2024届高考英语大一轮复习课件:必修1 unit2 English around the world(新人教版)

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2024届高考英语大一轮复习课件:必修1 unit2 English around the world(新人教版)

  单句语法填空 1.We should make full use of time

  (study).(2024·广东) 2.TV doesn’t take the place of reading for most children;it takes the place of similar sorts of recreation,such as

  (listen) to the radio and

  (play) sports.(2024·广东) 3.I would also like to know how he felt in space and whether space travel is such great fun

  I have read.(2024·安徽) 4.Items like T­-shirts that allow volunteers

  (recognize) publicly for their contributions can help strengthen role identity.(2024·江苏) to study listening as playing to be recognized 答案 5.The lessons they learned may not be different from

  they would have gotten in school.(2024·全国Ⅱ) 6.Once people begin to volunteer,what leads them to remain in their positions

  time?(2024·江苏) 7.“It’s such a nice place.” Mother said as she sat at the table

  (reserve) for customers.(2024·浙江) 8.The robot doesn’t just deliver general answers to questions;it responds

  (base) on what it learns about each individual in the household.(2024·天津) what over reserved based 答案 9.The number of smokers,as is reported,

  (drop) by 17 percent in just one year.(2024·江苏) 10.The professor would

  (actual) like to see you and answer your questions.(2024·浙江) has dropped actually 答案 短语填空 such as,at present,come up,play a part in,make use of,because of 1.By mentioning the Swiss study,the author intends to tell us that e­-waste deserves to

  .(2024·江苏) 2.Electronic devices contain valuable metals

  gold and

  silver.(2024·江苏) 3.Students are increasingly using laptops for note­-taking

  speed and legibility(清晰度).(2024·辽宁) be made use of such as because of 答案 4.No matter how ordinary a job is,it

  society and therefore deserves our due respect.(2024·广东) 5.I planted some lily(百合花) seeds in the yard.But they failed to

  .(2024·重庆) 6.

  there are over five hundred map projects being developed in 54 countries.(2011·重庆) plays a part in come up At present such as,at present,come up,play a part in,make use of,because of 答案 完成句子 1.如今家用机器人做正常的家务活,而社交机器人却更像同伴而不只是单纯的工具。 While household robots today do the normal housework,social robots will be much

  mere tools.(2024·天津) 2.大多数情况下,那是因为这些人只是不喜欢他们正在做的工作。 In most cases,

  these people simply do not enjoy the job they are doing.(2024·广东) more like companions than it is because 答案 3.无论花费多少他们都要把孩子送去上大学,即使那意味着会欠一屁股债。 They will send kids to college whatever it takes,

  .(2011·山东) 4.一切都有代价;世界上没有免费的午餐。 Everything comes with a price;

  in the world.(2010·重庆) 5.毫无疑问,我们利用记忆的方式正在变化。 There is no doubt that

  is changing.(2024·安徽) there is no such thing as a free lunch even if that means a huge amount of debt the way we use memory 答案 1.目前,英语在我们的生活中起着重要作用。 2.我们应充分利用每一次机会来练习英语,这样我们就能逐渐扩大词汇量并能流利地讲英语。 3.如果你掌握好英语,对你将来的发展是有好处的。 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用so that引导的目的状语从句和if引导的条件状语从句。 写作素材 (关于英语) 微写作 连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)

  At present,English plays an important part in our daily life. We should make full use of every opportunity to practise English so that we can gradually enrich our vocabulary and speak English fluently. If you have a good command of English,it is good for your future development. 答案 返回 (1)The police arrived and took command of the situation. 警察到达后就控制了局势。 (2)Much as he confirms he has a good command of English,he sometimes feels it hard to find an appropriate version for some Chinese idioms. 虽然他承认自己掌握了英语,但有时他感到为一些汉语习语找到合适的英语翻译很难。 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①I am here

  the president’s command. ②They are

  command of the present situation.

  (2)一句多译 他命令我们马上出发。 ①

  (command that...) ②

  (command+复合宾语) at in He commanded that we (should) set off at once. He commanded us to set off at once. 答案

  request vt.& n.要求;请求(ask;ask for) 3. (1)request sb.to do sth.请求某人做某事 request sth. from sb.向某人要求某物 request that...(should) do...要求…… (2)at one’s request=at the request of sb.应某人的要求 应试指导 虚拟语气的考查 (1)You are kindly requested not to smoke. 请不要吸烟。 (2)He requested a loan from a bank yesterday. 昨天他向银行申请了贷款。 特别提醒 动词request后的宾语从句以及名词request后的表语从句、同位语从句都要用虚拟语气,即谓语动词为“(should+)动词原形”。 特别提醒 同义句改写 (1)We requested Mr. Wang not to smoke in the office. We requested that Mr. Wang

  in the office. (2)It is requested that all the club members attend the annual meeting. All the club members

  the annual meeting. (3)He requested that he should be transferred to another department. He was transferred to another department

  . 多维训练 (should) not smoke are requested to attend at his own request 答案

  at present(=at the present time)现在;目前 4. present adj.存在的;目前的;在场的;v.授予;提出;提交;n.礼物;目前 (1)be present at出席…… (2)present sth.to sb.=present sb. with sth.向某人赠送某物 (3)make a present of sth.to sb.=make sb. a present of sth.把某物赠送给某人 for the present=for the time being目前;暂时 应试指导  at present作为高级词汇替换now (1)At present I do not have information on the meeting you asked about. 至于是否有你提到的会议,我现在还没有这方面的消息。 (2)Wang Hua,our monitor,presented her with the prepared flowers. 班长王华向她献上了准备好的鲜花。 特别提醒 图解助记 图解助记 特别提醒 特别提醒 present作前置定语时意为“目前的”;作后置定语时,意为“出席的,在场的”。 (1)单句语法填空 ①The mayor presented him

  a gold medal at an official city reception. ②We were present

  the concert while Tom was absent from it. ③I will leave the matter as it stands

  the present. 多维训练 with at for 答案 (2)一句多译 他们向学院赠送了一笔款项以纪念他们的儿子。 ①

  (present v.+to) ②

  (present v.+with) ③

  (present n.) They presented a sum of money to the college in memory of their son. They presented the college with a sum of money in memory of their son.

  They made the college a present of a sum of money in memory of their son./They made a present of a sum of money to the college in memory of their son. 答案 边讲边练


  make use of利用;使用(use,especially to get an advantage) 5. make the best/most of充分利用 make full/good use of充分/好好利用 come into use开始使用 bring/put...to use加以使用…… It’s/There’s no use doing...做……没用。 (1)Last but not least,it’s everyone’s responsibility to make good use of water. 最后但同样重要的是,充分利用水资源是我们每个人的责任。 (2)I usually memorize twenty new words a day and put them to use whenever possible. 我通常每天记20个生词,然后尽可能地使用它们。 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①Your time should be made full use of

  (exercise). ②The new bridge will come

  use next month. ③My mother always told us there is no use

  (cry) over spoiled milk. (2)用同位语从句合并下列两个句子 ①He can make good use of every chance to improve himself. ②His success lies in this.

  to exercise into crying His success lies in the fact that he can make good use of every chance to improve himself. 答案 边讲边练


  separate v.把……分开;分隔;adj.分开的;单独的;独立的 6. 多维训练 单句语法填空 (1)I can separate cream

  milk. (2)The two cities are separated

  a highway. (3)Divide the cake

  halves. (4)Taiwan is part of China.But it is a


  from the mainland by Taiwan Strait.(separate) from by into separate separated 答案

  recognize v.认识;辨认出(make out);意识到;承认(admit);赏识,表彰;向……打招呼(salute to) 7. 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①

  in public has brought her much trouble,so she is always wearing dark glasses to avoid

  .(recognize) ②Everyone recognized him

  the lawful heir(法定继承人). Being recognized recognition as 答案 (2)同义句改写 It is recognized that environmental pollution has become one of the most serious problems that people face.(用sth. be recognized to...改写)

  (3)单句改错 Deeply sorry,I don’t recognize you at first,for it has been a long time since we last met.

  Environmental pollution is recognized to have become one of the most serious problems that people face. don’t→didn’t 答案

  come up走近(come over);上来;发生(happen);出现(appear);被提出/讨论(be mentioned);长出地面,发芽;(太阳、月亮)升起;被提出 8. 写出下列句子中come up的汉语意思 (1)The snowdrops(雪花莲) are just beginning to come up. (2)We watched the sun come up.

  (3)I’m afraid something urgent has come up;I won’t be able to see you


  (4)The question is bound to come up at the meeting.

  (5)One of the teachers came up and started talking to me.

  长出地面;发芽 (太阳)升起 发生;出现 多维训练 被提出 走近 答案

  play a part (in)扮演一个角色;参与 9. 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①Whoever plays

  fire will get burnt. ②Good health is key if older people are to remain independent and to play a part

  family life. ③Don’t play a joke

  people you don’t know. with in on 答案 (2)翻译句子 而且,我能够学一些学习技巧和方法,这些技巧和方法在我的学习过程中起着重要作用。

  Besides/In addition/What’s more,I can learn some learning skills and methods,which play an important part in my study process. 答案 边讲边练


  Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English. 以英语为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以相互理解。 10. 边讲边练

  突破核心考点 (1)even if/though即使,尽管,引导让步状语从句,在从句中常用一般现在时代替将来时。在主从句主语相同时也可采用省略句结构。 (2)even so即使如此;尽管这样。 句型公式:...even if... (1)Even if one makes a mistake,correcting it in time is a good thing. 即使一个人犯了错,及时改正就是一件好事。 (2)It’s raining. Even so,we must set off. 天在下雨。尽管如此,我们还是要出发。 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①I’ll go there even if the weather

  (be) bad tomorrow. ②

  though the forest park is far away,a lot of tourists visit it every year. (2)补全句子中的省略成分 He won’t come to our party even if invited. He won’t come to our party

  . is Even even if he is invited 答案

  It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.当时的英语更多的是以德语为基础,而我们今天所说的英语不是。 11. 句型公式:more...than... more...than...与其说……,倒不如说…… more than多于;不仅仅;非常;岂止 not more than不多于 no more than仅仅 no+比较级+than...前者和后者都不……(两者的否定) less...than...比……少,不如……多;与其……不如…… (1)Don’t be too hard on him;he’s more misled than stupid. 不要对他太苛刻,与其说他愚蠢,倒不如说他是被误导了。 (2)His whole school education added up to no more than one year. 他所受的全部学校教育加起来只有一年。 (1)篮子里至多有15个鸡蛋。 There are

  fifteen eggs in the basket. (2)同义句改写 ①He is very happy at the good news.(用more than改写)

  ②Neither he nor you are diligent.(用no more...than...改写)

  ③He is more clever than diligent.(用less...than...改写)

  多维训练 not more than He is more than happy at the good news. He is no more diligent than you. He is less diligent than clever. 答案 返回 在高考语境中提升解题技能 语境填词 1.When an ant finds food,it produces a pheromone(外激素) that will lead others

  (直接地) to where the food is.(2024·安徽) 2.In its early history,Chicago had floods

  (经常),especially in the spring,making the streets so muddy that people,horses,and carts got stuck.(2024·湖南) straight frequently 答案 3.He gave himself a new name to hide his

  (身份) when he went to carry out the secret task.(2024·湖北) 4.The girl used to be shy,but is

  (逐渐地) getting active in group work and is more willing to express herself.(2024·湖北) 5.He told the town

  (官员) that they should speak for the citizens.(2024·湖南) identity gradually officials 答案 Book 1

  Unit 2 话题晨背

  积累写作素材 自主排查

  夯实基础知识 边讲边练

  突破核心考点 在高考语境中提升解题技能 话题词汇 话题晨背

  积累写作素材 1.absorb v.吸引;使全神贯注 2.accumulate v.积累;积聚 3.consult v.咨询;商量 4.correction n.改正 5.dictation n.听写 6.fluent adj.流利的;流畅的 7.grasp v.抓住;掌握 8.bear sth.in mind记住(某事) 9.enlarge one’s vocabulary 扩大词汇量 10.have difficulty/trouble in doing sth.在……方面有困难 经典语篇

  假如你是李夏。你看到美国留学生Sharon在网上发帖,希望有人能帮助她提高普通话(Mandarin)水平,她可以教英语作为回报。请根据以下提示用英语给她写一封电子邮件。 1.表达给她提供帮助的意愿; 2.说明你能胜任辅导的理由; 3.给出讲好普通话的两点建议; 4.提出你学习英语的具体需求。 注意:1.词数120左右,开头与结尾已为你写好;

  2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Hi,Sharon,

  This is Li Xia.I learned from your post that you want to improve your Mandarin.

  Li Xia 佳作欣赏 Hi,Sharon, This is Li Xia.I learned from your post that you want to improve your Mandarin.I am quite interested in it.I think I’m fit for it.As a student,I have been learning Mandarin for many years.In addition,I am Chinese,which means Mandarin is a must for me to communicate with others in my daily life.① So I’m quite confident that I can help you learn Mandarin. Learning Mandarin takes time,② so if you want to learn it well,you should spend much time practicing Mandarin every day.As the saying goes,practice makes perfect.Besides,you can also read some books in Chinese,see some Chinese films and listen to some Chinese radio programmes.Speaking and listening are very important for language learning,by which you are sure to make great progress.③ In your post,you say you can teach English as a reward.It is just what I want.I’m eager to improve my English.So,if you allow me to help you learn Mandarin,you can also help me improve my English.We can contact each other by video chat every night for half an hour in English and half an hour in Chinese,so that we can improve our oral speaking.④

  Hope for your early reply! Li Xia 思维发散 1.将第①句改为并列句

  2.仿照第②句用动名词短语作主语完成句子 挑选衣服真的是一件难事,因为你喜欢的衣服并不总是适合你。

  ,because the clothes you like are not always suitable for you. In addition,I am Chinese,and this means Mandarin is a must for me to communicate with others in my daily life. Choosing clothes is really a difficult job 答案 3.仿照第③句用“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句翻译句子 他写了许多儿童读物,几乎有一半是在二十世纪九十年代出版的。



  He wrote many children’s books,nearly half of which were published in the 1990s. We can contact each other by video chat every night for half an hour in English and half an hour in Chinese so as to/in order to improve our oral speaking. 答案 返回 自主排查

  夯实基础知识 A.写作单词 1.




  本国人;本地人 2.


  事实上;实际上 3. (vt.)



  基部;基础;基地 4. (adj.)

  较后的;(两者中)后者的;后半的 native actually base latter 答案 重点单词 5.