2024届高考英语一轮复习单元演练:必修3 Module 6《Old and New》(第1课时)(外研版含答案)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习单元演练:必修3 Module 6《Old and New》(第1课时)(外研版含答案)

  第一部分 必修三 Module 6


  1.The earliest occurrences of tide ________ (始于) from the Middle Ages, or even from Roman times.

  2.The income gaps are widening rather than ________ (缩小).

  3.It's ________(极冷的) in this house. Can't I turn on the heating?

  4.The hotel is too small to ________(容纳) such a large number of holiday makers.

  5.My children, please r________ the snow from your shoes before coming in.

  6.The car c__________ on the road, killing its driver passengers.

  7.The bridge is under c________. We have to choose another road to the town.

  8.It's difficult to travel through the town on a f________ morning.

  答案:1.date 2.narrowing 3.freezing 4.accommodate 5.remove 6.crashed 7.constructions 8.foggy


  1.We will never be held ________ by difficulties, no matter how great they are!

  2.He once dreamed ________ having a big house in the city.

  3.Can you make sense ________ what he said just now?

  4.We are going to visit an old temple dating ________ the 12th century.

  5.Winning the competition put an end ________ his financial problems.

  答案:1.back 2.of/about 3.of 4.from/back to 5.to







  答案:It took her two hours to clean the house. She spent two hours (in) cleaning the house.  Cleaning the house cost her two hours.


  1.Tom is likely to go to Beijing for his summer vacation.

  →It is ________ ________ ________ ________ ________to Beijing for his summer vacation.

  2.I think Tom is fit for the position.

  →Who ________ ________ ________ is fit for the position?

  答案:1.likely that Tom is going 2.do you think



  1.在寒冷的一天,市政府就是否把追溯到1 000年前的古庙移走,在那儿建个公园展开讨论。(freezing;date back to;remove)

  2.一些人认为这样做有道理,因为他们认为只有将古庙移走建个公园,改善生活的梦想才能变为现实。(make sense;dream of; come true)

  3.而另一些人试图阻止,因为他们认为这座古庙值得保护,而且把如此庞大的历史建筑移走是荒唐的。(hold back; enormous; historic construction;ridiculous)

  4.最后,他们不得不终止了讨论。(bring an end to)









  On a freezing cold day, the city government held a discussion on whether to remove the old temple dating back to 1,000 years ago and build a park there. Some people thought it made sense to do so because they thought only in this way could their dream of improving life come true, while others tried to hold it back because they thought this old temple deserved protecting. What's more, removing the enormous historic construction was ridiculous. At last, they had to bring an end to the discussion.

  第一部分 必修三 Module 6


  1.The earliest occurrences of tide ________ (始于) from the Middle Ages, or even from Roman times.

  2.The income gaps are widening rather than ________ (缩小).

  3.It's ________(极冷的) in this house. Can't I turn on the heating?

  4.The hotel is too small to ________(容纳) such a large number of holiday makers.

  5.My children, please r________ the snow from your shoes before coming in.

  6.The car c__________ on the road, killing its driver passengers.

  7.The bridge is under c________. We have to choose another road to the town.

  8.It's difficult to travel through the town on a f________ morning.

  答案:1.date 2.narrowing 3.freezing 4.accommodate 5.remove 6.crashed 7.constructions 8.foggy


  1.We will never be held ________ by difficulties, no matter how great they are!

  2.He once dreamed ________ having a big house in the city.

  3.Can you make sense ________ what he said just now?

  4.We are going to visit an old temple dating ________ the 12th century.

  5.Winning the competition put an end ________ his financial problems.

  答案:1.back 2.of/about 3.of 4.from/back to 5.to







  答案:It took her two hours to clean the house. She spent two hours (in) cleaning the house.  Cleaning the house cost her two hours.


  1.Tom is likely to go to Beijing for his summer vacation.

  →It is ________ ________ ________ ________ ________to Beijing for his summer vacation.

  2.I think Tom is fit for the position.

  →Who ________ ________ ________ is fit for the position?

  答案:1.likely that Tom is going 2.do you think



  1.在寒冷的一天,市政府就是否把追溯到1 000年前的古庙移走,在那儿建个公园展开讨论。(freezing;date back to;remove)

  2.一些人认为这样做有道理,因为他们认为只有将古庙移走建个公园,改善生活的梦想才能变为现实。(make sense;dream of; come true)

  3.而另一些人试图阻止,因为他们认为这座古庙值得保护,而且把如此庞大的历史建筑移走是荒唐的。(hold back; enormous; historic construction;ridiculous)

  4.最后,他们不得不终止了讨论。(bring an end to)









  On a freezing cold day, the city government held a discussion on whether to remove the old temple dating back to 1,000 years ago and build a park there. Some people thought it made sense to do so because they thought only in this way could their dream of improving life come true, while others tried to hold it back because they thought this old temple deserved protecting. What's more, removing the enormous historic construction was ridiculous. At last, they had to bring an end to the discussion.