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  (限时:35分钟) A

  请阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。首先,请阅读下列六本书籍的相应简介::An Oral History of Grunge Music592 pp; $25.00

  B.The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry

  By Jon Ronson

  Riverhead;288 pp; $25.95On the Trail of the World's Organ Brokers,Bone Thieves,Blood Farmers, and Child Traffickers272 pp; $25.99

  D.Car Guys vs. Bean Counters:The Battle for the Soul of American Business256 pp; $26.95

  E.Henry Kissinger on China

  By Henry Kissinger

  Penguin Press; 608 pp; $36

  F.Biopunk:DIY Scientists Hack the Software of Life256 pp; $25.95

  以下是对这些书的描述。请将这些描述与书籍的相应简介匹配起来。the writer of the book, psychopaths are very charming, smart, easily bored and cruel. In the book, Ronson takes readers into the fascinating world of psychopaths by speaking to the experts and having amusing conversations with the psychopaths themselves.

  2.This book is about a deeply funny story, as well as a deeply sad story—the great Nineties moment when a bunch of punk rock bands from Seattle accidentally blew up into the world's biggest noise. The author gives the unique chronicle (编年史) of how it all happened, and how it ended too soon. The book also makes readers appreciate how strange it was.ted. It started out extremely well, with some fascinating stories about the trade in human body parts. It covers many different aspects of the “red market”, ranging from skeletons to blood, and even the giant business of collecting and selling human hair.(任期) at General Motor(GM)—which recently ended after about a decade. However, it's more than a biography. It is also a view on what went wrong with the US car industry and US industry in general.or wants to see advances in medicine at greater rates that we've seen them so far. If a reader has teenagers with interests in science, he should have them read this book. It will inspire them to broaden their horizons beyond the typical research lab.




  By combing through newly digitized census data from the 19th century, J. David Hacker, a demographic historian from Binghamton University in New York, has recalculated the death toll and increased it by more than 20 per cent—to 750,000.


  Called the iBrain, this simple­looking contraption is part of an experiment that aims to allow Dr Hawking—long paralyzed by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease—to communicate by merely thinking.


  What we wear can affect not only what people think of us, but also the way our brains work, a study involving a doctor's coat shows.


  Even after 20 years of studying in the country, Brian L. Fisher, an entomologist, was surprised by the ability of a cyclone to derail an expedition.


  A Canadian project aimed at creating a genetically engineered pig whose manure would be less harmful to the environment is being halted after failure to find a company willing to bring the animal to market, according to the lead researcher.


  Scientists have for the first time identified several gene mutations that they say sharply increase the chances of autism, and have found that the risk increases with the age of the parents, particularly the father.

  以下是文章的标题,请将相关文章的标题与文章的提示性图片及简介匹配起来。sometimes a white coat isn't just a white coat

  3.A little device that's trying to read your thoughts

  4.Scientists link gene mutations to autism risks

  5.New estimate raises civil war death toll




  Deep Heat—a heating cream designed to provide fast temporary pain relief of muscular aches and strains, bone­joint pain, and arthritis (关节炎).Do not apply to open wounds.


  y noses due to the common cold, hay fever, or other lung allergies. May cause dizziness or sleepiness. Keep out of reach of children.


  Demadn梩his liquid works fast against cold symptoms including runny or blocked nioses, persistent coughing and sneezing and itchy eyes. Do not take with other medication. Will cause tiredness. Suitable for ages 2 and up.


  Zinc Ointment梐ntibiotic cream reduces pain and destroys germs and infectitons associated with red and itchy skin, cuts and sores. Apply cream to infected areas twice a day and consult your doctor if pain persists.


  Panadol Flu Strength PE梜eeps you clear環eaded while fighting cold and flunf symptoms including headache, sore throat and blocked noses. 2 pills for adults and 1 pill for children under 12.


  Painstop Syrup梡rovides fast?,acting and effective pain relief for people of all ages. Will not cause sleepiness so is safe to use during the day. Drink 10ml every 4 hours (5ml for children under 10).

  以下是五个人的病症描述。请匹配各人的症状与拟选择的药品。John has been coughing very heavily when he goes to bed. As a result, both he and his wife cannot sleep and are very tired when they get up for work the next day.

  2. After coming back from Beijing, Li Hua has a bad cold and blocked nose. But he must go to work because he must give a very important presentation to his boss today. He needs something that will relieve his symptoms but not affect his performance.

  3. Mrs White's six瓂ear璷ld daughter Mellissa fell off her bike this morning and bumped her head on the ground. Now she has an unbearaHeble headache and cannot go to school.

  4.While in the shower this morning, Phil slipped on a bar of soap and smashed his knee on the tiled bathroom floor. Luckily no bones were broken but Phil is now in a great deal of pain and the knee is badly swollen.

  5. Xiao Lin cut her finger while preparing dinner last night. Although she cleaned and bandaged the wound when she woke up this morning,the wound was redder and more painful than the night before. She fears that the cut may have become infected.阅读下列记者采访加拿大运动鞋设计专家Benno Nigg时的问题及Nigg的回答,然后匹配相关的问题和答案。注意:选项中有一项是多余选项。What should people look out for when buying a new pair of sports shoes?

  B.What kind of technology might we see in sports shoes of the future?

  C.Will a more expensive shoe make me run faster or jump higher, as the ads suggest?

  D.When you say that expensive shoes are no better at preventing injury than cheap ones, is it true?

  E.Some people say we should run just as well without shoes. What's your opinion of that?

  F.You helped develop the unstable Masai MBT shoes. Does this design actually work?


  Nigg's Answer: That is a little bit overstated. But the relative frequency of running injuries doesn't seem to have changed much in the past 30 years, in spite of all the developments in sports shoe design. The literature shows that shoes are a minor player in injury development. If you take a group of people and want to injure them, send them out every day for a 20­kilometre run. A lot of them will be injured in three weeks. The major factors are the distance run, the intensity and recovery time, not the shoes.


  Nigg's Answer: The problem is that if you go to a store and want to find your best shoes, you don't know what to do. Things that are sometimes done, like video analysis of your rear foot movement, may not help. The only way to assess whether a shoe is right for you is how it feels. If you feel comfortable in a shoe, it's likely to be good for you. We did a study with soldiers where we gave them six different inserts, and they chose the one they liked best. In four months, those with inserts had 53 per cent fewer injuries than those without.


  Nigg's Answer: A shoe may act as a training device, making some muscles function more effectively for a majority of users. Or it may use materials that last longer. That may have something to do with its price. However, for the average runner, it is difficult to distinguish between actual functional designs and unnecessary features. Generally, the more a shoe controls movement, the more it acts like a cast, which means you have some muscles that don't work any more. This may mean that you lose some muscle strength, and your feet are more likely to be injured.


  Nigg's Answer:There are claims that there are fewer injuries when you run barefoot, but there is not yet enough evidence, or enough research, to prove that. If you look at performance, most papers suggest an advantage of 3 to 4 per cent. With a few exceptions—Abebe Bikila in 1960 and Zola Budd in the 1980s—people don't run barefoot, so it may be that it's not an advantage, or it may be that we're just not used to it.


  Nigg's Answer: Yes, for about 80 per cent of people. The major benefits are training the small muscles crossing the ankle joint, and a reduction of knee and lower back pain. However, some claims for these unstable shoes are overstated, such as the general muscle strengthening that they are claimed to produce.



  (限时:35分钟) A

  请阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。首先,请阅读下列六本书籍的相应简介::An Oral History of Grunge Music592 pp; $25.00

  B.The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry

  By Jon Ronson

  Riverhead;288 pp; $25.95On the Trail of the World's Organ Brokers,Bone Thieves,Blood Farmers, and Child Traffickers272 pp; $25.99

  D.Car Guys vs. Bean Counters:The Battle for the Soul of American Business256 pp; $26.95

  E.Henry Kissinger on China

  By Henry Kissinger

  Penguin Press; 608 pp; $36

  F.Biopunk:DIY Scientists Hack the Software of Life256 pp; $25.95

  以下是对这些书的描述。请将这些描述与书籍的相应简介匹配起来。the writer of the book, psychopaths are very charming, smart, easily bored and cruel. In the book, Ronson takes readers into the fascinating world of psychopaths by speaking to the experts and having amusing conversations with the psychopaths themselves.

  2.This book is about a deeply funny story, as well as a deeply sad story—the great Nineties moment when a bunch of punk rock bands from Seattle accidentally blew up into the world's biggest noise. The author gives the unique chronicle (编年史) of how it all happened, and how it ended too soon. The book also makes readers appreciate how strange it was.ted. It started out extremely well, with some fascinating stories about the trade in human body parts. It covers many different aspects of the “red market”, ranging from skeletons to blood, and even the giant business of collecting and selling human hair.(任期) at General Motor(GM)—which recently ended after about a decade. However, it's more than a biography. It is also a view on what went wrong with the US car industry and US industry in general.or wants to see advances in medicine at greater rates that we've seen them so far. If a reader has teenagers with interests in science, he should have them read this book. It will inspire them to broaden their horizons beyond the typical research lab.




  By combing through newly digitized census data from the 19th century, J. David Hacker, a demographic historian from Binghamton University in New York, has recalculated the death toll and increased it by more than 20 per cent—to 750,000.


  Called the iBrain, this simple­looking contraption is part of an experiment that aims to allow Dr Hawking—long paralyzed by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease—to communicate by merely thinking.


  What we wear can affect not only what people think of us, but also the way our brains work, a study involving a doctor's coat shows.


  Even after 20 years of studying in the country, Brian L. Fisher, an entomologist, was surprised by the ability of a cyclone to derail an expedition.


  A Canadian project aimed at creating a genetically engineered pig whose manure would be less harmful to the environment is being halted after failure to find a company willing to bring the animal to market, according to the lead researcher.


  Scientists have for the first time identified several gene mutations that they say sharply increase the chances of autism, and have found that the risk increases with the age of the parents, particularly the father.

  以下是文章的标题,请将相关文章的标题与文章的提示性图片及简介匹配起来。sometimes a white coat isn't just a white coat

  3.A little device that's trying to read your thoughts

  4.Scientists link gene mutations to autism risks

  5.New estimate raises civil war death toll




  Deep Heat—a heating cream designed to provide fast temporary pain relief of muscular aches and strains, bone­joint pain, and arthritis (关节炎).Do not apply to open wounds.


  y noses due to the common cold, hay fever, or other lung allergies. May cause dizziness or sleepiness. Keep out of reach of children.


  Demadn梩his liquid works fast against cold symptoms including runny or blocked nioses, persistent coughing and sneezing and itchy eyes. Do not take with other medication. Will cause tiredness. Suitable for ages 2 and up.


  Zinc Ointment梐ntibiotic cream reduces pain and destroys germs and infectitons associated with red and itchy skin, cuts and sores. Apply cream to infected areas twice a day and consult your doctor if pain persists.


  Panadol Flu Strength PE梜eeps you clear環eaded while fighting cold and flunf symptoms including headache, sore throat and blocked noses. 2 pills for adults and 1 pill for children under 12.


  Painstop Syrup梡rovides fast?,acting and effective pain relief for people of all ages. Will not cause sleepiness so is safe to use during the day. Drink 10ml every 4 hours (5ml for children under 10).

  以下是五个人的病症描述。请匹配各人的症状与拟选择的药品。John has been coughing very heavily when he goes to bed. As a result, both he and his wife cannot sleep and are very tired when they get up for work the next day.

  2. After coming back from Beijing, Li Hua has a bad cold and blocked nose. But he must go to work because he must give a very important presentation to his boss today. He needs something that will relieve his symptoms but not affect his performance.

  3. Mrs White's six瓂ear璷ld daughter Mellissa fell off her bike this morning and bumped her head on the ground. Now she has an unbearaHeble headache and cannot go to school.

  4.While in the shower this morning, Phil slipped on a bar of soap and smashed his knee on the tiled bathroom floor. Luckily no bones were broken but Phil is now in a great deal of pain and the knee is badly swollen.

  5. Xiao Lin cut her finger while preparing dinner last night. Although she cleaned and bandaged the wound when she woke up this morning,the wound was redder and more painful than the night before. She fears that the cut may have become infected.阅读下列记者采访加拿大运动鞋设计专家Benno Nigg时的问题及Nigg的回答,然后匹配相关的问题和答案。注意:选项中有一项是多余选项。What should people look out for when buying a new pair of sports shoes?

  B.What kind of technology might we see in sports shoes of the future?

  C.Will a more expensive shoe make me run faster or jump higher, as the ads suggest?

  D.When you say that expensive shoes are no better at preventing injury than cheap ones, is it true?

  E.Some people say we should run just as well without shoes. What's your opinion of that?

  F.You helped develop the unstable Masai MBT shoes. Does this design actually work?


  Nigg's Answer: That is a little bit overstated. But the relative frequency of running injuries doesn't seem to have changed much in the past 30 years, in spite of all the developments in sports shoe design. The literature shows that shoes are a minor player in injury development. If you take a group of people and want to injure them, send them out every day for a 20­kilometre run. A lot of them will be injured in three weeks. The major factors are the distance run, the intensity and recovery time, not the shoes.


  Nigg's Answer: The problem is that if you go to a store and want to find your best shoes, you don't know what to do. Things that are sometimes done, like video analysis of your rear foot movement, may not help. The only way to assess whether a shoe is right for you is how it feels. If you feel comfortable in a shoe, it's likely to be good for you. We did a study with soldiers where we gave them six different inserts, and they chose the one they liked best. In four months, those with inserts had 53 per cent fewer injuries than those without.


  Nigg's Answer: A shoe may act as a training device, making some muscles function more effectively for a majority of users. Or it may use materials that last longer. That may have something to do with its price. However, for the average runner, it is difficult to distinguish between actual functional designs and unnecessary features. Generally, the more a shoe controls movement, the more it acts like a cast, which means you have some muscles that don't work any more. This may mean that you lose some muscle strength, and your feet are more likely to be injured.


  Nigg's Answer:There are claims that there are fewer injuries when you run barefoot, but there is not yet enough evidence, or enough research, to prove that. If you look at performance, most papers suggest an advantage of 3 to 4 per cent. With a few exceptions—Abebe Bikila in 1960 and Zola Budd in the 1980s—people don't run barefoot, so it may be that it's not an advantage, or it may be that we're just not used to it.


  Nigg's Answer: Yes, for about 80 per cent of people. The major benefits are training the small muscles crossing the ankle joint, and a reduction of knee and lower back pain. However, some claims for these unstable shoes are overstated, such as the general muscle strengthening that they are claimed to produce.