2024届高考英语一轮复习全套课件:第3部分 写作指导 专题突破1 提纲作文(北师大版)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习全套课件:第3部分 写作指导 专题突破1 提纲作文(北师大版)

  【参考范文】 Dear Tom, I’m glad that you are going to visit Beijing for two days.As the capital city of China,Beijing lies in the north of China,covering a land of 16,000 square kilometers with a population of 1.3 million.As an international city,it is blessed with the most world cultural heritage sites on the earth. As for your 2-day schedule,my suggestions are as follows.On the first day,you may pay a visit to the Great Wall,where you can take some photos as well as buy some souvenirs.On the second day,you can stand on the Tian’anmen Gate-tower to overlook the Forbidden City.After that,you can look around the Palace Museum,so as to immerse yourself in the charm of traditional Chinese culture.What do you think of this plan? Welcome to Beijing!I hope you’ll fall in love with it when arriving here.Looking forward to seeing you soon. Best wishes, Li Hua

  (二)(2024·安徽皖江名校联考) 你校学生会将举行一场高三年级的英语话剧比赛,请你以校学生会李明的名义给外教Wilson Smith写一封信请其担任裁判并说明话剧比赛的相关事宜。应包括以下内容: 1.每班限报一个话剧,人数不超过10人,不少于2人; 2.话剧表演必须用英语表达,时长不超过半小时; 3.话剧内容必须思想健康,适合中学生观看; 4.时间:12月10日; 5.地点:学校大礼堂。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。

  Dear Mr Smith, How is everything going on?  

  We are looking forward to your replay.Thank you. Your sincerely, Li Ming

  【参考范文】 Dear Mr Smith, How is everything going on?May we have the honor to invite you to be the judge of our coming play contest?We would really appreciate it if your answer is YES. The Students’ Union is going to hold an English play contest among Senior 3 students on December 10th.Each class can only present only one play,in which the number of participants should be limited between 2 and 10 students.All plays must be presented in English and finished within half an hour.In addition,the content of the plays must be mentally healthy and suitable for Senior students.The location will be in the school hall.

  It is really a good chance to practice students’ oral English as well as to show their talents.We really hope that you can give us some help so that our judgment will be more objective. We are looking forward to your replay.Thank you. Your sincerely, Li Ming

  六、倡议书 典例 北京某中学讨论是否应该骑车上学。假如你是该校学生会主席,请你用英语写一封倡议书,号召同学们骑自行车上学。内容需包括: 1.建议骑自行车上学; 2.自行车是学生常用交通工具; 3.骑自行车的一些好处; 4.骑自行车需注意的问题。 注意: 1.词数100左右,信的开头和结束语已为你写好(不计入总词数); 2.可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

  Dear schoolmates, Recently,a debate concerning whether we should cycle to school or not has appeared in our school.  

  The Students’ Union June 13

  【参考范文】 Dear schoolmates, Recently,a debate concerning whether we should cycle to school or not has appeared in our school.As far as I am concerned,we should ride to and from school.Firstly,riding a bicycle to and from school is very common among the students,for buying or repairing a bicycle doesn’t cost a lot.Next,parking a bicycle is easy and convenient in our school,no matter how busy the traffic could be.Actually,bicycle-riding is also a practical way to do exercise and protect the environment.What you should do carefully is just to keep an appropriate speed while riding and lock it after you are off it.In this way,you’ll feel it simple and relaxing to ride a bicycle while you are here.Don’t hesitate,everybody!Let’s ride to school! The Students’ Union June 13

  1.从写作内容上来说,一般倡议书中应该包括倡议原因、目的、具体内容和要求等。 2.从写作手法上来说,倡议书的措辞要贴切,情感要真挚,语言要富于号召性,可多用should,ought to,may,can等表示建议的情态动词;倡议书的篇幅不宜过长,开头要简单明了,吸引同学们的注意,结尾最好加上简洁有力的呼吁。 3.从谋篇布局来说,倡议书书写格式和一般书信大致相同,一般由称呼、正文、结尾、落款四部分组成,有些倡议书还可根据需要加适当的标题。 (1)称呼。写称呼的目的是为了明确倡议的对象,一般要依据倡议的对象而选用适当的称呼,如:Dear friends,Dear schoolmates,Dear editor,Dear students等。

  (2)正文。倡议意在引起他人的响应,这就要求作者须清楚说明倡议背景、原因,申明倡议目的,做到让人信服,人们才能响应并自觉行动。倡议的内容也要具体,要写明有什么作用。一般倡议的内容可分为几点来写,这样倡议的对象更容易明白,效果也更好。 (3)结尾。结尾可表明倡议者的决心和希望或者提出某种建议,但是一般不在结尾用些表示敬意或祝愿的话。 (4)落款。在右下方署名发出倡议的集体或倡议者的姓名,然后另起一行,署上发出倡议的时间。

  1.Please don’t smoke,spit or litter in public places.请不要在公共场所吸烟、吐痰或乱扔杂物。 2.Let’s make a good network environment.Let’s be civilized Netizen.让我们携手共建良好的网络环境。让我们做文明的网民。 3.Hopefully you will join in the action and extend warm help to those needy persons.但愿你会加入这项活动,向需要帮助的人传递温暖。 4.We all want to grow up happily and healthily,and for this goal we must do several things.我们都希望快乐、健康地成长,为了这个目标我们必须做些什么。 5.What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others.我想强调的是我们需要更多地倾听他人。

  6.We students should listen more to our classmates,thus we will help and learn from each other,and a friendship is likely to be formed.我们学生应当更多地倾听同班同学的声音,这样我们就会互相帮助、互相学习,并可能发展出友谊。 7.It is a good idea for us Senior 3 students to have daily exercise,for taking exercise helps us build up our body and keep a clear mind.我们高三的学生每天锻炼身体是有益的,因为锻炼能够增强体质,保持清醒的头脑。 8.The Ministry of Education calls on students to exercise for an hour every day,in the hope that they will have good health to work fifty years and enjoy the whole life.教育部号召学生们每天锻炼一小时,希望他们能拥有可以工作五十年和享受一生的健康体魄。

  (一)(2024·黑龙江齐齐哈尔实验中学期中考试) 假设你是李华。为了促进学生多读书,读好书,打造校园书香氛围,你校发起读书运动。请你按照以下要点写一篇倡议书,倡导同学们读书。 表达要点: 1.为什么读书; 2.读什么书,怎样读书; 3.发起倡议。 注意: 1.可适当增加细节使行文连贯; 2.词数100左右; 3.开头已经为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear schoolmates,

  【参考范文】 Dear schoolmates, Do you like reading? Books are like our friends.Just like hanging around with a good friend,reading can broaden our horizons,enlarge our knowledge,improve our taste for life and keep us company when we feel lonely. So what books should we read?We should choose the books which benefit us most with knowledge,virtue and good interest.And we’d better think while reading instead of just taking in everything blindly.Taking notes will help us learn more. Now,aiming to motivate us students to read more good books and build a more cultural school environment,our school has launched a reading campaign.This is really a meaningful activity.Why not pick up a book now and join in the fun?Wish you a good journey in books.

  (二) 为了有一个美好的校园环境,请你代表学生会向全校发出倡议。要求内容包括以下要点,并阐述你的理由。 1.不要乱扔垃圾,爱护花草树木; 2.不得高声喧哗; 3.循环使用资料; 4.保持教室整洁。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.注意文章的连贯性。

  【参考范文】 Dear friends, Do you want to study in a beautiful campus?So it is our duty to make our school comfortable to study in.To complete this task,we should keep the following rules in mind.First of all,don’t litter about in our school.It’s smelly and attracts flies,you know.And we should protect our school’s environment by looking after flowers and trees around.Of course,don’t yell or shout out so that we can study in a quiet environment.It’s also suggested that we should reuse everything recyclable,which is money-saving and environmentally friendly.Finally,please keep classrooms clean,use the blackboard responsibly and remember there is no drinking or eating in the classrooms.Let’s all take action now and contribute to building a harmonious environment. Thank you! The Students’ Union March 1

  1.Ladies and gentlemen,may I have your attention,please?I have an announcement to make.女士们,先生们,请注意。下面播报一则通知。 2.Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest.欢迎各位参加这次的竞赛。 3.The Students’ Union has decided to organize a music week.学生会决定组织“音乐周”活动。 4.Please sign your name/fill in a...form.请您签上自己的姓名/填写……表格。 5.Please listen carefully and we’ll have a discussion in groups later.请认真听,之后我们会进行小组讨论。 6.Come to have the great fun!快来玩吧! 7.The place for the activities will be announced later.活动地点将稍后通知。

  8.There’s been a change in our time schedule this week.The meeting will be put off until next week.本周我们的计划表有所变动,会议将推迟至下周。 9.Don’t forget to bring your gifts with you.不要忘了带礼物。 10.Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.请尽早确认您的参加信息。

  (2024·宁夏大学附属中学月考)假如你是校学生会主席,高二年级将于下个月举办英语周活动,请根据以下内容写一篇英语书面通知。 时间:12月7日~11日 下午4:30~6:30。 地点:学校体育馆。 活动安排: 1.周一开幕式,周五闭幕式; 2.周二知识竞赛,周三英语演讲比赛,周四英文歌曲比赛。 特别要求:每班准备一个英语短剧,在开幕式或闭幕式上表演。请各班务必认真组织,争取把这次英语周办得丰富多彩。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.要点齐全,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 提示词:体育馆 gymnasium Notice The English Week held every two years is approaching.  

  The Students’ Union November 28

  【参考范文】 Notice The English Week held every two years is approaching.All the students in Grade Two are required to take part in it at 4∶30 pm every day,and it will last 5 days,from December 7th to 11th.The activities include the Opening Ceremony on Monday and the Closing Ceremony on Friday.Besides,we have Knowledge Contest,English Speech Contest and English Songs Competition in the rest of the three days as well. As for the details of the competition,please ask your English teacher.Be sure that each class should give an English drama performance and make every effort to present us an interesting and colorful English Week. The Students’ Union November 28

  三、致辞 典例 (2024·福建莆田第二十五中学月考)外教Smith先生将来你校工作,安排任教你班的口语课,请你以英语老师的身份致欢迎辞。要点如下: 1.Smith先生来自美国; 2.他在美国也是一位老师,他的课生动有趣; 3.他将在我校工作两年; 4.起初,我们可能不能完全听懂他的课,但这种情况不会持续很久; 5.希望他在我校工作期间生活愉快、工作顺利。 注意: 1.不能逐条翻译上述要点; 2.词数100左右。

  【参考范文】 Boys and girls, Attention,please!I’m glad to have the honor to introduce to you a guest,Mr Smith.He is a teacher from America.In the following two years,he will teach us oral English.His classes are lively and interesting.So I’m sure that you will enjoy his classes. At first,we may have some trouble in understanding him.However,as time goes on,it will get better and better.I hope you will make best use of the chance to practise your spoken English.Best wishes to Mr Smith. That’s all.Thank you.

  一般致辞包括以下要素:称呼(Salutation),客套语(Conversational Routine),介绍情况(Body),结束语(Ending)。 1.称呼。致辞开始一般都要以Ladies and gentlemen,Boys and girls,Teachers and students,Dear friends或Welcome everybody等开始,以吸引听众注意。 2.客套语。欢迎他人时可讲:It is my special pleasure to welcome...等;开幕时可讲:Thank you for coming tonight to celebrate this happy and joyous occasion等;欢送时可讲:May you have a wonderful time等。 3.介绍情况。做好这类题目把握好提示十分重要。欢迎词必须交代清楚欢迎谁,客人的主要身份,同时把客人介绍给大家。欢送词则要说清欢送哪一位,该客人什么时候离开,客人在逗留期间进行了哪些活动等。 4.结束语。结束时一般以Thank you 致谢或表达其他祝福如:I wish you the best of luck in the New Year,I hope you will have a very enjoyable stay等。

  1.First of all,let’s give our warm welcome to our honorable guest(s).首先,请向我们尊贵的客人致以热烈的欢迎。 2.Now let’s welcome...to give us a lecture.现在请欢迎……给我们做讲座。 3.Now let us invite...to address us.现在请欢迎……为大家讲话。 4.I would also like to take this opportunity to wish him/her a pleasant safe journey home.我也想借此机会祝他/她归途一帆风顺。 5.We wish Mr/Mrs/Miss...a pleasant journey and good health.我们祝……先生/夫人/小姐一帆风顺,身体健康。 6.We are looking forward to seeing him/her again.我们期待再次见到他/她。 7.It is my special pleasure to welcome our new member,Mr Brown,who has come here from the United States.我十分荣幸在此欢迎我们的新成员,布朗先生。他刚从美国回来。

  8.I am very happy to see all of you here to celebrate the arrival of the New Year.我很高兴大家欢聚在此庆祝新年的到来。 9.Now in bidding farewell to...,allow me on behalf of...to express our sincere thanks once again to him/her.在此向……道别,请允许我代表……再次向他/她致以诚挚的谢意。 10.Today,we gather here to have a send-off meeting.今天,我们聚集在此召开送别会。

  (一) 美籍教师Mr Black明天将离开你校回国。他教你们多年口语与听力,对学生既和蔼又严格;他的课讲得既生动又有趣,受到学生的欢迎。在他回国前夕,学生举行欢送会,请你代表全体同学发言,对布莱克先生表示感谢并祝他旅途愉快。 注意: 1.要点要全,但不能逐句翻译。 2.词数100左右。

  【参考范文】 Dear friends, Now we gather here to have a send-off meeting.Our English teacher Mr Black is going to return to his home country tomorrow.On behalf of all my schoolmates here I express our sincere thanks to him.In the past few years,Mr Black has taught us spoken English and extensive listening.As is known to us all,not only is Mr Black kind and patient to us,but he is also strict with us now and then.With his help,we all have made rapid progress in English.We enjoyed his lessons very much because his method of teaching was quite different from other teachers’.The lessons he gave us were both lively and interesting.Now he will leave our school soon.We thank him very much for his wonderful work and wish him a good journey.

  (二) Mr Alexander应邀来你校做讲座,讲解如何学习写作及中国学生学英语的情况。现由你代表学生用英语致欢迎辞。内容应包括: 1.表示欢迎; 2.介绍Mr Alexander:美国著名语言学家,著有New Concept English,Follow Me等书籍; 3.同学们提问题。 注意: 1.要点齐全,但不能逐条翻译; 2.词数100左右。 参考词汇:语言学家 linguist

  【参考范文】 Boys and girls, We feel greatly honored to be here with Professor Alexander,a world famous linguist from America.Now allow me on behalf of all the students of our school to extend our warm welcome and sincere greetings to our distinguished guest.Mr Alexander has written lots of books,including New Concept English and Follow Me,both of which are well known to us.Today Mr Alexander is here to give us a lecture on writing and about English study in middle schools in China.If you have any question on English study,you are free to turn to him for help.Now let us invite Professor Smith to address us.

  四、发言稿 典例 (2024·天津高考)假设你是某大学的学生李津。你校英语俱乐部将选举新一届副主席,负责规划、组织俱乐部的相关活动。你欲参选。请按以下提示,写一篇竞选演讲稿。 ☆ 个人优势介绍(如性格、特长等); ☆ 组织校内活动的设想(如举办讲座、英语晚会等); ☆ 组织校际交流活动的设想(如举办辩论赛、演讲比赛等); ☆ 表达当选的愿望。 注意: 1.词数不少于100; 2.请勿提及真实学校名称; 3.可适当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯; 4.开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

  参考词汇:副主席 vice president;竞选 run for Good afternoon,my dear friends. My name is Li Jin.      Thank you.

  【参考范文】 Good afternoon,my dear friends. My name is Li Jin.Today I am very glad to have the chance to run for the vice president of the English Club.Concerning this position,I feel qualified for the job because I am outgoing,getting on well with others,and skilled at organizing all kinds of activities.If I am lucky enough to be the vice president,I will try my best to assist the president and serve my fellow students.In order to improve our English and make more students interested in English,I intend to organize some activities such as lectures,English parties,English speech contests and so on. I sincerely hope you will vote for me and please believe that I will be a good vice president. Thank you.