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  交际用语23.(2024·江苏高考)—Jim, can you work this Sunday?

  —________? I've been working for two weeks on end.

  A.Why me

  B.Why not

  C.What if

  D.So what

  解析:选A 考查情景交际。句意:“吉姆,这个周日你可以上班吗?”“为什么是我?我已经连续工作两周了。”Why me?“为什么是我?”; Why not?“为什么不呢?”What if?“如果……怎么办?” ;So what?“那有什么关系?”。由I've been working ...可感知回答者的不满,故选A项。16.—Sir, could I hand in my homework a bit late?

  —________, since you've been unwell these days.

  A.You can't be serious

  B.I'm afraid not

  C.Good idea

  D.Well, all right

  解析:选D 考查情景交际。句意:“老师,我可以稍晚一点儿交家庭作业吗?”“嗯,好吧,因为你这些天身体不舒服。”You can't be serious“你一定是在开玩笑吧”;I'm afraid not“恐怕不能”;Good idea“好主意”;Well, all right“嗯,好吧”。根据答语中的since you've been unwell these days可知,老师同意学生的请求,故选D项。11.—Let's go to the New Year's Eve party, shall we?

  —________ I guess it will be fun.

  A.Forget it!

  B.No way!

  C.Why not?

  D.What for?

  解析:选C 考查情景交际。句意:“咱们去参加除夕晚会,好吗?”“为什么不呢?我想那将会很好玩儿。”Forget it!可用于表示某事不重要,意为“没关系,别在意”,也可用于表示不想重复说过的话,意为“算了,别提它了”;No way!“不行,没门儿”;Why not?“为什么不呢?”,用于表示赞同某一建议;What for?“为什么?”。根据答语中的I guess it will be fun.可知,回答者赞同对方的建议,故选C项。35.—Hi, Dr Brown! I'm a little early. Should I wait outside?


  A.That's right

  B.My pleasure

  C.Come on in

  D.Take it easy

  解析:选C 考查情景交际。句意:“嗨,布朗医生!我来得有点儿早,我应该在外面等吗?”“不,进来吧。”that's right“没错,你说得对”;my pleasure“愿意为您效劳,我很乐意(用作对谢意的客气回答)”;come on in“进来吧,请进”;take it easy“放轻松,不要紧张”。根据答句中的No.可知,布朗医生让对方进来,故答案为C项。1.(2024·浙江高考)—Hi, John.Are you busy?


  A.Yes.I do agree.B.Yes.That would be nice.

  C.No.Are you sure?

  D.No.What's up?

  解析:选D 考查情景交际。句意:“嗨,约翰。你忙吗?”“不忙,有事吗?”A项“是的,我的确同意”;B项“是的,那将很不错”;C项“不。你确定吗”;D项“不。怎么了/有事吗”。由上面的问句“Are you busy?”可知,D项正确。21.(2024·安徽高考)—Can you come to a party on Saturday, Peter?

  —Oh, ________ I'm already going out, I'm afraid.

  A.what a pity!B.don't ask!

  C.how come?

  D.so what?

  解析:选A 考查情景交际。句意:“彼得,周六你能来参加一个聚会吗?”“哦,太可惜了!恐怕我要出去。”因为不能应邀参加聚会,所以感觉很可惜。don't ask“不要问(显得很粗鲁)”;how come“怎么回事”;so what“那又怎么样”。1.—Sorry, I forgot to lock the door.

  —________.Mike can do it later.

  A.No way B.Take your time

  C.Nothing serious

  D.You're welcome

  解析:选C 考查情景交际。句意:“对不起,我忘记锁门了。”“没事。等会儿迈克会锁上的。”从第一个人的道歉语“Sorry”可知,第二个人对其进行安慰,并且后面的“Mike can do it later.”也说明了“问题不严重”,故此处要用Nothing serious。15.—Hello Jenny, can I see Ms. Lewis?

  —________. I'll tell her you're here.

  A.With pleasure

  B.Never mind

  C.You're welcome

  D.Just a minute

  解析:选D 考查情景交际。句意:“你好,珍妮。我可以见刘易斯女士吗?”“请稍候。我告诉她你来了。”根据“I'll tell her you're here.”可知,要告知刘易斯女士,当然需要时间,故应该是有礼貌地让客人先等候一下,just a minute“请稍候”,故选择D项。5.—I can drive you home.

  —________, but are you sure it's not too much trouble?

  A.That would be great

  B.Don't bother

  C.I'm afraid not

  D.Take care

  解析:选A 考查情景交际。句意:“我可以开车送你回家。”“那太好了,但是你确定这样不会很麻烦吗?”答句中的but是解题的关键,假如选B项Don't bother(别麻烦了),则空后面应该交代回绝对方好意的原因。而C项I'm afraid not (恐怕不行)多用于委婉拒绝别人的请求。D项Take care意为“保重”,很显然不合逻辑。因此只有A项That would be great(那太好了)符合含有关键词but的语境。

  4.—Jack, you seem excited.

  —________? I won the first prize in the English speech contest.

  A.Guess what

  B.So what

  C.Pardon me

  D.Who cares

  解析:选A 考查情景交际。句意:“杰克,你似乎很兴奋。”“猜猜看?我获得了英语演讲比赛的一等奖。”guess what“你猜怎么着”,用于引出令人惊奇或激动的事;so what“那又怎样”,表示认为某事无关紧要;pardon me“请重复一遍,请再说一遍”;who cares“(常用于无礼地表示)管它呢,谁管呢”。根据空格后的句子以及excited可知,此处是告知对方一件让人激动的事情。故选A。1.—Sorry, Liz. I think I was a bit rude to you.

  —________, but don't do that again!

  A.Go ahead B.Forget it

  C.It depends

  D.With pleasure

  解析:选B 考查情景交际。句意:“对不起,莉兹。我想我对你有点儿粗鲁了。”“没关系,但是不要再那么做了!”go ahead“(鼓励用语)干吧,做吧”;forget it“没关系,别在意”;it depends“那得看情况”;with pleasure“(客气地接受或同意)当然了,很愿意”。根据空格后的but可知,前后语意为转折关系,由此判断,第二个说话者(莉兹)原谅了第一个说话者,故用Forget it。1.(2024·安徽高考)—Reading is the best way to pass time on the train.

  —________. I never go traveling without a book.

  A.You are jokingB.That's true

  C.I don't think so

  D.It sounds like fun


  【解析】句意:“在火车上阅读是打发时间的最好方式。”“的确如此。我出行绝对不会不带书。”第二个人说的话中“I never go traveling without a book”使用的是双重否定,即为肯定,与第一个人说的话相照应,说明其对第一个人的话是赞同的,故选B。

  2.(2024·安徽高考)—I get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day.

  —Oh great!________.

  A.Good luck

  B.Cheer up

  C.Same to you

  D.Keep it up


  【解析】句意:“我每天至少要锻炼半小时。”“哦,真不错!坚持下去。” Good luck“祝你好运”;Cheer up“振作起来,打起精神”;Same to you“你也一样”;Keep it up“坚持下去”。说的是自己的好习惯,回答者自然是鼓励其将该习惯坚持下去。故选D

  3.(2024·全国卷)—I'm sorry for breaking the cup.



  — I've got plenty.

  A.forget it B.my pleasure

  C.help yourself

  D.pardon me


  【解析】句意:“不好意思,我打破了杯子。”“噢,没关系,我有很多呢。” forget it是道歉的应答语,意思是“没关系,别在意”,符合语境。

  4.(2024·福建高考)—I can't remember those grammar rules!

  ________. Practice more.

  A.You're not alone

  B.It's hard to say

  C.I'm afraid not

  D.It's up to you


  【解析】句意:“我记不住那些语法规则!”“不止你自己如此。多练习。”You're not alone.“不止你自己这样”;It's hard to say.“很难说”;I'm afraid not.“恐怕不行”;It's up to you.“由你决定”。根据答语中的关键词Practice more.可知空格处是安慰对方“不止你自己这样(You're not alone)”。

  5.(2024·江西高考)—Could I use this dictionary?

  —________.It's a spare one.

  A.Good idea B.Just go ahead

  C.You're welcome

  D.You'd better not


  【解析】句意:“我可以用这本词典吗?”“你用吧。它在那儿闲着呢。”根据空后的“It's a spare one”可知,答案为B。

  6.(2024·四川高考)—How about dinner tonight? It's on me.


  A.You are welcome

  B.Oh, I'd like to

  C.Well. I'm afraid so

  D.That's all right


  【解析】句意:“今晚一起去吃饭怎么样?我请客。”“哦,我愿意去。”You are welcome“不用谢”;Oh, I'd like to“哦,我愿意去”;Well. I'm afraid so“哦。恐怕是这样的”;That's all right“别客气,没关系”。根据语境可知B项正确。

  7.(2024·天津高考)—OK, I'll fix your computer right now.

  —Oh, take your time. ________.

  A.I can't stand it

  B.I'm in no hurry

  C.That's a great idea

  D.It's not my cup of tea


  【解析】句意“好吧,我马上给你修电脑。”“哦,你慢慢来。我不着急。”答语中的take your time表明,答话人不想催促对方,因此选B项,表示“我不着急”。A项表示“我受不了”;C项表示“好主意”;D项表示“我对此不感兴趣”,均与语境不符。

  8.(2024·天津高考)—How long have you been learning English?

  —About four months.

  —________! Your English is so good.

  A.You can't be serious

  B.You got it

  C.I couldn't agree more

  D.I'm stuck


  【解析】句意:“你学英语多长时间了?”“大约四个月。”“你不是认真的吧!你的英文太棒了。”题干中的about four months和your English is so good表明问话人不相信,因此选A项,表示“你不是认真的吧”。B项“你说对了”;C项“我完全赞同”;D项“我遇到困难了”,均与语境不符。

  9.(2024·江苏高考)—________ ! Somebody has left the lab door open.

  —Don't look at me.

  A.Dear me

  B.Hi, there

  C.Thank goodness

  D.Come on


  【解析】dear me 表示惊讶,“哎呀,天哪”,符合语境。

  10.(2024·陕西高考)—I got that job I wanted at the public library.

  — ________! That's good news.

  A.Go aheadB.Cheers


  D.Come on


  【解析】句意:“我得到了我想要的在公共图书馆的那份工作。”“祝贺你!这是个好消息。”根据上下句的语境,答语第一句是对前面所说的情况表示祝贺,尤其That's good news是暗示,故选C。Go ahead“可以;干吧;开始做”,表示同意或允许等;Cheers“干杯”,用作祝酒语;Come on“来吧;加油;算了吧”,表示请求、鼓励、劝说等。故答案为C。

  11.(2024·陕西高考)—You know, I met my girlfriend's parents for the first time only yesterday.

  —________? I thought you'd met them before.

  A.So what



  D.What for


  【解析】句意:“你知道的,昨天我才第一次见了我女朋友的父母。”“真的吗?我原以为你在以前就见过他们。”根据答语第二句的I thought you'd met them before可以判断出,答话人对于此事表示“吃惊”,故要用Really表示疑问,意思是“真的吗”。So what“那有什么关系”,表示不在乎或无所谓;Pardon“对不起”,表示道歉;What for“为什么呢”,表示追问原因。故答案为C。

  12.(2024·浙江高考)—I am going to Spain for a holiday soon.


  A.It's my pleasure

  B.Never mind

  C.Leave it alone

  D.Good for you


  【解析】句意:“我很快要去西班牙度假。”“不错啊。”此处D项“Good for you”是某人(将要或已经)做一件对他自己有益的事时,所表示“认同”的话。A项意为“不用谢”;B项意为“没关系”;C项意为“别管它”。

  13.(2024·浙江高考)—I'd like a wake-up call at 7:00 a.m., please!

  —OK, ________.

  A.help yourself

  B.you'll certainly make it

  C.just do what you like

  D.I'll make sure you get one



  14.(2024·重庆高考)—Why not stay here a little longer?


  but I really have to go.

  A.Never mind

  B.I'd love to

  C.Pleased to meet you

  D.I can't find any reason



  15.(2024·山东高考)—This apple pie is too sweet, don't you think so?

  —________. I think it's just right, actually.

  A.Not really

  B.I hope so

  C.Sounds good

  D.No wonder


  【解析】句意:“这个苹果馅饼太甜了,难道你不这样认为吗?”“事实并非如此。实际上,我觉得刚刚好。”Not really“不会,事实并不是这样”;I hope so“我希望这样”;Sounds good“听起来很好”;No wonder“怪不得,不足为奇”。