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  训练20 阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空+书面表达(建议用时60分钟)Ⅰ.阅读理解Year of Giving

  Yesterday I started the Year of Giving,my first day of a year­long journey into exploring the act of giving and the meaning of charity.I chose December 15 as the starting date,which marked three years since my mother died from heart disease.She was one of the most generous people that I have ever known.She always thought of others first and certainly serves as an inspiration to me.

  I had a rather busy day yesterday,ironic (具有 for someone who is unemployed right now.In the morning I went to the gym,and unsuccessfully got the phone call from the unemployment office for some job searching.Before I knew it,it was noon.I grabbed a quick lunch and rushed down to a meeting.On my way to Connecticut,I wondered if I would see someone that I would feel forced to give my first $10 to.I was running late and decided to do it afterwards.

  After the meeting I had about half an hour to find the first person of my Year of Giving! I decided to check out DuPont Circle.I had met a guy there named Jerry once and thought he would willingly accept my $10.He wasn't there,but I did see a man sitting by himself who looked really lonely,so I approached him.Now I had to figure out what I was going to say,I think I said something like,“Hi,can I sit down here?”“I would like to know if I could give you $10?” He asked me to repeat what I had saidding by the bus stop on Connecticut Ave.He appeared to be in his 60s.I don't know what drew me to him,but I thought I would make my second attempt.I was a bit nervous and asked him which bus came by that stop.Then I explained that I was starting a year­long project to give $10 to someone every day and that I wanted to give my $10 for today to him.The gentleman,I later found out that his name was Ed,responded without hesitation that he could not accept my offer and that there were many people more deserving the money than him.This was exactly one of the things that I hoped would happen.People would think of others before themselves.

  1.The author set the starting date on December 15 to

  . his mother

  C.make an explosion

  D.fulfill a wish of his mum

  2.In the author's first attempt to give away the money,

  .the money

  D.he had no time to take action

  3.In the author's second attempt,the gentleman refused his offer because

  .d to get more money

  4.We can infer that the author was inspired by

  .【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文属于人生百味类短文阅读。文章讲述了作者在母亲逝世10元钱”的活动时遇到两个反应截然不同的人并由此得出感悟。1.解析:选B。细节理解题。由第一段中的“I chose December 15 as the starting date可知我从12月15日开始这标志着母亲因心脏病过世3年了B。2.解析:选A。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“then he looked at me funny得知作者被对方认为很奇怪很荒谬。故选A。3.解析:选B。细节理解题。由最后一段中的“he could not accept my offer that there were many people more deserving the money than him”得知他觉得有别人比他更需要得到这份帮助。故选B。

  。4.解析:选D。推理判断题。由最后一段中的“This was exactly one of the things ...before themselves.”得知作者十分期望这样的场景发生因为这样说明人们都在为他人考虑。因此得出结论:作者被人们的善良所打动。故选D。Ⅱ.完形填空


  and my wallet was light.Still,I needed to

  get a week's worth of groceries for my family.I parked my car,looked down at my list,and hoped I could


  it all.

  As I


  the door,I saw a man with kind eyes and a


  smile.He said he was collecting for a local food

  bank that helped to


  the hungry in my area.He handed me a second shopping list of things they could use and

  asked me to


  if I could.I smiled back,


  the list and walked into the store.I really wanted to help,but wasn't sure if I could this time.

  I walked through the store,picking up vegetables,soup,spaghetti,bread,milk,cereal,macaroni,bananas,and a dozen other things.I slowly


  each item off my list until I was done.When I looked down at my full cart,I


  again if I even had enough to pay for them all.Then,as I put my own list back into my pocket,I saw the food


  list under it.I smiled and decided to trust my heart.

  With the food bank in mind,I went over and


  two of the biggest boxes of rice the store had and put them in my cart.It took


  six dollars out of my wallet to pay for them,


  my heart felt six times larger when I did.And when everything was


  ,I had just enough to pay for them all.

  It takes


  to make our world a better place.A few dollars can help to fill a child's


  stomach.A smile and hug can help to


  a hurting heart.An encouraging word can inspire someone else to live and to love.A random


  of kindness can change another's day and life.It is up to us.If we can


  a few dollars on rice,then we can


  our love that will last forever.

  1.A.long B.short2.A.seize









  B.cart11.A.showed up

  B.called up12.A.other











  【解题导语】 本文讲述了作者家境虽不富裕但仍然在一次超市购物之时挤出钱买了两箱大米捐给食物银行来帮助那些饥饿的人们。东西虽不多但小小的善举却可以让爱一直传承下去。1.解析:选A。根据下句中的a week's worth of groceries及第三段第一句中列举的vegetablescaroni,bananas,and a dozen other things可知作者要买一个星期的生活用品因此购物清单应该很长故选A项。short意为“短的”;accurate意为“精确的”;frequent意为“频繁的”。2.解析:选D。从全文可知作者家境并不富裕现在又要买这么多东西所以她希望能负担得起(afford)。故选D项。seize意为“抓住”;charge意为“要价;控告”;exchange意为“交换”。3.解析:选C。根据第4空后的walked into the store可知此处表示要进门的时候意为“接近靠近”符合语境故选C项。clean意为“(使)清洁;清理”;shake意为“(使)颤动;发抖”;kick意为“踢”。4.解析:选B。句意:kind eyes可推知本空要选一个褒义词。negative意为“消极的”;gentle意为“温和的”;bitter意为“苦涩的”;strange意为“奇怪的”。根据语境可知选B项。5.解析:选B。由下文the hungry可知是要帮助那些挨饿的人所以应用食物养活(feed)他们。故选B项。please意为“使高兴;讨好”;purchase意为“购买”protect意为“保护”。6.解析:选B。句意:他递给我另一份他们会用到的东西的购物清单并请求如果我能提供帮助。根据语境可知此处指“帮助”。故选B项。此题亦可根据本段最后一句中的I really wanted to help ...快速锁定答案为原词复现。7.解析:选C。根据文章第三段倒数第二句 ...as I put my own list back into my pocket


  list under it.可知作者在放回自己的购物清单时看到了食物银行的清单由此可推知作者接过了那个人的清单然后走进了超市。故选C项。tore是tear的过去式作动词意为“撕扯”不符合语境。8.解析:选D。根据空后的until I was done可知作者慢慢地划掉清单mark意为“标出”意为“从……中划去某物”符合语境。sign意为“签署”;pay意为“支付”;separate意为“分开”。9.解析:选C。此句与第2空处的hoped I could afford it all相呼应作者低头看着满满的购物车开始担心(worry)自己是否有足够的钱来支付。enjoy意为“享受”;wander意为“闲逛”;amaze意为“使吃惊”。10.解析:选A。根据第11空及第5空前的food bank可知答案作者发现的是食物银行的清单故选A项。11.解析:选D。根据下文作者的钱还够付米的钱可知作者是拿起两箱米放进了购物车。pick up意为“拾起拿起”符合语境。show up意为“显露;显现出来”;call up意为“给(某人)打电话;使想起”;put up意为“提升;搭建;提高”。12.解析:选B。根据语境可知这是作者为食物银行购买的米超出了自己的购物预算因此此处表示“又花了6美元”用another six dollars表示。故选B项。本题易误选A项或D项如果选这两项其结构应为six other dollars。13.解析:选A。根据上下文可知作者虽然额外花了6美元但她的心里却非常开心。该空应表转折关系。故选A项。14.解析:选A。所有商品的费用加起来作者的钱正好足以支付。total意为“把……加起来合计”;replace意为“替换”;offer意为“提供”;book意为“预订”。故选A项。15.解析:选C。根据下文的A few dollars ...A smile and hug ...An encouraging word ...可推断此处指只需很小的事就能让世界变得更好。故选C项。16.解析:选B。根据上下文可知食物银行是为了帮助那些饥饿的人因此此处应是填饱孩子饥饿的肚子也与第5空处的helped to feed the hungry照应。故选B项。adequate意为“足够的”;anxious意为“焦虑的不安的”;full意为“饱的”。17.解析:选C。最后一段为排比句式根据下文的inspire someone else等可知都是积极意义的句子。treat意为“治疗;对待”;suffer意为“遭受”;heal意为“治愈”;recover意为“恢复”。句意:一个微笑或拥抱就能治愈受伤的心灵。故选C项。18.解析:选A。句意:一个随意的善举就能改变另一个人的生活。act of kindness意为“善意的行为”符合语境。character意为“性格;角色”;appreciation意为“欣赏;感激”;attitude意为“态度”。19.解析:选C。根据上文作者省出了6美元买了两箱大米给食物银行内心却很开心由此推测此处句意:如果我们能节省几美元去买大米那么我们可以分save意为“节省”符合语境。rescue意为“拯救”;reserve意为“保留;预订”;earn意为“赚;获得”。20.解析:选B。句意见上一题解析。做善事哪怕是一个小小的善举都是在分享爱因此该空选share。accumulate意为“积累”;declare意为“宣布”;respect意为“尊敬”。语法填空aken place in the countryside in our country.

  As a child,I lived in a poor family.The second­hand clothes,rain­leaking roof of old house became part




  , the

  worst impression is that I


  (feel) hungry all the time. Sometimes





  severely 3.

  I regarded dried sweet potato slices as delicious snacks.At that time,my dream was getting enough to fill my empty stomach.

  In the early years of the 1980s,as the reform and opening­up policy 4.

  (carry) out,our dream came true.And then,


  dream became clearer and clearer in my mind.I must try my best







  backward hometown.I worked 6.

  (hard) at my study than most of my classmates, and, after luckily 7.

  (succeed) in the national college entrance examination, I


  my dream


  after graduation,I became a citizen working in a city.8.

  the first college graduate out of a remote village,my success set


  example to my folks.They came to realize that schooling is a good way to change one's fate.In the following years,there were fewer dropouts and more college graduates in my village,10.

  I am proud of even today.

  1.解析:However2.解析:was feeling。讲述过去发生的事情要用一般过去时结合all the time强调一直进行故用过去进行时。3.解析:that。so ...that ...“如此……以至于……”。4.解析:was carried。the reform and opening­up policy“改革开放政策”作主语(谓语用单数)和carry out是被动关系要用被动语态。5.解析:another。结合上文我们的梦想实现了。这里说的是另一个梦想用another。6.解析:harder。句中出现than要用比较级。7.解析:succeeding。after后跟名词、代词或动名词根据提示词要用动名词。8.解析:As。作为第一个走出偏远乡村的大学生。9.解析:an。固定搭配set an example to sb.“为某人树立榜样”。10.解析:which。非限制性定语从句指物用which指人用who这里指代上句整个句子用which。书面表达假定你是李华你的美国朋友Jack获悉中国有情人节——七夕节。他想了解七夕节的习俗请根据以下要点给他写一封回信:1.介绍该节2.中国年轻人庆祝七夕节的方式;3.你对这个传统节日的看法。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节以使行文连贯;3.开头语已为你写好。4.参考词汇:情人节Valentine's Day;农历的lunar;喜magpie

  Dear Jack,

  How is everything going?


  Li Hua

  One possible version: As is known to all,Valentine's Day is popular all over the world,while China has its own Valentine's Day,called Qiqiao Festival.

  Qiqiao Festival falls on the 7th day of the 7th month of the lunar year,which has been celebrated by Chinese since ancient times.It comes from a beautiful Chinese love story about Zhinü and Niulang.This story has passed down from generation to generation.It is said that very few magpies are seen on Qiqiao Festival,because most of them fly to the Milky Way,where they form a bridge so that the two lovers might come together.

  Chinese young lovers celebrate it every year,sending each other flowers or other gifts standing for love,having a get­together and so on.As far as I'm concerned,Qiqiao Festival is a wonderful holiday because only in this way can we show how we value love and tradition in a Chinese way.


  Li Hua

  训练20 阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空+书面表达(建议用时60分钟)Ⅰ.阅读理解Year of Giving

  Yesterday I started the Year of Giving,my first day of a year­long journey into exploring the act of giving and the meaning of charity.I chose December 15 as the starting date,which marked three years since my mother died from heart disease.She was one of the most generous people that I have ever known.She always thought of others first and certainly serves as an inspiration to me.

  I had a rather busy day yesterday,ironic (具有 for someone who is unemployed right now.In the morning I went to the gym,and unsuccessfully got the phone call from the unemployment office for some job searching.Before I knew it,it was noon.I grabbed a quick lunch and rushed down to a meeting.On my way to Connecticut,I wondered if I would see someone that I would feel forced to give my first $10 to.I was running late and decided to do it afterwards.

  After the meeting I had about half an hour to find the first person of my Year of Giving! I decided to check out DuPont Circle.I had met a guy there named Jerry once and thought he would willingly accept my $10.He wasn't there,but I did see a man sitting by himself who looked really lonely,so I approached him.Now I had to figure out what I was going to say,I think I said something like,“Hi,can I sit down here?”“I would like to know if I could give you $10?” He asked me to repeat what I had saidding by the bus stop on Connecticut Ave.He appeared to be in his 60s.I don't know what drew me to him,but I thought I would make my second attempt.I was a bit nervous and asked him which bus came by that stop.Then I explained that I was starting a year­long project to give $10 to someone every day and that I wanted to give my $10 for today to him.The gentleman,I later found out that his name was Ed,responded without hesitation that he could not accept my offer and that there were many people more deserving the money than him.This was exactly one of the things that I hoped would happen.People would think of others before themselves.

  1.The author set the starting date on December 15 to

  . his mother

  C.make an explosion

  D.fulfill a wish of his mum

  2.In the author's first attempt to give away the money,

  .the money

  D.he had no time to take action

  3.In the author's second attempt,the gentleman refused his offer because

  .d to get more money

  4.We can infer that the author was inspired by

  .【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文属于人生百味类短文阅读。文章讲述了作者在母亲逝世10元钱”的活动时遇到两个反应截然不同的人并由此得出感悟。1.解析:选B。细节理解题。由第一段中的“I chose December 15 as the starting date可知我从12月15日开始这标志着母亲因心脏病过世3年了B。2.解析:选A。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“then he looked at me funny得知作者被对方认为很奇怪很荒谬。故选A。3.解析:选B。细节理解题。由最后一段中的“he could not accept my offer that there were many people more deserving the money than him”得知他觉得有别人比他更需要得到这份帮助。故选B。

  。4.解析:选D。推理判断题。由最后一段中的“This was exactly one of the things ...before themselves.”得知作者十分期望这样的场景发生因为这样说明人们都在为他人考虑。因此得出结论:作者被人们的善良所打动。故选D。Ⅱ.完形填空


  and my wallet was light.Still,I needed to

  get a week's worth of groceries for my family.I parked my car,looked down at my list,and hoped I could


  it all.

  As I


  the door,I saw a man with kind eyes and a


  smile.He said he was collecting for a local food

  bank that helped to


  the hungry in my area.He handed me a second shopping list of things they could use and

  asked me to


  if I could.I smiled back,


  the list and walked into the store.I really wanted to help,but wasn't sure if I could this time.

  I walked through the store,picking up vegetables,soup,spaghetti,bread,milk,cereal,macaroni,bananas,and a dozen other things.I slowly


  each item off my list until I was done.When I looked down at my full cart,I


  again if I even had enough to pay for them all.Then,as I put my own list back into my pocket,I saw the food


  list under it.I smiled and decided to trust my heart.

  With the food bank in mind,I went over and


  two of the biggest boxes of rice the store had and put them in my cart.It took


  six dollars out of my wallet to pay for them,


  my heart felt six times larger when I did.And when everything was


  ,I had just enough to pay for them all.

  It takes


  to make our world a better place.A few dollars can help to fill a child's


  stomach.A smile and hug can help to


  a hurting heart.An encouraging word can inspire someone else to live and to love.A random


  of kindness can change another's day and life.It is up to us.If we can


  a few dollars on rice,then we can


  our love that will last forever.

  1.A.long B.short2.A.seize









  B.cart11.A.showed up

  B.called up12.A.other











  【解题导语】 本文讲述了作者家境虽不富裕但仍然在一次超市购物之时挤出钱买了两箱大米捐给食物银行来帮助那些饥饿的人们。东西虽不多但小小的善举却可以让爱一直传承下去。1.解析:选A。根据下句中的a week's worth of groceries及第三段第一句中列举的vegetablescaroni,bananas,and a dozen other things可知作者要买一个星期的生活用品因此购物清单应该很长故选A项。short意为“短的”;accurate意为“精确的”;frequent意为“频繁的”。2.解析:选D。从全文可知作者家境并不富裕现在又要买这么多东西所以她希望能负担得起(afford)。故选D项。seize意为“抓住”;charge意为“要价;控告”;exchange意为“交换”。3.解析:选C。根据第4空后的walked into the store可知此处表示要进门的时候意为“接近靠近”符合语境故选C项。clean意为“(使)清洁;清理”;shake意为“(使)颤动;发抖”;kick意为“踢”。4.解析:选B。句意:kind eyes可推知本空要选一个褒义词。negative意为“消极的”;gentle意为“温和的”;bitter意为“苦涩的”;strange意为“奇怪的”。根据语境可知选B项。5.解析:选B。由下文the hungry可知是要帮助那些挨饿的人所以应用食物养活(feed)他们。故选B项。please意为“使高兴;讨好”;purchase意为“购买”protect意为“保护”。6.解析:选B。句意:他递给我另一份他们会用到的东西的购物清单并请求如果我能提供帮助。根据语境可知此处指“帮助”。故选B项。此题亦可根据本段最后一句中的I really wanted to help ...快速锁定答案为原词复现。7.解析:选C。根据文章第三段倒数第二句 ...as I put my own list back into my pocket


  list under it.可知作者在放回自己的购物清单时看到了食物银行的清单由此可推知作者接过了那个人的清单然后走进了超市。故选C项。tore是tear的过去式作动词意为“撕扯”不符合语境。8.解析:选D。根据空后的until I was done可知作者慢慢地划掉清单mark意为“标出”意为“从……中划去某物”符合语境。sign意为“签署”;pay意为“支付”;separate意为“分开”。9.解析:选C。此句与第2空处的hoped I could afford it all相呼应作者低头看着满满的购物车开始担心(worry)自己是否有足够的钱来支付。enjoy意为“享受”;wander意为“闲逛”;amaze意为“使吃惊”。10.解析:选A。根据第11空及第5空前的food bank可知答案作者发现的是食物银行的清单故选A项。11.解析:选D。根据下文作者的钱还够付米的钱可知作者是拿起两箱米放进了购物车。pick up意为“拾起拿起”符合语境。show up意为“显露;显现出来”;call up意为“给(某人)打电话;使想起”;put up意为“提升;搭建;提高”。12.解析:选B。根据语境可知这是作者为食物银行购买的米超出了自己的购物预算因此此处表示“又花了6美元”用another six dollars表示。故选B项。本题易误选A项或D项如果选这两项其结构应为six other dollars。13.解析:选A。根据上下文可知作者虽然额外花了6美元但她的心里却非常开心。该空应表转折关系。故选A项。14.解析:选A。所有商品的费用加起来作者的钱正好足以支付。total意为“把……加起来合计”;replace意为“替换”;offer意为“提供”;book意为“预订”。故选A项。15.解析:选C。根据下文的A few dollars ...A smile and hug ...An encouraging word ...可推断此处指只需很小的事就能让世界变得更好。故选C项。16.解析:选B。根据上下文可知食物银行是为了帮助那些饥饿的人因此此处应是填饱孩子饥饿的肚子也与第5空处的helped to feed the hungry照应。故选B项。adequate意为“足够的”;anxious意为“焦虑的不安的”;full意为“饱的”。17.解析:选C。最后一段为排比句式根据下文的inspire someone else等可知都是积极意义的句子。treat意为“治疗;对待”;suffer意为“遭受”;heal意为“治愈”;recover意为“恢复”。句意:一个微笑或拥抱就能治愈受伤的心灵。故选C项。18.解析:选A。句意:一个随意的善举就能改变另一个人的生活。act of kindness意为“善意的行为”符合语境。character意为“性格;角色”;appreciation意为“欣赏;感激”;attitude意为“态度”。19.解析:选C。根据上文作者省出了6美元买了两箱大米给食物银行内心却很开心由此推测此处句意:如果我们能节省几美元去买大米那么我们可以分save意为“节省”符合语境。rescue意为“拯救”;reserve意为“保留;预订”;earn意为“赚;获得”。20.解析:选B。句意见上一题解析。做善事哪怕是一个小小的善举都是在分享爱因此该空选share。accumulate意为“积累”;declare意为“宣布”;respect意为“尊敬”。语法填空aken place in the countryside in our country.

  As a child,I lived in a poor family.The second­hand clothes,rain­leaking roof of old house became part




  , the

  worst impression is that I


  (feel) hungry all the time. Sometimes





  severely 3.

  I regarded dried sweet potato slices as delicious snacks.At that time,my dream was getting enough to fill my empty stomach.

  In the early years of the 1980s,as the reform and opening­up policy 4.

  (carry) out,our dream came true.And then,


  dream became clearer and clearer in my mind.I must try my best







  backward hometown.I worked 6.

  (hard) at my study than most of my classmates, and, after luckily 7.

  (succeed) in the national college entrance examination, I


  my dream


  after graduation,I became a citizen working in a city.8.

  the first college graduate out of a remote village,my success set


  example to my folks.They came to realize that schooling is a good way to change one's fate.In the following years,there were fewer dropouts and more college graduates in my village,10.

  I am proud of even today.

  1.解析:However2.解析:was feeling。讲述过去发生的事情要用一般过去时结合all the time强调一直进行故用过去进行时。3.解析:that。so ...that ...“如此……以至于……”。4.解析:was carried。the reform and opening­up policy“改革开放政策”作主语(谓语用单数)和carry out是被动关系要用被动语态。5.解析:another。结合上文我们的梦想实现了。这里说的是另一个梦想用another。6.解析:harder。句中出现than要用比较级。7.解析:succeeding。after后跟名词、代词或动名词根据提示词要用动名词。8.解析:As。作为第一个走出偏远乡村的大学生。9.解析:an。固定搭配set an example to sb.“为某人树立榜样”。10.解析:which。非限制性定语从句指物用which指人用who这里指代上句整个句子用which。书面表达假定你是李华你的美国朋友Jack获悉中国有情人节——七夕节。他想了解七夕节的习俗请根据以下要点给他写一封回信:1.介绍该节2.中国年轻人庆祝七夕节的方式;3.你对这个传统节日的看法。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节以使行文连贯;3.开头语已为你写好。4.参考词汇:情人节Valentine's Day;农历的lunar;喜magpie

  Dear Jack,

  How is everything going?


  Li Hua

  One possible version: As is known to all,Valentine's Day is popular all over the world,while China has its own Valentine's Day,called Qiqiao Festival.

  Qiqiao Festival falls on the 7th day of the 7th month of the lunar year,which has been celebrated by Chinese since ancient times.It comes from a beautiful Chinese love story about Zhinü and Niulang.This story has passed down from generation to generation.It is said that very few magpies are seen on Qiqiao Festival,because most of them fly to the Milky Way,where they form a bridge so that the two lovers might come together.

  Chinese young lovers celebrate it every year,sending each other flowers or other gifts standing for love,having a get­together and so on.As far as I'm concerned,Qiqiao Festival is a wonderful holiday because only in this way can we show how we value love and tradition in a Chinese way.


  Li Hua