2024届高考英语牛津译林版一轮写作能力提升课件:第2讲 并列句在写作中的应用

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2024届高考英语牛津译林版一轮写作能力提升课件:第2讲 并列句在写作中的应用

  一、魔法导航 并列句是由并列连词连接两个分句而组成的句子,其基本结构是:简单句+并列 连词+简单句。并列句中的前后两个分句根据逻辑关系可分为以下几种: 1.表并列或递进:常用连词是and;常用句型有not only...but also(不仅……而且 ……),not...but...(不是……而是……),be about to do...when...(正要做某事,就在 这时/那时……)。  典句引领 Work hard and you will succeed one day.

  努力工作,早晚有一天你会成功的。 Tom was about to close the window when his attention was caught by a bird.

  汤姆正要关上窗户,就在那时一只鸟引起了他的注意。 ——齐头并进,抑扬顿挫  雕词琢句 If you are able to come with us, please let us know    (我们将会等你) at the school gate at 9 in the morning. (2024课标全国Ⅱ)  答案 and we'll wait for you 2.表转折:常用的连词是but和yet。  典句引领 This math problem was very difficult, but I managed to solve it. 这道数学题很难,但是我设法把它解决了。  雕词琢句 我想去博物馆,但是绝大部分同学想去野餐。(2024浙江)  

       答案 I would love to go to a museum, but most of my classmates wanted to go

  for a picnic. 3.表选择:常用的连词是or。  典句引领 Hurry up, or you'll be late for the meeting. 快点,否则你开会会迟到的。  雕词琢句 (1)Seize the opportunity,      (否则你会后悔的).  答案 or you will regret it (2)我会尊重大部分学生的观点,否则很难和他们处好关系。    

     答案 I will respect the opinion of most students, or it's difficult for me to get

  along well with them. 4.表原因:常用的连词是for。  典句引领 It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. 昨晚肯定下雨了,因为地面是湿的。  雕词琢句 他阅读有困难,因为他的视力不好。    

     答案 He has trouble in reading, for his sight is poor. 5.表对比:常用的连词是while。  典句引领 At school,some students are active while some are shy. 在学校,有些学生很积极,而有些学生很害羞。  雕词琢句 (1)He is fond of math,      (而我对英语感兴趣).  答案 while I show interest in/am interested in English (2)好的习惯能提高学习效率,而坏习惯效果却恰恰相反。(2024江西)  

       答案  Good habits can lead to high learning efficiency, while bad ones lead to

  the opposite.

  二、学以致用 1.完美文章 结合括号中的提示,将并列句补充完整。 No doubt every Senior 3 student wishes to be successful in the university entrance examinations,(1)     (但是我们应该做什么)in order to achieve success? Here are some suggestions. First,it's very important to have a right attitude,(2)     (因为一种 正常的心态和自信心可以帮助我们放松)and enable us to overcome difficulties bravely.Meanwhile,we should have a definite goal (3)     (并且我 们应该正确地自我评价).Only in this way will we not be easily pleased or disap- pointed with what we have known and done.Besides,we'd better sometimes talk with our parents,teachers and classmates,(4)     (他们可能会帮助 我们摆脱困境)when we are in trouble.Finally,striking a proper balance between study and rest keeps us energetic (5)      (健康的饮食也有用). With these done,I think we can greatly improve our performance.  答案 (1)but what should we do (2)for a normal state of mind and self-confidence can help us to relax (3)and we should estimate ourselves correctly (4)and they may help us out (5)and a healthy diet is useful as well 2.话题写作 [本期话题] 语言学习 [写作要求] 至少运用三种并列句。 根据下面的信息提示,就“如何学好英语”写一篇80词左右的英语短文。 1.每天听读英语; 2.经常朗读英语和背诵短文; 3.坚持写作训练;


     答案 One possible version: In order to have a good command of English, we can do various things. Firstly, we should make it a rule to listen to English materials and read English articles every day, for they are useful for developing language sense. Secondly, it is im- portant to read English aloud often and it's also good to recite short English arti- cles. Thirdly, stick to writing something regularly, or we can't improve our writ- ing ability soon. Finally, when we meet with difficulties, never give up.

  三、美文赏读 假设你是李华,最近你校要举行以“My Favorite Teacher”为主题的英语 作文比赛。请根据下表的信息提示,用英语写一篇短文介绍你的班主任李老 师的情况。 概况 1.年近50,1990年来校任教,工作一直很努力,曾多次受到表扬。 2.知识丰富,教学有方,他的课生动有趣,学生爱听他的课。 3.与学生关系融洽,对学生要求严格,经常鼓励学生为祖国勤奋学习。 4.在他的帮助下,大家进步很快。   

  [我来试写]  答案 One possible version: My Favorite Teacher Of all my teachers,Mr.Li is the one who impresses me most.Though he is nearly fifty,he looks very young for his age. He came to our school in 1990 ①and all these years he has been working hard. Because of his excellent work,he has been praised many times,②but he remains modest.③Not only does he have much knowledge but also he tries to make his classes lively and interesting through various ways,④so all of us enjoy his class- es.He gets on well with us students,⑤but he is strict with us.What's more,he of- ten encourages us to study hard for the good of our country.With his help,we've made great progress. All in all,Mr.Li is not only our good teacher,but also our good friend.He is such a learned person that we all admire him very much. 在文中①—⑤处,作者充分运用了and,but,so,not only...but also...连接的并列 句。句子虽然简短,但连贯性很强,很好地完成了写作任务。 【写作点评】

  一、魔法导航 并列句是由并列连词连接两个分句而组成的句子,其基本结构是:简单句+并列 连词+简单句。并列句中的前后两个分句根据逻辑关系可分为以下几种: 1.表并列或递进:常用连词是and;常用句型有not only...but also(不仅……而且 ……),not...but...(不是……而是……),be about to do...when...(正要做某事,就在 这时/那时……)。  典句引领 Work hard and you will succeed one day.

  努力工作,早晚有一天你会成功的。 Tom was about to close the window when his attention was caught by a bird.

  汤姆正要关上窗户,就在那时一只鸟引起了他的注意。 ——齐头并进,抑扬顿挫  雕词琢句 If you are able to come with us, please let us know    (我们将会等你) at the school gate at 9 in the morning. (2024课标全国Ⅱ)  答案 and we'll wait for you 2.表转折:常用的连词是but和yet。  典句引领 This math problem was very difficult, but I managed to solve it. 这道数学题很难,但是我设法把它解决了。  雕词琢句 我想去博物馆,但是绝大部分同学想去野餐。(2024浙江)  

       答案 I would love to go to a museum, but most of my classmates wanted to go

  for a picnic. 3.表选择:常用的连词是or。  典句引领 Hurry up, or you'll be late for the meeting. 快点,否则你开会会迟到的。  雕词琢句 (1)Seize the opportunity,      (否则你会后悔的).  答案 or you will regret it (2)我会尊重大部分学生的观点,否则很难和他们处好关系。    

     答案 I will respect the opinion of most students, or it's difficult for me to get

  along well with them. 4.表原因:常用的连词是for。  典句引领 It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. 昨晚肯定下雨了,因为地面是湿的。  雕词琢句 他阅读有困难,因为他的视力不好。    

     答案 He has trouble in reading, for his sight is poor. 5.表对比:常用的连词是while。  典句引领 At school,some students are active while some are shy. 在学校,有些学生很积极,而有些学生很害羞。  雕词琢句 (1)He is fond of math,      (而我对英语感兴趣).  答案 while I show interest in/am interested in English (2)好的习惯能提高学习效率,而坏习惯效果却恰恰相反。(2024江西)  

       答案  Good habits can lead to high learning efficiency, while bad ones lead to

  the opposite.

  二、学以致用 1.完美文章 结合括号中的提示,将并列句补充完整。 No doubt every Senior 3 student wishes to be successful in the university entrance examinations,(1)     (但是我们应该做什么)in order to achieve success? Here are some suggestions. First,it's very important to have a right attitude,(2)     (因为一种 正常的心态和自信心可以帮助我们放松)and enable us to overcome difficulties bravely.Meanwhile,we should have a definite goal (3)     (并且我 们应该正确地自我评价).Only in this way will we not be easily pleased or disap- pointed with what we have known and done.Besides,we'd better sometimes talk with our parents,teachers and classmates,(4)     (他们可能会帮助 我们摆脱困境)when we are in trouble.Finally,striking a proper balance between study and rest keeps us energetic (5)      (健康的饮食也有用). With these done,I think we can greatly improve our performance.  答案 (1)but what should we do (2)for a normal state of mind and self-confidence can help us to relax (3)and we should estimate ourselves correctly (4)and they may help us out (5)and a healthy diet is useful as well 2.话题写作 [本期话题] 语言学习 [写作要求] 至少运用三种并列句。 根据下面的信息提示,就“如何学好英语”写一篇80词左右的英语短文。 1.每天听读英语; 2.经常朗读英语和背诵短文; 3.坚持写作训练;


     答案 One possible version: In order to have a good command of English, we can do various things. Firstly, we should make it a rule to listen to English materials and read English articles every day, for they are useful for developing language sense. Secondly, it is im- portant to read English aloud often and it's also good to recite short English arti- cles. Thirdly, stick to writing something regularly, or we can't improve our writ- ing ability soon. Finally, when we meet with difficulties, never give up.

  三、美文赏读 假设你是李华,最近你校要举行以“My Favorite Teacher”为主题的英语 作文比赛。请根据下表的信息提示,用英语写一篇短文介绍你的班主任李老 师的情况。 概况 1.年近50,1990年来校任教,工作一直很努力,曾多次受到表扬。 2.知识丰富,教学有方,他的课生动有趣,学生爱听他的课。 3.与学生关系融洽,对学生要求严格,经常鼓励学生为祖国勤奋学习。 4.在他的帮助下,大家进步很快。   

  [我来试写]  答案 One possible version: My Favorite Teacher Of all my teachers,Mr.Li is the one who impresses me most.Though he is nearly fifty,he looks very young for his age. He came to our school in 1990 ①and all these years he has been working hard. Because of his excellent work,he has been praised many times,②but he remains modest.③Not only does he have much knowledge but also he tries to make his classes lively and interesting through various ways,④so all of us enjoy his class- es.He gets on well with us students,⑤but he is strict with us.What's more,he of- ten encourages us to study hard for the good of our country.With his help,we've made great progress. All in all,Mr.Li is not only our good teacher,but also our good friend.He is such a learned person that we all admire him very much. 在文中①—⑤处,作者充分运用了and,but,so,not only...but also...连接的并列 句。句子虽然简短,但连贯性很强,很好地完成了写作任务。 【写作点评】