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  高考英语重点单词复习专项训练 (六) 1.He ________ (预言)that the Chinese football team would lose the game.

  2. Tomorrow is my daughter’s b________ and I decided to buy a bike as a present.

  3. I don’t often go to the c________ dislike films.

  4. The whole village was d_________ in the terrible earthquake in 1980.

  5. We couldn’t hear him c________ so we asked him to speak louder.



  cinema destroyed clearly 6. The note he left _________(暗示)that he would be away from home for a long time.

  7. Her ________(手指)were cut when she was cutting meat last week.

  8. Would you please help me ________(悬挂)the picture on the wall.

  9. Ms. Su once studied in an ________(印度的)university.

  10.Children are taught to ________(尊敬)their teachers in the kindergarten.

  indicated fingers hang Indian

  respect 11.When the queen is at home, the flag would be raised on the top of her______ (宫殿).

  12.__________(秋天)comes after summer

  13.She joined the Young ________(先锋) at the age of eight.

  14. The food in that r_________ is so poor that we’ll never eat there again.

  15. Please feel free to ask for our help when you are in t_________.

  palace Autumn/ fall

  Pioneer restaurant trouble 16. Our class will go camping next ________(星期一).

  17. The workers in the car factory are ________(付报酬)by the hour.

  18.____________(无论如何) I must finish the work today.

  19. Would you please ________(重复) your order, sir?

  20.I ________(钦佩) him very much for he is a learned and kind man.

  Monday paid

  Anyhow repeat admire 21. A l________ is a person who helps you when you want to borrow books from a library.

  22. When I was on h______, I visited my uncle.

  23. The accident o________ at five o’clock in the morning.

  24. This is a s________ day for her because on this day ten years ago she married David.

  25. The storm did a lot of d__________ to the crops.

  librarian holiday occurred special damage 26. Her health is __________ (逐渐)improving.

  27. Go to see a doctor, you are                    (显然)ill.

  28. She is too poor to satisfy family’s _________(物质)need.

  29. According to the weather report, the weather will ________(继续) fine till this weekend.

  30.I’ll have several travels on business in ________(八月份).

  gradually obviously material continue August 31. The toy is the boy’s ________(喜爱).

  32. She is a woman of high ________(地位).

  33. This kind of machine was invented in the ________(十九) century.

  34. He is not _________(漂亮) but is very pleasant-looking.

  35. Please put some ________(柴火)on the fire, or it will go out.

  favorite position ninteenth handsome


  36. He is to b__________ for he has done a great fault.

  37. The g________ boy ate so many cakes that he fell ill.

  38. The c_________ of the factory are smoking heavily, polluting the air.

  39. He couldn’t swim, and he was nearly d__________ in the water.

  40.The film r________ him of his bitter childhood.

  blame greedy chimneys drowned

  reminded 41. The electric wires are ________ ( 保护 ) by a rubber covering.

  42. What a poor m_________ I’ve got! I always forget everything.

  43. In the accident 15 passengers were s_________ injured, including three children.

  44. Though the doctor doesn’t a__________ my father to smoke, he

  can always find some excuse for his smoking.

  45. China is doing her best to catch up with d_________ countries Such as America and Japan.

  protected memory seriously allow


  46. Hard work leads to success and f________ lies in laziness.

  47. I don’t want to attend his birthday party, because I haven’t got his i_________.

  48. It’s n_____________ for us to master a foreign language.

  49. To her d_______________ she found he didn’t pass the exam.

  50.As soon as his head touched the pillow, he fell a_________.

  failure invitation necessary

  disappointment asleep Thank


  高考英语重点单词复习专项训练 (六) 1.He ________ (预言)that the Chinese football team would lose the game.

  2. Tomorrow is my daughter’s b________ and I decided to buy a bike as a present.

  3. I don’t often go to the c________ dislike films.

  4. The whole village was d_________ in the terrible earthquake in 1980.

  5. We couldn’t hear him c________ so we asked him to speak louder.



  cinema destroyed clearly 6. The note he left _________(暗示)that he would be away from home for a long time.

  7. Her ________(手指)were cut when she was cutting meat last week.

  8. Would you please help me ________(悬挂)the picture on the wall.

  9. Ms. Su once studied in an ________(印度的)university.

  10.Children are taught to ________(尊敬)their teachers in the kindergarten.

  indicated fingers hang Indian

  respect 11.When the queen is at home, the flag would be raised on the top of her______ (宫殿).

  12.__________(秋天)comes after summer

  13.She joined the Young ________(先锋) at the age of eight.

  14. The food in that r_________ is so poor that we’ll never eat there again.

  15. Please feel free to ask for our help when you are in t_________.

  palace Autumn/ fall

  Pioneer restaurant trouble 16. Our class will go camping next ________(星期一).

  17. The workers in the car factory are ________(付报酬)by the hour.

  18.____________(无论如何) I must finish the work today.

  19. Would you please ________(重复) your order, sir?

  20.I ________(钦佩) him very much for he is a learned and kind man.

  Monday paid

  Anyhow repeat admire 21. A l________ is a person who helps you when you want to borrow books from a library.

  22. When I was on h______, I visited my uncle.

  23. The accident o________ at five o’clock in the morning.

  24. This is a s________ day for her because on this day ten years ago she married David.

  25. The storm did a lot of d__________ to the crops.

  librarian holiday occurred special damage 26. Her health is __________ (逐渐)improving.

  27. Go to see a doctor, you are                    (显然)ill.

  28. She is too poor to satisfy family’s _________(物质)need.

  29. According to the weather report, the weather will ________(继续) fine till this weekend.

  30.I’ll have several travels on business in ________(八月份).

  gradually obviously material continue August 31. The toy is the boy’s ________(喜爱).

  32. She is a woman of high ________(地位).

  33. This kind of machine was invented in the ________(十九) century.

  34. He is not _________(漂亮) but is very pleasant-looking.

  35. Please put some ________(柴火)on the fire, or it will go out.

  favorite position ninteenth handsome


  36. He is to b__________ for he has done a great fault.

  37. The g________ boy ate so many cakes that he fell ill.

  38. The c_________ of the factory are smoking heavily, polluting the air.

  39. He couldn’t swim, and he was nearly d__________ in the water.

  40.The film r________ him of his bitter childhood.

  blame greedy chimneys drowned

  reminded 41. The electric wires are ________ ( 保护 ) by a rubber covering.

  42. What a poor m_________ I’ve got! I always forget everything.

  43. In the accident 15 passengers were s_________ injured, including three children.

  44. Though the doctor doesn’t a__________ my father to smoke, he

  can always find some excuse for his smoking.

  45. China is doing her best to catch up with d_________ countries Such as America and Japan.

  protected memory seriously allow


  46. Hard work leads to success and f________ lies in laziness.

  47. I don’t want to attend his birthday party, because I haven’t got his i_________.

  48. It’s n_____________ for us to master a foreign language.

  49. To her d_______________ she found he didn’t pass the exam.

  50.As soon as his head touched the pillow, he fell a_________.

  failure invitation necessary

  disappointment asleep Thank
