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  英 语 试 卷




  从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  1.---I’m planning to go to Kingdom of Cambodia this summer vacation. I think the trip will be exciting.

  ---___________, as it’s the rainy season then.

  A. Yes, it will

  B. Of course not

  C. You can say so

  D. It’s hard to say

  2.---Why are you so crazy about music?

  --- Because I can always find in music _____ peace that is missing in _____ world full of challenges.

  A. the; a

  B. the;/

  C. /; a

  D. /; the

  3.----How long have you been in this office?

  ----Just a few minutes.I_____ here together with my cousin。

  A.have walked

  B.had walked

  C.have been walking D.walked

  4.Smiles around the world _____ be false, _______ other feelings like anger, fear or worry.

  A.must; hide B.shall; hiding

  C. may; hide D.can; hiding

  5.The driver started to speed up to ______ for the hour he had lost in the traffic jam.

  A. keep up

  B. take up

  C. make up

  D. catch up

  6.To qualify yourself for this kind of new job, I recommend that you ______ some online courses.

  A. to take

  B. taking

  C. take

  D. would take

  7.Bears ______ fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energy enough to last them through their winter sleep.

  A.pack up

  B.build up

  C.bring up

  D.take up

  8.We shall not start the project until it __________ by the committee.

  A. will be approved

  B. approves

  C. has been approved

  D. is to approve

  9.Some pills many people take to achieve or maintain their desired weight will lower their life expectancy_____ they contain something harmful.

  A.so that

  B.in that

  C.even if

  D.as if

  10.All the materials have been posted to you. I’m looking forward to the chance to meet you _____ to discuss the present situation of our company.

  A.in peace B.in return C.in trouble D.in person

  11.______on the opposite wall ____ one map together with dozens of pictures.

  A.Hung; is

  B.Hung; are

  C.Hanging; is D.Hanging; are

  12.Perseverance is a kind of quality, and that is ______ it takes to do everything well.

  A. why

  B. that

  C. what

  D. which

  13.With the guide ______ the way, we finally got to the village which we were looking for.

  A. led

  B. leading

  C. to lead

  D. had led

  14.Mary felt sad over the loss of photos she had shot in Australia, ______ that was a memory she especially treasured.

  A. as

  B. which

  C. when

  D. where

  15.It is in the very village, ________ Mary was born 35 years ago, ________ she will build her first school, ________ inspires everyone to help her.

  A.where; that; which

  B.that; that; that

  C.that; when; which

  D.where; when; that

  16.The committee is discussing the problem right now. It will _____ have been solved by the end of next week.

  A. eagerly

  B. hopefully

  C. immediately

  D. Gradually

  17.As a grassroots singer, she reads everything she can get hold of and catch every opportunity she meets up with so as to gain _____ progress.

  A. mild

  B. widespread

  C. steady



  18.We should look up to him as a shinning example of _____ to duty.





  19.______on the opposite wall ____ one map together with dozens of pictures.

  A.Hung; is

  B.Hung; are

  C.Hanging; is

  D.Hanging; are

  20.---I am going to travel to England. Would you consider telling me about your experiences there?

  ---__________.Let’s discuss it over drink.

  A.That’s all right.

  B.By all means.

  C.Go ahead.

  D.It just depends.

  第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


  I am anything but adventurous. So, when I actually __21__ the courage to learn driving and, even more __22__, passed the test, I fancied being a free spirit at last.

  I mistakenly thought I would __23__new roads and drive to the farthest horizons. But, trying new highways was next to _24__ for me. The time I tried, I got hopelessly __25__ and found myself going around in circles. When I eventually found the way home, I _26__ this was the end of the adventurous life. I __27___ the known routes. When a friend __28__ me to make the most of weekend when the traffic was _29___ to make new discoveries, I _30__ at her with horror. Was I going to __31__ a perfectly good weekend raising my blood pressure or was I going to spend it doing as little as possible? __32___, I chose the latter option.

  After some years of battling the Sharjah-Dubai ___33

  , I told myself it wasn’t worth __34__ my peace of mind. Now I had the Metro, buses and _35___ to choose from. Taking taxi was one of the best _36___ I have made from a traffic point of view. There was an unbelievable sense of lightness __37___ I jumped into a taxi, taken to my destination without being worried.

  All one has to do is give directions. I am good at that. Giving directions, I mean. And I am very __38___ when I issue these, with no effect on the part of the person driving. As soon as I sit inside, I start the description of the ___39__ to be taken in great detail so as to _40____ the possibility of being taken for a ride.

  21.A.covered B.delivered C.gathering D.removing

  22.A.enthusiastically B.surprisingly C.importantly D.typically

  23.A.discover B.get C.invent D.purchase

  24.A.invisible B.useful C.practical D.impossible

  25.A.lost B.amazed C.puzzled D.moved

  26.A.refused B.hoped C.replied D. swore

  27.A.added to B. stuck to C.got to D. referred to

  28.A.suggested B.ordered C.advised D.persuaded

  29.A.light B.heavy C.slow D.safe

  30.A.glared B.stared C.glanced D.viewed

  31.A.use B.spare C.waste D.devote

  32.A.Of course B. in short

  C.In case D. Of all

  33.A.system B.atmosphere C.society D.traffic

  34.A.weighing B.disturbing C.conducting D. carrying

  35.A.cars B.trains C.trucks D.cabs

  36.A.dreams B.discoveries C.choices D.challenges

  37.A.while B.when C.until D.before

  38.A.considerate B.ignorant C.stubborn D.accurate

  39.A.route B.map C.design D. course

  40.A.increase B.extend C.reduce D.Expand




  One evening last summer, when I asked my 14 year old son, Ray, for help with dinner, his response shocked me."What’s a colander(漏勺)?" he asked.

  I could only blame myself.In the family, nobody else’s hands went in the sauce except my own.But that night, as I explained with a touch of panic that a colander is the thing with holes in it, I wondered what else I hadn’t prepared Ray for.

  As parents, while we focus on our sons’ confidence and character, we perhaps don’t always consider that we are also raising someone’s future roommates, boyfriends, husbands, or fathers.I wanted to know that I’d raised a boy who would never ask the woman in his life, "What’s for dinner?" So I came up with a plan: I would offer Ray a private home economics course.I was delighted to find that he didn’t say no.For two hours, three days a week, Ray was all mine.One day, as his tomato sauce reduced on the stove, he washed and seasoned a chicken for roasting.Then he rolled out the piecrust (馅饼皮) and filled it with apples, all while listening to my explanation on the importance of preheating an oven.

  I knew that he would rather have been shooting hoops in the driveway than learning to mend socks with his mother—he tried to beg not to have sewing lessons, even though I insisted that one day, someone would find the sight of him fixing his own shirt very attractive— but it couldn’t be denied that he was learning, and more than just housekeeping."I appreciate what you do as a mom," he told me one day.Ray now understands the finer points of cooking, and more importantly, he realizes there’s nothing masculine (男子气概的) about being helpless.

  Now, not only can he make his own dinner, but also he can make a big meal for his family.That’s what I call a man.I’m glad that I prepared so great a present for my future daughter in-law.

  41.Why was the author shocked at her son’s response?

  A.Because he was not well behaved.

  B.Because he refused to help with dinner.

  C.Because he didn’t know the common kitchen tools.

  D.Because he was very curious about kitchen tools.

  42.In the author’s opinion, some parents pay little attention to _______.

  A.building up children’s confidence

  B.telling kids what is right and wrong

  C.preparing children for their future life

  D.making children live a hard life

  43.After learning to do housework, Ray _______.

  A.fell in love with sewing

  B.did other work in the house

  C.began to be more hardworking

  D.acknowledged his mother’s efforts

  44.We can infer from the text that Ray _______.

  A.made great progress in cooking.

  B.always thought housework interesting.

  C.preferred sewing to cooking.

  D.was unwilling to learn cooking at first.

  45.What would the author like to convey in the text?

  A.Useful education for boys

  B.The importance of housework

  C.Boys should be involved in housework.

  D. Cooking and sewing make boys masculine.


  Across the rich world, well-educated people increasingly work longer than the less-skilled. Some 65% of American men aged 62-74 with a professional degree are in the workforce, compared with 32% of men with only a high-school certificate. This gap is part of a deepening divide between the well-education well off and the unskilled poor. Rapid technological advance has raised the incomes of the highly skilled while squeezing those of the unskilled. The consequences, for individual and society, are profound.

  The world is facing as astonishing rise in the number of old people, and they will live longer than ever before. Over the next 20 years the global population of those aged 65 or more will almost double, from 600 million to 1.1 billion. The experience of the 20th century, when greater longevity translated into more years in retirement rather than more years at work, has persuaded many observers that this shift will lead to slower economic growth, while the swelling ranks of pensioners will create government budget problems.

  But the notion of a sharp division between the working young and the idle old misses a new trend, the growing gap between the skilled and the unskilled. Employment rates are falling among younger unskilled people, whereas older skilled folk are working longer. The divide is most extreme in America, where well-educated baby-boomers (二战后生育高峰期出生的美国人) are putting off retirement while many less-skilled younger people have dropped out of the workforce.

  That even the better-off must work longer to have a comfortable retirement. But the changing nature of work also plays a big role. Pay has risen sharply for the highly educated, and those people continue to reap rich rewards into old age because these days the educated elderly are more productive than the preceding generation. Technological change may well reinforce that shift: the skills that complement computers, from management knowhow to creativity. Do not necessarily decline with age.

  46.what is happening in the workforce in rich countries?

  A. younger people are replacing the elderly

  B. well-educated people tend to work longer

  C. unemployment rates are rising year after year

  D. people with no college degree do not easily find work

  47.what has helped deepen the divide between the well-off and poor?

  A. Longer life expectancies

  B. Profound changes in the workforce

  C. rapid technological advance.

  D. A growing number of well-graduated.

  48.what do many observers predict in view of the experience of the 20th century?

  A. Economic growth will slow down.

  B. Government budgets will increase.

  C. More people will try to pursue higher education

  D. There will be more competition in the job market.

  49.What is the result of policy changes in European countries?

  A. Unskilled workers may choose to retire early.

  B. more people have to receive in-service training.

  C. Even wealthy people must work longer to live comfortably in retirement.

  D. People may be able to enjoy generous defined-benefits from pension plans.


  Are you a compulsive (强迫性的) spender, or do you hold on to your money as long as possible? Are you a bargain hunter? Would you rather use charge accounts than pay cash? Your answers to these questions will reflect your personality. According to psychologists, our individual money habits not only show our beliefs and values, but can also stem from past problems.

  Experts in psychology believe that for many people, money is an important symbol of strength and influence. Husbands who complain about their wives’ spending habits may be afraid that they are losing power in their marriage. Wives, on the other hand, may waste huge amounts of money because they are angry at their husbands. In addition, many people consider money a symbol of love. They spend it on their family and friends to express love, or they buy themselves expensive presents because they need love.

  People can be addicted to different things — for example, alcohol, drugs, certain foods, or even television. They are compulsive in their addictions, i.e. they must satisfy these needs to feel comfortable. In the same way, according to psychologists, compulsive spenders must spend money. For people who buy on credit, furthermore, charge accounts are even more exciting than money: in other words, they feel that with credit, they can do anything. Their pleasures in spending enormous amounts are actually greater than those they get from the things they buy.