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  1.As we all know, a proper amount of exercise   to good health. 

  A.controls B.offers

  C.provides D.contributes


  解析:句意:众所周知,适量的运动有助于健康。contribute to “有助于, 导致, 成为……的原因之一”。

  2.Only if he gets a new job   have enough money to buy his own house. 

  A.he can B.can he但是

  C.he will D.did he


  解析: “only + 状语/状语从句” 放在句首时, 主句应用部分倒装, 故可排除A、C两项;根据时态可排除D项。

  3.—Ann seems to be upset.What’s up?

  —She   from the voice on the line that her mother was not satisfied with her test scores. 

  A.included B.concluded

  C.suggested D.contained


  解析:答句句意:她根据电话中的声音断定母亲对她的考试成绩不满意。include “包括”;conclude “断定”;suggest “建议”;contain “容纳, 包含”。

  4.He is very cute and always   giving offense. 

  A.cautious of B.aware of

  C.certain about D.good at


  解析:句意:他很精明, 总是小心谨慎以防惹事。cautious常与介词of搭配, 意为 “谨慎的, 慎重的”。

  5.In summer,food will go bad if   in room temperature. 

  A.leaving B.left

  C.being left D.having left


  解析:将从句补充完整为“if it is left in room temperature”。从句主语与主句主语一致,且从句谓语动词为be的相应形式,可省略主语和be,只保留left。故只有B项正确。

  6.The doctor   you for your cough is sure to   it. 

  A.curing;treat B.cures;treating

  C.treating;cure D.treats;cure


  解析:句意:给你治疗咳嗽的那个大夫保证给你治好病。treat“治疗”;cure“治愈”;treating you for your cough是现在分词短语作定语。

  7.—How do you think of my homework?

  —Good work,  a few slight mistakes. 

  A.in addition to B.except

  C.as well as D.apart from


  解析:apart from意为“除……之外,此外”,既具有except,except for的含义,又具有in addition to,besides,as well as的含义。根据句意可判断出此处用apart from,相当于except for。

  8.As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine,we must send for an engineer to   the problem. 

  A.handle B.raise

  C.face D.present


  解析:句意:因为这儿没人知道机器出了什么故障,所以我们必须派人去请一个工程师来解决这个难题。handle“处理,解决”;raise“提出”;face “正视”;present “介绍,呈现”。由句意可知A项正确。

  9.—He is feeling even worse.

  —That is because he   to follow the doctor’s advice then. 

  A.rejected B.refused

  C.objected D.led


  解析:句意:——他感觉更糟了。——那是因为那时他拒绝接受医生的建议。reject后面通常不接不定式;object to doing “反对做”;lead to “导致”;refuse to do “拒绝做”。故B项正确。

  10.If  the game,Mr Brown,who is rich in experience,will take part in the Olympic Games. 

  A.won B.winning

  C.to be won D.having won


  解析:当状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致并且含有be动词时,可以省略主语和be。此句中Mr Brown和win之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词。

  11.We have our bad times but on the whole we’re   happy. 

  A.rarely B.merely

  C.fairly D.chiefly


  解析:句意:虽然我们也有过不好的时候, 但总的来说, 我们还是比较幸福的。rarely “很少, 稀少”; merely “仅仅”; fairly “颇为, 相当地”; chiefly “主要地”。

  12.  to strong sunlight for a long time will do harm to our skin. 

  A.Exposed B.To expose

  C.Exposing D.Being exposed


  解析:expose为及物动词,常用于结构“expose...to...”。句子缺主语,故用其动词-ing 形式的被动式作主语。

  13.You should read the   carefully before you take the medicine. 

  A.instruction B.instructions

  C.introductions D.explanations


  解析:表示 “说明书” 时, instruction (说明, 操作指南)常用复数。introduction “介绍”;explanation “解释”。

  14.—Mr Smith is very strict   his students, isn’t he? 

  —Yes, he is.He is strict   his work as well. 

  A.with;on B.in;about

  C.in;with D.with;in


  解析:be strict with sb. “对某人要求严格”, 而be strict in sth.则表示为 “对某事严格”。

  15.—What’s the capital of Bhutan?

  — !Let’s go online and find it out. 

  A.You bet B.Give me a break

  C.Guess what D.You’ve got me there


  解析:句意:——不丹的首都是哪里?——你把我问住了!我们上网查查吧。You bet!“当然,一定”;Give me a break!“让我喘口气,给我一次机会,得了吧”;Guess what!“猜猜看”;You’ve got me there!“你把我问住了”。根据句意可知应选D项。

  16.I always have many things to  when I return to the office after a trip abroad. 

  A.add to B.contribute to

  C.attend to D.be linked to


  解析:考查动词词组。add to“增加,增添”;contribute to“有助于,导致”;attend to“处理,照料,专心于”;be linked to“与……有联系”。句意:我从国外旅行归来,回到办公室。总有许多事要处理,应该选attend to。

  17.She was so  in her job that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door. 

  A.absorbed B.attracted

  C.drawn D.concentrated



  18.—Look!Everything here is under construction.

  —Oh,has the museum once for exhibiting Nantong kites been pulled down,too? 

  A.being built B.been built

  C.having been built D.built


  解析:考查过去分词作定语。该句主语是the museum,谓语是has been pulled down,once   for exhibiting Nantong kites应为定语部分,且build与museum间存在被动、完成关系,故选D项。 

  19.The State Council has  a new economic policy on the benefits of the farmers. 

  A.put up B.put forward

  C.put off D.put out


  解析:考查动词词组。put up“张贴”;put forward“提出,建议”;put off“推迟,延期”;put out“扑灭”。put forward a new economic policy“推出一项新经济政策”。故B项正确。

  20.Don’t always  your own failure   others.Sometimes you yourself  . 

  A.blame;on;are to be blamed

  B.blame;for;are to blame

  C.blame;on;are to blame

  D.blame;for;are to be blamed


  解析:句意:不要总把失败归咎于他人,有时该责怪你自己。blame sth.on sb.“把某事归咎于某人”;be to blame“该受责备”,要用主动形式表示被动含义。

  1.As we all know, a proper amount of exercise   to good health. 

  A.controls B.offers

  C.provides D.contributes


  解析:句意:众所周知,适量的运动有助于健康。contribute to “有助于, 导致, 成为……的原因之一”。

  2.Only if he gets a new job   have enough money to buy his own house. 

  A.he can B.can he但是

  C.he will D.did he


  解析: “only + 状语/状语从句” 放在句首时, 主句应用部分倒装, 故可排除A、C两项;根据时态可排除D项。

  3.—Ann seems to be upset.What’s up?

  —She   from the voice on the line that her mother was not satisfied with her test scores. 

  A.included B.concluded

  C.suggested D.contained


  解析:答句句意:她根据电话中的声音断定母亲对她的考试成绩不满意。include “包括”;conclude “断定”;suggest “建议”;contain “容纳, 包含”。

  4.He is very cute and always   giving offense. 

  A.cautious of B.aware of

  C.certain about D.good at


  解析:句意:他很精明, 总是小心谨慎以防惹事。cautious常与介词of搭配, 意为 “谨慎的, 慎重的”。

  5.In summer,food will go bad if   in room temperature. 

  A.leaving B.left

  C.being left D.having left


  解析:将从句补充完整为“if it is left in room temperature”。从句主语与主句主语一致,且从句谓语动词为be的相应形式,可省略主语和be,只保留left。故只有B项正确。

  6.The doctor   you for your cough is sure to   it. 

  A.curing;treat B.cures;treating

  C.treating;cure D.treats;cure


  解析:句意:给你治疗咳嗽的那个大夫保证给你治好病。treat“治疗”;cure“治愈”;treating you for your cough是现在分词短语作定语。

  7.—How do you think of my homework?

  —Good work,  a few slight mistakes. 

  A.in addition to B.except

  C.as well as D.apart from


  解析:apart from意为“除……之外,此外”,既具有except,except for的含义,又具有in addition to,besides,as well as的含义。根据句意可判断出此处用apart from,相当于except for。

  8.As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine,we must send for an engineer to   the problem. 

  A.handle B.raise

  C.face D.present


  解析:句意:因为这儿没人知道机器出了什么故障,所以我们必须派人去请一个工程师来解决这个难题。handle“处理,解决”;raise“提出”;face “正视”;present “介绍,呈现”。由句意可知A项正确。

  9.—He is feeling even worse.

  —That is because he   to follow the doctor’s advice then. 

  A.rejected B.refused

  C.objected D.led


  解析:句意:——他感觉更糟了。——那是因为那时他拒绝接受医生的建议。reject后面通常不接不定式;object to doing “反对做”;lead to “导致”;refuse to do “拒绝做”。故B项正确。

  10.If  the game,Mr Brown,who is rich in experience,will take part in the Olympic Games. 

  A.won B.winning

  C.to be won D.having won


  解析:当状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致并且含有be动词时,可以省略主语和be。此句中Mr Brown和win之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词。

  11.We have our bad times but on the whole we’re   happy. 

  A.rarely B.merely

  C.fairly D.chiefly


  解析:句意:虽然我们也有过不好的时候, 但总的来说, 我们还是比较幸福的。rarely “很少, 稀少”; merely “仅仅”; fairly “颇为, 相当地”; chiefly “主要地”。

  12.  to strong sunlight for a long time will do harm to our skin. 

  A.Exposed B.To expose

  C.Exposing D.Being exposed


  解析:expose为及物动词,常用于结构“expose...to...”。句子缺主语,故用其动词-ing 形式的被动式作主语。

  13.You should read the   carefully before you take the medicine. 

  A.instruction B.instructions

  C.introductions D.explanations


  解析:表示 “说明书” 时, instruction (说明, 操作指南)常用复数。introduction “介绍”;explanation “解释”。

  14.—Mr Smith is very strict   his students, isn’t he? 

  —Yes, he is.He is strict   his work as well. 

  A.with;on B.in;about

  C.in;with D.with;in


  解析:be strict with sb. “对某人要求严格”, 而be strict in sth.则表示为 “对某事严格”。

  15.—What’s the capital of Bhutan?

  — !Let’s go online and find it out. 

  A.You bet B.Give me a break

  C.Guess what D.You’ve got me there


  解析:句意:——不丹的首都是哪里?——你把我问住了!我们上网查查吧。You bet!“当然,一定”;Give me a break!“让我喘口气,给我一次机会,得了吧”;Guess what!“猜猜看”;You’ve got me there!“你把我问住了”。根据句意可知应选D项。

  16.I always have many things to  when I return to the office after a trip abroad. 

  A.add to B.contribute to

  C.attend to D.be linked to


  解析:考查动词词组。add to“增加,增添”;contribute to“有助于,导致”;attend to“处理,照料,专心于”;be linked to“与……有联系”。句意:我从国外旅行归来,回到办公室。总有许多事要处理,应该选attend to。

  17.She was so  in her job that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door. 

  A.absorbed B.attracted

  C.drawn D.concentrated



  18.—Look!Everything here is under construction.

  —Oh,has the museum once for exhibiting Nantong kites been pulled down,too? 

  A.being built B.been built

  C.having been built D.built


  解析:考查过去分词作定语。该句主语是the museum,谓语是has been pulled down,once   for exhibiting Nantong kites应为定语部分,且build与museum间存在被动、完成关系,故选D项。 

  19.The State Council has  a new economic policy on the benefits of the farmers. 

  A.put up B.put forward

  C.put off D.put out


  解析:考查动词词组。put up“张贴”;put forward“提出,建议”;put off“推迟,延期”;put out“扑灭”。put forward a new economic policy“推出一项新经济政策”。故B项正确。

  20.Don’t always  your own failure   others.Sometimes you yourself  . 

  A.blame;on;are to be blamed

  B.blame;for;are to blame

  C.blame;on;are to blame

  D.blame;for;are to be blamed


  解析:句意:不要总把失败归咎于他人,有时该责怪你自己。blame sth.on sb.“把某事归咎于某人”;be to blame“该受责备”,要用主动形式表示被动含义。