2024届高考英语一轮复习学案:必修1 unit 3 Celebration(北师大版)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习学案:必修1 unit 3 Celebration(北师大版)



  1.*It's unheard-of for a boy of his age to gain university ________(进入,入口).

  2.What you did will ________ (严重地) reflect upon your future.

  3. (2024·安徽,阅读E)Sharing bread,whether during a special ________ (场合)or at the family dinner table,is a common symbol of togetherness.

  4.Fan Bingbing appeared at the ________ (招待会) wearing her finest jewellery.

  5.He ________ (装饰) his room with pictures of all his favorite sports figures.

  6.(2024·四川,阅读B)Tim knew it would soon be ________ (吞掉) by the waves.

  7.If someone has ________ (权力),they have a lot of control over people and activities.

  8.*The president suggested that a UN observer should ________ (参加)the conference.

  9.(2024·江西,阅读B) Join in the holiday fun at the Powerhouse this month ________(联系,相关) to our new exhibition.

  10.*Please accept my warmest ________ (祝贺) on your passing the exam.

  答案 1.entrance 2.seriously 3.occasion 4.reception 5.decorated

  6.swallowed 7.power 8.attend 9.linked 10.congratulations


  1.(2024·安徽,阅读A)Eventually the girls all ________ (graduation)from college and went away to work for themselves.

  2.She carried on ________(merry),not realizing the offence she was causing.

  3.*________ (fortune),due to unforeseen circumstances,this year's show has been cancelled.

  4.(2024·山东,阅读D)The campaign itself changed the ________ (tradition) advertising style of the fast-food industry.

  5.I suppose we shall be having some sort of ________(celebrate) for the bride.

  6.Any ________ who would like to ________ to become an assistant in our company should send us an ________ before December 10,2024.(apply)

  7.The ________ contributed a lot of money to the project; that is to say,his ________ was great.(contribute)

  8.People ________ forests and rivers for their own benefit.Their ________ activities are likely to cause the ________ of the earth.(destroy)

  9.The restaurant ________ its customers well; in other words,its ________ is very good.(serve)

  10.The medicine the factory ________ had many side effects,which proved that the ________ was harmful.Therefore,the factory stopped its ________.(production)

  答案 1.graduated 2.merrily 3.Unfortunately 4.traditional 5.celebration

  6.applicant;apply;application 7.contributor;contribution 8.destroy;destructive;destruction 9.serves;service 10.produced;product;production


  Having gained a scholarship,John graduated from a key university,and then he was promoted from a saleswoman to a manager.We held a celebration for him.At our invitation,some teenagers dressed up and attended the ceremony on time,even if it rained heavily.We all offered our congratulations on his contributions to his country.



  entrance n.入口

  exit n.出口

  gallery n.顶层楼座

  ticket office 售票处

  audience n.观众

  stage n.舞台


  attend v. 出席(会议等);参加(仪式)等

  join v. 加入(组织、团体等)

  join in 加入(某项活动)

  take part in 加入(活动、运动等)

  enter v. 参加


  offer/send one's congratulations to sb(on sth)


  congratulate on祝贺

  congratulate sb on/upon (doing) sth


  congratulate oneself on...



  destiny n. 命运;天命

  fate n.命运

  fortune n.机会;运气

  luck n. 运气



  1.even ________ 即使

  2.________ time 准时

  3.________ well 也

  4.a bit ________ 一点儿

  5.wash ________ 洗掉,冲走

  6.*stay ________ 保持清醒

  答案 1.if/though 2.on 3.as 4.of 5.away 6.awake


  dress up;take part in;*burn down;apply for;*depend on;put up;carry on;put out

  1.When Tom lost his job,his wife suggested him/his ____________ a new one.

  2.All living things ____________ the sun for their growth.

  3.This store ____________ many a poster in the neighbourhood yesterday.

  4.The boys felt tired that they ____________ the fire and crept into their tent.

  5.Students allowed ____________ for the party held in my home.

  6.Most of us senior students are able to ____________ a conversation with people from English-speaking countries.

  7.Most houses in the village were ____________ to the ground by the enemy.

  8.How many countries ____________ the Asian Games held in Inchon?

  答案 1.applying for 2.depend on 3.put up 4.put out 5.dressing up

  6.carry on 7.burnt down 8.took part in



  alive 活着的

  awake 醒着的

  asleep 睡着的

  alone 独自的

  alike 相似的

  ashamed 羞耻的


  cut down 削减;砍倒

  break down 垮了;分解

  settle down 安家

  bring down 使……降低

  burn down 烧毁

  pass down 传下来


  depend on 依赖;依靠

  insist on 坚持

  keep on 继续

  take on 承担

  carry on 继续;进行


  1.On this day,the moon is said to be its biggest and brightest.(be said to be/do据说是……/做……)


  [仿写]The film directed by Deng Chao for the first time ________________.据说邓超首次导演的这部电影很好看。

  2.*I put so much food in my mouth sometimes that it was hard to swallow.(主语+be+形容词+不定式)


  [仿写]The house ________________,so we all like it.


  3.*At the bottom of the bed was the stocking, now full of all kinds of small presents and sweets.(全部倒装)


  [仿写]________________ a half-conscious young man.


  4.If a friend gets an invitation to a wedding,you can go with him/her,even if you don't receive an invitation yourself.(让步状语从句)


  [仿写]________________,I won't go with you.

  即使明天不下雨, 我也不和你去。

  答案 1.is said to be excellent 2.is comfortable to live in 3.Under the table was lying 4.Even if it doesn't rain tomorrow












  1.In some parts of the world,tea ________(serve) with milk and sugar.

  2.The boy whom you lent money to ________(hit) by a car.

  3.I should have been there,but I ________(can) not catch the bus.

  4.*Jack described his father,who ________(must be) a brave boy many years ago,as a strong-willed man.

  5.*He ________(ought to do) his work yesterday,but he went to the cinema with his friends.

  答案 1.is served 2.was hit 3.could 4.must have been 5.ought to have done



  ❶must have done表示对过去行为的推测,意为“一定;想必”,语气十分肯定。

  ❷should/ought to have done表示过去本来应该做某事而实际上却没有做;shouldn't/ought not to have done表示过去本来不应该做某事而实际上却做了。

  [单 词 点 睛]

  1.occasion n.时刻,时机;场合

  [教材原句]The Mid-Autumn Festival is important because it is a special occasion for family.


  (1)on occasion(s) 有时,间或,偶尔

  on this/that occasion 在此时/彼时

  (2)occasional adj.偶尔的

  occasionally adv. 偶尔,间或

  He has been known ________________ to lose his temper. 大家都知道他有时会发脾气。

  What shall I wear ________________ according to your Chinese custom?

  根据你们中国的习惯, 我在这种场合该穿什么呢?




  This is not an occasion for laughter,________ you must take things seriously.


  Her wedding was quite an occasion ________ the grand hall was crowded with her family,relatives and friends.


  答案 on occasion on this occasion where when

  2.power n.权力,影响力;力量

  [教材原句]In one story,lanterns were lit to celebrate the power of light over darkness.


  (1)in power 当权的,在位的

  in one's power 在某人力所能及的范围

  beyond/out of one's power 力所不及,不能胜任

  come to/into power 开始掌权;上台;执政

  have the power to do sth/of doing sth 有做某事的能力

  (2)powerful adj.强大的;强有力的

  China is a country where people are ________ power.


  (2024·辽宁,阅读B)We believe that we do ______________ to change things and help our planet.


  答案 in have the power

  3.serve vt.招待,侍候;服务;服役

  [教材原句]Sweet dumplings are boiled and served in hot water.


  (1)serve sth to sb= serve sb(with)sth 向某人提供某物

  serve as 当作;作为

  (2)at the service of sb= at sb's service 听某人差遣;随时准备为某人做事

  Who will serve lunch ________ us/serve us ________ lunch when we are there?


  Listening to music can serve ________ an approach to releasing tension.


  Health care must be ________ the service of all who need it. 医疗保健机构必须为所有需要者提供服务。

  答案 to;with as at

  4.apply vt.申请,应用

  [高考例句](2024·山东,阅读C) If the constitution said that all people were free and equal,then she thought it should apply to her.


  (1)apply (to sb)for sth (向某人)申请某物

  apply oneself to (doing) sth 致力于/集中精力(做)某事

  apply to 适用于;向……申请


  (2)application n. 申请;申请表;运用,应用

  applicant n.申请人,求职人

  Before I applied ________ the company ________ the post,I studied the future of the company.


  He applied _______ (he)closely to the study of foreign languages. 他刻苦学习外语。

  (2024·山东,阅读A)Upon arrival,Jimmy found a long line of ________ (apply)waiting to be interviewed. 一到那里,吉米就发现很多求职人在排着长队等候面试。

  答案 to;for himself applicants

  5.attend vt.出席,参加(会议、演讲、婚礼等);上(学);照料;接待;陪同vi.专心,注意;照料

  [高考例句](2024·山东,阅读A)One day,he gathered up all his strength and decided to attend a job interview.一天,他鼓足勇气决定去参加一个工作面试。

  attend a meeting/a ceremony/a funeral 参加/出席会议/仪式/葬礼

  attend school/class/church 去上学/上课/做礼拜

  attend on/upon sb 照料/看护某人

  attend to 照料,关怀;处理;注意,专心

  The patient ________________ (attend)on by nurses night and day since the operation.


  I can't attend ________ everything at the same time—please come and help.


  答案 has been attended to

  【辨析比较】 attend/join/join in/take part in

  attend 指出席会议,参加仪式、婚礼,上学,听报告等

  join 多指加入组织、团体、党派、俱乐部等,有作为其中一员的含义