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  1.(江苏省扬州中学2024届高三10月月考)To keep up with their work, the vast majority of office clerks today

  must read letters, reports, trade publications, interoffice communications, to say ________ of newspapers and


  A. everything

  B. anything

  C. nothing

  D. something


  2.(浙江省重点中学协作体2024届高三上学期第二次适应性测试)Liu Xiang’s breaking the world record was an exciting moment, ________ all of us will never forget.

  A. that

  B. one

  C. it

  D. what


  【解析】有逗号在中间,不能用that引导非限制性定语从句;it不能作为关系代词;第二个分句不缺成分,what不能引导定语从句,所以选B。在这个句子中,one 后面省略了引导词that,后面接的是一个定语从句,one all of us will never forget,作前面这个句子中的moment的同位语。句意:刘翔打破世界纪录是一个令我们难以忘怀的激动时刻。故选B。

  3.(江苏省苏锡常镇四市2024届高三教学情况调研一)Each misfortune you come across will carry in ________ the seed of tomorrow's good luck. So hang on until you succeed.

  A. one

  B. some

  C. that

  D. it


  【解析】句意:你遭遇的每次不幸都是明天给你带来的好运的种子。因此坚持下去你就会成功的。the seed是carry的宾语,of tomorrow 's good luck是定语,修饰seed。in it是状语,其中it作in的宾语(不是形式宾语,更不是形式主语),指代misfortune。故判断选D。

  4.(浙江建人高复学校2024届高三上学期第一次月考)She'd lived in London and Manchester, but she liked ________

  and moved to Cambridge.

  A. both

  B. neither

  C. none

  D. either



  5.(2024届浙江省宁波市高三上学期期末) ________ it is the first choice of many young

  travelers, Europe is

  also seen as a wonderful tourist attraction by many old people.

  A. While

  B. Unless

  C. Once

  D. Until




  6.(江苏省淮安市淮海中学2024届高三9月月考)An idiom often cannot be understood by looking at the meaning of its separate words. ________, its meaning can be very different from the apparent meanings of its components.

  A. All in all

  B. In other words

  C. In a word

  D. What’s more


  【解祈】句意:一个谚语通常只拆开看单词的意思是不能背理解的,换句话说,它的意思可能和它们表面成分的意思很不相同。All in all总的来说;In other words换句话说;In a word总之;What’s more而且。根据句意可知选B。

  7.(2024届江苏省泰州中学高三第一次月度质量检测)—I’m afraid the project may be several days behind schedule due to bad weather.

  —Don’t worry. Three more assistants will be ________ in no time at all.

  A. at your convenience B. at your command C. at your risk

  D. at your request


  8.(江苏省淮安市淮海中学2024届高三9月月考) ________ skill, Jim is believed to be one of the best and most talented basketball players in the country.

  A. In salute to

  B. On behalf of

  C. In terms of

  D. In honour of


  【解析】In salute to在向;On behalf of代表;In terms of就……而言;In honour of为了纪念。句意:就技术而言,吉米被认为是这个国家最好最有天分的篮球运动员之一。根据句意可知选C。

  9.( 浙江省开化县华埠中学2024届高三上学期第二次月考)Her fluent English left a great impression on the judges, most of whom voted ________ her, and she became the winner in the end.

  A. in search of

  B. in favor of

  C. in memory of

  D. in danger of


  【解析】in search of寻找;in favor of赞成,支持;in memory of对……的纪念;in danger of处于……危险之中。句意:她流利的英语给评委留下了很深的印象,大多数评委给她投了赞成票。最后她获胜了。

  10.(2024届浙江省杭州二中高三第二次月考)Policemen think that where there is violence, drugs with damaging effects on kids are always ________ it.

  A. beyond

  B. before

  C. behind

  D. besides


  【解析】beyond超出;before 在……前面;behind在……后面;besides除了。句意:警察经常认为在有暴力、毒品的地方,对孩子有毁灭性影响的毒品就紧随其后而来。选C。

  11.(2024届湖北省襄阳市高三第一次调研考试)It may be necessary to stop ________ in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons.

  A. at intervals

  B. at random

  C. at ease

  D. at length


  【解析】at intervals 不时;at random随意的;at ease自在的;at length详尽地。句意:可能有必要学一定的内容后再停下来回顾一下本课的难点。根据语境可知选A项。

  12.(2024届浙江省杭州二中高三第二次月考) ________ the risks he might face, Edward Snowden, a former CIA technician, leaked secrets about US spying programs.

  A. Instead of

  B. For fear of

  C. On account of

  D. In spite of



  13.(浙江省温州市十校联合体2024届高三上学期期中联考)When showing your membership card, you will receive a ________ on purchases, which will save some money.

  A. discount

  B. bargain

  C. bonus

  D. service



  14.(浙江省开化县华埠中学2024届高三上学期第二次月考)He was given $8000 as a(an) ________ for his brave performance in saving the child’s life.

  A. attitude

  B. altitude

  C. award

  D. reward



  15.(浙江省余姚中学2024届高三10月月考)The boy promised to make up the missing lessons during his ________ from school as soon as he got back from leave.

  A. presence

  B. absence

  C. appearance

  D. attendance


  【解析】absence from school缺课。presence出席;appearance出现;attendance出席率,出席,参加。句意:那个男孩答应所请假期一结束回来就把缺课期间所落下的课补起来。

  16.(江苏省泰州中学2024-2024学年度第一学期高三英语第一次月度检测)Puzzled by this strange natural phenomenon, the scientists started to explored every ________

  they knew to figure it out.

  A. impression

  B. intention

  C. avenue

  D. design



  17.(2024届浙江省慈溪中学高三上学期期中)The rising house price and the high income taxation rate have become the biggest ________ of people today.

  A. concern

  B. influence

  C. involvement

  D. occupation


  18. (江苏省仪征中学2024届高三上学期期中复习测试)According to the newly passed Road Traffic Safety Law, there are now tougher ________ for drunken drivers.

  A. principles

  B. penalties

  C. proposals

  D. prejudices


  【解析】principle原则;penalty 返款,处罚;proposal 建议;prejudice偏见。句意:根据最新出台的交通法,对于酒驾司机有更加严厉的处罚。

  19.(浙江省宁波市效实中学2024届高三上学期期中考试)Nowadays, an increasing number of museums are open to visitors free. However, free ________ might lead to some social problems as well.

  A. accommodation

  B. attraction

  C. admission

  D. adjustment


  【解析】accommodation住处;attraction吸引力;admission准许进入,free admission免费入场;adjustment调解,调整,调节器。句意:现在越来越多的博物馆免费向游客开放。然而免费入场亦可能会导致一些社会问题。

  20.(浙江省宁波市效实中学2024届高三上学期期中考试)The ________ among the world’s scientists is that the world is likely to warm up over the next few decades.

  A. prejudice

  B. reputation

  C. discrimination

  D. consensus



  21.(江苏省徐州、淮安、连云港、宿迁四市2024届高三上学期期中质量抽测)In spite of his ________ to be a scholar in that field, he is not well equipped with that talent.

  A. potential

  B. competence

  C. ambition

  D. character


  22.(江苏省盐城中学2024届高三10月月考)He was faced with the ________ of whether or not to return to his country after he got a PhD in America.

  A. situation

  B. circumstance

  C. environment

  D. dilemma


  【解析】句意:他面临着在美国获得博士学位之后是否回国的两难境地。根据whether or not可知应选dilemma,意为“进退两难的)窘境,困境”。


  23.(江苏省扬州中学2024届高三10月月考)These trials, people are ________ assigned to a "treatment" group, which benefits from the project, and a "control" group, which does not.

  A. initially

  B. conventionally

  C. superbly

  D. randomly



  24.(江苏省扬州中学2024届高三10月月考)It’s unwise of you to consider his wild behavior as ________ a kid’s game. It may gradually develop into a bad habit.

  A. no less than

  B. less than

  C. more than

  D. no more than


  【解析】no less than不少于;less than少于;more than多于;no more than只是,至多,只不过。句意:你把他的疯狂行为看作是孩子做的游戏是不明智指的。这种行为可能逐渐发展成为一个坏习惯的。故选D。

  25.(浙江建人高复学校2024届高三上学期第一次月考)What was so ________ about Jasmine Westland’s victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed.

  A. awful

  B. essential

  C. impressive

  D. obvious


  【解析】句意:关于Jasmine Westland的胜利我们印象很深的就是她光着脚第一个冲过了马拉松的终点。awful可怕的,敬畏的;essential根本的;impressive印象深刻的;obvious明显的。故选C。

  26.(浙江建人高复学校2024届高三上学期第一次月考)Instead of blaming the child who had broken the vase, she gave him a ________ smile and let him go.

  A. cautious

  B. grateful

  C. tolerant

  D. wild


  【解析】cautious小心的;grateful 感激的;tolerant容忍的;D. wild 野蛮的。句意:她没有责备那个打碎花瓶的男孩,而是给了他一宽容的笑容,并让他走了。根据语境可知选C项。

  27.(浙江建人高复学校2024届高三上学期第一次月考)Hardly had Sabrina finished her words when Albert said ________, “Don’t be so mean,” pointing a finger of warning at her.

  A. dreadfully

  B. guiltily

  C. indirectly

  D. sharply


  28.(江苏省苏锡常镇四市2024届高三教学情况调研一)They all queued up to be among the first to buy iPhone 6, but they all ended up ________ —it was only a trick.

  A. rewarded

  B. shocked

  C. disappointing

  D. embarrassing


  【解析】句意:他们都排队购买争先购买iPhone 6,但是结果使他们都很震惊,这只是一个玩笑。根据破折号后的判断。rewarded奖赏;shocked震惊的;disappointing感到失望的;embarrassing令人尴尬的。故判断选B。

  29.(江苏省苏锡常镇四市2024届高三教学情况调研一)It seemed an impossible task, but Tom, though physically challenged, carried on ________, until it was completely fulfilled.