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  1. —

  —_______ But have been working on my graduation paper.

  A. Of course not.

  B. Why bother?

  C. How dare I?

  D. I hope so.

  2. —We had _______ really wet November this year.

  —I can’t remember _______ autumn when it rained so much.

  A. a; 不填


  C. the; an

  D. a; an

  3. Having been treated in the hospital for as long as six months, the man injured in the car crash is now back _______ his feet. 

  A. at

  B. in

  C. on

  D. to

  4. The city has changed a lot these years. George _______ well not find his way to the house where he lived a decade ago.

  A. can

  B. may

  C. should

  D. must

  5. You must _______ your strength for the tennis final, which will be even tougher.

  A. grasp

  B. reserve

  C. appoint

  D. schedule

  6. Evidence came up _______ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.

  A. what

  B. which

  C. that

  D. how

  7. Smartphones have _______ our lives. Most of us can’t go much longer than 10 minutes before we check our phones.

  A. turned over

  B. taken over

  C. got over

  D. looked over

  8. The assistant explained there were several doubtful points in the scheme he _______ difficult to understand.

  A. was finding

  B. would find

  C. had found

  D. has found

  9. Life doesn’t count for much ______ you are willing to do your small part to leave our children a better world.

  A. unless

  B. when

  C. though

  D. if

  10. Peace is _______ the absence of war. It also means kindness and harmony.

  A. or rather

  B. more than

  C. at best

  D. far from

  11. —Does this job ______ you, Bob?

  —Not really. I prefer one with better pay and longer holidays.

  A. respond to

  B. contribute to

  C. appeal to

  D. subscribe to

  12. Though Tom’s excuse for being absent was as good as _______ other, I don’t believe it was a fact.

  A. one

  B. each

  C. every

  D. any

  13. The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often _______ the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible. 

  A. merely

  B. apparently

  C. normally

  D. uniquely

  14. —Will Mr. Smith come here on time?

  —We cannot guarantee the _______ arrival of trains in foggy weather.

  A. punctual

  B. eventual

  C. actual

  D. natural

  15. China has already reached the point where it cannot further develop the economy without making structural _______.

  A. judgments

  B. arrangements

  C. adjustments

  D. agreements

  16. When you choose cooking oil in the supermarket in China, you may notice that some brands are _______ as “GM-free”, which means non-transgenic(非转基因).

  A. labeled

  B. considered

  C. required

  D. qualified

  17. —Have you heard that Lisa was offered a job by a big company.

  —Sure, she got the job _______ her considerable experience and she deserved it.

  A. in favor of

  B. in need of

  C. on behalf of 

  D. on account of

  18. Our car ______ engine trouble, we stopped for the night at a road side rest area.

  A. developed

  B. being developed

  C. having developed

  D. develops

  19. The meeting provides the staff with a broad platform, ________ cooperation is most stressed in improving the management of a company.

  A. which

  B. as

  C. where

  D. whose

  20. —Why can’t you give me another chance?.

  —________, but I don’t think you are good at management.

  A. No offence

     B. No worries

  C. No need


  D. No wonder



  The “challenges” of family holidays are well-known. It’s


  enough getting on with your husband, wife or kids at home, so how can you


  yourself while travelling with them? Susan M. Shaw, expert on leisure(休闲) at the University of Waterloo in Canada, thinks the term “family leisure” is full of


  . “Research suggests that such


  do not always live up to the leisure ideal,” she writes, darkly.

  Family holidays probably don’t add much to the sum of human


  . However, as one of my friends likes to


  , people don’t have children for happiness. Research has shown that


  are less happy than childless people.


  , says my friend, having children is best understood as a biological urge. You have them not for the present but for the


  , so that your genes will continue to exist when you are gone. And


  , you go on family holidays not for the present but for the future.

  Thus, the aim of the holiday, much of the time, is to stock up on


  : to leave all family members with


  of happiness that they can look back on after the family doesn’t exist. Much of what we remember of our families comes from


  . On holiday, the family exists more clearly than at any other time: all together for once,


  work, school or friends. On holiday, you are much closer to your


  . Holiday photographs make that feeling of closeness


  . In fact, the photographs themselves are perhaps the main


  of the holiday: that’s where the memories get laid down.

  A family holiday is for memories. Once you’ve grasped that, you will not


  it. I vividly remember, about 30 years ago,


  from an Italian vacation to our handsome brick house.


  we opened the front gate, my mother said, “That’s the best part of a holiday: coming home.” At the time I didn’t know what she meant.

  21. A. happy B. hard C. fortunate D. strange

  22. A. enjoy B. teach C. blame D. hurt

  23. A. fun B. luck C. questions D. problems

  24. A. relationships B. terms C. definitions D. activities

  25. A. population B. wealth C. happiness D. kindness

  26. A. argue B. complain C. guess D. predict

  27. A. teachers B. parents C. husbands D. wives

  28. A. Still B. Thus C. Rather D. Indeed

  29. A. dream B. joy C. future D. health

  30. A. difficultly B. similarly C. sadly D. quickly

  31. A. memories B. imaginations C. information D. impression

  32. A. details B. photographs C. description D. evaluation

  33. A. customs B. language C. holidays D. behavior

  34. A. except B. against C. despite D. without

  35. A. family B. friends C. home D. cameras

  36. A. possible B. positive C. better D. stronger

  37. A. function B. reason C. aim D. advantage

  38. A. learn from B. suffer from C. seek for D. care for

  39. A. vacation B. meeting C. performance D. training

  40. A. Because B. Before C. If D. As




  Gavin Joseph, a teenager with Asperger’s Syndrome, was beaten up by a group of people for just being different. Asperger’s Syndrome is a developmental disorder that affects a person’s ability to socialize. But instead of putting them into prison for what they did to him, Gavin offered them a chance to become more tolerant and understanding.

  On Thursday night, some kids were talking about how “it’s weird(怪异的)” that he is always by himself, attending events alone and watching people, and it was “creepy” that he wanted to be friends with people he didn’t know.

  On Friday night, another kid that overheard that conversation decided to take matters into his own hands and become judge and jury, and this is the result of that. He didn’t ask questions, didn’t get to know Gavin, never met him, and didn’t give him a chance to leave. He was called to meet someone, surrounded by people he didn’t know, choked, punched(用拳猛击, and left lying on the pavement so he would “learn his lesson”.

  Gavin emerged from the attack with a concussion(脑震荡), a fractured nose, a bruised esophagus(食道) and some damage to his eye, but thankfully, none of the injuries resulted in permanent damage.

  But here’s the truly amazing part — Gavin refused to press charges against the people who did this to him. Instead of wanting to see them punished, he wants to see them educated. Gavin asked that his attackers do community service that is disability-related. According to his mother, Gavin also asked “that they watch a 20 min video statement he taped while their families were present so they could see the damage they did and hear the event from his perspective.”

  “If you are reading this, I hope you talk to your teens,” his mother wrote. “Tell them about disabilities you can’t see, teach them to be tolerant of people that are different, teach them that if they continuously see someone alone that maybe it is not their choice to be alone, remind them to ask questions first and get to know one another.”

  41. Gavin is always alone because he


  A. enjoys being alone

  B. is always upsetting

  C. suffers from a disease

  D. doesn’t like his schoolmates

  42. Which can best replace the underlined word “creepy” in Paragraph 2?

  A. Fun.

  B. Strange.

  C. Natural.

  D. Inspiring.

  43. Why was Gavin beaten by a group of people?

  A. He hurt some kids before.

  B. He is different from normal people.

  C. He refused to make friends with a kid.

  D. He didn’t take school lessons seriously.

  44. How did Gavin react to his injuries?

  A. He thought back bravely.

  B. He was too scared to react.

  C. He decided to turn to court for help.

  D. He didn’t take school lessons seriously.

  45. We can conclude that Gavin’s way of reacting was


  A. interesting

  B. praiseworthy

  C. disappointing

  D. unreasonable


  Empathy(同情) is a quality that is essential to most people’s lives and yet the modern world makes it easy to lose sight of the feelings of others. But almost everyone can learn to develop this crucial personality trait(品质), says Roman Krznaric. Roman Krznaric used to regularly walk past a homeless man around the corner from where he lived in Oxford and took almost no notice of him. One day he stopped to speak to him.

  It turned out his name was Alan Human and he had a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Oxford. They afterwards developed a friendship based on their common interest in Aristotle's ethics (伦理学).

  This unexpected meeting taught Roman that having conversations with strangers opens up our empathic minds. We can not only meet amazing people but also challenge the prejudices that we have about others based on their appearance, accents or backgrounds.

  Furthermore, it’s about recovering the curiosity everyone had as children. Respect the advice of oral historian Studs Terkel, who always spoke to people on the bus, “Don't be an examiner, be the interested inquirer(探究者).”

  The world’s first Empathy Museum, which is starting in the UK in late 2024 and will then be travelling to Australia and other countries. Amongst the unusual exhibitions will be a human library, where instead of borrowing a book you borrow a person for conversation?maybe an unhappy investment banker or a gay father. In other words, the kind of people you may not get to meet in everyday life.

  As the psychologist and inventor of emotional intelligence Daniel Goleman puts it, without empathy a person is “emotionally tone deaf”. It's clear that with a little effort nearly everyone can put more of their empathic potential to use. So try putting on your empathy shoes and make an adventure of looking at the world through the eyes of others.

  46. Why did Roman and Alan become good friends?

  A. They helped each other.

  B. They felt pity for each other.

  C. They shared the same interest.

  D. They had to depend on each other.

  47. What should adults learn from children?

  A. Never judge by appearances.

  B. Be curious about others.

  C. Never talk to strangers.

  D. Always be polite.

  48. According to Paragraph 5, a human library you can


  A. act as a librarian

  B. borrow your favorite books

  C. meet ordinary people in life

  D. expect a talk with someone special

  49. Which of the following is TRUE according to Daniel Goleman?

  A. Emotional intelligence cannot be improved.

  B. Most people don’t have empathy for others.

  C. It is important to develop empathy for others.

  D. Deaf people have little emotional intelligence.


  Major League Baseball (MLB) was thrown a problem that was hard to deal with this week, as word spread that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the United States Department of Justice are investigating the St. Louis Cardinals. Employees of the team may have hacked(非法侵入) into the computer database of the Houston Astros. If the investigation proves that the Cardinals did do the act, it will be considered not only unsportsmanlike but also illegal.