2024年高考英语一轮复习讲练测:选修7 语法专题复习 词类复习(1)(测)(原卷版)

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2024年高考英语一轮复习讲练测:选修7 语法专题复习 词类复习(1)(测)(原卷版)




  I 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空 (共小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  The phone call came one cool winter day. I was


  that my father was seriously ill.

  It had been long since I’d seen my father. Ever since his


  from my mom, my father had lived alone in a small trailer(房车) in California, 0 miles away from me. The real


  between us seemed so much greater. I was in no hurry to


  that, but somehow I heard myself


  to the owner of the trailer to be there the next day.

  The whole drive down,


  flashed through my mind. I remembered my father, the proud Marine. He made sure the first song I


  was the Marine Hymn(《美国海军陆战队队歌》). He tore off the Christmas

  all the decorations the rest of us had


  and rehung them so there was


  the same space between them. But we didn’t need to


  those military orders, as we were not soldiers. I remembered


  the battles he had with my mother. I remembered hoping to hear my father say


  once, “I love you, Patty,” only to have him


  at me, “You can’t do anything right!”

  And now here I was standing outside his trailer, trying to


  my courage to face him one more time. I knocked on the door, my hand and my whole body


  . NO answer. Slowly I opened the door. I took a few 17 inside and stopped, too shocked to believe my eyes.

  My father was sitting on his sofa, looking confused and crying. This wasn’t the


  man I had known growing up. He seemed broken.

  A sense of


  overtook me, and I knew what I had to do. He would be my father forever. Without


  , I went back inside and packed up all of my father’s things. I would take him to my home-our home.


  A. reminded

  B. convinced

  C. informed

  D. warned


  A. divorce

  B. difference

  C. absence

  D. result


  A. difficulty

  B. distance

  C. challenge

  D. pain


  A. destroy

  B. distance

  C. increase

  D. change


  A. announce

  B. explain

  C. promise

  D. apologize


  A. memories

  B. doubts

  C. signs

  D. messages


  A. performed

  B. learned

  C. admired

  D. composed


  A. box

  B. gift

  C. tree

  D. cake


  A. taken up

  B. made up

  C. rang up

  D. put up


  A. uniquely

  B. exactly

  C. properly

  D. specially


  A. master

  B. obey

  C. admit

  D. recite


  A. eventually

  B. suddenly

  C. clearly

  D. regularly


  A. just

  B. always

  C. seldom

  D. ever


  A. point

  B. look

  C. laugh

  D. yell


  A. show

  B. gather

  C. support

  D. improve


  A. softening

  B. relaxing

  C. aching

  D. shaking


  A. steps

  B. measures

  C. turns

  D. jumps


  A. selfish

  B. angry

  C. mild

  D. strange


  A. sorrow

  B. fear

  C. pride

  D. anger


  A. effort

  B. pity

  C. hesitation

  D. rest

  第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)

  1.(2024·广州海珠区摸底)In the forest, I really want to see ________ elephant close up.

  2.(2024·山西太原五中月考)The small damage may not seem worth all ________ trouble, but what if I had been seriously injured?

  .(2024·黑龙江双鸭山一中月考)Scott was ________ much better student than his sister, and has been working so hard for the last few months.

  4.(2024·四川高考)The female hormones also protect the body in another way.They help the body defend________ against some kinds of infections.

  5.(2024·四川高考)Some think that a woman’s body cells have a tendency to age more slowly than a man’s.________

  think that a man’s body cells have a tendency to age more quickly.6.(2024·北京高考)For the first time,I feel good about ________(me)because I’m doing something,not because someone told me I was doing good.

  .(2024·重庆一中二模)She’s got the job because she has the advantage________others of knowing many languages.

  .(2024·福建漳州八校联考)—I was surprised to see wild flowers in Alaska.

  —Many people think there is nothing apart ________ice and snow.

  .(2024·北京高考)He is a shy man, ________ he is not afraid of anything or anyone.

  .(2024·北京高考)Some animals carry seeds from one place to another,________ plants can spread to new places.

  II阅读 (共两节,满分30分)

  第一节 阅读理解 (共1小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


  The 1920s was a decade of wealth, decadence(堕落) and social changes. They were known as the Roaring Twenties, and the best place to experience this exciting time was New York City. But what was it really like?


  In 1919, a new law in the US known as Prohibition made it illegal to buy and sell alcohol. But Prohibition didn’t stop people drinking; it just drove the sale of strong alcoholic drink underground. Bootleggers(走私贩) waited off the coast of New York after dark and brought illegal alcohol into the city.


  Jazz was the music of New York in the 1920s. In fact, the decade is called Jazz Age. The best place to listen to this new form of music was the Cotton Club in Harlem. All the great jazz musicians played at the Cotton Club, including Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie and DukeEllington. Also, in 1942 George Gersgwin composed the jazz---influenced Rhapsody in Blue. The piece has been called “a musical portrait of New York” and was used by Woody Allen in his film Manhattan.

  Art Deco

  Art Deco was the most popular style of the 1920s, with bright colors and geometric designs; it can be seen in the art, architecture and inside designs of the period. New York is full of Art Deco buildings, but the most famous ones are the Chrysler Building (built between 1928 and 1930) and the Empire State Building (built between 1930 and 1931).

  The Great Depression

  On 29th October, 1929, the Roaring Twenties came to a dramatic end. On that day (known as “Black Tuesday”), the US stock market crashed, causing the Great Depression. The economic downturn lasted ten years and affected most of the Western world. Unemployment in America reached 25% and the country didn’t recover until after World War II.

  31. We know from the passage that in 1919 people ________ alcohol in the US.

  A. began to buy and sell

  B. stopped producing

  C. completely stopped trading

  D. secretly bought and sold

  32. The 1920s is called _________.

  A. Country Music Time

  B. Jazz Age

  C. Folk Music Age

  D. Pop Age

  33. We infer from the passage that the US _________ in the year 1930.

  A. was in a bad economic state

  B. was in good economic condition

  C. developed at a rapid speed

  D. had many dramatic plays



  I was desperately nervous about becoming car-free. But eight months ago our car was hit by a passing vehicle and it was destroyed. No problem, I thought: we’ll buy another. But the insurance payout didn’t even begin to cover the costs of buying a new car—I worked out that, with the loan (贷款) we’d need plus petrol, insurance, parking permits and tax, we would make a payment as much as £600 a month.

  And that’s when I had my fancy idea. Why not just give up having a car at all? I live in London. We have a railway station behind our house, a tube station 10 minutes’ walk away, and a bus stop at the end of the street. A new car club had just opened in our area, and one of its shiny little red Peugeots was parked nearby. If any family in Britain could live without a car, I reasoned, then surely we were that family.

  But my new car-free idea, sadly, wasn’t shared by my family. My teenage daughters were horrified. What would their friends think about our family being “too poor to afford a car”? (I wasn’t that bothered what they thought, and I suggested the girls should take the same approach.)

  My friends, too, were astonished at our plan. What would happen if someone got seriously ill overnight and needed to go to hospital? (an ambulance) How would the children get to and from their many events? (buses and trains) People smiled as though this was another of my mad ideas, before saying they were sure I’d soon realize that a car was a necessity.

  Eight months on, I wonder whether we’ll ever own a car again. The idea that you “have to” own a car, especially if you live in a city, is all in the mind. I live—and many other citizens do too—in a place that has never been better served by public transport, and yet car ownership has never been higher. We worry about rising car costs, but we’d be better off asking something much more basic: do I really need a car? Certainly the answer is no, and I’m a lot richer because I dared to ask the question.

  34. The author decided to live a car-free life partly because ______.

  A. he was hurt in a terrible car accident

  B. most families chose to go car-free

  C. the traffic jam was unbearable for him

  D. the cost of a new car was too much

  35. What is the attitude of the author’s family toward his plan?

  A. Disapproving.

  B. Supportive.

  C. Unconcerned.

  D. Optimistic.

  36. What did the author suggest his daughters do about their friends’ opinion?

  A. Take their advice.

  B. Argue against it.

  C. Leave it alone.

  D. Think it over.

  37. What conclusion did the author draw after the eight-month car-free life?

  A. Life without a car is a little bit hard.

  B. Life cannot go without a car.

  C. A car-free life does not suit everyone.

  D. His life gets improved without a car



  If you want a little extra security against thieves stealing your bicycle, designer Dennis Siegel has designed a solution. The RFID Bikealarm is attached to the seat on a bicycle and gives off an alarm when it senses movement.

  “The RFID Bikealarm is meant to be a useful add-on to mechanical bicycle locks because it greatly extends the range of protection with only a few components,” Siegel explains on his website. “It is low-cost, durable and easy to use.”

  The Bikealarm was designed as part of Siegel’s Bachelor’s degree thesis at the University of the Arts Bremen in Germany. The device will scare off any would-be thieves the moment they begin to steal the bicycle to which it is attached. It is able to continuously sense the environment to distinguish between specific events, for instance a passing tram / car and a serious theft.

  Siegel created a working model of an alarm that would sound when it sensed movement, but wasn’t initially sure how it would be best attached to a bicycle. “I decided to mount it to the rails of the seat because it allows for comfortable interaction and the position is less obvious as it looks like a small repair kit,” he says.

  Siegel chose to use RFID technology rather than Bluetooth to keep the costs down. Siegel explains that the most difficult aspect of creating the alarm was to get the electronic circuit down to a small enough size.

  The device runs off a kind of battery that can be charged by USB within 2 hours and lasts for a few days with normal use. As the Bikealarm is only at development stage, Siegel hasn’t signed any agreements to put it on the market.

  38. When it senses movement, the RFID Bikealarm will _____.

  A. make a warning sound

  B. fasten the bicycle tightly

  C. shake the bicycle quickly

  D. call the police automatically

  39. Which of the following shows the right position of the RFID Bikealarm on a bicycle?





  40. It can be inferred from the last two paragraphs that ______.

  A. the electronic circuit is a little larger

  B. it’s very easy to make a Bikealarm

  C. it costs too much at present

  D. not many Bikealarms are produced

  第二节 【湖北省部分重点中学2024届高三上学期起点考试】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多于选项。

  Third-Culture Kids

  Did you grow up in one culture, your parents came from another, and you are now living in a totally different country? If so, then you are a third-culture kid!

  The term “third-culture kid” (or TCK) was first used in the 1960s by Dr. Ruth. She first came across this phenomenon when she researched North American children living in India. Caught between two cultures, they form their very own.


  About 90 percent of them have a university degree, while 45 percent pursue a postgraduate or doctor degree. They usually benefit from their intercultural experience, which helps them to grow into successful academics and professionals.
