2024届高考英语大一轮全册复习课件:M5U2《The Environment》(牛津译林版)

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2024届高考英语大一轮全册复习课件:M5U2《The Environment》(牛津译林版)

  a.英语中对某一问题在进行采访调查后写成的报告一般分为三个部分:提出问题;正反方观点及理由/调查发现;小结/提出建议。 b.在行文上一定要注意三个方面:一是层次分明;二是各部分主题明确;三是各部分内部承接词运用恰当。当然也要注意用好恰当的句型。

  项目 内容

  认 知 词 汇

  Listen and translate the words into Chinese: 1.electrical________________2.environmental______________3.consultant________________ 4.spokeswoman______


  6.responsibility______ 7.engine______


  9.administration______ 10.production______


  12.satellite______ 13.typhoon______


  15.conservation______ 16.customs______


  18.pipe______ 19.low­carbon______

  20.bush______ 【答案】1.电的,用电的 2.环境的 3.顾问 4.女发言人  5.商人,企业家 6.责任,职责  7.引擎 8.贪婪的

  9.管理,施行 10.生产 11.氧气 12.人造卫星  13.台风  14.交通工具 15.保护 16.海关 17.非法地

  18.管道  19.低碳的 20.灌木 项目 内容


  Write down the words you hear and put them into Chinese: 1.________


  2. ________


  3. ________

  ________ 4. ________


  5. ________


  6. ________

  ________ 7. ________


  8. ________


  9. ________

  ________ 10. ________

  ________ 11. ________


  12. ________

  ________ 13. ________

  ________ 14. ________


  15. ________

  ________ 16. ________

  ________ 17. ________


  18. ________

  ________ 19. ________

  ________ 20. ________


  21. ________

  ________ 22. ________


  【答案】 1.range范围;变化  2.quantity数量 3.arrival到达;到达者 4.debate辩论 5.concern 关心,忧虑 6.recycle回收利用 7.decrease减少 8.operate 经营;动手术 9.credit 赞扬;学分 10.arrest 逮捕 11.impress 使印象深刻 12.conflict冲突;矛盾 13.decade十年 14.particular 特别的;讲究的  15.flow流动 16.appreciate赞赏

  17.drill钻孔;操练  18.measure措施;测量 19.consume消耗;消费  20.absorb吸收;理解 21.fuel 燃料 22.flood 洪水,淹没 项目 内容


  Translate the following into English: 1.依赖……提供……______________2.削减______________________ 3.挑出_________________

  4.关于,就……而言_____________ 5.自由发言______

  6.耗尽__________ 7.在进行中______


  9.把……归咎于……__________ 10.关掉(开关)______


  12.四处打听______ 13.尽自己的职责______


  15.尤其,特别______ 16.为……感到羞愧______


  18.打扫,清除干净______ 19.有很长的路要走______


  【答案】1.rely on...for... 2.cut back on 3.pick out 4.in / with regard to 5.open the floor 6.run out (of)  7.under way 8.use up 9.blame... on... 10.turn off 11.hide from responsibilities 12.ask around

  13.do one's part 14.be willing to do... 15.in particular 16.feel ashamed of / about 17.let off 18.clean up

  19.have a long way to go 20.put... in danger 项目 内容


  1.What if they (raw materials) run out? (P25,E) [仿写]如果我们的燃料用完了怎么办? What if we ____________________________________________? 2.It is our duty to try to cut back on production and reduce the number of things we make and buy. (P22,L21­22) [仿写]那对年轻夫妇说他们有责任把那个三岁的孤儿抚养大。 The young couple said ______________________. 3.There is no doubt that the world climate has been changing in recent years. (P39,L1) [仿写]毫无疑问在洪水到来时解放军帮了我们大忙。 ___________ no doubt that ________________. 4.We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems in regard to the Yangtze River. (P38, L21­22) [仿写]要关于村民饮用水的安全问题,我们还有很长的路要走。 We still have a long way to go ______________________________.

  项目 内容


  【答案】 1.run out of fuel 2.(that) it was / is their duty to bring up the three­year­old orphan 3.There was; the PAL men gave us great help upon the arrival of the flood / when the flood came/arrived 4.to solve the problem in regard to the security of the villagers' drinking water 项目 内容


  写作:A report on something absorbed in her book being treated was very impressed by out break point carry hold figure run turn give go on/upon down in short off up part take a in the of under treatment construction discussion repair control consideration debate

  a.英语中对某一问题在进行采访调查后写成的报告一般分为三个部分:提出问题;正反方观点及理由/调查发现;小结/提出建议。 b.在行文上一定要注意三个方面:一是层次分明;二是各部分主题明确;三是各部分内部承接词运用恰当。当然也要注意用好恰当的句型。

  项目 内容

  认 知 词 汇

  Listen and translate the words into Chinese: 1.electrical________________2.environmental______________3.consultant________________ 4.spokeswoman______


  6.responsibility______ 7.engine______


  9.administration______ 10.production______


  12.satellite______ 13.typhoon______


  15.conservation______ 16.customs______


  18.pipe______ 19.low­carbon______

  20.bush______ 【答案】1.电的,用电的 2.环境的 3.顾问 4.女发言人  5.商人,企业家 6.责任,职责  7.引擎 8.贪婪的

  9.管理,施行 10.生产 11.氧气 12.人造卫星  13.台风  14.交通工具 15.保护 16.海关 17.非法地

  18.管道  19.低碳的 20.灌木 项目 内容


  Write down the words you hear and put them into Chinese: 1.________


  2. ________


  3. ________

  ________ 4. ________


  5. ________


  6. ________

  ________ 7. ________


  8. ________


  9. ________

  ________ 10. ________

  ________ 11. ________


  12. ________

  ________ 13. ________

  ________ 14. ________


  15. ________

  ________ 16. ________

  ________ 17. ________


  18. ________

  ________ 19. ________

  ________ 20. ________


  21. ________

  ________ 22. ________


  【答案】 1.range范围;变化  2.quantity数量 3.arrival到达;到达者 4.debate辩论 5.concern 关心,忧虑 6.recycle回收利用 7.decrease减少 8.operate 经营;动手术 9.credit 赞扬;学分 10.arrest 逮捕 11.impress 使印象深刻 12.conflict冲突;矛盾 13.decade十年 14.particular 特别的;讲究的  15.flow流动 16.appreciate赞赏

  17.drill钻孔;操练  18.measure措施;测量 19.consume消耗;消费  20.absorb吸收;理解 21.fuel 燃料 22.flood 洪水,淹没 项目 内容


  Translate the following into English: 1.依赖……提供……______________2.削减______________________ 3.挑出_________________

  4.关于,就……而言_____________ 5.自由发言______

  6.耗尽__________ 7.在进行中______


  9.把……归咎于……__________ 10.关掉(开关)______


  12.四处打听______ 13.尽自己的职责______


  15.尤其,特别______ 16.为……感到羞愧______


  18.打扫,清除干净______ 19.有很长的路要走______


  【答案】1.rely on...for... 2.cut back on 3.pick out 4.in / with regard to 5.open the floor 6.run out (of)  7.under way 8.use up 9.blame... on... 10.turn off 11.hide from responsibilities 12.ask around

  13.do one's part 14.be willing to do... 15.in particular 16.feel ashamed of / about 17.let off 18.clean up

  19.have a long way to go 20.put... in danger 项目 内容


  1.What if they (raw materials) run out? (P25,E) [仿写]如果我们的燃料用完了怎么办? What if we ____________________________________________? 2.It is our duty to try to cut back on production and reduce the number of things we make and buy. (P22,L21­22) [仿写]那对年轻夫妇说他们有责任把那个三岁的孤儿抚养大。 The young couple said ______________________. 3.There is no doubt that the world climate has been changing in recent years. (P39,L1) [仿写]毫无疑问在洪水到来时解放军帮了我们大忙。 ___________ no doubt that ________________. 4.We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems in regard to the Yangtze River. (P38, L21­22) [仿写]要关于村民饮用水的安全问题,我们还有很长的路要走。 We still have a long way to go ______________________________.

  项目 内容


  【答案】 1.run out of fuel 2.(that) it was / is their duty to bring up the three­year­old orphan 3.There was; the PAL men gave us great help upon the arrival of the flood / when the flood came/arrived 4.to solve the problem in regard to the security of the villagers' drinking water 项目 内容


  写作:A report on something absorbed in her book being treated was very impressed by out break point carry hold figure run turn give go on/upon down in short off up part take a in the of under treatment construction discussion repair control consideration debate