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  Ⅰ. 单项填空

  1. The traffic problems we are looking forward to seeing should have attracted the government’s attention.

  A. solvingB. solveC. to solveD. solved

  2. (2024·合肥模拟)Weifang is famous for its annual international kite festival,people from dozens of countries and regions every April since 1984.

  A. attracted B. having been attracted

  C. attracting

  D. having attracted

  3. (2024·泉州模拟)Tom Cruise’s excellent performance in Mission Impossible Ⅳall the audience that night.

  A. puzzled

  B. disappointed

  C. annoyed

  D. delighted

  4. In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the ________in personality.

  A. contact

  B. contrast

  C. connection

  D. conflict

  5. (2024·宁波模拟)We can hardly believe that an intelligent person like Danielbe asking such a silly question.

  A. shouldB. mightC. mustD. could

  6. Chris, pleasea meeting with Mr Du for me this evening who came back from Canada yesterday.

  A. manage B. organize

  C. plan

  D. arrange

  7. (2024·温州模拟)We believe that openness and honesty the best relationships because that leads to trust and faith.

  A. makes out B. makes for

  C. leaves out

  D. leaves for

  8. (2024·福州模拟)Would it be for you to teach me some English in your spare time?

  A. free B. vacant

  C. handy

  D. convenient

  9. The computer systemsuddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.

  A. broke down B. broke out

  C. broke up

  D. broke in

  10. The Summer Olympicsfor about two weeks and the summer athletic events arefive categories.

  A. run; divided into B. run; separated into

  C. go; split into

  D. go on; broken into

  11.  , the bookseller gave him something else as a present.

  A. To the little boy’s delight

  B. To the little boy’s surprising

  C. To the little boy’s sadness

  D. To make the little boy’s happy

  12. We have worked together in harmony for many years, and I find it with them.

  A. worthy of working B. useless to work

  C. worth working

  D. worthwhile working

  13. It is strange that he so much about me.

  A. knows B. know

  C. would know

  D. shall know

  14. (2024·济南模拟)Canada is a countrymany different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrantsthe majority of its population.

  A. making up of; occupied with

  B. consisting of; making up

  C. made up of; consisting of

  D. consisted of; taking up

  15. (2024·舟山模拟)—Most parents hold that grades are more important than our personality.

  —I think that’s they are mistaken. Nothing can our personality.

  A. what; replace B. where; instead of

  C. because; take place of

  D. where; take the place of

  Ⅱ. 阅读理解

  Bedford Castle: The Home Of Bedfordshire Royalty

  Bedfordshire in the south of England had its fair share of royal visits from the early stages of the 10th Century onwards and the importance that the county placed on this is evident in the monuments, country houses, churches and any number of other structures that are still present there to this day. Bedford Castle is one of those structures and, although it is nowhere near its former glory today, it is an essential attraction to visit if you really want to grasp what its heritage means to the county!

  Bedford Castle was built initially as a fortress to help protect Bedfordshire on the south of the River Ouse after the people in the local towns and villages had already been subdued. It was set up in 919 on the orders of King Edward the Elder, although it was destroyed by a Danish invasion years later. This was when it was rebuilt as the castle, of which the ruins exist today!

  There is a long history behind the castle that involves several kings as a result of the Duke of Bedford being an ardent(热烈的)royalist(保皇主义者). Bedford Castle repeatedly offered the kings of England refuge against various storms in the form of onslaughts(攻击)from abroad and various domestic threats against them, and this is where much of its fame lies, even though the castle itself is no longer there. There are various tours of the ruins that you can take when you visit though and all of the guides are extremely knowledgeable. They will happily tell you tales of the mound(土丘)and the castle that preceded it.

  The mound is open to the public all year round and is a proud part of the area’s heritage. It is recommended by the majority of people that you visit Bedfordshire because it tells you much about why the county is currently how it is. You can view the river from the mound and the surrounding settlements as well as the remains of the castle, and every moment spent there is worth it, so enjoy the history and the very nature of the county itself! (357W)

  1. What do we know from the first paragraph?

  A. The royals pay regular visits to Bedfordshire.

  B. Bedfordshire had its fair share of royal visits.

  C. Most of the ancient buildings are in use today.

  D. Bedford Castle represents the history of the county.

  2. The underlined word “initially” in Paragraph 2 probably means .

  A. first of all

  B. at the beginning

  C. for one particular purpose

  D. for a short time

  3. The kings of England came to Bedford Castle .

  A. to seek temporary protection

  B. to visit the Duke of Bedford

  C. to enjoy the beauty of nature

  D. to escape from the bad weather

  4. Why are visitors recommended to visit Bedfordshire?

  A. It is the major heritage in that region.

  B. It reflects the history of Bedfordshire.

  C. The ancient castle is well worth visiting.

  D. The castle is still in good condition.

  5. The writer’s purpose of writing the text is .

  A. to introduce Bedford Castle

  B. to tell the history of Bedfordshire

  C. to attract tourists to Bedfordshire

  D. to show where the kings used to go

  Ⅲ. 阅读第二节


  A. Take your vitamins

  B. Remember to brush before bed

  C. Wash your hair now and then

  D. Get your protein

  E. Exercise is very important

  F. Eat good fats

  It’s very important to keep your hair healthy. Here are five ways for you.


  Good fats are also called necessary fatty acids which the body can’t produce naturally. Eating these types of fats will help improve healthy skins, nails, teeth and hair. They can be found in the form of oil, or in food such as seeds, nuts.


  Hair is nothing more than dead protein(蛋白质). But that doesn’t mean that it is not important. A lack of it can cause slow growth and thinning, where on the contrary, getting enough amounts can help growth. Good choices to include in the diet would be eggs, meats, tofu, fish and beans.


  There are a handful of vitamins that have been known to be effective for healthy hair. Some of them include vitamins A, B, C and E, and iron. Other than in extra form, these nutrients can also be found naturally in fruits, peppers, low-fat dairy products, green vegetables and whole grains. A large salad can be made with the inclusion of a lot of these food.


  Getting enough exercise can help improve hair growth. Aim to get at least 20~30 minutes of exercise every day. It can be walking, jogging, weight training, biking.


  Right after you brush your teeth, brush your hair as well. Brushing hair fifty to one hundred strokes before bed can help remove pollutants and dirt while also stimulating circulation. Also, natural oils are released which will add more sheen(光泽)and oxygen to your hair.


  Ⅰ. 根据阅读理解, 写出下面单词的含义

  1. royaladj. &n. 2. heritagen.


  3. fortressn.


  4. subduevt.


  5. refugen.


  Ⅱ. 用30个词左右概括阅读理解大意

  Ⅰ. 1. 【解析】选D。考查非谓语动词。句意:我们盼望着看到被解决的交通问题本该引起政府的关注。分析句子结构可知, the traffic problems后跟定语从句, 关系代词which/that作seeing的宾语, 被省略。该定语从句的谓语are looking forward to的宾语是动名词短语 “seeing+宾语+宾语补足语” , 因为solve和宾语(关系代词指代the traffic problems)之间存在被动关系, 故用过去分词作宾语补足语。

  2.【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。attract的逻辑主语是Weifang, Weifang与attract为主动关系, 故排除A、B两项。 “从1984年以来, 每年四月吸引来自几十个国家和地区的人” , 重点讲述每年的情形, 即一般性状况, 故非谓语动词的时态变化取决于时间状语every April, 而不是since 1984, 故C项正确。

  3.【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。句意:那天晚上汤姆·克鲁斯在《碟中谍4》中的精湛表演让所有的观众大饱眼福。delight sb. 让某人高兴, 符合句意。puzzle sb. 让某人困惑; disappoint sb. 让某人失望; annoy sb. 让某人烦恼。

  4.【解析】选D。考查名词辨析。句意:在处理公共关系时, 我们应该尽一切努力去防止人格冲突。contact接触, 联系; contrast对比, 差别; connection连接, 关系; conflict矛盾, 冲突。

  5. 【解析】选A。考查情态动词。句意:我们几乎不能相信像丹尼尔这样一个聪明的人竟然问这么愚蠢的一个问题。此处should表示 “竟然” 。

  6.【解析】选D。考查动词词义辨析。句意:Chris, 请安排我今晚与杜先生见面, 他是昨天从加拿大回来的。arrange sth. for sb. 为某人安排某事, 符合语境。

  7.【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们认为率真诚实有利于形成最好的关系, 因为率真诚实会导致信任和忠诚。make for走向, 有利于, 符合句意。make out理解, 辨认出; leave out遗漏, 省略; leave for出发去某地。


  Here is a list of names of the guests to be invited to the party. Please don’t any of them when typing.

  A. let out

  B. make out

  C. leave out

  D. put out

  【解析】选C。let out发出, 放出; make out分清, 辨明; leave out遗漏, 省去; put out扑灭, 熄灭。由句意可知C项符合句意。

  8.【解析】选D。考查形容词辨析。句意:你方便在业余时间教我一点英语吗?it is convenient for sb. to do sth. 为常用句型, 意为 “某人方便做某事” 。free自由的, 免费的; vacant空闲的, 空缺的; handy方便的, 便于使用的。

  9.【解析】选A。句意:当他在网上查找信息时, 计算机系统突然出现故障。break down(机器等)发生故障, (人)感情崩溃; break out(战争、灾难等)突然发生; break up分开, 粉碎; 结束; break in强行进入, 打断(谈话等)。故答案为A。

  10. 【解析】选A。句意:夏季奥运会为期大约两周, 比赛项目划分为五类。答案选A。

  11. 【解析】选A。考查固定搭配。句意:让小男孩高兴的是, 书商给了他别的东西作为礼物。to one’s delight意为 “使某人高兴的是” 。答案选A。

  【知识拓展】 “to+one’s+情感名词” 结构用法详解

  “to+one’s+情感名词” 是英语中一个十分有用的结构, 主要表示某事的发生唤起某人内心的某种情感, 通常译为 “令某人……的是”

  “使某人感到……的是” 。在学习这类结构时, 应弄清以下几个方面。


  能用于该结构的名词非常有限, 常见的有admiration(羡慕), amazement(惊奇), amusement(娱乐), annoyance(烦恼), astonishment(惊奇), delight(欣喜), despair(绝望), disappointment(失望), embarrassment(难堪), happiness(幸福), horror(恐怖), joy(高兴), puzzlement(疑惑), regret(遗憾), relief(放心), satisfaction(满意), shame(羞愧), sorrow(悲伤), surprise(惊讶)等。例如:

  To my amazement, he arrived on time.

  To my amusement, his false beard fell off.


  若要加强该结构的语气, 通常有两种方式:

  1. 在名词前加great, deep, utter等形容词修饰。例如:

  To our great delight, the day turned out fine.

  2. 在整个短语前加副词greatly, much等修饰。例如:

  Greatly to my regret, I cannot attend the party.

  He has succeeded, much to the delight of his parents.


  该结构通常位于句首, 但有时也可位于句末, 甚至句中。例如:

  He broke it, greatly to my annoyance.

  I learned, to my sorrow, that he was killed in the accident.


  该结构通常的变体是 “to the+情感名词+of sb. ” 。例如:

  To the surprise of everybody, the man was the girl’s father.

  12.【解析】选D。考查 “find +n. /pron. +形容词” 句式。句意:我们已融洽合作很多年了, 我发现与他们合作很值得。it是find的形式宾语; worthwhile是宾语补足语, working with them是真正的宾语。形式主语和形式宾语it常与worthwhile连用。

  13.【解析】选B。在It + is/seems+ strange(necessary, important, natural, a pity, a shame. . . )that. . . 句型中, that所引导的主语从句的谓语动词常用 “should+动词原形” 这种虚拟语气形式, should可以省略。故B项正确。

  14.【解析】选B。句意:加拿大是一个由许多不同民族组成的以及外来移民占人口多数的国家。consist of意为 “由……组成, 构成” ; make up意为 “构成, 组成” , 符合句意。答案为B。

  15.【解析】选D。句意:——多数家长认为成绩比个性更重要。——我认为那正是他们的错误之处。什么也不能代替我们的个性。第一空之后的从句为 “主系表” 结构, 结合句意应用where来引导表语从句; 第二空为该句的谓语动词, 故用动词短语take the place of。

  Ⅱ.1. 【解析】选D。主旨大意题。文章第一段主要通过叙述英格兰南部贝德福德郡和皇室的渊源让我们了解它独特的历史, 而代表性建筑贝德福德城堡正是这段历史的见证者, 因此D项反映了本段文字的主旨。

  2.【解析】选B。词义猜测题。此句表达的意思是 “贝德福德城堡最初是作为抵御外来侵略的堡垒而修建的” , 故不难理解 “initially” 的词义, 应为 “最初” , 即at the beginning。

  3.【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第三段可知, 在历史上贝德福德城堡曾多次作为英格兰国王的避难所, 所以可以推断英格兰国王来此城堡多半是 “寻求临时保护” 。

  4.【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据最后一段的It is recommended by the majority of people that you visit Bedfordshire because it tells you much about why the county is currently how it is. 一句可知, 游客之所以被建议游览贝德福德城堡, 就是因为它反映了该郡的历史变迁。