2024届高考英语一轮复习单元演练:选修6 Module 6《War and Peace》(第2课时)(外研版含答案)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习单元演练:选修6 Module 6《War and Peace》(第2课时)(外研版含答案)

  第一部分 选修六 Module 6


  1.(2024·烟台高三模拟改编)She picked________ Japanese( when she was in Japan, Now she can speak it freely.

  答案:up 考查动词短语。句意:她在日本学会的日语,现在运用自如。pick up“偶然(无意间)学会;拾起,捡起”,符合句意。2.(2024·天津一中高三月考改编) ________(occupy) himself in looking after the children, he had little time to finish his report.

  答案:Occupying 考查非谓语动词。句意:他忙于照看自己的孩子,所以几乎没有时间完成他的报告。 occupying himself in looking after the children为现在分词作原因状语,occupy与主语he之间为主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。

  3.(2024·山东省级规范化学校检测改编)The plan was ________(abandon) when it was discovered just how much the scheme would cost.

  答案:abandoned 考查动词词义。句意:当发现这个方案将耗费巨资时,它被放弃了。abandon“放弃”,符合题意。

  4.(2024·浙江温州八校联考改编)How long will it be ______ the computer company puts forward a new product?

  答案:before 考查状语从句的连接词。句意:多久之后电脑公司才能推出新产品。此处考查句型“I it will be+一段时间+before” “……之后才……”。

  5.With the reform of literacy marketplace, an interesting number of good TV series and films which are worth________(watch) have been coming forward.

  答案:watching 考查同义词用法辨析。句意:随着文化市场的改革,一大批值得观赏的好的影视剧不断涌现出来。be worth watching“值得观赏”。

  6.The performance ________(last) nearly three hours, but few people left the theater early.

  答案:lasted 考查动词词义。句意:这场演出持续了近三个小时,但没有人提前退场。last“持续”。根据句子结构可知此处需要使用不及物动词,只有last合适。

  7.________ his great wealth, he always remains a man of simple tastes.

  答案:Despite despite为介词,相当于in spite of,意为“尽管”。

  8.Why are you still working on this project? It's 4 o'clock in the afternoon and you're supposed ________(finish) it by noon.

  答案:to have finished 考查非谓语动词。依据上文的“Why are you still working on this project?”及两个时间状语“4 o'clock in the afternoon和“by noon”可知,该项工作早应该完成了;而且be supposed后需接动词不定式结构,即be supposed to do...“应该做……/被认为做……”。因此该处应用不定式的完成式。

  9.I suggested the thief referred to________(put) into prison.

  答案:be put 句意:我建议所提到的小偷应该被送进监狱。此处referred to为过去分词短语作定语,修饰the thief,而从句中的谓语动词应用“(should)be+过去分词”。

  10.Charles did what he could ________(rescue) the drowning girl, although he himself was in danger.

  答案:to rescue 考查固定搭配。句意:尽管查理也身处险境,但他还是竭尽全力去营救那个溺水的女孩。do what one can to do sth.“尽力做某事”,为固定搭配,故选C。



  Jim is a __1__(talent) man who can do quite a lot of things. He is an honest man as __2__ as a kind man., but he is never at __3__ mercy of anybody. In a way, it's his shortcoming. The __4__ day, he and I went to the zoo together. When he saw the tiger in the distance, he thought of a foolish __5__ to control the tiger by attempting __6__(ride) it! If the adults had not come in time, he wouldn't have escaped from the jaws of __7__(die). Another time I went surfing with him. When he set loose, he surfed __8__ the direction of the middle of the sea without anybody following him. I __9__ next to him at the beginning, but he surfed so fast that I couldn't keep up with him. Gradually, we couldn't see him at all. It was not until late in the afternoon __10__ he returned to the shore.

  1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

  6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______


  1.talented 吉姆是个有天赋的人,能做很多事情。这里使用的形容词“有天赋的”: talented。

  2.well 他是个诚实的人也是一个善良的人。as well as“不但……而且……”。

  3.the 但是他从不受任何人的支配。词组:at the mercy of“受……支配”。

  4.other 几天前,我和他一起去动物园。the other day“几天前”。

  5.idea 他有了一个愚蠢的想法想通过骑上老虎将它控制。考查名词“想法,主意”:idea。

  6.to ride attempt to do“试图做……”,所以填to ride。

  7.death 如果大人没有及时赶到,他不会逃脱死亡的爪子。考查名词“死亡”:death。

  8.in 他朝着海的中间冲浪没有人跟着他。和direction搭配用介词in。

  9.was 我就在他旁边。因为是回忆过去的事情,be动词用一般过去式:was。

  10.that 晚上直到很晚他才回到岸边。考查强调句:It was not until……that……“直到……才……”。



  A black car rushed around the busy street corner, toward the courthouse. The dark __1__ window rolled down and a semi­automatic __2__ stack out.

  Pauly Gillespie, a govermnent protected witness (目击者), stood __3__, seeing death walking toward him. Pauly's FBI bodyguards __4__ themselves on top of him, but two __5__ were fired and Pauly was hit __6__ the shoulder.

  The car __7__ across two lanes (车道) of traffic. Then it turned left down a path and got __8__ behind a large truck. The two men in the car __9__ out and raced away—__10__into the arms of four policemen.

  Special agent (特工) Brown was new to the police unit and was told to __11__ the car out of the path so that the traffic could return to __12__. Brown changed the position of the rearview (后视) mirror __13__ and drove it around to __14__ his boss was questioning the two men.

  Brown stood and watched. One of the men was tall and thin, and __15__ was five inches shorter, about Brown's__16__.

  Agent Fordney asked the two men who had done the shooting. They __17__ to tell him. Then Brown smiled and said, “I know who the shooter was.” His boss was surprised. How could Brown know that without getting any answer from the two men?

  When Brown got into the car, he had to adjust the rearview mirror. That meant the previous driver had been of a __18__ height. Since the shorter man was close to Brown's height, he knew the taller man must have been the __19__.Therefore, the shorter man had done the __20__.


  1.A.driver­side B.passenger­side

  C.right­hand side D.left­hand side

  答案:B driver­side意为“司机一侧的”;passenger­side意为“乘客一侧的”;right­hand side意为“右手边的”;left­hand side 意为“左手边的”,根据常识以及最后一段的描述可知是坐在乘客一侧座位的人开枪,故B项正确。

  2.A.hand B.camera

  C.handgun D.knife

  答案:C hand意为“手”;camera意为“照相机”;handgun意为“手枪”;knife意为“小刀”。根据第二段的最后一句中“...but two __5__were fired and Pauly was hit __6__ the shoulder”可知是只半自动手枪伸了出来,故C项正确。

  3.A.frozen B.calm

  C.quiet D.still

  答案:A frozen意为“冷冻的,结冰的;呆住的”;calm意为“平静的,冷静的”;quiet意为“安静的”;still意为“静止的,不动的”。从此空后的下半句“seeing death walking toward him”可推知此时保利是吓得呆住了,故A项正确。

  4.A.put B.rushed

  C.jumped D.threw

  答案:D put意为“放置”;rush意为“冲”;jump意为“跳”;throw意为“扔”。因为是保镖,所以要保护保利,throw oneself on top of...意为“使身体迅速地伏在……上”,符合语境,故D项正确。

  5.A.bullets B.shots

  C.guns D.shoots

  答案:B bullets意为“子弹”;shots意为“射击”;guns意为“枪”;shoots意为“发射;摄影;狩猎”。根据此空后的信息词fired可知此处表示开枪了,故B项正确。

  6.A.on B.at

  C.over D.in

  答案:D 保利肩膀中弹,这里使用了“hit sb.+on/in+the+身体部位”结构,因为子弹射到肩膀里面了,所以用in。

  7.A.sped B.rolled

  C.moved D.went

  答案:A speed意为“加速”;roll意为“滚”;move意为“移动”;go意为“去”。根据句意可推断这辆车在开枪之后,旨定是加速穿过两个车道,故A项正确。

  8.A.damaged B.destroyed

  C.stuck D.injured

  答案:C damage意为“破坏”;destroy意为“毁坏”;stick意为“刺;卡”;injure意为“受伤”。根据下句中“The two men in the car __9__ out and raced away...”可推知,袭击者的车被一个大卡车卡住了,所以他们才逃跑的,故C项正确。

  9.A.came B.hurried

  C.walked D.crawled

  答案:B 车里面的两个人匆忙从车里出来,并逃走,故B项hurry“匆忙,急忙”正确。

  10.A.suddenly B.right

  C.quickly D.immediately

  答案:B suddenly意为“突然”;right意为“正确地,恰当地;正好地”;quickly意为“迅速地,很快地”;immediately意为“立刻”。根据句意可知此处表示他们正好撞到4个警察的武器包围之下,故B项正确。

  11.A.clear B.ride

  C.carry D.push

  答案:A clear意为“清除”;ride意为“骑车”;carry意为“携带;运送”;push意为“推”。根据此空后的“...so that the traffic could return to __12__”可知布朗被要求把汽车从路上移开,这样交通就可以恢复正常。return to normal为固定搭配,意为“恢复正常”。故A项正确。

  12.A.common B.ordinary

  C.usual D.normal

  答案:D common意为“一般的”;ordinary意为“普通的”;usual意为“通常的”;normal意为“正常的”。return to normal意为“恢复正常”,为固定短语,符合语境。

  13.A.up B.down

  C.in D.out

  答案:B 根据最后一段中“Since the shorter man was close to Brown's height, he knew the taller man must have been the __19__.”可知是高个子的人开车的,所以是向下改变后视镜的位置,故B项正确。

  14.A.where B.there

  C.which D.what

  答案:A 根据语境可知此处表示布朗把车开到长官审问这两个人的地方,故用where引导宾语从句。

  15.A.another B.other

  C.the other D.one

  答案:C 根据上文可知一共是两个人,根据上半句中One of the men...可知此处用the other,构成“one...the other...”结构,意为“一个……,另一个……”,故C项正确。

  16.A.size B.length

  C.age D.height

  答案:D size意为“大小,尺寸”;length意为“长度”;age意为“年龄”;height意为“高度”。从前面的“...was five inches shorter”可知另外一个人的高度和布朗相仿,故D项正确。

  17.A.decided B.refused

  C.had D.pretended

  答案:B decide意为“决定”;refuse意为“拒绝”;have意为“有”;pretend意为“假装”。从下句“Then Brown smiled and said,‘I know who the shooter was’”可推断两个人拒绝回答,故B项正确。

  18.A.same B.large

  C.different D.small

  答案:C 从上句“When Brown got into the car, he had to adjust the rearview mirror”布朗调整后视镜的位置,说明司机的高度和他不同,故C项different正确。

  19.A.murderer B.shooter

  C.driver D.killer

  答案:C murderer意为“杀人犯”;shooter意为“射手”;driver意为“司机”;killer意为“杀手”。从后视镜的位置可判断出高个子的人应是司机,故C项正确。

  20.A.killing B.shooting

  C.driving D.murdering

  答案:B 两个犯人一个高一些,一个矮一些,矮一些的犯人和布朗的个子差不多。布朗去将车移走时,需要将后视镜向下调整,说明高个子的人是司机,那么矮个子的人就是开枪的人,他从乘客一侧将枪伸出窗外并开了枪,故B项正确。




  LEEDS, England—A Leeds University psychology professor is researching a course to help dozens of Britons forgive their enemies.

  “The hate we hold within us is a cancer,” Professor Ken Hart said, adding that holding in anger can lead to problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease.

  More than 70 people have become volunteers in Hart's first 20­week workshop in London—a course he says is the first of its kind in the world.

  “These are people who are sick and tired of living with a memory. They realize their bitterness is a poison they think they can pour out, but they end up drinking it themselves,” said Canadian­born Hart.

  The students meet in each group of eight to ten for a two­hour workshop with a director every two weeks.

  The course, ending in July, is expected to get rid of the cancer of hate in these people. “People have lots of negative attitudes toward forgiveness,” he said. “People confuse forgiveness with forgetting. Forgiveness means changing from a negative attitude to a positive one.”

  Hart and his team have created instructions to provide the training needed.

  “The main idea is to give you guidance on how to look at all kinds of angers and how they affect you, and how to change your attitudes toward the person you are angry with,” said Norman Claringbull, a senior expert on the forgiveness project.

  Hart said, “I believe forgiveness is a skill that can be taught, as these people want to get free of the past.”


  1.From this passage we know that ________.

  A.without hate, people will have less trouble connected with blood pressure and heart disease

  B.people who suffer from blood pressure and heart disease must have many enemies