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  (时间:45分钟 满分:100分)


  1.It’s useless (use) arguing with the foolish person.

  2.Seeing the frightening (frighten) scene, the boy began to cry.

  3.The girl is an extremely (extreme) popular student in the class, because she is very kind.

  4.It rained for two weeks on end, completely ruining (ruin) our holiday.

  5.The little girl burst out crying (cry) when she fell down.

  6.On arriving there, we expressed our congratulations (congratulate) to him on his success.

  7.“I’d like to give my thanks to those who have helped my son survive this terrible disease,”said the woman on TV.

  8.It is reported that by the end of next week the price will_have_risen (rise) by about 10%.

  9.The girl was sitting on the bench in the park,burying (bury) her head in the book in her hands.

  10.Judging (judge) from his happy look on the face, he must have passed the exam this time.


  1.Some basketball fans burst into crying the instant they heard Tracy McGrady retired from NBA.crying→tears或者into→out

  2.The rescue team has saved more than ten people trapping under the collapsed buildings since the earthquake occurred in Ludian.


  3.I haven’t read all of his books before, but judged from the one I have read, I think he’s a very promising writer.


  4.Don’t handle the vase as if it is made of steel.


  5.Following the girl, we went into a hall, on which walls hung a few pictures of some famous scientists.which→whose


  Once there was a girl called Arachne who was very proud of her skill at weaving.Many people came to see her __1__ her threads red,blue,green or yellow that made her __2__ pictures glow with life.“The goddess Athene __3__ have given you such a gift,”they said.But Arachne tossed her head.“No,”she replied __4__.“I’ve taught myself everything I know.”__5__ those words,the goddess Athene decided to teach her a lesson.First she __6__ herself as an old woman and __7__ Arachne’s door.When she opened it,the goddess warned her,“You shouldn’t compare yourself with the great Athene.You should be more __8__.”At that Arachne grew very angry.“Let her come here and have a __9__ with me.Then we’ll see who’s better at weaving!”__10__ Athene threw off her disguise and the contest began.

  All day the two contestants wove bright __11__ into marvellous pictures.Arachne’s was definitely __12__ in skill and design.At that Athene grew __13__ angry that she hit Arachne.At once the girl became smaller and smaller.Her head disappeared and her body became __14__.Her human arms and legs disappeared to be replaced with twice as many thinner insect­like __15__.As Arachne ran to hide,Athene laughed __16__,“You may live,Arachne,but you will do your weaving __17__ from now on.”Hearing those words,Arachne began to __18__ a thread and to weave a pattern in the air.She had become the first __19__.Since then she has continued to recreate her lost __20__ beautiful masterpiece in her webs,and all other spiders have followed her.

  语篇解读 本文讲述了一个神话故事。在古希腊神话中,有个叫阿拉克尼的人间少女,她很自豪有一手非凡的纺织和刺绣本领。雅典娜决定用实力教训一下她的狂妄,但阿拉克尼用实力战胜了雅典娜。最后,恼羞成怒的雅典娜把阿拉克尼变成了蜘蛛。1.A.color B.do

  C.print D.describe

  A [color意为“染色,上色”;do意为“做,干”;print意为“印刷”;describe意为“描绘”。根据此空后面的red,blue,green or yellow可推断出许多人来看她染色(color),故A项正确。]

  2.A.taken B.woven

  C.drawn D.moved

  B [根据文章第一句Once there was a girl called Arachne who was very proud of her skill at weaving.可知,她的画是编织(woven)而成的,故B项正确。]

  3.A.should B.could

  C.must D.might

  C [根据语境可知此处意为“雅典娜女神肯定赋予了你这样的天赋”,表示人们的一种肯定推测,故用must have done形式,故C项正确。]

  4.A.proudly B.angrily

  C.kindly D.friendly

  A [proudly意为“自豪地”;angrily意为“生气地”;kindly意为“善良地”;friendly意为“友好的”。从第一段第一句可知阿拉克尼很自豪(proudly)有一手非凡的纺织和刺绣本领,故A项正确。]

  5.A.Saying B.Finishing

  C.Hearing D.Listening

  C [根据语境可知此处表示听到她的话,女神决定教训一下她,故C项正确。]

  6.A.disappointed B.disguised

  C.discouraged D.disaffected

  B [disappoint意为“使失望”;disguise意为“掩饰,伪装”;discourage意为“阻止”;disaffect意为“使疏远,使不满意”。根据此空后的as an old woman可知此处表示女神伪装成一个老妇人,故B项正确。]

  7.A.took on B.put on

  C.turned on D.knocked on

  D [take on意为“承担;呈现”;put on意为“穿上;上演”;turn on意为“打开”;knock on意为“敲击”。根据下句的When she opened it可知此处应该是“敲门”,故D项正确。]

  8.A.careful B.humble

  C.proud D.honest

  B [careful意为“仔细的;小心的”;humble意为“谦虚的”;proud意为“自豪的”;honest意为“诚实的”。根据此空前的...the goddess warned her,“You shouldn’t

  compare yourself with the great Athene...”可知,女神警告阿拉克尼要谦虚,故B项正确。]

  9.A.conversation B.fight

  C.competition D.meeting

  C [conversation意为“交谈,会话”;fight意为“打架;战斗”;competition意为“竞争,比赛”;meeting意为“会议”。根据下句的Then we’ll see who’s better at weaving!和...and the contest began.可推断,阿拉克尼要与女神比赛,故C项正确。]

  10.A.Immediately B.Fortunately

  C.Hopefully D.Generally

  A [immediately意为“立刻地”;fortunately意为“幸运地”;hopefully意为“有希望地,有前途地”;generally意为“通常,一般地”。根据此空后的...Athene threw off her disguise and the contest began.可推断,此处表示女神立即扔掉伪装与她比赛,故A项正确。]

  11.A.colors B.threads

  C.wool D.feathers

  B [color意为“颜色”;thread意为“线”;wool意为“羊毛”;feather意为“羽毛”。编织当然是用彩线编织成美丽的图案,故B项正确。]

  12.A.superior B.inferior

  C.good D.excellent

  A [superior意为“更胜一筹的,出众的”;inferior意为“差的,下级的”;good意为“好的”;excellent意为“优秀的”。根据下文女神生气以及最后一句中...she has continued to recreate her lost ________ beautiful masterpiece...可知,阿拉克尼技高一筹,故A项正确。]

  13.A.such B.too

  C.very D.so

  D [“so+adj.+that...”为固定句式,意为“如此……以至于……”,即D项正确。]

  14.A.longer B.prettier

  C.bigger D.rounder

  D [longer意为“更长的”;prettier意为“更漂亮的”;bigger意为“更大的”;rounder意为“更圆的”。根据常识可知人的躯干本来就是圆的,这时更圆了,故D项正确。]

  15.A.heads B.eyes

  C.legs D.ears

  C [根据此空前的Her human arms and legs...可知表示长出像昆虫一样的腿,故C项正确。]

  16.A.unhappily B.uncertainly

  C.untruly D.unkindly

  D [unhappily意为“不开心地”;uncertainly意为“不确定地”;untruly意为“不正确地”;unkindly意为“不近人情地,不客气地”。从上下文可知,女神对于阿拉克尼的这种高傲行为感到很生气,故此处表示她不客气地说,故D项正确。]

  17.A.on the ground B.in the air

  C.at home D.on the wall

  B [on the ground意为“在地上”;in the air意为“在空中”;at home意为“在家”;on the wall意为“在墙上”。根据第18空后的to weave a pattern in the air可知B项正确。]

  18.A.preserve B.press

  C.prepare D.produce

  D [preserve意为“保护;保存”;press意为“压”;prepare意为“准备”;produce意为“生产”。从语境可知,阿拉克尼此时像蜘蛛一样在空中抽丝纺线,故D项正确。]

  19.A.mosquito B.fly

  C.spider D.insect

  C [mosquito意为“蚊子”;fly意为“苍蝇”;spider意为“蜘蛛”;insect意为“昆虫”。根据第20空后的...and all other spiders have followed her.可知C项正确。]

  20.A.and B.or

  C.but D.so

  C [根据此空前的lost和此空后的beautiful可知前后语义相反,所以用but表示转折关系。]


  (2024·银川高三一模)The decision of the Third Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to allow a married couple to have two children if one of the couple is an only child is indeed welcome news to the many young couples who want to have more than one child.

  What is even more meaningful is the statement in the decision that the family planning policy will be gradually adjusted to promote demographic (人口) development on a balanced and long­term basis.

  Such flexibility is necessary, given the fact that China has the largest population in the world and one of the major engines for the global economy.People are now predicting further loosening as a higher birth rate is needed to offset the too low birth rate of the past and the rapid aging of society, which are putting pressure on economic growth and social progress.

  Economists see the drop in the working­age population by 3.45 million in 2024 as strong evidence of the need for a much higher birth rate to avoid an economic crisis caused by a lack of labor.Sociologists consider the fertility (繁殖力) rate of 1.18 in 2024 as a sign of society being lacking in energy, and warn that the rapid increase of senior citizens will prevent the dynamics of both economic and social progress.

  These concerns must have been taken into consideration during the process of making the decision.However, as a country with a population of more than 1.3 billion, China can never set aside concerns about the negative effects a population explosion would have on its economic and social development.

  What we need now are reasonable expectations for the country’s demographic growth.It was expected that under the previous family planning policies, the country’s population would grow to 1.5 billion and then gradually drop.If this is still the possibility we hope to realize, further study is needed to figure out how we should adjust the policies so that the decline in population will not be so sharp that it deals a heavy blow to the overall development of the country.

  语篇解读 本文是一篇资讯报道。为了使人口不会大幅下降,以致影响到国家的整体发展,中国及时调整了计划生育政策,推出了二胎新政策,即一方是独生子女的夫妇可生育两个孩子。1.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the problem with the previous family planning policy?

  A.A too low birth rate.

  B.A rapid increase of the aged.

  C.A big population explosion.

  D.A sharp decline in working­age population.

  C [细节理解题。根据本文倒数第二段内容可知,中国人口基数大,如果控制不好生育政策,有可能会造成人口大爆炸,人口大爆炸并不是之前计划生育政策所带来的问题,所以C项表述错误。故选C。]

  2.The underlined word “offset” in the third paragraph can best be replaced by ________.

  A.compensate forB.set out

  C.call for D.set off

  A [词义猜测题。画线词所在的句子是在解释新政策的原因,由此可推知,目前需要更高的出生率来弥补过去过低的出生率及快速老龄化造成的劳动力减少,compensate for 意为“补偿,弥补”,与offset意思相近。故选A。]

  3.What can be inferred from the passage?

  A.China’s population won’t stop growing until it reaches 1.5 billion.

  B.Balanced demographic growth benefits the overall development of China.

  C.In China, a higher birth rate is needed to meet many young couples’ demands.

  D.Economic and social progress is nothing more than demographic development.

  B [推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“...we should adjust ...development of the country.”可知,我们应调整政策,为了使人口不会如此大幅下降,以至于影响国家的整体发展。由此可推知,平衡的人口增长有利于中国的整体发展。故选B。]

  4.Where does this passage probably come from?

  A.A work of science fiction.

  B.A book review.

  C.A marriage guide.

  D.A news report.

  D [推理判断题。本文是关于我国计划生育新政策方面的介绍,显然不属于科幻小说、书评或者婚姻指南,而是一篇资讯报道。故选D。]


  (2024·沈阳二中上学期期中)My niece was away from home for a student camp in__1__(prepare) for our country’s Republic Day celebration.

  It was the rainy season,__2__brought a lot of infections(感染) and other health problems.Some children suffered from fever due to the cold at night.Some got throat infections__3__one child even had an eye infection.She was one of the__4__ (roommate) of my niece.All the other children just got into their other friends’ room to protect__5__from an eye infection.There were only two of them, my niece and the roommate with the eye infection,

  __6__(remain) in the room.

  __7__camp ended and all returned home.My niece told me the story of her roommate and her sad situation with the eye infection.I asked her, “Weren’t you afraid? And really the eye infection is a __8__(danger) one, isn’t it?

  She surprised me with her reply, “So what? People with a kind heart won’t__9__(harm) by anything in this world.Moreover, she was a roommate of mine for the past ten days and I didn’t have the heart__10__(leave) her alone just for the infection.”


  1.preparation 2.which 3.and 4.roommates 5.themselves 6.remaining 7.The 8.dangerous 9.be harmed 10.to leave


  (时间:45分钟 满分:100分)


  1.It’s useless (use) arguing with the foolish person.

  2.Seeing the frightening (frighten) scene, the boy began to cry.

  3.The girl is an extremely (extreme) popular student in the class, because she is very kind.

  4.It rained for two weeks on end, completely ruining (ruin) our holiday.

  5.The little girl burst out crying (cry) when she fell down.

  6.On arriving there, we expressed our congratulations (congratulate) to him on his success.

  7.“I’d like to give my thanks to those who have helped my son survive this terrible disease,”said the woman on TV.

  8.It is reported that by the end of next week the price will_have_risen (rise) by about 10%.

  9.The girl was sitting on the bench in the park,burying (bury) her head in the book in her hands.

  10.Judging (judge) from his happy look on the face, he must have passed the exam this time.


  1.Some basketball fans burst into crying the instant they heard Tracy McGrady retired from NBA.crying→tears或者into→out

  2.The rescue team has saved more than ten people trapping under the collapsed buildings since the earthquake occurred in Ludian.


  3.I haven’t read all of his books before, but judged from the one I have read, I think he’s a very promising writer.


  4.Don’t handle the vase as if it is made of steel.


  5.Following the girl, we went into a hall, on which walls hung a few pictures of some famous scientists.which→whose


  Once there was a girl called Arachne who was very proud of her skill at weaving.Many people came to see her __1__ her threads red,blue,green or yellow that made her __2__ pictures glow with life.“The goddess Athene __3__ have given you such a gift,”they said.But Arachne tossed her head.“No,”she replied __4__.“I’ve taught myself everything I know.”__5__ those words,the goddess Athene decided to teach her a lesson.First she __6__ herself as an old woman and __7__ Arachne’s door.When she opened it,the goddess warned her,“You shouldn’t compare yourself with the great Athene.You should be more __8__.”At that Arachne grew very angry.“Let her come here and have a __9__ with me.Then we’ll see who’s better at weaving!”__10__ Athene threw off her disguise and the contest began.

  All day the two contestants wove bright __11__ into marvellous pictures.Arachne’s was definitely __12__ in skill and design.At that Athene grew __13__ angry that she hit Arachne.At once the girl became smaller and smaller.Her head disappeared and her body became __14__.Her human arms and legs disappeared to be replaced with twice as many thinner insect­like __15__.As Arachne ran to hide,Athene laughed __16__,“You may live,Arachne,but you will do your weaving __17__ from now on.”Hearing those words,Arachne began to __18__ a thread and to weave a pattern in the air.She had become the first __19__.Since then she has continued to recreate her lost __20__ beautiful masterpiece in her webs,and all other spiders have followed her.

  语篇解读 本文讲述了一个神话故事。在古希腊神话中,有个叫阿拉克尼的人间少女,她很自豪有一手非凡的纺织和刺绣本领。雅典娜决定用实力教训一下她的狂妄,但阿拉克尼用实力战胜了雅典娜。最后,恼羞成怒的雅典娜把阿拉克尼变成了蜘蛛。1.A.color B.do

  C.print D.describe

  A [color意为“染色,上色”;do意为“做,干”;print意为“印刷”;describe意为“描绘”。根据此空后面的red,blue,green or yellow可推断出许多人来看她染色(color),故A项正确。]

  2.A.taken B.woven

  C.drawn D.moved

  B [根据文章第一句Once there was a girl called Arachne who was very proud of her skill at weaving.可知,她的画是编织(woven)而成的,故B项正确。]

  3.A.should B.could

  C.must D.might

  C [根据语境可知此处意为“雅典娜女神肯定赋予了你这样的天赋”,表示人们的一种肯定推测,故用must have done形式,故C项正确。]

  4.A.proudly B.angrily

  C.kindly D.friendly

  A [proudly意为“自豪地”;angrily意为“生气地”;kindly意为“善良地”;friendly意为“友好的”。从第一段第一句可知阿拉克尼很自豪(proudly)有一手非凡的纺织和刺绣本领,故A项正确。]

  5.A.Saying B.Finishing

  C.Hearing D.Listening

  C [根据语境可知此处表示听到她的话,女神决定教训一下她,故C项正确。]

  6.A.disappointed B.disguised

  C.discouraged D.disaffected

  B [disappoint意为“使失望”;disguise意为“掩饰,伪装”;discourage意为“阻止”;disaffect意为“使疏远,使不满意”。根据此空后的as an old woman可知此处表示女神伪装成一个老妇人,故B项正确。]

  7.A.took on B.put on

  C.turned on D.knocked on

  D [take on意为“承担;呈现”;put on意为“穿上;上演”;turn on意为“打开”;knock on意为“敲击”。根据下句的When she opened it可知此处应该是“敲门”,故D项正确。]

  8.A.careful B.humble

  C.proud D.honest

  B [careful意为“仔细的;小心的”;humble意为“谦虚的”;proud意为“自豪的”;honest意为“诚实的”。根据此空前的...the goddess warned her,“You shouldn’t

  compare yourself with the great Athene...”可知,女神警告阿拉克尼要谦虚,故B项正确。]

  9.A.conversation B.fight

  C.competition D.meeting

  C [conversation意为“交谈,会话”;fight意为“打架;战斗”;competition意为“竞争,比赛”;meeting意为“会议”。根据下句的Then we’ll see who’s better at weaving!和...and the contest began.可推断,阿拉克尼要与女神比赛,故C项正确。]

  10.A.Immediately B.Fortunately

  C.Hopefully D.Generally

  A [immediately意为“立刻地”;fortunately意为“幸运地”;hopefully意为“有希望地,有前途地”;generally意为“通常,一般地”。根据此空后的...Athene threw off her disguise and the contest began.可推断,此处表示女神立即扔掉伪装与她比赛,故A项正确。]

  11.A.colors B.threads

  C.wool D.feathers

  B [color意为“颜色”;thread意为“线”;wool意为“羊毛”;feather意为“羽毛”。编织当然是用彩线编织成美丽的图案,故B项正确。]

  12.A.superior B.inferior

  C.good D.excellent

  A [superior意为“更胜一筹的,出众的”;inferior意为“差的,下级的”;good意为“好的”;excellent意为“优秀的”。根据下文女神生气以及最后一句中...she has continued to recreate her lost ________ beautiful masterpiece...可知,阿拉克尼技高一筹,故A项正确。]

  13.A.such B.too

  C.very D.so

  D [“so+adj.+that...”为固定句式,意为“如此……以至于……”,即D项正确。]

  14.A.longer B.prettier

  C.bigger D.rounder

  D [longer意为“更长的”;prettier意为“更漂亮的”;bigger意为“更大的”;rounder意为“更圆的”。根据常识可知人的躯干本来就是圆的,这时更圆了,故D项正确。]

  15.A.heads B.eyes

  C.legs D.ears

  C [根据此空前的Her human arms and legs...可知表示长出像昆虫一样的腿,故C项正确。]

  16.A.unhappily B.uncertainly

  C.untruly D.unkindly

  D [unhappily意为“不开心地”;uncertainly意为“不确定地”;untruly意为“不正确地”;unkindly意为“不近人情地,不客气地”。从上下文可知,女神对于阿拉克尼的这种高傲行为感到很生气,故此处表示她不客气地说,故D项正确。]

  17.A.on the ground B.in the air

  C.at home D.on the wall

  B [on the ground意为“在地上”;in the air意为“在空中”;at home意为“在家”;on the wall意为“在墙上”。根据第18空后的to weave a pattern in the air可知B项正确。]

  18.A.preserve B.press

  C.prepare D.produce

  D [preserve意为“保护;保存”;press意为“压”;prepare意为“准备”;produce意为“生产”。从语境可知,阿拉克尼此时像蜘蛛一样在空中抽丝纺线,故D项正确。]

  19.A.mosquito B.fly

  C.spider D.insect

  C [mosquito意为“蚊子”;fly意为“苍蝇”;spider意为“蜘蛛”;insect意为“昆虫”。根据第20空后的...and all other spiders have followed her.可知C项正确。]

  20.A.and B.or

  C.but D.so

  C [根据此空前的lost和此空后的beautiful可知前后语义相反,所以用but表示转折关系。]


  (2024·银川高三一模)The decision of the Third Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to allow a married couple to have two children if one of the couple is an only child is indeed welcome news to the many young couples who want to have more than one child.

  What is even more meaningful is the statement in the decision that the family planning policy will be gradually adjusted to promote demographic (人口) development on a balanced and long­term basis.

  Such flexibility is necessary, given the fact that China has the largest population in the world and one of the major engines for the global economy.People are now predicting further loosening as a higher birth rate is needed to offset the too low birth rate of the past and the rapid aging of society, which are putting pressure on economic growth and social progress.

  Economists see the drop in the working­age population by 3.45 million in 2024 as strong evidence of the need for a much higher birth rate to avoid an economic crisis caused by a lack of labor.Sociologists consider the fertility (繁殖力) rate of 1.18 in 2024 as a sign of society being lacking in energy, and warn that the rapid increase of senior citizens will prevent the dynamics of both economic and social progress.

  These concerns must have been taken into consideration during the process of making the decision.However, as a country with a population of more than 1.3 billion, China can never set aside concerns about the negative effects a population explosion would have on its economic and social development.

  What we need now are reasonable expectations for the country’s demographic growth.It was expected that under the previous family planning policies, the country’s population would grow to 1.5 billion and then gradually drop.If this is still the possibility we hope to realize, further study is needed to figure out how we should adjust the policies so that the decline in population will not be so sharp that it deals a heavy blow to the overall development of the country.

  语篇解读 本文是一篇资讯报道。为了使人口不会大幅下降,以致影响到国家的整体发展,中国及时调整了计划生育政策,推出了二胎新政策,即一方是独生子女的夫妇可生育两个孩子。1.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the problem with the previous family planning policy?

  A.A too low birth rate.

  B.A rapid increase of the aged.

  C.A big population explosion.

  D.A sharp decline in working­age population.

  C [细节理解题。根据本文倒数第二段内容可知,中国人口基数大,如果控制不好生育政策,有可能会造成人口大爆炸,人口大爆炸并不是之前计划生育政策所带来的问题,所以C项表述错误。故选C。]

  2.The underlined word “offset” in the third paragraph can best be replaced by ________.

  A.compensate forB.set out

  C.call for D.set off

  A [词义猜测题。画线词所在的句子是在解释新政策的原因,由此可推知,目前需要更高的出生率来弥补过去过低的出生率及快速老龄化造成的劳动力减少,compensate for 意为“补偿,弥补”,与offset意思相近。故选A。]

  3.What can be inferred from the passage?

  A.China’s population won’t stop growing until it reaches 1.5 billion.

  B.Balanced demographic growth benefits the overall development of China.

  C.In China, a higher birth rate is needed to meet many young couples’ demands.

  D.Economic and social progress is nothing more than demographic development.

  B [推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“...we should adjust ...development of the country.”可知,我们应调整政策,为了使人口不会如此大幅下降,以至于影响国家的整体发展。由此可推知,平衡的人口增长有利于中国的整体发展。故选B。]

  4.Where does this passage probably come from?

  A.A work of science fiction.

  B.A book review.

  C.A marriage guide.

  D.A news report.

  D [推理判断题。本文是关于我国计划生育新政策方面的介绍,显然不属于科幻小说、书评或者婚姻指南,而是一篇资讯报道。故选D。]


  (2024·沈阳二中上学期期中)My niece was away from home for a student camp in__1__(prepare) for our country’s Republic Day celebration.

  It was the rainy season,__2__brought a lot of infections(感染) and other health problems.Some children suffered from fever due to the cold at night.Some got throat infections__3__one child even had an eye infection.She was one of the__4__ (roommate) of my niece.All the other children just got into their other friends’ room to protect__5__from an eye infection.There were only two of them, my niece and the roommate with the eye infection,

  __6__(remain) in the room.

  __7__camp ended and all returned home.My niece told me the story of her roommate and her sad situation with the eye infection.I asked her, “Weren’t you afraid? And really the eye infection is a __8__(danger) one, isn’t it?

  She surprised me with her reply, “So what? People with a kind heart won’t__9__(harm) by anything in this world.Moreover, she was a roommate of mine for the past ten days and I didn’t have the heart__10__(leave) her alone just for the infection.”


  1.preparation 2.which 3.and 4.roommates 5.themselves 6.remaining 7.The 8.dangerous 9.be harmed 10.to leave