2024届高考英语一轮复习话题复习课件:模块必修2 话题9 生物保护(新人教版必修模块)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习话题复习课件:模块必修2 话题9 生物保护(新人教版必修模块)


  see/ watch/ notice/ hear/ observe + sb.+ doing sth. 看到/注意到/听到/观察到某人做某事 例句

  The girl saw the thief stealing the woman’s purse. 这女孩看见那个小偷在偷那妇女的钱包。 仿写


  I _______________ with her last night.

  saw him talking 3. be used to do… 被用来做…… 例句

  Computer is being used to solve many difficult scientific problems. 电脑被用来解决很多困难的科学问题。 原句

  Our fur is being used to make sweaters for people like you. 我们的皮毛 备用来做像你一样的人的毛衣。(B2P26)

  联想 sb. be used to doing sth. 某人习惯于做某事

  sth. be used to do…某物被用来做……

  used to do sth. 过去常做某事 仿写


  He ____________with his friends,but now he _______________ alone.

  is used to staying

  used to play 4. some...others... 一些……另一些…

  too ...to... 太……而不能…… 原句

  Some ... Others think the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live on any more.其他人认为地球变得太热,以至于恐龙生活不下去了。(B2P30) 例句

  Some people think this problem is nothing, but others think it is too difficult to solve. 有些人认为这个问题不值一提,而另一些人则认为这问题太难解决了。 仿写

  假期时, 有些人会去旅游, 另一些人则只是待在家里。

  During holidays, ____________ would go travelling while ______ would just stay at home. others

  some people 例句

  My brother lives in the room with its window facing south. 我弟弟住在窗户向南的房间里。 5. with+宾语+非谓语动词宾补 原句

  She turned around and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her. 她转过身来,一只羚羊一脸苦相望着她。(B2P26) 说明

  该结构在句中除用作定语外, 还可用作状语, 表原因、伴随、方式等。常见的有: to do 主动, 将要发生的动作




  被动或完成了的动作 with+宾语 +

  ⑴ 有很多作业要做, 我没空陪妈妈去逛街。 ____________________________, I have no time to go shopping with my mother. 仿写

  根据汉语意思, 完成英文句子。

  With a lot of homework to do

  ⑵ 钥匙丢了, 他进不了家门。 _________________, he couldn’t get into his house.

  ⑶ 她住在那个亮着灯的房子里。 She lives in the house ______________ ________________.

  With the key lost burning(定语)

  with the light 6. 主句+so that…因此(结果);以便(目的)


  I study hard so that I may not fail in the examinations.我用功,免得考不及格。


  引导目的状语从句时,从句的谓语常有can,could,may,might等情态动词引导结果状语从句时,从句谓语不用情态动词。 仿写


  ⑴ 她早上起得早,目的是想成为第一个到达那儿的人。 She got up early in the morning _____ _________________________________ ________________________________. /in order that she could= so as to /in order to be the first to get there

  so that (2) 珍妮已经知道这个消息了,因此她一点都不开心。 Jenny had already known the news

  _______________________________. so that she was not happy at all 难句结构分析 原句

  Please take me to a distant land where I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater. 请带我到遥远的地方,在那里我可以找到为做这件毛衣提供毛绒的动物。(P26 B2) 分析

  句中where引导一个______从句,修饰a distant land;在这个从句中又有一个that引导的______从句,修饰the animal。 定语 定语 Thank You ! 运用

  (1) I would much appreciate___ if you could come to my party. it (2)We____________________________ _________________________________ _________________


  appreciate your helping us / thank you for helping us /are grateful

  to you for helping us 3. succeed

  vi. 成功 vt. 接替; 继任


  What must be done if wildlife protection is to succeed? 如果野生动物保护要成功的话,我们必须要做些什么? succeed in doing sth.成功做某事

  be successful in doing sth.成功做某事 搭配 运用

  根据提示完成句子。 ⑴ The astronauts____________________ (成功返回) from the moon to the earth according to the plan.

  succeeded in returning

  ⑵ He__________________ (接替他父亲) as president of the company. succeeded his father 4. employ vt. 雇用; 利用(时间、精力等)


  The company employs 1,200 people.该公司雇用了1200人。 写出下列词语的汉语意思。 ⑴ employee n.

  ___________ ⑵ employer n.

  ___________ ⑶ employment n.

  ___________ ⑷ unemployment

  ___________ (5)the unemployed ___________ 派生 雇员,雇工 雇主 雇用;受雇 失业 失业的人 思考

  研读下列例句,归纳employ的常用搭配。 ⑴He was employed as a bus driver. ⑵ They employed her to look after the baby. ⑶

  She employs her free time in sewing/ to sew. ⑷

  He employed himself in (=was employed in /was busy) watering the garden. 根据以上例句,可归纳如下搭配。 ⑴ employ sb.___ … 雇用某人为……

  ⑵ employ sb. _____ sth. 雇用某人做某事 ⑶ employ sth._____________ sth. 利用某物干某事 ⑷ employ oneself in = be ___________ _____ 从事/忙于……

  搭配 employed in as to do to do /in doing /busy 5. harm n.& vt.损害; 危害


  Hard work never did anyone any harm. 努力工作对谁都没有害处。 搭配 do harm to sb. =do sb. harm对某人有害处 come to no harm 没受损害 There is no harm in doing…做……是无害的 谚语

  Harm set,harm get. 害人反害己。 运用


  ⑴ 不妨一试。 There is no harm _________.

  ⑵ Our dog won’t_________ (伤害你).

  in trying harm you 6. die out (指物种)灭绝; 火慢慢熄灭; 渐渐消亡 原句

  As a result these endangered animals may even die out. 结果这些濒危动物甚至可能会灭绝。(B2P25) 例句

  Many wild animals have died out in the past few years. 许多野生动物在过去几年灭绝了。 die away 减弱(以致觉察不到);淡化 die of 死于(饥饿;疾病) die from 死于(外界引起的) be dying for/to do sth. 渴望 联想 (2) The young man’s grandfather died ___

  (死于) a heart attack. (1) A great number of people died ______ (死于) the earthquake which broke out at midnight years ago.




  填入一个恰当的词。 例句

  Why are some valuable plants in danger of disappearing? 为什么有些珍稀植物有消失的危险? 7. in danger (of)在危险中; 垂危 原句

  Why are they in danger of disappearing?它们为什么会有消失的危险?(B2P25) in need of 需要 in honor of 纪念 (in memory of) in search of 寻找 in charge of 掌管;负责 联想 运用

  Although he was __________ (处于危险中) at the beginning, he finally was _____________ (脱离危险). in danger out of danger 例句

  It is necessary for us to protect our eyes from sunshine. 有必要保护我们的眼睛免受阳光伤害。 原句

  “I’m protecting myself from mosquitoes, ” it replied. “我在防蚊虫叮咬, ”它回答说。(B2P26) 8. protect…from/against…保护……不受…… (危害) 区别

  prevent/stop/keep sb. from doing 阻止某人做某事 (1) People are becoming aware of the necessity _______________________ ______________ (保护环境免受污染).

  (2) I tried many times to ___________ _____________________ (阻止他吸烟), but I failed at last. to protect the environment from pollution stop him from smoking prevent/keep/ 运用

  根据提示完成下列句子。 原句

  You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together. 你们应该多加关注我们生活的热带雨林, 并且懂得热带雨林的动物是如何在一起生活的。(B2P26) 例句

  The government should pay more attention to poor people’s need. 政府应该更加关注穷人们的需求。 9. pay attention to 注意 catch sb’s

  attention 吸引某人的注意力

  draw sb’s attention to sth. 吸引某人注意某事物 联想 ⑴ The famous film star’s performance _________________________ (吸引了所有人的注意力).

  ⑵ As teachers, we should _________ ___________________________ (更加注意学生的反应) in classes. 运用

  根据提示完成下列句子。 caught all people’s attention pay more attention to students’ reaction 原句

  They lived on the earth tens of millions years ago, long before humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time. 千百万年前, 恐龙就在地球上生活, 比人类的出现要早得多, 当时它们的前景好像也很安全。(B2P30) 10. come into being形成;产生 例句

  Scientists have found out how the world came into being at the very beginning. 科学家们老早已经查明世界形成的原因。 联想 come into effect 实施 come into use 投入使用 come into power 上台执政 运用

  用use, power或effect填空。 ⑴ The new law will come into ________ next week.

  ⑵ The new machines bought last month will come into ______ tomorrow.

  ⑶ The president of America has come into _______since 2010.

  power effect

  use 写作句型仿写 原句

  Daisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife. 黛茜一直渴望着帮助濒危野生动物。(B2P26) 1. long to do sth. /long for sth. 渴望做某事;渴望…… 例句

  Mike has always longed to have a camera to record the beauty of nature. 迈克一直渴望着拥有一台相机来记录下自然的美丽。 ⑴ A great number of young people in the country _______________ (渴望城市生活). 仿写

  根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 long for city life

  ⑵ The students in our class _______ ___________________ (渴望上英语课). long to have English classes 原句

  There Daisy saw an antelope looking sad. 在那里, 戴茜看到一只藏羚羊面带忧郁的神色。(B2P26) 2. see sb. doing sth. 看到某人在做某事 话题9 生物保护 基础知识自测 一、单词识记

  1. _________ n. 野生动植物 2. _________ n. 地毯 3. _________ n. 蚊子 4. _________ n. 昆虫 5. _________ n. 收入 wildlife carpet mosquito insect income

  6. __________ n. 事件; 事变 7. __________ n. 灰尘; 尘土; 尘埃 8. __________ n. 地域; 地带; 地区 9. __________ vt. 检查; 视察 10. _________ vt. 擦; 摩擦 incident dust zone inspect rub

  11. ___________ v. 回答; 响应 12. ___________ vt. 影响; 感动; 侵袭 13. ___________ v. 减少;变小 14. ___________ adj. 远的; 远处的 15. ___________ vt. 包含; 包括 respond affect






  1. ____________ vt. 保护

  ____________ n. 保护 protect protection 2. ___________ n.仁慈;宽恕

  ___________ adj.仁慈的;怜悯的

  3. ____________ n. 重要性

  ____________adj. 重要的 importance important mercy merciful 4. __________ vi. 成功; vt. 继承; 接任

  __________ n. 成功

  ______________ adj. 成功的

  ______________ adj. 不成功的 succeed

  success successful unsuccessful 5. _______ n. /vt. 损害; 伤害; 危害

  __________ adj. 有害的

  ___________ adj. 无害的 harm harmful

  harmless (B)灵活运用 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. The _________ (protect) of wildlife has become urgent because more and more animals are dying out.

  在the…of sth.结构中, 需要一个名词。 protection 3. Most of the students ___________ (success) passed the exam in the end. 修饰动词passed, 故用副词。 2. The ________ (mercy) king saved the poor old man. 修饰名词king, 故用形容词。

  successfully merciful

  4. The old man told his son that he should realize the ___________ (important) of saving. 在the…of sth.结构中, 需要一个名词。 5. It is ________ (harm) to smoke too much.

  作表语, 结合意思可知应填harmful。 importance



  1. ____________ 在危险中; 垂危 2. ____________ 如释重负; 松了口气 3. __________________ 突然笑起来 4. __________________ 注意 pay attention to

  in danger (of) in relief burst into laughter 5. _________________ 形成; 产生 6. ______________ 按照; 根据…所说 7. _________ 灭亡; 逐渐消失 8. _________ 以至于; 结果 so that

  come into being according to die out 9. _______________ 和平地;和睦地 10. _______________ 保护…不受… 11. _______________ 渴望做某事 12. _______________ 被用来做…… be used to do in peace protect ...from long to do sth. 四、语篇填空

  Many animals have disappeared during the long history of the earth. 1 _____most famous of these animals are dinosaurs. 2 _____ lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long 3 ______humans came into being and their future seemed secure 4 __ that time. There were many 5 _________ (difference) kinds of dinosaur and a number of them used to live in China.






  Not long ago a rare new species of bird-like dinosaur 6 ______________ (discover) in Chaoyang County, Liaoning Province. When scientists inspected the bones, they were surprised 7 ________(find) that these dinosaurs could not only run like the others but also climb trees.

  was discovered

  to find

  Dinosaurs died out suddenly about 65 million years ago. Some scientists think it came after an 8 __________ (expect) incident when a huge rock from space hit the earth and put too much dust into the air. 9 _______ think the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live on any more. Nobody knows for sure 10 ____ and how dinosaurs disappeared from the earth in such a short time. unexpected



  1. The

  最高级前用the。 2. They

  替代前句中的dinosaurs。 3. before

  指在人类出现很久之前。 4. at

  表示“在那时”是at that time。 5. different

  在名词kinds前作定语,用形容词。 6. was discovered

  主语与discover是被动关系,又与ago连用,可知用一般过去时的被动语态。 7. to find

  在作表语和补语的形容词后作状语只能用不定式。 8. unexpected

  指“突如其来的”事件。 9. Others