2024届高考英语一轮复习《全优课堂》模块知识总复习课件:必修5 unit 3《Life in the future》(新人教版)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习《全优课堂》模块知识总复习课件:必修5 unit 3《Life in the future》(新人教版)

  【答案】①where/in which I live ②where/in which motivation can speed up one's growth

  ③where/ in which communication ability is just as important as sales

  2.tolerate vt.容忍;忍受

  【考点激活】 ①It sometimes requires the reader ______________ unpleasantness or annoyance. 有时候它需要读者忍受不快或烦恼。(2024江苏) (1)tolerate (sb.) doing sth. 容忍/忍受(某人)做某事 (2)have (no) tolerance for (不能)忍受…… beyond tolerance 无法忍受 (3)stand (sb.) doing sth. 忍受/容忍(某人)做某事 bear sb.doing/to do sth. 忍受/容忍某人做某事 put up with 忍受;容忍 【知识建构】

  The teacher cannot tolerate eating on the class.

  老师不容许在课堂上吃东西。 My father had no tolerance for jokes of any kind at home. 在家里我父亲容不得开任何玩笑。 【即时巩固】 语法填空

  He has a sense of humour plus ②____________(tolerate) and patience and he can even tolerate ③____________(laugh) at in public.However, he can't bear you ④__________ (treat) his mother rudely. 【答案】①to tolerate ②tolerance ③being laughed ④treating

  3.switch n.开关;转换 vt.转换 【考点激活】 ①Do switch __________ the computer when you are not using it. 不用电脑的时候一定把它关掉。 (1)make a/the switch 进行改变 (2)switch on 接上;打开 switch off 切断;关掉 switch (from…) to… (从……) 变换到/转向…… 【知识建构】

  She made the switch from full­time to part­time work. 她从全职工作改为兼职工作。 Bored with the lecture, he switched to reading a novel. 听厌了报告,他开始读起小说来。 【易错点津】 switch to表示“转向”时,to为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。 【即时巩固】 语法填空 Entering the room, the boy switched ② ________ the light and began to study.An hour later, he switched to ③ ________ (listen) to music to relax.After finishing his homework, he switched ④________ the light and went out to play with his sister. 【答案】①off ②on ③listening ④off 4.instant n.瞬间;片刻 adj.立即的;立刻的 【考点激活】 ①Some news will excite their readers __________ while others won't. 有些资讯会立刻使读者兴奋,而其他的不会。(2024江苏)


  In an instant, he took off his coat and jumped into the water. 他马上脱掉衣服跳进了水里。 She recognized Tom the instant/instantly she saw him on the train station. 在火车站,她一眼就认出了汤姆。 【即时巩固】 一句多译 ②我一到北京就给妈妈打了电话。(至少三种形式) ___________________________________ 【答案】①instantly ②I called up my mother the instant/the minute/the moment/instantly/directly/immediately I arrived in Beijing. 1.take up拿起;接受;开始从事;继续 【考点激活】 赏句猜义 ①This type of influence can also get a friend off drugs, or to help an adult take up a good habit or drop a bad one.(2024江苏)() ②Take up the arms and fight against the invaders.() ③He is lacking in the courage to take up the challenge.() ④After he retired from office, Royers took up painting for a while, but soon lost interest.() ⑤Reading novels about the future life takes up most of my spare time.() ⑥She took up the story where I had left off.() take off 脱掉;起飞;成名 take in 收留;吸收;欺骗 take down 写下;拆除 take after 长得像;性格类似于;效仿 take for 当做;误认为 take over 占据;接任;接替 take on 雇用;呈现;承担 take…for granted 认为……是理所当然的 【知识建构】

  Let me get a pencil and take down the information.

  让我拿支铅笔,把有关情况记下来。 We shouldn't take anything for granted. 我们不要认为什么都是理所当然的。 【即时巩固】 用take短语的适当形式填空 David was a hardworking boy, who ⑦ _______ his father.He ⑧________ boxing at high school.In class he was always ⑨ _______ the key information and ⑩ ___________ what the teacher taught completely. After graduation, he ⑪

  ________________ his father's company and

  ⑫ ____________ another 100 workers.No matter how busy he was, reading always

  ⑬ __________ much of his free time.

  【答案】①开始 ②拿起 ③接受 ④开始从事 ⑤占用 ⑥继续 ⑦took after ⑧took up ⑨taking down ⑩taking in ⑪took over ⑫took on ⑬took up

  2.lose sight of 看不见…… 【考点激活】 ①Only a short­sighted man will ____________ the importance of education. 只有鼠目寸光的人才会看不见教育的重要性。 (1)catch sight of… 望见;看到…… lose one's sight 失明 come into sight 进入视野内;映入眼帘 (2)at the sight of 一看到 at first sight 乍一看 out of sight 看不到 in/within sight 在视野内 (3)in the sight of sb./in sb.'s sight 在某人看来 【知识建构】

  The wind parted the smoke just enough for him to catch sight of Sibson. 风吹散了烟使得他正好能够看见西布森。(2024四川) Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不想。

  【易错点津】 sight作“视力”讲时是不可数名词;作可数名词时,意为“景物,景象;情景,名胜”。指名胜风光时,常用复数形式,在没有修饰语时,常与the连用。 【即时巩固】 完成句子 ②________________ (一看到) the tiger, I burst into tears. ③I stood there until I__________________ (看不到) my parents.  ④I finally ______________ (看到)my friend coming from the opposite direction. 【答案】①lose sight of ②At the first sight of ③lost sight of ④caught sight of 1.However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions. 然而,当我们到达一个看上去像是大市场的地方时,由于太多的客车朝四面八方飞奔,我看不见王平了。 句型提炼: what引导的名词性从句 (1)句中what looked like… 是宾语从句,作reached 的宾语。what 在宾语从句中作主语,表示地点。 (2)what 引导名词性从句时,常含有事情、状况、言语、时间和地点的意味,在从句中作主语、宾语、表语或定语。 【句型剖析】

  And they come to Lehanne's group just to learn to say what they feel. 他们来到林妮所在的小组只是想学着说出他们的感受。(2024课标Ⅰ) But what I still can't figure out is why I never got tired, never felt better in my life. 但是我仍然不明白的是为什么我过去从来没有厌倦过,在生活中从来没感到更好。(2024天津) The hospital is no longer what it used to be. 这家医院不再是以前的样子了。

  【易错点津】 在引导名词性从句时,what在从句中既作句子成分,也有自己的意义;that在从句中不作任何句子成分,也没有任何意义。 【即时巩固】 语法填空 ①________we can't get seems better than ________we have got. ②Instead of complaining about ______is wrong, be grateful for ______ is right. ③______is known is ________the earth travels around the sun. 【答案】①What; what ②what;what ③What; that 2.Well, now there's a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology. 现在,这里有一种装置,能利用生态学原理来处理掉废弃物。 句型提炼: where引导定语从句 句中where引导system的定语从句,在从句中作地点状语。 (1)当定语从句的先行词为system, situation, scene, case, stage, point, position, condition等词且关系词在从句中作状语时,常用where引导定语从句,有时where可用in which替换。 (2)在表示模糊“地点”的抽象名词后的定语从句中,如果缺少主语或宾语,则需要关系代词that或which。 【句型剖析】

  This is usually interpreted as a sign that today's parents are trying to manage their children's lives past the point where this behavior is appropriate. 这通常被解读为一种迹象:现在的父母正试图掌控他们的孩子的生活,而这种行为已经越过了合适的界限。(2024北京) There is still one point (that/which) you have to make clear at the meeting. 有一点你必须在会议上讲清楚。 【即时巩固】 完成句子 ①In Glasgow _________________ (我生活的地方), gulls are a serious problem.(2024四川) ②This is another case __________________ (动机能加速人的成长). ③Sales director is a position____________ ______________ (交际能力和销售一样重要). Unit 3 Life in the future 话题·未来生活 (2024课标Ⅱ) 一家英语报社向中学生征文,主题是“十年后的我”。请根据下列要点和你的畅想完成短文。 1.家庭; 2.工作; 3.业余生活。 【晨背范文】 I often imagine what my life will be like in the future.I am convinced that I will live a rich and colorful life in ten years.I will settle in a beautiful city and set up my own family where I will have a pretty wife and a lovely child.In addition, being a kind man, I am eager to become a doctor to help those patients suffering from illness. Not only will the job earn me much money to support the family, but also satisfy the needs of the society.In my spare time, I will participate in a variety of sports, such as playing football, climbing and swimming, which will benefit my health a lot.What's more important is that I will achieve my dream to travel around the world.In a word, I will live up to the expectation of my future. ★话题词汇 1.energy­saving adj.节能的 2.recycle v.回收利用;再利用 3.harmonious adj.和谐的 4.electric vehicle 电动汽车

  5.intelligent robot 智能机器人 6.green consumption 绿色消费 ★话题佳句 1. I am convinced that more and more people will choose green consumption in the near future. 我相信在不久的将来越来越多的人将选择绿色消费。 2.It's believed that intelligent robot will play an important role in people's daily life. 大家都认为智能机器人将在人们的日常生活中发挥重要作用。

  3.Only with joint efforts can we live a harmonious and healthy life in the future. 只有共同努力,我们在将来才能过上和谐而健康的生活。 Ⅰ.单词速忆 1.________ vi.& vt.缺乏;没有n.缺乏;短缺的东西 2.________ vt.指引;指导n.向导;导游 3.________ vt.& n.转换;开关 4.________ vt.系牢;扎牢 5.________ vt.回收利用;再利用 lack

  guide switch fasten recycle 6.________ n.沙漠;荒原vt.抛弃;离弃;遗弃 7.________ adj.在前的;早先的 8.________ vt.容忍;忍受 →________ n.容忍;忍受 9.________ vi.&vt.按;压;逼迫 n.按;压;印刷;资讯 →________ n.压力 desert

  previous tolerate tolerance press

  pressure 10.________ n.印象;印记 →________ v.使留下深刻印象 →__________ adj.给人深刻印象的 11.__________ n.周围的事物;环境 →___________ adj.周围的 →_________ vt.环绕;包围 12.________ n.瞬间;片刻adj.立即的;立刻的 →________ adv.立即;立刻 impression impress impressive

  surroundings surrounding surround instant

  instantly 13.________ n.打字员 →__________ n.打字机 →________ vt.&vi.打字 14._________ n.调整;调节 →________ vt.调整;调节 15.________ n.定居;解决 →________v.定居;解决 → ________ n.定居者 typist typewriter type adjustment adjust settlement settle settler

  16.___________ n.代表;典型人物adj.典型的;有代表性的 →___________v.代表 17.________ adj.贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的 →________ n.贪欲;贪婪 representative

  represent greedy


  18.________ adj.时常发生的;连续不断的 →__________ adv.不断地 19.________ adj.乐观(主义)的 →_________ n.乐观主义 constant

  constantly optimistic optimism Ⅱ.短语快译 1.________________拿起;接受;开始;继续 2.________________加速 3.________________看不见……

  4.________________打扫;横扫 5.________________(快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进…… take up

  speed up lose sight of sweep up slide into

  6._________________(困境后)恢复;完全复原 7.________________提醒某人…… 8.________________与……相似

  9.________________朝各个方向 be back on one's feet

  remind sb.of be similar to in all directions Ⅲ.句式仿写 1.At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.(形容词+不定式) 仿写:这个向导很容易相处。 The guide is__________________________. 【答案】easy to get along with 2. Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached. (过去分词短语作状语) 仿写:对他们娴熟的技巧感到惊诧,我决心像他们一样好。(2024浙江) ______________ how skillful they were, I was determined to be just as good as they were. 【答案】Amazed at 3.However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions. 仿写:成功的秘诀就是满怀热情地做好应该做的事情。(2024福建) The key to success is to do ______________________ with enthusiasm. 【答案】what you should do 4. Inside was an exhibition of the most up­to­date inventions of the 31st century.(完全倒装)

  仿写:我们的家乡位于长江之畔,美丽极了。 On the bank of the Yangtse River __________________, which is very beautiful. 【答案】lies/is our hometown 5.Well, now there's a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology.(where引导定语从句) 仿写:我们几乎到了没有任何权利的地步。 We have reached a stage _______________. 【答案】where we almost have no rights Ⅳ.单元语法 过去分词作定语和状语 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.____________ (guide) by the young man, we arrived there quickly. 2.______________ (see) from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees. 3.______________ (compare) to the assistance you gave that disabled student,mine is not worth mentioning at all. 4.The film______________ (intend) for children was very interesting. 5.Some waste ______________ (throw) into the dustbin can be recycled. 【答案】1.Guided 2.Seen 3.Compared 4.intended 5.thrown Ⅴ.教材活用 根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 Li Qiang couldn't believe that he 1.________(travel) to the year AD 3008 in a time capsule.Because this was his first time trip, he was2.________(worry) and unsettled and he also suffered from “time lag”.Besides, he 3.________ (hit) by the lack of fresh air. His guide, Wang Ping, who was very 4.________ (understand), gave him some green tablets and a mask,5.________ helped him overcome the problems.6.________, Li Qiang experienced something new.He flew 7.________ the ground in a hovering carriage.When 8.________ (arrive) home, he was shown into a large bright, clean room with a wall of trees.After 9.________(eat) something, he fell fast asleep in the bed 10.________(produce) from the floor.

  【答案】1.had traveled 2.worried 3.was hit 4.understanding5.which 6.However/Later 7.above 8.arriving 9.eating 10.produced 1.lack vi.& vt.缺乏;没有 n.缺乏;短缺的东西 【考点激活】 ①But in fact they ________ any grounding in science. 但是事实上他们缺少任何科学根据。(2024四川) (1)a lack of 缺乏…… for/by/from/through lack of sth. 因缺乏……;因没有…… have no lack of… 不缺乏……

  (2)lacking adj. 短缺的;缺乏的 be lacking in 缺少 【知识建构】

  Dr.Dominoni, who is putting cameras inside nesting boxes to track sleeping patterns, said lack of sleep could put the birds' health at risk. 把照相机放入巢箱内部跟踪睡眠模式的Dominoni博士说,缺乏睡眠使鸟儿的健康面临危险。(2024四川) More importantly, the young man isn't lacking in confidence. 更重要的是,这个年轻人不缺乏自信心。

  【易错点津】 lack作及物动词时不能用于被动语态;lack作不及物动词时,常与介词in连用。 【答案】①lacked ②a lack of ③lacking ④lacking

  【答案】①where/in which I live ②where/in which motivation can speed up one's growth

  ③where/ in which communication ability is just as important as sales

  2.tolerate vt.容忍;忍受

  【考点激活】 ①It sometimes requires the reader ______________ unpleasantness or annoyance. 有时候它需要读者忍受不快或烦恼。(2024江苏) (1)tolerate (sb.) doing sth. 容忍/忍受(某人)做某事 (2)have (no) tolerance for (不能)忍受…… beyond tolerance 无法忍受 (3)stand (sb.) doing sth. 忍受/容忍(某人)做某事 bear sb.doing/to do sth. 忍受/容忍某人做某事 put up with 忍受;容忍 【知识建构】

  The teacher cannot tolerate eating on the class.

  老师不容许在课堂上吃东西。 My father had no tolerance for jokes of any kind at home. 在家里我父亲容不得开任何玩笑。 【即时巩固】 语法填空

  He has a sense of humour plus ②____________(tolerate) and patience and he can even tolerate ③____________(laugh) at in public.However, he can't bear you ④__________ (treat) his mother rudely. 【答案】①to tolerate ②tolerance ③being laughed ④treating

  3.switch n.开关;转换 vt.转换 【考点激活】 ①Do switch __________ the computer when you are not using it. 不用电脑的时候一定把它关掉。 (1)make a/the switch 进行改变 (2)switch on 接上;打开 switch off 切断;关掉 switch (from…) to… (从……) 变换到/转向…… 【知识建构】

  She made the switch from full­time to part­time work. 她从全职工作改为兼职工作。 Bored with the lecture, he switched to reading a novel. 听厌了报告,他开始读起小说来。 【易错点津】 switch to表示“转向”时,to为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。 【即时巩固】 语法填空 Entering the room, the boy switched ② ________ the light and began to study.An hour later, he switched to ③ ________ (listen) to music to relax.After finishing his homework, he switched ④________ the light and went out to play with his sister. 【答案】①off ②on ③listening ④off 4.instant n.瞬间;片刻 adj.立即的;立刻的 【考点激活】 ①Some news will excite their readers __________ while others won't. 有些资讯会立刻使读者兴奋,而其他的不会。(2024江苏)


  In an instant, he took off his coat and jumped into the water. 他马上脱掉衣服跳进了水里。 She recognized Tom the instant/instantly she saw him on the train station. 在火车站,她一眼就认出了汤姆。 【即时巩固】 一句多译 ②我一到北京就给妈妈打了电话。(至少三种形式) ___________________________________ 【答案】①instantly ②I called up my mother the instant/the minute/the moment/instantly/directly/immediately I arrived in Beijing. 1.take up拿起;接受;开始从事;继续 【考点激活】 赏句猜义 ①This type of influence can also get a friend off drugs, or to help an adult take up a good habit or drop a bad one.(2024江苏)() ②Take up the arms and fight against the invaders.() ③He is lacking in the courage to take up the challenge.() ④After he retired from office, Royers took up painting for a while, but soon lost interest.() ⑤Reading novels about the future life takes up most of my spare time.() ⑥She took up the story where I had left off.() take off 脱掉;起飞;成名 take in 收留;吸收;欺骗 take down 写下;拆除 take after 长得像;性格类似于;效仿 take for 当做;误认为 take over 占据;接任;接替 take on 雇用;呈现;承担 take…for granted 认为……是理所当然的 【知识建构】

  Let me get a pencil and take down the information.

  让我拿支铅笔,把有关情况记下来。 We shouldn't take anything for granted. 我们不要认为什么都是理所当然的。 【即时巩固】 用take短语的适当形式填空 David was a hardworking boy, who ⑦ _______ his father.He ⑧________ boxing at high school.In class he was always ⑨ _______ the key information and ⑩ ___________ what the teacher taught completely. After graduation, he ⑪

  ________________ his father's company and

  ⑫ ____________ another 100 workers.No matter how busy he was, reading always

  ⑬ __________ much of his free time.

  【答案】①开始 ②拿起 ③接受 ④开始从事 ⑤占用 ⑥继续 ⑦took after ⑧took up ⑨taking down ⑩taking in ⑪took over ⑫took on ⑬took up

  2.lose sight of 看不见…… 【考点激活】 ①Only a short­sighted man will ____________ the importance of education. 只有鼠目寸光的人才会看不见教育的重要性。 (1)catch sight of… 望见;看到…… lose one's sight 失明 come into sight 进入视野内;映入眼帘 (2)at the sight of 一看到 at first sight 乍一看 out of sight 看不到 in/within sight 在视野内 (3)in the sight of sb./in sb.'s sight 在某人看来 【知识建构】

  The wind parted the smoke just enough for him to catch sight of Sibson. 风吹散了烟使得他正好能够看见西布森。(2024四川) Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不想。

  【易错点津】 sight作“视力”讲时是不可数名词;作可数名词时,意为“景物,景象;情景,名胜”。指名胜风光时,常用复数形式,在没有修饰语时,常与the连用。 【即时巩固】 完成句子 ②________________ (一看到) the tiger, I burst into tears. ③I stood there until I__________________ (看不到) my parents.  ④I finally ______________ (看到)my friend coming from the opposite direction. 【答案】①lose sight of ②At the first sight of ③lost sight of ④caught sight of 1.However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions. 然而,当我们到达一个看上去像是大市场的地方时,由于太多的客车朝四面八方飞奔,我看不见王平了。 句型提炼: what引导的名词性从句 (1)句中what looked like… 是宾语从句,作reached 的宾语。what 在宾语从句中作主语,表示地点。 (2)what 引导名词性从句时,常含有事情、状况、言语、时间和地点的意味,在从句中作主语、宾语、表语或定语。 【句型剖析】

  And they come to Lehanne's group just to learn to say what they feel. 他们来到林妮所在的小组只是想学着说出他们的感受。(2024课标Ⅰ) But what I still can't figure out is why I never got tired, never felt better in my life. 但是我仍然不明白的是为什么我过去从来没有厌倦过,在生活中从来没感到更好。(2024天津) The hospital is no longer what it used to be. 这家医院不再是以前的样子了。

  【易错点津】 在引导名词性从句时,what在从句中既作句子成分,也有自己的意义;that在从句中不作任何句子成分,也没有任何意义。 【即时巩固】 语法填空 ①________we can't get seems better than ________we have got. ②Instead of complaining about ______is wrong, be grateful for ______ is right. ③______is known is ________the earth travels around the sun. 【答案】①What; what ②what;what ③What; that 2.Well, now there's a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology. 现在,这里有一种装置,能利用生态学原理来处理掉废弃物。 句型提炼: where引导定语从句 句中where引导system的定语从句,在从句中作地点状语。 (1)当定语从句的先行词为system, situation, scene, case, stage, point, position, condition等词且关系词在从句中作状语时,常用where引导定语从句,有时where可用in which替换。 (2)在表示模糊“地点”的抽象名词后的定语从句中,如果缺少主语或宾语,则需要关系代词that或which。 【句型剖析】

  This is usually interpreted as a sign that today's parents are trying to manage their children's lives past the point where this behavior is appropriate. 这通常被解读为一种迹象:现在的父母正试图掌控他们的孩子的生活,而这种行为已经越过了合适的界限。(2024北京) There is still one point (that/which) you have to make clear at the meeting. 有一点你必须在会议上讲清楚。 【即时巩固】 完成句子 ①In Glasgow _________________ (我生活的地方), gulls are a serious problem.(2024四川) ②This is another case __________________ (动机能加速人的成长). ③Sales director is a position____________ ______________ (交际能力和销售一样重要). Unit 3 Life in the future 话题·未来生活 (2024课标Ⅱ) 一家英语报社向中学生征文,主题是“十年后的我”。请根据下列要点和你的畅想完成短文。 1.家庭; 2.工作; 3.业余生活。 【晨背范文】 I often imagine what my life will be like in the future.I am convinced that I will live a rich and colorful life in ten years.I will settle in a beautiful city and set up my own family where I will have a pretty wife and a lovely child.In addition, being a kind man, I am eager to become a doctor to help those patients suffering from illness. Not only will the job earn me much money to support the family, but also satisfy the needs of the society.In my spare time, I will participate in a variety of sports, such as playing football, climbing and swimming, which will benefit my health a lot.What's more important is that I will achieve my dream to travel around the world.In a word, I will live up to the expectation of my future. ★话题词汇 1.energy­saving adj.节能的 2.recycle v.回收利用;再利用 3.harmonious adj.和谐的 4.electric vehicle 电动汽车

  5.intelligent robot 智能机器人 6.green consumption 绿色消费 ★话题佳句 1. I am convinced that more and more people will choose green consumption in the near future. 我相信在不久的将来越来越多的人将选择绿色消费。 2.It's believed that intelligent robot will play an important role in people's daily life. 大家都认为智能机器人将在人们的日常生活中发挥重要作用。

  3.Only with joint efforts can we live a harmonious and healthy life in the future. 只有共同努力,我们在将来才能过上和谐而健康的生活。 Ⅰ.单词速忆 1.________ vi.& vt.缺乏;没有n.缺乏;短缺的东西 2.________ vt.指引;指导n.向导;导游 3.________ vt.& n.转换;开关 4.________ vt.系牢;扎牢 5.________ vt.回收利用;再利用 lack

  guide switch fasten recycle 6.________ n.沙漠;荒原vt.抛弃;离弃;遗弃 7.________ adj.在前的;早先的 8.________ vt.容忍;忍受 →________ n.容忍;忍受 9.________ vi.&vt.按;压;逼迫 n.按;压;印刷;资讯 →________ n.压力 desert

  previous tolerate tolerance press

  pressure 10.________ n.印象;印记 →________ v.使留下深刻印象 →__________ adj.给人深刻印象的 11.__________ n.周围的事物;环境 →___________ adj.周围的 →_________ vt.环绕;包围 12.________ n.瞬间;片刻adj.立即的;立刻的 →________ adv.立即;立刻 impression impress impressive

  surroundings surrounding surround instant

  instantly 13.________ n.打字员 →__________ n.打字机 →________ vt.&vi.打字 14._________ n.调整;调节 →________ vt.调整;调节 15.________ n.定居;解决 →________v.定居;解决 → ________ n.定居者 typist typewriter type adjustment adjust settlement settle settler

  16.___________ n.代表;典型人物adj.典型的;有代表性的 →___________v.代表 17.________ adj.贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的 →________ n.贪欲;贪婪 representative

  represent greedy


  18.________ adj.时常发生的;连续不断的 →__________ adv.不断地 19.________ adj.乐观(主义)的 →_________ n.乐观主义 constant

  constantly optimistic optimism Ⅱ.短语快译 1.________________拿起;接受;开始;继续 2.________________加速 3.________________看不见……

  4.________________打扫;横扫 5.________________(快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进…… take up

  speed up lose sight of sweep up slide into

  6._________________(困境后)恢复;完全复原 7.________________提醒某人…… 8.________________与……相似

  9.________________朝各个方向 be back on one's feet

  remind sb.of be similar to in all directions Ⅲ.句式仿写 1.At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.(形容词+不定式) 仿写:这个向导很容易相处。 The guide is__________________________. 【答案】easy to get along with 2. Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached. (过去分词短语作状语) 仿写:对他们娴熟的技巧感到惊诧,我决心像他们一样好。(2024浙江) ______________ how skillful they were, I was determined to be just as good as they were. 【答案】Amazed at 3.However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions. 仿写:成功的秘诀就是满怀热情地做好应该做的事情。(2024福建) The key to success is to do ______________________ with enthusiasm. 【答案】what you should do 4. Inside was an exhibition of the most up­to­date inventions of the 31st century.(完全倒装)

  仿写:我们的家乡位于长江之畔,美丽极了。 On the bank of the Yangtse River __________________, which is very beautiful. 【答案】lies/is our hometown 5.Well, now there's a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology.(where引导定语从句) 仿写:我们几乎到了没有任何权利的地步。 We have reached a stage _______________. 【答案】where we almost have no rights Ⅳ.单元语法 过去分词作定语和状语 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.____________ (guide) by the young man, we arrived there quickly. 2.______________ (see) from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees. 3.______________ (compare) to the assistance you gave that disabled student,mine is not worth mentioning at all. 4.The film______________ (intend) for children was very interesting. 5.Some waste ______________ (throw) into the dustbin can be recycled. 【答案】1.Guided 2.Seen 3.Compared 4.intended 5.thrown Ⅴ.教材活用 根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 Li Qiang couldn't believe that he 1.________(travel) to the year AD 3008 in a time capsule.Because this was his first time trip, he was2.________(worry) and unsettled and he also suffered from “time lag”.Besides, he 3.________ (hit) by the lack of fresh air. His guide, Wang Ping, who was very 4.________ (understand), gave him some green tablets and a mask,5.________ helped him overcome the problems.6.________, Li Qiang experienced something new.He flew 7.________ the ground in a hovering carriage.When 8.________ (arrive) home, he was shown into a large bright, clean room with a wall of trees.After 9.________(eat) something, he fell fast asleep in the bed 10.________(produce) from the floor.

  【答案】1.had traveled 2.worried 3.was hit 4.understanding5.which 6.However/Later 7.above 8.arriving 9.eating 10.produced 1.lack vi.& vt.缺乏;没有 n.缺乏;短缺的东西 【考点激活】 ①But in fact they ________ any grounding in science. 但是事实上他们缺少任何科学根据。(2024四川) (1)a lack of 缺乏…… for/by/from/through lack of sth. 因缺乏……;因没有…… have no lack of… 不缺乏……

  (2)lacking adj. 短缺的;缺乏的 be lacking in 缺少 【知识建构】

  Dr.Dominoni, who is putting cameras inside nesting boxes to track sleeping patterns, said lack of sleep could put the birds' health at risk. 把照相机放入巢箱内部跟踪睡眠模式的Dominoni博士说,缺乏睡眠使鸟儿的健康面临危险。(2024四川) More importantly, the young man isn't lacking in confidence. 更重要的是,这个年轻人不缺乏自信心。

  【易错点津】 lack作及物动词时不能用于被动语态;lack作不及物动词时,常与介词in连用。 【答案】①lacked ②a lack of ③lacking ④lacking