2024届江苏省高考英语一轮复习:选修8 Unit 1课时提升作业

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2024届江苏省高考英语一轮复习:选修8 Unit 1课时提升作业


  选修8 Unit 1

  1. My sister is very stubborn, so it is to change her mind.

  A. in peace B. in sight C. in effect D. in vain

  2. (2024·泉州模拟)Thank you so much. You me from an embarrassing situation.

  A. rememberB. recover

  C. rescue

  D. reserve

  3. (2024·玉田模拟)I am heavily at the moment, but I hope to be out of it when I get paid.

  A. in debt B. in trouble

  C. in vain

  D. in danger

  4. (2024·南昌模拟)I don’t think the chair can take your weight; it’s


  A. traded with B. referred to

  C. connected to

  D. intended for

  5. (2024·湖南省高考压轴)I would rather for a walk in the park alone than 

  in the hotel room with my parents.

  A. go; to stay B. to go; stay

  C. going; staying

  D. go; stay

  6. (2024·泉州模拟)The new CPC leaders are trying their best to the expectations of the people.

  A. put up with B. add up to

  C. come up with

  D. live up to

  7. (2024·合肥模拟)The twin sisters were shopping for hours on Women’s Day and managed to bags of bargains.

  A. come across B. pick up

  C. deal with

  D. take in

  8. (2024·盐城模拟)In order to persuade drivers tochecking their phone whenever it rings, New York State is to introduce “Texting Zones” along its major highways.

  A. allow B. resist

  C. admit

  D. forbid

  9. He was caught in the heavy rain. That’s he was in hospital.

  A. how B. which

  C. why

  D. because

  10. He is learning English well.

  A. bent to B. bent on

  C. bending to

  D. bending on

  11. (2024·黄冈模拟)Many companies in the developing country, China in particular, areto hire more MBAs in order to improve their traditionally unscientific approach to management.

  A. conventional B. appropriate

  C. considerate

  D. desperate

  12. (原创)The course aims to develop the children’s of music in performance.

  A. enjoyment B. appreciation

  C. entertainment

  D. reputation

  13. (2024·昆明模拟)—Would you mind if I set out earlier tomorrow morning?

  —Well, I’d rather you.

  A. don’t B. didn’t

  C. won’t

  D. wouldn’t

  14. It has been reported that some government leaders their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.

  A. overlook B. employ

  C. abandon

  D. abuse

  15. (2024·新课标高考压轴)With many problems to be discussed, we decided to hold another meeting as soon as possible.

  A. remainB. remained

  C. to remain

  D. remaining

  Ⅱ. 完形填空

  In our town, there was no one else quite like my father. When any other man in town had an extra 1 , he bought a drink or other things. When 2 had an extra dollar, he bought a book. Other people had pictures on their walls, or at least a calendar. We had 3 , 3, 000 of them, lining every vertical surface of our home.

  Father was the most stubborn 4 I ever knew. Every summer he took a month off to attend classes in another town. In total, he 5 seven degrees and 6 11 different colleges and universities.

  My sister and I were the immediate beneficiaries of Father’s hunger for 7 . Every spring, he would take us hiking through the mountains to 8 mineral formations and 9 rocks and wild flowers for his specimen collections. On winter 10 , when the skies were especially clear, he would set up a 11 and wake us to view the stars, which he then named like a tour guide for the heavens. Ever since,  12 I’ve traveled, the 13 have remained my friends.

  My father was 14 drilling me on proper speech. Before I was 3, he was reading aloud to me from the Bible, Shakespeare and Mark Twain.  15 , I read aloud to him so he could work on my diction(遣词用字). By the time I was 10, I could recite from a whole range of classical literature and poetry. Once,  16 we happened to meet near the church, he swept me inside, stood me up in the pulpit(讲道坛)and said, “Go ahead, ”I immediately launched into a 17 while he kept coaching from a pew(教堂内的靠背长凳), “Louder! Put more fire into it! ”

  Of course, there were times when I 18 studying. But Father would always remind me 19 my duty by quoting Shakespeare, “If all the year were playing holidays, to sport would be as tedious as to work. ”

  Obviously, his efforts 20 , for my voice has enabled me to earn a good livelihood. But that’s just one small part of the enormous debt I owe to my father.

  1. A. car

  B. room

  C. work

  D. dollar

  2. A. Mother

  B. Father

  C. Sister

  D. Brother

  3. A. foods

  B. pictures

  C. fruits

  D. books

  4. A. scholar

  B. worker

  C. lawyer

  D. doctor

  5. A. found

  B. brought

  C. earned

  D. learned

  6. A. visited

  B. attended

  C. helped

  D. founded

  7. A. traveling

  B. training

  C. learning

  D. creating

  8. A. study

  B. open

  C. get

  D. make

  9. A. prepare for

  B. call for

  C. hope for

  D. search for

  10. A. days

  B. nights

  C. holidays

  D. afternoons

  11. A. microscope

  B. camera

  C. mobile phone

  D. telescope

  12. A. whenever

  B. wherever

  C. whatever

  D. whichever

  13. A. stars

  B. parents

  C. families

  D. friends

  14. A. never

  B. hardly

  C. particularly

  D. constantly

  15. A. However B. So

  C. Thereafter

  D. But

  16. A. what

  B. when

  C. who

  D. that

  17. A. performance

  B. writing

  C. recitation

  D. communication

  18. A. got tired of

  B. got tired from

  C. got rid of

  D. became aware of

  19. A. to

  B. from

  C. on

  D. of

  20. A. paid for

  B. paid off

  C. called off

  D. broke off

  Ⅲ. 书面表达

  假如你校开展“读古典名著”的讨论活动。请你根据下表内容写一篇英语短文, 投稿给你校校报。

  65%同学的意见 35%同学的意见



  有借鉴作用 语言与今天大不相同, 很难读懂;

  读名著过时了, 也很乏味


  注意: 1. 语言连贯, 符合逻辑; 2. 合理添加你的观点;

  3. 标题已经给出, 不计入总词数;

  4. 词数: 150个左右。

  参考词汇: classic n. 名著 cultivate v. 陶冶

  The Discussion about Reading Famous Classical Works




  【语篇随练】多练一点 技高一筹


  . Skim the passage quickly and write down the main idea of it. (no more than 15 words)

  Ⅱ. Read the passage carefully and try to answer the questions.

  1. Why did the writer say there was no one else like his/her father in their town? (no more than 25 words)

  2. List three things the writer’s father did with him/her.





  Ⅰ. 1. 【解析】选D。考查介词短语。句意: 我妹妹很固执, 你要她改变心意根本就是白费力气。in vain“徒劳, 白费力气”; in peace“和平地”; in sight“在视线内”; in effect“实际上”。

  2. 【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。rescue sb. from. . . 意思是“把某人从……中解救出来”, 符合题意。

  3.【解析】选A。句意: 我现在陷入严重的债务危机中, 但是我希望发了工资后会摆脱债务困扰。由后半句的“out of it when I get paid”可知A项正确。in debt“欠债”; in trouble“陷入困境”; in vain“徒劳的”; in danger“陷入危险”。

  4. 【解析】选D。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 我认为这把椅子不能承受你的重量, 它是专门为小孩子设计的。be intended for. . . “专门为……, 专门给……”。


  An agreement,  prevent the youth from being lost in cyberspace, was signed last week.

  A. intending to

  B. to intend to

  C. intended to

  D. being intended to

  【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。过去分词作后置定语, 相当于which was intended to。be intended to“打算”。

  5. 【解析】选D。考查would rather do. . . than do. . . 的用法。句意: 我宁愿在公园里独自散步, 也不愿与父母待在旅馆里。

  6. 【解析】选D。考查动词短语辨析。这里指的是不辜负人民的期待, 所以用live up to。

  7. 【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 在妇女节这天, 那对双胞胎姐妹外出购物了几个小时, 设法买到了几袋子减价品。come

  across“偶遇”; pick up“买到”; deal with“处理”; take in“收留, 收容”。根据句意可知应选B项。


  —It’s surprising that Li Mei speaks English so fluently.

  —She English when she lived in England.

  A. picked up B. made up

  C. put up

  D. looked up

  【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意: ——李梅英语说得这么流利, 真令人吃惊。——她住在英国的时候学的。pick up“偶然学会”, 符合句意; make up“组成, 编造”; put up“举起, 搭起”; look up“查找”。

  8. 【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意: 为了说服司机抵制开车途中手机响起就查看的陋习, 纽约州要在其主要的公路上引进“短信(查看)区”。resist doing. . . “抵制……, 不做……”。


  ①Some students admitting they were computer games.

  A. resisted; hooked on B. accepted; addicted to

  C. distributed; involved in

  D. refused; devoted to

  【解析】选A。第一空用resisted后接动名词; 第二空可以填hooked on(迷上), addicted to(对……上瘾), involved in(陷入), 但accept, distribute, refuse后通常不接动名词。

  ②We to punishing a whole group for one person’s fault.

  A. complain B. object C. oppose D. resist

  【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。complain意为“抱怨”; oppose意为“反对”, 后直接跟名词或动名词, 不接不定式; resist意为“抗拒, 反抗”, 后不接to; object to意为“反对”, 其中to是介词, 后跟名词或动名词作宾语。

  9. 【解析】选C。句意: 他被大雨淋了。那就是他生病住院的原因。固定表达that’s why. . . “那就是……的原因”; 而that’s because. . . 则表示“那是因为……”。


  He was in hospital. That’s he was caught in the heavy rain.

  A. how B. which

  C. why

  D. because

  【解析】选D。句意: 他生病住院了, 那是因为他被大雨淋了。that’s because. . . 表示“那是因为……”, 符合语境。

  10. 【解析】选B。句意: 他决心要学好英语。be bent on doing sth. 意为“一心想要/决心做某事”, 符合句意。

  11. 【解析】选D。考查形容词辨析。desperate极需要的; 渴望的。句意: 为了提高传统的不科学的管理方式, 很多发展中国家, 尤其是中国的很多公司极需聘请更多的MBA人才。conventional传统的; appropriate合适的; considerate体贴的, 考虑周到的。

  12. 【解析】选B。考查名词辨析。appreciation欣赏, 赞赏, 鉴别。句意: 该课程旨在培养孩子欣赏音乐演奏的能力。enjoyment享受, 乐趣; entertainment娱乐, 消遣, 款待; reputation名声, 名誉。

  13.【解析】选B。考查would rather的用法。would rather后接that从句时,其谓语的时态规律是: 用过去式表示现在或将来, 用过去完成时表示过去。很显然, 这是对对方请求要做的动作的一个虚拟, 所以选B, 即用一般过去时代替将来时。

  14. 【解析】选D。句意: 据报道, 一些政府官员滥用职权为自己谋取非法利益。overlook“俯瞰”; employ“雇用”; abandon“遗弃; 抛弃”; abuse“滥用; 辱骂”。

  15. 【解析】选D。考查with复合结构。句意: 仍有许多问题要讨论, 我们决定尽早再举行一次会议。problems是with的宾语, 也是remain的动作执行者, 故用现在分词作with复合结构的宾语补足语。

  Ⅱ. 【文章大意】这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。主要讲述作者父亲与众不同, 是个非常愿意学习的学者, 别人把额外的钱用来买喝的或者买其他东西, 而作者的父亲会用额外的钱买书。这对作者的成长影响很大, 作者是父亲渴求学习的受益者。

  1. 【解析】选D。词汇复现题。从下文的When hadan extra dollar, he bought a book. 可知, 是指额外的钱。

  2.【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。从文章第一句In our town, there was no one else quite like my father. 可知, 这里指的“父亲”与众不同。

  3.【解析】选D。词汇复现题。从上面的When had an extra dollar, he bought a book. 可知父亲买了很多的书。

  4.【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。从本段的后半部分“父亲每年夏天花一个月的时间到另一个城镇去上课学习, 总共拿到七个学位, 上了十一所不同的大学和院校”可知“父亲是个学者(scholar)”。

  5.【解析】选C。考查动词辨析及语境理解。根据前后的意思看, 父亲是通过学习拿到了七个学位。earn意思是“赢得”, earn degrees意思是“拿到学位”。