2024年秋山东省青州三中高一年级英语一轮学案:Unit 2《English around the world》(新人教版必修1)

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2024年秋山东省青州三中高一年级英语一轮学案:Unit 2《English around the world》(新人教版必修1)

  Unit 2 English around the world

  【Learning Aims】

  1. To master the usage of the basic words and expressions in unit 2.

  2. To enjoy our class and prepare for the college entrance examination.







  美国某中学生代表团来你校访问,根据提示,请你以学生代表的名义写一篇词数为 100左右的短文,介绍一下你们学校英语学习的情况。




  With the constant development of the society, English has played a more and more important part in our daily life. Therefore, the number of people learning English is increasing rapidly. However, it is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as fluently as a native English speaker. One reason is that English has a large vocabulary. It also has different usages in different English-speaking countries. At present, we actually have a very small number of fluent English- speakers in our school. But the world trade is based on English. We are determined to make good use of every chance to learn English and I hope we will have a good command of English.


  I. 单词



  (adj.)官方的正式的;公务的 (.)官员 (adj.)本国的;本地的(.) 本地人;本国人


  _______(n.)航行;航海._________ (n.)礼物;目前(adj.) 到场;出席(.)提交;赠予;展现;呈现

  (vt.)以……为根据()基部;基地;基础→_____ (adj.)基本的;基础的→_____(n.)基础基本原则

  (adj.)逐渐的的)逐渐地;逐步地)较后的;后半的;(两者中)后者的最新的;最近的 (adv.)后来(adj.)后期的(adv.)近来;最近

  8._______ (vt.)辨认出;公认→_____ (n.)认出;认识._______(adj.)流利的流畅的(adv.)流利地;流畅地→________ (n.)流利;流畅【频单词】不可不知10. ________ (n.&vt.)命令;;掌握(n.& vt.)请求;要求(adv.)直接;挺直 (adj.)直的;笔直的;正直的 13(n.) 词汇;词汇量;词表 14频繁的;常见的→______ (adj.)常常;15._________ (n.)词语;表示;表达→_______()表达

  II. 短语

  1. 现在;目前利用;使用例如;像这种的

  4. 扮演一个角色;参与 _____________ 5. 走近;上来提出_____________ 6. more…than…_____________

  even if_____________ 8. because of _____________ 9.be based on___________ 10. a number of___________


  (目前),developing the ability of the students is an important task in our daily teaching activity. When we deal with the unit of awe always ask the students to ___________ (扮演角色)it. We instruct them to

  (利用)everything around them,

  _______(比如说)a stick, a curtain, and so on.


  1. more…than…与其……不如……;是 而不是

  It was based more on German an (更多的是以德语为基础而不是)the English we speak at present.


  Jimmy is.

  2. such…as...像 这样的

  Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English (像标准英语这样的东西)


  There is no“slimming” food.

  3. the way+定语从句

  However, on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak (人们讲话的方式).


  We didn’t like________________________.

  4. do you think在特殊疑问词后作插入语

  Which country do you think has the most English learners (你认为有最多的英语学习者)?


  What quality____________________________?


  Since people began to move from England to other parts of the world, more and more people 1._______ (begin) to speak English 2.______ their first, second or foreign language. But English 3.________(change) over time. The English 4._______( speak) between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different 5.______the English spoken today. As a matter of fact, it 6._______(base) more on German than present English. Then it became less like German because 7______who ruled England spoke French. One big change in English happened when Noah Webster 8.________(write) The American Dictionary of the English Language. Today the number of people who 9.________(learn) English in China is increasing 10._______(rapid). Will Chinese English develop its own identity? Only time will tell.



  1. She was__________________________________


  He was admitted to a very famous university. But I have_________________(没有这样的运气).

  My parents requested me to learn another foreign language. (同义句转换)

  4. 你认为为什么全世界的人都想学英语?(do you think)应该利用每一分钟来学英语。(make use of)

  Every minuteto learn English.


  official, come up to, because of, believe it or not, fluent, be based on, such as, play a big part in,actually, accent

  Childhood experiences often_____________ shaping one’s character.

  2. ____________ , I was already a university teacher when I was only 25.

  3. He told me to the front of the room so that everyone could see me.

  4. Many people agree that a good marriage


  5. Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing

  the serious pollution.

  6. It’s more useful to learn modern languages,_________ English, German and Latin.

  7. He spoke French __________.

  8. The news is almost certainly true although it is not __________.

  9. Her English

  is so good, and you would think she was a native speaker.

  10. I’ve known Barbara for years. Since we were babies, __________________.



  1. 现在,英语在我们的生活中越来越重要2. 因为这一点,很多人正在努力学习英语。我们肯定会在学习英语屮遇到很多问题,如词汇、语 法等。很多人提出了处理它们的方法,比如学习英语应该以 我们的课本为基础。我们应该充分利用每一分钟多读等。逐渐地你会发现你已经爱上了英语。

  Unit 2 English around the world

  【Learning Aims】

  1. To master the usage of the basic words and expressions in unit 2.

  2. To enjoy our class and prepare for the college entrance examination.







  美国某中学生代表团来你校访问,根据提示,请你以学生代表的名义写一篇词数为 100左右的短文,介绍一下你们学校英语学习的情况。




  With the constant development of the society, English has played a more and more important part in our daily life. Therefore, the number of people learning English is increasing rapidly. However, it is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as fluently as a native English speaker. One reason is that English has a large vocabulary. It also has different usages in different English-speaking countries. At present, we actually have a very small number of fluent English- speakers in our school. But the world trade is based on English. We are determined to make good use of every chance to learn English and I hope we will have a good command of English.


  I. 单词



  (adj.)官方的正式的;公务的 (.)官员 (adj.)本国的;本地的(.) 本地人;本国人


  _______(n.)航行;航海._________ (n.)礼物;目前(adj.) 到场;出席(.)提交;赠予;展现;呈现

  (vt.)以……为根据()基部;基地;基础→_____ (adj.)基本的;基础的→_____(n.)基础基本原则

  (adj.)逐渐的的)逐渐地;逐步地)较后的;后半的;(两者中)后者的最新的;最近的 (adv.)后来(adj.)后期的(adv.)近来;最近

  8._______ (vt.)辨认出;公认→_____ (n.)认出;认识._______(adj.)流利的流畅的(adv.)流利地;流畅地→________ (n.)流利;流畅【频单词】不可不知10. ________ (n.&vt.)命令;;掌握(n.& vt.)请求;要求(adv.)直接;挺直 (adj.)直的;笔直的;正直的 13(n.) 词汇;词汇量;词表 14频繁的;常见的→______ (adj.)常常;15._________ (n.)词语;表示;表达→_______()表达

  II. 短语

  1. 现在;目前利用;使用例如;像这种的

  4. 扮演一个角色;参与 _____________ 5. 走近;上来提出_____________ 6. more…than…_____________

  even if_____________ 8. because of _____________ 9.be based on___________ 10. a number of___________


  (目前),developing the ability of the students is an important task in our daily teaching activity. When we deal with the unit of awe always ask the students to ___________ (扮演角色)it. We instruct them to

  (利用)everything around them,

  _______(比如说)a stick, a curtain, and so on.


  1. more…than…与其……不如……;是 而不是

  It was based more on German an (更多的是以德语为基础而不是)the English we speak at present.


  Jimmy is.

  2. such…as...像 这样的

  Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English (像标准英语这样的东西)


  There is no“slimming” food.

  3. the way+定语从句

  However, on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak (人们讲话的方式).


  We didn’t like________________________.

  4. do you think在特殊疑问词后作插入语

  Which country do you think has the most English learners (你认为有最多的英语学习者)?


  What quality____________________________?


  Since people began to move from England to other parts of the world, more and more people 1._______ (begin) to speak English 2.______ their first, second or foreign language. But English 3.________(change) over time. The English 4._______( speak) between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different 5.______the English spoken today. As a matter of fact, it 6._______(base) more on German than present English. Then it became less like German because 7______who ruled England spoke French. One big change in English happened when Noah Webster 8.________(write) The American Dictionary of the English Language. Today the number of people who 9.________(learn) English in China is increasing 10._______(rapid). Will Chinese English develop its own identity? Only time will tell.



  1. She was__________________________________


  He was admitted to a very famous university. But I have_________________(没有这样的运气).

  My parents requested me to learn another foreign language. (同义句转换)

  4. 你认为为什么全世界的人都想学英语?(do you think)应该利用每一分钟来学英语。(make use of)

  Every minuteto learn English.


  official, come up to, because of, believe it or not, fluent, be based on, such as, play a big part in,actually, accent

  Childhood experiences often_____________ shaping one’s character.

  2. ____________ , I was already a university teacher when I was only 25.

  3. He told me to the front of the room so that everyone could see me.

  4. Many people agree that a good marriage


  5. Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing

  the serious pollution.

  6. It’s more useful to learn modern languages,_________ English, German and Latin.

  7. He spoke French __________.

  8. The news is almost certainly true although it is not __________.

  9. Her English

  is so good, and you would think she was a native speaker.

  10. I’ve known Barbara for years. Since we were babies, __________________.



  1. 现在,英语在我们的生活中越来越重要2. 因为这一点,很多人正在努力学习英语。我们肯定会在学习英语屮遇到很多问题,如词汇、语 法等。很多人提出了处理它们的方法,比如学习英语应该以 我们的课本为基础。我们应该充分利用每一分钟多读等。逐渐地你会发现你已经爱上了英语。