill之间是被动关系,故用过去分词形式。

  5.Offered 句意:彼得在一部新电影里获得了一个重要的角色,他有机会成为一名著名演员。考查非谓语动词。Peter与offer之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作状语。

  6.about 句意:由于对教育制度的不满,如今,越来越多的家长想在教育孩子方面带来变化。bring about带来。

  7.before 句意:似乎是用了很长时间那个女演员才出现,这让记者和观众都很失望和生气。考查时间状语从句。到……之前,要用before引导。

  8.Hopefully 句意:——我希望在8:30电视播出足球赛之前到家的。——哦,那就要看你的工作效率了。考查副词。此处用副词形式修饰后面整个句子。hopefully充满希望地。

  9.(should)be;to do 句意:我爸爸坚持认为为了做好功课,每一分钟都应该被充分运用。考查非谓语动词。 insist意为:坚持认为、坚决要求,其后that从句中的谓语动词用(should+)动词原形;第二个空是不定式作状语,表目的。

  10.apparently 句意:那个被车撞倒的男孩自己站起来了,显然他没有受伤。考查副词。此处应该用副词apparently“显然”来修饰unhurt。


  [语篇解读] 本文是一篇议论文。主要论述了假期作业有没有必要的问题。作者认为,假期作业对于小学生来说完全没有必要,但对于要参加重要考试的学生来说是有必要的。

  1.majority 考查名词。此处表示“大多数作业都是不重要的”,major的名词形式为majority,the majority of...表示“大多数的……”。

  2.unnecessary 考查形容词。根据下文However后面的语境“对于即将参加重要考试的学生来说做作业是有必要的”可知,此处表示“对于小学生来说作业是完全没有必要的”,故此处答案为necessary的反义词unnecessary“没有必要的”。

  3.it 考查代词。此处it用作形式主语,代替后面的动词不定式。

  4.higher 考查形容词比较级。句意:在那个阶段——从十岁以及更大年龄开始……。故用high的比较级形式higher。

  5.independent 考查形容词。此处应该用形容词修饰后面的名词research,再根据句意,故此处答案为depend的形容词形式independent,表示“独立的”。

  6.determining 考查状语从句的省略。此处为when引导的时间状语从句的省略,补全为when they are determining...,故答案为determine的-ing 形式,即determining。

  7.when 考查固定句式。when it comes to...为固定句式,表示“当涉及某事时”。

  8.placing 考查非谓语动词。avoid表示“避免”,其后接v.-ing形式作宾语,故此处答案为placing。

  9.by 考查介词。by doing sth.表示“通过做某事”。

  10.ability 考查名词。由设空前的children’s可知此处应用名词形式,故此处答案为ability。


  [语篇解读] 小时候,我常和祖母出去散步,也总是会在路边幸运地发现一些遗落的硬币。多年后,我才知道,是谁带给儿时的我如此多的幸运和欢愉。

  1.B or提示这里指相反的情况,即我和祖母常会无所不谈,又或者只是默默地散步,享受户外活动和彼此的陪伴。in silence沉默地,无声地;in excitement兴奋地;in secret暗地里,秘密地;in relief如释重负地。

  2.D 这里指我和祖母共享的一段时光,故彼此的陪伴更符合语境。company n.陪伴;care n.照料,小心;experience n.经验,经历;life n.生活,人生。

  3.A 然而,对我而言,这些时光不仅仅是我与祖母相处的机会。chance n.机会;adventure n.冒险;honor n.光荣,荣幸;favor n.好感,赞同。

  4.B 钱常常混杂在路边的沙尘里。be mixed with混合,混杂;be faced with面临,面对;be crowded with挤满,拥挤;be armed with用……武装起来。

  5.C 总能在路边捡到钱,当然是幸运的。

  6.D 现在回想起来,其实那些钱根本就不重要,重要的是发现所带来的快乐。look back回首(往事);回忆;date back追溯到;hold back克制,隐瞒,阻碍;come back回来,恢复(知觉、记忆等)。

  7.A 副词even可以用来引出更精确的说法,意思是“甚至可以说,其实,实际上”;rather adv.相当,宁愿;almost adv.几乎,差不多;ever adv.曾经,从来。

  8.C 最后一段中“delighted at the discovery”也有提示。discovery n.发现;nature n.自然,天性;travel n.旅行;work n.工作。

  9.B 这让我感觉如此特别。special adj.特别的,特殊的,专门的;casual adj.漫不经心的,偶然的;creative adj.创造性的;practical adj.实际的,实用的。

  10.A 多年以后,儿时的记忆对我而言已经不仅仅意味着一个孩子的快乐了。memory n.记忆,回忆;action n.行动,行为;kindness n.仁慈,亲切;story n.故事。

  11.D 妈妈告诉我一个我从未怀疑过的真相。suspect v.怀疑;believe v.相信;miss v.想念;suppose v.假设。

  12.B 妈妈承认,那些年,我的祖父曾经开车往返在我们散步的路线上,扔下一些零钱等我发现。admit v.承认;whisper v.耳语;sign v.签署;agree v.同意。

  13.A 最后一段中“I drop a penny or two”也有提示。drop v.(故意)降下,使落下;make v.做,制造;send v.发送,派遣;pass v.经过。

  14.C 听到这件事,我的第一反应自然是吃惊的,而非恼怒的、失望的或者高兴的。

  15.B 我从未想过祖父是整件事的负责人。(be) responsible for对……负责;(be) ready for为……做好准备;(be) fit for适合于;(be) famous for因……而著名。

  16.C 祖父不是那种常常把我当做小孩子拥抱的人。hug v.拥抱;beat v.打;respect v.尊敬;scold v.责骂。

  17.D 根据上文可知,虽然祖父不表现出来,但是我从不怀疑他对我的爱。never adv.从不;always adv.总是;often adv.经常;sometimes adv.有时。

  18.C 祖父用出乎我意料的方式给予了我快乐,我却从来没有把这件事与祖父联系起来。connect to联系到,连接到;devote to致力于;reply to答复;turn to求助于,转向。

  19.A 现在,当我在街上散步时,我会偶尔扔掉一两个便士,想象着某个小孩子找到它,为这一发现而高兴的样子。imagine sb.doing sth.想象某人做某事;notice sb.doing sth.注意到某人做某事;keep/have sb.doing sth.让某人一直做某事。

  20.D 他们永远都不会知道,有人故意把它放在那里让他们找到。on purpose故意,有意;by accident偶然;by mistake错误地;on time准时。


  [语篇解读] 本文为议论文,讨论了现代建筑如何与古建筑和谐共存。在作者看来,既要保证城市的发展,又要保护古建筑不被破坏,两者是可以和谐共存的。