【复习方略】2024版高考英语一轮外研版课时提升作业:必修5 Module 3《Adventure in Literature and the Cinema》(

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【复习方略】2024版高考英语一轮外研版课时提升作业:必修5 Module 3《Adventure in Literature and the Cinema》(


  Ⅰ. 单项填空

  1. (2024·沈阳模拟)At the age of twenty Steve left his hometown,  to return without making his mark.

  A. determining not

  B. not determined

  C. determined not

  D. not determining

  2. He tried many times to sneak across the border to a neighbouring country, ______ each time.

  A. having been caught

  B. unfortunately caught

  C. always being caught

  D. only to be caught

  3. (2024·石家庄模拟)—Why was our foreign teacher unhappy yesterday?

  —News about the tsunami striking her country an attack of homesickness.

  A. set for

  B. set out

  C. set about

  D. set off

  4. My English teacher went into the classroom as if .

  A. being angry

  B. angry

  C. to be angry

  D. been angry

  5. (2024·鞍山模拟)He was dismissed, because he had been to be punctual but was late again.

  A. warned

  B. encouraged

  C. allowed

  D. forbidden

  6. She was invited but she didn’t want to go to the party, so she an excuse.

  A. put up

  B. gave up

  C. made up

  D. showed up

  7. If we take all business he should arrange into , his plan seems to be practical.

  A. thought

  B. account

  C. position

  D. effect

  8. (2024·大连模拟)I found Jane at the desk,  her homework carefully.

  A. seated; doing

  B. sitting; does

  C. be seated; does

  D. sit; do

  9. (2024·重庆模拟)However, at times this balance in nature is , resulting in a number of unforeseen efforts.

  A. troubled

  B. disturbed

  C. kept

  D. mixed

  10. Having walked in the desert for several days, we felt exhausted, but we had to find a pool before the water we had in the bottle .

  A. ran out of

  B. ran away

  C. ran out

  D. ran off

  11. (2024·常州模拟)He to us that those eggs on the table had beenby snakes.

  A. lied; laying; lied

  B. lied; lying; lain

  C. laid; laid; laid

  D. lied; lying; laid

  12. The film Pandamen   2030, when the world is under threat of two people who are trying to control people’s minds.

  A. is set in

  B. set in

  C. sets in

  D. is setting in

  13. Dear passengers, please remain until the bus totally stops.

  A. seat

  B. seated

  C. seating

  D. to be seated

  14. She knows that as a secretary she must be pleasant and helpful no matter how busy she is or what kind of she may be in.

  A. mood

  B. mind

  C. form

  D. thought

  15. She was not beautiful; she didn’t her mother.

  A. like

  B. resemble like

  C. resemble with

  D. resemble

  Ⅱ. 阅读理解


  Fishy Film Goes DeeperAvatar director James Cameron is now taking his camera deep into the ocean.

  On March 25, he did a lone submarine(潜水艇)dive nearly 11 kilometers down to the deepest place in the ocean, the Mariana Trench(马里亚纳海沟)in the western Pacific.

  Compared with the colourful forest of Avatar, the Mariana Trench is dark and icy cold. Cameron became the first person to explore the deepest valley in the ocean since two men made a 20-minute trip there in 1960.

  “I felt like I really had gone to another planet and come back, ”Cameron told the Associated Press after returning from his dive. “It’s really the sense of isolation(与世隔绝), realizing how tiny you are down in this big, black and unexplored place. ”

  The filmmaker has spent the past few years working with his team of engineers to design and build the submarine called “Deep-sea Challenger”. Unlike ordinary submarines, it is wrapped in cameras and lights so that Cameron can film the ocean from the inside.

  The minute-long video that Cameron took while under the sea has been released by the National Geographic. There are no words in the video, but there is something fascinating about this extremely quiet and remote place. Cameron said he was thankful that he of all people had had the chance to go there.

  “There had to be a moment when I just stopped, and took it in, and said, ‘This is where I am; I’m at the bottom of the ocean, the deepest place on Earth. ’”Cameron told reporters.

  The Mariana Trench was once thought to be of little interest to scientists. It was assumed that nothing could live under so much pressure and with so little light. But in recent years scientists have found that creatures there like fish and shrimps can resist the heavy pressure. They are also trying to figure out what role deep-sea trenches play in earthquakes.

  Cameron told the BBC that he does not want this dive to be a one-time thing. He wants to use it as a platform for further ocean exploration. (370W)

  1. What is the purpose of the passage?

  A. To inform readers of Cameron’s adventure to the Mariana Trench.

  B. To report the successful launch of the “Deep-sea Challenger”.

  C. To introduce Cameron’s latest video filmed in the Mariana Trench.

  D. To draw public attention to the Mariana Trench.

  2. It can be inferred from the passage that when Cameron reached the Mariana Trench,  .

  A. he felt worried and isolated

  B. he was anxious about his safety

  C. he was surprised by what he experienced

  D. he was excited that he had occupied the ocean

  3. How does the “Deep-sea Challenger” differ from ordinary submarines?

  A. It is more comfortable than an ordinary submarine.

  B. It is much heavier than an ordinary submarine.

  C. It is specially designed for filming under the sea.

  D. It is the only one allowing people to see the outside.

  4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. The role that deep-sea trenches play in earthquakes is still unknown.

  B. Cameron is the first person to have explored the Mariana Trench so far.

  C. Scientists don’t think that the Mariana Trench is of much scientific value.

  D. There are no creatures living in the Mariana Trench due to its special conditions.



  The morning for our snowmobiling(雪地机动车)adventure finally arrived, and we set off on the hour-and-a-half drive to the resort. A fresh powder had fallen the night before, and everything was frosted white. We couldn’t have asked for more perfect conditions. The sun sparkled(闪光)on the snow, and the trails(路线)were completely empty—not another person or snowmobile in sight. We were thrilled at being the only people for miles around . . . until we got going.

  As we drove through the deserted wilderness(荒野), my excitement became stone-cold fear. I had no idea what I was afraid of, or why I was afraid, but suddenly every turn, every hill, every steep(陡峭的)side of the mountain scared me to death. I kept picturing us crashing headlong into a tree or falling off the side of a drop.

  But after lunch things changed. We were the only humans who had been there since the snowfall. The peaceful place, the incredible beauty of the landscape, and the almost sacred(神圣的)experience of sharing a mountain with the wildlife touched my very core(核心). My mind cleared and quieted and my muscles relaxed.

  As we drove the last leg of the run, I began to resent being afraid to drive. Deep down, I wanted to be in charge of the thing that scared me. It made me angry that fear was keeping me from something I really wanted to do. The day was coming to an end, and the resort was only a few miles away. I knew that if I didn’t take my chance now, I would regret it.

  I signaled for my husband to pull over. I wanted to drive, although my heart pounded(重击). I started off slowly and felt the wind in my face. I smiled and sped up a little. I let out a “Yee—haw!” and went full out, taking my husband on the best ride of the day.

  We ended the day on that breathless, carefree, and I felt proud of myself—proud of overcoming my fear. (365W)

  5. What is the story mainly about?

  A. What the author loves about snowmobiling.

  B. What difficulties the couple faced during their adventure.

  C. What interested the author during her time snowmobiling.

  D. How the author overcame her fear during her adventure.

  6. According to the article, after lunch the author .

  A. gradually calmed down

  B. stopped to enjoy the beautiful scenery

  C. saw some wildlife on the mountain

  D. was afraid to continue her journey

  7. The underlined word “resent” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to“ ”.

  A. consider

  B. appreciate

  C. hate

  D. recognize

  8. What message does the story convey?

  A. A person’s biggest enemy is his or her inner self.

  B. It’s no use crying over the spilt milk.

  C. Take time to enjoy the beauty of nature.

  D. Respect and take pride in yourself.


  Ⅰ. 把下列阅读理解B中的句子翻译成汉语

  1. I kept picturing us crashing headlong into a tree or falling off the side of a drop.


  2. It made me angry that fear was keeping me from something I really wanted to do.


  Ⅱ. 用英语概括阅读理解B的段落大意

  段 落 段落大意

  Para. 1 _________________________

  Para. 2 _________________________

  Para. 3 _________________________

  Para. 4 _________________________

  Paras. 5、6 _________________________

  Ⅰ.1.【解析】选C。句意: 二十岁时史蒂夫离开了故乡, 决心不取得成就就不回来。说明主语在离开家乡时的状态, 故用形容词determined。否定不定式在不定式符号to前加not。

  2.【解析】选D。考查非谓语动词作结果状语。句意: 他多次试图偷渡到邻国去, 结果每次都被抓住。根据句意, 所填部分作结果状语, 并且是出乎意料的结果, 所以要用不定式结构。

  3.【解析】选D。考查动词短语辨析。句意: ——为什么我们的外教昨天不高兴? ——海啸袭击她的国家的消息引发了她的思乡病。set off引起, 激起, 符合句意。set for设置, 安排; set out出发; set about开始, 着手。

  4.【解析】选B。句意: 我的英语老师走进教室, 好像很生气。这是一个省略句, 补充完整应是as if my English teacher was angry。


  Mr. Turner looked he had completed the task by himself. But in fact, he had little contribution to the achievement.

  A. even though

  B. in that

  C. now that

  D. as if

  【解析】选D。句意: 事实上Mr. Turner对这次取得的成就几乎没有作任何贡献, 但是看上去好像那全是他自己完成的。as if引导的表语从句是一种与过去事实相反的情况, 用虚拟语气。even though“尽管”; in that“因为”; now that“既然”。

  5.【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意: 他被解雇了, 因为他被警告要严格守时, 但是他又迟到了。warn“警告”; encourage“鼓励”; allow“允许”; forbid“禁止”。

  6.【解析】选C。考查短语辨析。make up“编造; 虚构(故事等)”; put up“提出, 建立”; give up“放弃”; show up“露面”。根据句意“她被邀请参加聚会但不想去, 所以她编了一个借口”, 可知选C。

  7.【解析】选B。考查名词辨析。句意: 如果我们把他所要处理的一切事情考虑进来的话, 他的计划看起来还是可行的。take. . . into account/consideration为固定搭配, 表示“把……考虑进去”。thought“思索, 想法, 观点”; account“账户, 描述, 报道”; position“位置, 方位, 境况, 形势, (社会)地位, 职务”; effect“结果, 效果, 影响”。

  8.【解析】选A。考查非谓语动词。句意: 我发现简坐在桌旁认真地做家庭作业。seat与其逻辑主语Jane之间是被动关系, 故用seated作宾语补足语; doing her homework carefully是现在分词短语作伴随状语。



  1. 动词不定式与现在分词作状语时, 与句子的主语是逻辑上的主动关系, 过去分词与句子的主语是逻辑上的被动关系。

  2. 动词不定式可表示目的、结果状语, 表示结果状语时, 强调意外的结果。

  3. 现在分词与过去分词除了不能表示目的外, 可以表示原因、时间、条件、让步、伴随、结果等。现在分词表示结果时, 强调顺其自然的结果。


  (1)To achieve my goal, I must work hard. 为了实现我的目标, 我必须努力。(动词不定式表示目的)

  (2)We hurried home, only to find my parents were not at home. 我们匆忙到家, 结果却发现我父母不在。(动词不定式表示意外的结果)

  (3)Seen from the window, the picture is not clear.

  从窗户那儿看, 这幅画不清楚。(主语the picture与see是逻辑上的被动关系)

  Seeing from the window, she finds the picture is not clear. 从窗户那儿看, 她发现这幅画不清楚。(主语she与see是逻辑上的主动关系)

  (4)The price of buildings has been going up, making many people worried. 房价不断上涨, 使得很多人担心。(现在分词表示顺其自然的结果)

  9.【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意: 然而, 有时候这种自然界的平衡被打破了, 会导致许多不可预见的影响。disturb“扰乱”, 符合句意; trouble“使忧虑, 使苦恼”; keep“保持”; mix“混合”。

  10.【解析】选C。考查短语辨析。后半句句意为: 我们必须在瓶子中的水用完之前找到一个水池。run out of“用光”, 属及物动词词组, 后面要跟宾语; run away“逃跑”; run out“用光”, 属不及物动词词组, 其主语常为物, 其后不跟宾语, 符合题意; run off“逃跑; 逃走”。

  11.【解析】选D。考查词语辨析。句意: 他向我们撒谎说放在桌子上的那些蛋是蛇下的。第一个空表示“说谎”, 用过去式lied; 第二个空表示“平放”, 用现在分词lying作定语; 第三个空表示“下蛋”, 用过去分词形式。

  12.【解析】选A。句意: 电影《熊猫人》以2030年为背景, 当时世界面临两个人的威胁, 他们试图控制人们的思想。be set in“以……为背景”, 符合句子结构。

  13.【解析】选B。考查过去分词作表语的用法。句意: 亲爱的乘客, 车未完全停下来前请坐着别动。seat作“坐”解时, 多用过去分词的形式作表语, 这里remain是系动词。