【南方新课堂】2024高考英语二轮复习专题训练:专题2 完形填空 4说明文(含解析)

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【南方新课堂】2024高考英语二轮复习专题训练:专题2 完形填空 4说明文(含解析)



  训练4 说明文A

  (2024·安徽江淮名校二次联考)With time flying__1__ we put the keys just a moment ago,or an old friend's name,or the name of an old band we used to love.As the brain

  __2__,we refer to these occurrences as “senior moments”.__3__

  seemingly innocent,this loss of mental focus can potentially have a (n)

  __4__ effect on our social and



  out that the brain needs exercise in much the same way our muscles do,and the right mental


  can significantly improve our basic cognitive (认知) __8__.Thinking is basically a

  __9__ of making connections in the brain.To a certain extent__10__ in

  making the





  is inherited (继承).__11____12__ mental effort.

  Now,a new Web-based company has taken a step


  their mental sharpness.

  The Web-based programme


  you to systematically improve your memory and attention skills.The programme keeps a(n)


  of your progress and provides detailed feedback (反馈)

  __17__ your performance and improvement.Most importantly__18__

  changes and improves the games you play to


  up the strengths you are developing—much like

  a (n)




  which requires you to increase resistance and vary your muscle use.

  【语篇解读】 本文为说明文。随着人们年龄的增长很多人会出现记忆力下降的现象。然而神经学家经过研究发现通过正确的脑部训练可以有效提高人们的认知能力。 B.when解析:此处表示我们突然记不得刚才把钥匙放在哪里了故答案为A项。答案:A解析:由于大脑衰退我们把这些现象称为“瞬间性老年痴呆”。由句意可知答案选B项。答案:B解析:while用于句首意为“虽然尽管”。答案:D解析:damaging“造成破坏的有害的损害的”。damaging effects“破坏性的影响”。答案:C解析:此处与social相对应故答案为personal答案:A解析: “It turns out that从句”为固定句型意为:结果是……。答案:A解析:由前面6空后的“the brain needs exercise”可知选C。workout“锻炼”。答案:C8.A.style

  B.functions解析:由语境可知此处表示“基本的认知功能”故选B项。答案:B解析:本句对思考进行解释即思考是在大脑中建立各种联系的过程故答案为D项。答案:D解析:由语境及句子结构可知答案选C项。succeed in doing sth做成某事。答案:C解析:前后两句之间为转折关系故答案为D项。答案:D解析:科学家们认为智力水平可根据脑力锻炼的程度得以提高或出现波动。A:根据;B:不管不C:除……之外;D:而不是。答案:AD.around

  解析:take a step further又向前迈了一步。答案:B解析:由语境中的improve可知regain(重新获得)为正确答案。答案:Aries

  D.allows解析:allow sb to do sth “允许某人做某事”。答案:D解析:keep a record of为固定短语意为:“记录……”。答案:Bbout

  解析:此处表示“关于……的反馈”应用介词on或about故选D项。答案:D解析:更重要的是该程序可以不断改进你所玩的游戏以增强你的优势。A:无规律地;B:习惯性地经常;:不断地不停地;D:异乎寻常地。答案:C解析:解析见18题。build up为动词短语意为:增强。答案:C解析:由语境可知答案选B项。effective产生预期结果的有效的。答案:BB

  Reading and learning new words is about finding their meaning and use within a passage.The meaning of unknown words which you


  in your reading sometimes can be known by their

  __2__,that is,their contexts.The context of the sentence can tell us the part of speech (词性) of the


  meaning of a word,when they should identify the way it has been used in the passage.

  One consideration in using the context is to determine the unknown word's part of speech.The words around the unknown word can give you

  __6__.Once you know if the word is a noun or an adjective__7__ reading without having to stop to look up the meaning of the word.After coming across the word a few more times,you will know its meaning more


  than if you had just looked it up.

  Comparison clues indicate that two or more things are

  __9__.A comparison is possible because the known and unknown words have

  __10__.The likeness shows you that comparisons can be made.__11__ clues tell you an example of an unknown word.Example clues are usually


  by the following words and phrases: such as,for example,and like.

  To find meaning from text-based clues__13__ on specific words to indicate meaning.This kind of context clue is called a framework-based clue.Your knowledge of the meaning of surrounding words



  discover the meaning of a word or sentencemon

  __15__ight with the other driver.What does “vehemently”

  __16__?You know what



  when they argue.From this,you can

  __19__ out that “vehemently” has something to do with strong __20__ or intense feeling.

  【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文主要介绍了几种在阅读过程习生词的方法和技巧。 B.look up解析:有时候你在阅读中所遇到的生词的意思可以通过语境知道其含义。take down“记下”;look up“查阅”;come across“遇见”;pick out“找出”。下文中的“After coming across the word a few more times”也是提示故C项正确。答案:C解析:根据“that is”可知此空与contexts是同义词与下文中的“The words around the unknown word”和“Your knowledge of the meaning of surrounding words”呼应故D项正确。答案:D解析:句子的语境可以告诉我们生词的词性。与上文中的“unknown words”呼应可知此处是指生词即A项正确。abnormal“不正常的”;familiar“熟悉的”;negative“负面的”。答案:A解析:利用段落的语境来确定生词也是有帮助的。与下文中的“Common __15 and your knowledge of the parts of speech also help define unknown words”呼应即C项正确。答案:C解析:读者经常遇到麻烦因为他们逐字理解句子而不是(理解)一个词的正确意思。根据空格前的“Readers often have trouble”可推知读者没有理解一个词的正确意思即A项正确。答案:Aons



  解析:生词周围的词可以给你(提供)线索。与下文中的“Comparison clues”呼应即D项正确。答案:D解析:一旦你知道了这个词是名词还是形容词那么你就可以不必停下来去查这个词的意思而继续读下去。根据空格后的“without having to stop”可知此处应用continue“继续”故C项正确。答案:C解析:strangely“奇怪地”;uncertainly“犹豫地”;potentially“潜在地”;firmly“坚定地”。根据空格前的“After coming across the word a few more times”可知在生词出现的频率较高的情况下根据语境读者就可以更加确定其具体的含义即D项正确。答案:D解析:比较性线索表明两个或多个事物是相似的。根据下文中的“The likeness”可知此处表示事物的相似性即A项正确。答案:AA.properties

  B.similarities解析:之所以可能作比较是因为认识的词和不认识的词之间有相似性。根据下文中的“The likeness”可知相似性”符合语境。答案:B解析:例子线索会通过举例来提示读者。与空格后的“an example”和“Example clues”呼应故C项正确。答案:C解析:例子线索通常通过以下词或短语来提出。affect“影响”;adjust“调整”;change“改变”;introduce“提出”。故D项正确。答案:D解析:另一种线索并不是靠具体的词来表明(生词的)意思的。与上文“text-based clues”形成D项正确。rely on“依赖”符合语境。答案:DC.tells

  D.displays解析:你对附近的词的意思的理解有助于你了解一个词或一个句子的意思。故B项正确。答案:B解析:常识和对词性的了解也有助于(读者)给生词下定义。固定搭配:common sense“常识”符合语境故D项正确。答案:D解析:“vehemently”是什么意思呢?与下文中的“You know what __17__ meansA项正确。答案:A解析:你知道angry是什么意思而且你(也)知道人们在争辩时的感受。与上文中的“the angry driver”呼应故A项正确。答案:A解析:根据上文中的“the angry driver”和空格所在句中的“how people __18__ when they argue”可推知项正确。答案:C解析:由此你可以弄清楚“vehemently”与强烈的情感或紧张的情绪有关。come out“出现出版”;figure out“弄明白”;take out“切除”;set out“出发”。答案:B解析:demand“要求”;ambition“野心”;attitude“态度”;emotion“情感”。与语境“or intense feeling”呼应可知此处表示情感故D项正确。答案:DC

  More than half a million South Korean students in their final








  entrance examination in Nov.Many people consider success on this test the first


  toward a good life.But South Korean students say they feel


  from the pressure.

  Seventeen-year-old student Lee Jee-woo is not ready yet to


  the test.But he has a strong opinion about it.He says__4__

  the rest of your life.”

  South Korean high school students


  years studying for the university entrance examination.People say good scores


  entrance to a top university and the possibility of a high-paying job.Some say good test


  even improve chances of a good marriage in the future.Some observers say this


  does not help the students learn to think

  __9__ themselves.

  Professor Kim says this system of learning by memorization


  a lot of stressed students.A recent government study found that South Korean children are the


  __11__ compared to children in 29 other developed countries.Many South






  this unhappiness.

  South Korean President Park Geun-hye has promised to


  her country's educational system.She urges the system to increase creative thinking and relieve students'


  that reforms by the top government alone will settle the

  __16__.nts to


  the pressure on their children might not be so easy.Shin Jeong-yeon says she would like not to put so much pressure on her daughter.__18____19__, so it is impossible for parents not to do so.For now,all Ms Shin and other __20__can do is hope that the pressure brings good results.

  【语篇解读】 这是一篇力。同时一些观察员认为高考并不能培养学生独立思考的能力。 B.task解析:根据上下文可以看出很多人认为高考的成功是通向美好生活的第一步所以答案为step。答案:A解析:从后面的“pressure”以及本文的中心思想可以看出高考给韩国高中生带来了巨大的压力。下文的“a lot of stressed

  students”是提示。答案:C解析:参加考试应该用take。第一段中的“took the university

  entrance examination”也是提示。答案:Bimpress

  D.determine解析:从上文中的“he has a strong opinion about

  it”可以看出李智宇认为高考可以决定未来的生活。答案:D解析:韩国高中生花好几年的时间为高考而学习(in) doing sth“花时间去做某事”。答案:B解析:该段谈论的是人们对高考取得好成绩的答案:A解析:该句表达的仍然是好的高考成绩给人带来的好处。“好的成绩”除了用good scores之外还可以用good test results。本文最后一句中的“brings good results”也是提示。C





  解析:从下文的“this system of learning”可以看出此处开始谈论韩国的高考体制存在的弊端。答案:D解析:从下文中的“She urges the system to increase creative thinking and relieve students' __14__”可以看出本处表达的是学生独立思考的能力。think for oneself是一个固定搭配表示“独立思考”。答案:A解析:该处谈论的是这种考试体制导致的不良后果——使很多学生背负着巨大答案:B解析:最近一项政府研究表明与其他29个发达国家的孩子相比韩国孩子是最不快乐的。本段结尾的“this unhappiness”是提示。答案:C解析:该句表达的意思是“很多韩国人把这种不快乐归咎于教育的压力”。blame sth for sth“把……归咎于……因……责备……”。答案:B.abandon

  B.adopt解析:目前教育体制虽然存在弊端但也不是一无是处所以面对这些弊端韩国总统承诺的自然是要改革而不可能是完全废除。答案:D解析:该篇文章的主旨是高考给学生带来了巨大的压力因此改革要减轻学生的压力。答案:A解析:文章的最后一段讲述了学生的压力同时来自于父母答案:B解析:参见上题解析。答案:D解析:学生的压力relieve students' __14__”是提示。答案:ATherefore



  解析:Shin Jeong-yeon不愿意给女儿太大的压力但是竞争这么激烈父母又不得不这样做。前后句是转折关系故用However。答案:C解析:参见上题解析。答案:B20.A.parents




  训练4 说明文A

  (2024·安徽江淮名校二次联考)With time flying__1__ we put the keys just a moment ago,or an old friend's name,or the name of an old band we used to love.As the brain

  __2__,we refer to these occurrences as “senior moments”.__3__

  seemingly innocent,this loss of mental focus can potentially have a (n)

  __4__ effect on our social and



  out that the brain needs exercise in much the same way our muscles do,and the right mental


  can significantly improve our basic cognitive (认知) __8__.Thinking is basically a

  __9__ of making connections in the brain.To a certain extent__10__ in

  making the





  is inherited (继承).__11____12__ mental effort.

  Now,a new Web-based company has taken a step


  their mental sharpness.

  The Web-based programme


  you to systematically improve your memory and attention skills.The programme keeps a(n)


  of your progress and provides detailed feedback (反馈)

  __17__ your performance and improvement.Most importantly__18__

  changes and improves the games you play to


  up the strengths you are developing—much like

  a (n)




  which requires you to increase resistance and vary your muscle use.

  【语篇解读】 本文为说明文。随着人们年龄的增长很多人会出现记忆力下降的现象。然而神经学家经过研究发现通过正确的脑部训练可以有效提高人们的认知能力。 B.when解析:此处表示我们突然记不得刚才把钥匙放在哪里了故答案为A项。答案:A解析:由于大脑衰退我们把这些现象称为“瞬间性老年痴呆”。由句意可知答案选B项。答案:B解析:while用于句首意为“虽然尽管”。答案:D解析:damaging“造成破坏的有害的损害的”。damaging effects“破坏性的影响”。答案:C解析:此处与social相对应故答案为personal答案:A解析: “It turns out that从句”为固定句型意为:结果是……。答案:A解析:由前面6空后的“the brain needs exercise”可知选C。workout“锻炼”。答案:C8.A.style

  B.functions解析:由语境可知此处表示“基本的认知功能”故选B项。答案:B解析:本句对思考进行解释即思考是在大脑中建立各种联系的过程故答案为D项。答案:D解析:由语境及句子结构可知答案选C项。succeed in doing sth做成某事。答案:C解析:前后两句之间为转折关系故答案为D项。答案:D解析:科学家们认为智力水平可根据脑力锻炼的程度得以提高或出现波动。A:根据;B:不管不C:除……之外;D:而不是。答案:AD.around

  解析:take a step further又向前迈了一步。答案:B解析:由语境中的improve可知regain(重新获得)为正确答案。答案:Aries

  D.allows解析:allow sb to do sth “允许某人做某事”。答案:D解析:keep a record of为固定短语意为:“记录……”。答案:Bbout

  解析:此处表示“关于……的反馈”应用介词on或about故选D项。答案:D解析:更重要的是该程序可以不断改进你所玩的游戏以增强你的优势。A:无规律地;B:习惯性地经常;:不断地不停地;D:异乎寻常地。答案:C解析:解析见18题。build up为动词短语意为:增强。答案:C解析:由语境可知答案选B项。effective产生预期结果的有效的。答案:BB

  Reading and learning new words is about finding their meaning and use within a passage.The meaning of unknown words which you


  in your reading sometimes can be known by their

  __2__,that is,their contexts.The context of the sentence can tell us the part of speech (词性) of the


  meaning of a word,when they should identify the way it has been used in the passage.

  One consideration in using the context is to determine the unknown word's part of speech.The words around the unknown word can give you

  __6__.Once you know if the word is a noun or an adjective__7__ reading without having to stop to look up the meaning of the word.After coming across the word a few more times,you will know its meaning more


  than if you had just looked it up.

  Comparison clues indicate that two or more things are

  __9__.A comparison is possible because the known and unknown words have

  __10__.The likeness shows you that comparisons can be made.__11__ clues tell you an example of an unknown word.Example clues are usually


  by the following words and phrases: such as,for example,and like.

  To find meaning from text-based clues__13__ on specific words to indicate meaning.This kind of context clue is called a framework-based clue.Your knowledge of the meaning of surrounding words



  discover the meaning of a word or sentencemon

  __15__ight with the other driver.What does “vehemently”

  __16__?You know what



  when they argue.From this,you can

  __19__ out that “vehemently” has something to do with strong __20__ or intense feeling.

  【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文主要介绍了几种在阅读过程习生词的方法和技巧。 B.look up解析:有时候你在阅读中所遇到的生词的意思可以通过语境知道其含义。take down“记下”;look up“查阅”;come across“遇见”;pick out“找出”。下文中的“After coming across the word a few more times”也是提示故C项正确。答案:C解析:根据“that is”可知此空与contexts是同义词与下文中的“The words around the unknown word”和“Your knowledge of the meaning of surrounding words”呼应故D项正确。答案:D解析:句子的语境可以告诉我们生词的词性。与上文中的“unknown words”呼应可知此处是指生词即A项正确。abnormal“不正常的”;familiar“熟悉的”;negative“负面的”。答案:A解析:利用段落的语境来确定生词也是有帮助的。与下文中的“Common __15 and your knowledge of the parts of speech also help define unknown words”呼应即C项正确。答案:C解析:读者经常遇到麻烦因为他们逐字理解句子而不是(理解)一个词的正确意思。根据空格前的“Readers often have trouble”可推知读者没有理解一个词的正确意思即A项正确。答案:Aons



  解析:生词周围的词可以给你(提供)线索。与下文中的“Comparison clues”呼应即D项正确。答案:D解析:一旦你知道了这个词是名词还是形容词那么你就可以不必停下来去查这个词的意思而继续读下去。根据空格后的“without having to stop”可知此处应用continue“继续”故C项正确。答案:C解析:strangely“奇怪地”;uncertainly“犹豫地”;potentially“潜在地”;firmly“坚定地”。根据空格前的“After coming across the word a few more times”可知在生词出现的频率较高的情况下根据语境读者就可以更加确定其具体的含义即D项正确。答案:D解析:比较性线索表明两个或多个事物是相似的。根据下文中的“The likeness”可知此处表示事物的相似性即A项正确。答案:AA.properties

  B.similarities解析:之所以可能作比较是因为认识的词和不认识的词之间有相似性。根据下文中的“The likeness”可知相似性”符合语境。答案:B解析:例子线索会通过举例来提示读者。与空格后的“an example”和“Example clues”呼应故C项正确。答案:C解析:例子线索通常通过以下词或短语来提出。affect“影响”;adjust“调整”;change“改变”;introduce“提出”。故D项正确。答案:D解析:另一种线索并不是靠具体的词来表明(生词的)意思的。与上文“text-based clues”形成D项正确。rely on“依赖”符合语境。答案:DC.tells

  D.displays解析:你对附近的词的意思的理解有助于你了解一个词或一个句子的意思。故B项正确。答案:B解析:常识和对词性的了解也有助于(读者)给生词下定义。固定搭配:common sense“常识”符合语境故D项正确。答案:D解析:“vehemently”是什么意思呢?与下文中的“You know what __17__ meansA项正确。答案:A解析:你知道angry是什么意思而且你(也)知道人们在争辩时的感受。与上文中的“the angry driver”呼应故A项正确。答案:A解析:根据上文中的“the angry driver”和空格所在句中的“how people __18__ when they argue”可推知项正确。答案:C解析:由此你可以弄清楚“vehemently”与强烈的情感或紧张的情绪有关。come out“出现出版”;figure out“弄明白”;take out“切除”;set out“出发”。答案:B解析:demand“要求”;ambition“野心”;attitude“态度”;emotion“情感”。与语境“or intense feeling”呼应可知此处表示情感故D项正确。答案:DC

  More than half a million South Korean students in their final








  entrance examination in Nov.Many people consider success on this test the first


  toward a good life.But South Korean students say they feel


  from the pressure.

  Seventeen-year-old student Lee Jee-woo is not ready yet to


  the test.But he has a strong opinion about it.He says__4__

  the rest of your life.”

  South Korean high school students


  years studying for the university entrance examination.People say good scores


  entrance to a top university and the possibility of a high-paying job.Some say good test


  even improve chances of a good marriage in the future.Some observers say this


  does not help the students learn to think

  __9__ themselves.

  Professor Kim says this system of learning by memorization


  a lot of stressed students.A recent government study found that South Korean children are the


  __11__ compared to children in 29 other developed countries.Many South






  this unhappiness.

  South Korean President Park Geun-hye has promised to


  her country's educational system.She urges the system to increase creative thinking and relieve students'


  that reforms by the top government alone will settle the

  __16__.nts to


  the pressure on their children might not be so easy.Shin Jeong-yeon says she would like not to put so much pressure on her daughter.__18____19__, so it is impossible for parents not to do so.For now,all Ms Shin and other __20__can do is hope that the pressure brings good results.

  【语篇解读】 这是一篇力。同时一些观察员认为高考并不能培养学生独立思考的能力。 B.task解析:根据上下文可以看出很多人认为高考的成功是通向美好生活的第一步所以答案为step。答案:A解析:从后面的“pressure”以及本文的中心思想可以看出高考给韩国高中生带来了巨大的压力。下文的“a lot of stressed

  students”是提示。答案:C解析:参加考试应该用take。第一段中的“took the university

  entrance examination”也是提示。答案:Bimpress

  D.determine解析:从上文中的“he has a strong opinion about

  it”可以看出李智宇认为高考可以决定未来的生活。答案:D解析:韩国高中生花好几年的时间为高考而学习(in) doing sth“花时间去做某事”。答案:B解析:该段谈论的是人们对高考取得好成绩的答案:A解析:该句表达的仍然是好的高考成绩给人带来的好处。“好的成绩”除了用good scores之外还可以用good test results。本文最后一句中的“brings good results”也是提示。C





  解析:从下文的“this system of learning”可以看出此处开始谈论韩国的高考体制存在的弊端。答案:D解析:从下文中的“She urges the system to increase creative thinking and relieve students' __14__”可以看出本处表达的是学生独立思考的能力。think for oneself是一个固定搭配表示“独立思考”。答案:A解析:该处谈论的是这种考试体制导致的不良后果——使很多学生背负着巨大答案:B解析:最近一项政府研究表明与其他29个发达国家的孩子相比韩国孩子是最不快乐的。本段结尾的“this unhappiness”是提示。答案:C解析:该句表达的意思是“很多韩国人把这种不快乐归咎于教育的压力”。blame sth for sth“把……归咎于……因……责备……”。答案:B.abandon

  B.adopt解析:目前教育体制虽然存在弊端但也不是一无是处所以面对这些弊端韩国总统承诺的自然是要改革而不可能是完全废除。答案:D解析:该篇文章的主旨是高考给学生带来了巨大的压力因此改革要减轻学生的压力。答案:A解析:文章的最后一段讲述了学生的压力同时来自于父母答案:B解析:参见上题解析。答案:D解析:学生的压力relieve students' __14__”是提示。答案:ATherefore



  解析:Shin Jeong-yeon不愿意给女儿太大的压力但是竞争这么激烈父母又不得不这样做。前后句是转折关系故用However。答案:C解析:参见上题解析。答案:B20.A.parents
