2024届高考英语一轮复习强化作业:必修2 Unit 5《Music》(新人教版含答案)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习强化作业:必修2 Unit 5《Music》(新人教版含答案)


  必修2 Unit 5

  Ⅰ. 单项填空

  1. (2024·厦门模拟)My voluntary experience in the hospital made me much moreto the needs of the disabled.

  A. positive B. addicted C. available D. sensitive

  2. (2024·扬州模拟)You’d sound a lot more polite if you make a request a question.

  A. in search of B. in the form of

  C. in need of

  D. in the direction of

  3. (2024·合肥模拟)Everyone’s attention was drawn to the eight-year-old girl who was perfectly at the piano.

  A. acting B. behaving

  C. doing

  D. performing

  4. (2024·金华模拟)Mum pretended what happened yesterday at school, but in fact, she has been told about every detail.

  A. not to hear about

  B. not to have heard about

  C. not to be hearing about

  D. to not hear about

  5. (2024·三亚模拟)Even though these foods are nutritious, we shouldn’t them too much; after all, we need a balanced diet.

  A. insist on B. rely on

  C. keep on

  D. catch on

  6. I’m considering buying a new car, because my old car a lot.

  A. breaks into pieces B. breaks down

  C. breaks through

  D. breaks up

  7. I know it’s not important, but I can’t help about it.

  A. think B. and think

  C. thinking

  D. being thought

  8. (2024·嘉兴模拟)People Who Moved China, hosted by CCTV, honors the peoplethe valuable contributions should be remembered by every Chinese.

  A. whose

  B. of whom

  C. that

  D. of which

  9. (2024·厦门模拟)Being so busy with his experiment, how he dreams ofenough time for relaxation!

  A. to have

  B. being

  C. there being

  D. giving

  10. All the parents appreciate the great importance schools have to eyesight protection.

  A. reacted B. attended

  C. attached

  D. adapted

  11. (2024·邯郸模拟)I don’t think it right to jokes on the disabled, especially when they are in trouble.

  A. put B. keep C. find D. play

  12. —What kind of house would you like to buy?

  —I’d like to buy one—modern, comfortable, and in a quiet neighborhood.

  A. in all

  B. above all

  C. after all

  D. at all

  13. (2024·长沙模拟)The professor sorted the books suitable for him and sold the others.

  A. out B. from

  C. of

  D. away

  14. She is quite to office work. You had better offer her some suggestions when necessary.

  A. familiar B. fresh

  C. similar

  D. sensitive

  15. People who had seen the film Devil were afraid to go to the dark places when they remembered the scenes people were eaten by devils.

  A. for which B. in which

  C. of which

  D. from which

  Ⅱ. 阅读理解


  Baby girls make their way directly for dolls as soon as they can crawl, while boys will head for cars, a study has shown. The findings, the first to show differences in very young babies, suggest there is a biological basis to their preferences.

  Psychologist Dr Brenda Todd from City University London carried out an experiment involving 90 babies aged 9 months to 36 months. The babies were allowed to choose from seven toys. Some were typically boys’ toys—a car, a digger, a ball and a blue teddy. The rest were girls’ toys:a pink teddy, a doll and a cooking set. They were placed a meter away from the toys, and could pick whichever toy they liked. Their choices and the amount of time they spent playing with each toy were recorded.

  Of the youngest children(9 months to 14 months), girls spent significantly longer playing with the doll than boys, and boys spent much more time with the car and the ball than the girls did. Among the two and three-year-olds, girls spent 50 percent of the time playing with the doll while only two boys briefly touched it. The boys spent almost 90 percent of their time playing with the car, which the girls barely touched. There was no link between the parents’ view on which toys were more appropriate for boys or girls, and the children’s choices.

  Dr Brenda Todd said, “Children of this age are already exposed to much socialization. Boys may be given toys that go while girls get toys they can care for, which may help shape their preferences. But these findings agree with the former idea that children show natural interest in particular kinds of toys. There could be a biological basis for their choices. Males through evolution have been adapted to prefer moving objects, probably through hunting instincts(本能), while girls prefer warmer colours such as pink, the colour of a newborn baby. ” (356W)

  1. Baby boys and girls have different toy preferences probably because .

  A. baby boys are much more active

  B. baby girls like bright colours more

  C. their parents treat them differently

  D. there is a natural difference between them

  2. Both baby boys and baby girls like to play with according to the study.

  A. a ball

  B. a teddy

  C. a car

  D. a doll

  3. What can we infer from Paragraph 3?

  A. Nine-month-old baby boys don’t play with the doll at all.

  B. Two-year-old baby girls sometimes play with the car and the ball.

  C. The older the babies are, the more obvious their preference is.

  D. Parents should teach their babies to share each other’s toys.

  4. What conclusion did Dr Brenda Todd draw from the results of the study?

  A. Adults purposely influence their babies’ preferences.

  B. Babies’preference isn’t affected by social surroundings.

  C. Baby boys preferring moving toys will be good at hunting.

  D. Baby girls preferring warmer colours will be warm-hearted.

  5. We may read this article in a section of a newspaper.

  A. science

  B. health

  C. education

  D. entertainment

  Ⅲ. 阅读第二节


  A. Gift giving proven to be valuable

  B. Memories from gift giving

  C. Moments and events for gift giving

  D. Various functions of gift giving

  E. Gift giving as a wasteful practice

  F. Gift giving as a two-way social activity

  Gift Giving


  There are many occasions(场合)for giving gifts in modern industrialized societies: birthdays, naming ceremonies, weddings, anniversaries, New Year. It is common to give gifts on many of these celebrations in western cultures. In addition, special events, such as one’s first day of school or graduation from university, often require gift giving.


  What is happening when we give gifts? Most importantly, we are exchanging gifts. If someone gives me a gift for my birthday, I know that I am usually expected to give one on his or her next birthday. A gift builds up or confirms a social obligation(义务).


  Gifts tighten personal relationships and provide a means of communication between loved ones. People say that a gift lets the recipient(接受者)know we are thinking of them, and that we want to make the person “feel special” . We want people to feel wanted, to feel part of our social or family group. We give presents to say “I’m sorry. ” Sometimes it is difficult for us to find a present that someone will like. Sometimes we give things that we like or would feel comfortable with. In all these cases, the gifts are sending out messages?often very expressive ones.


  People tend to talk about presents in a fairly loving way. A woman whose mother had died years ago described the many gifts around her house. These were gifts that her mother had given her over the years, “I appreciate these, and they mean something to me, ” the woman said, “because I remember the occasions they were given on, and that they were from my mother, and the relationship we’ve had. ” The gifts remain and keep the relationship alive in mind. This woman felt the same way about the gifts she gave to others. She hoped that the recipients would look at her gifts in years to come and remember her.


  Emotions(情感)like these suggest that a positive spirit still lies behind gift giving. They prove that the anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss was wrong to say that modern western gift giving is highly wasteful. Studies in Canada and elsewhere have also shown that this is not the case. Each gift is unique even if so many are given. The emotional benefit for those who exchange gifts is the very reason for the tradition to continue.


  1. 根据阅读理解内容填写下表

  段落 段落大意

  Para. 1

  Para. 2 ___________________________________

  Para. 3 ___________________________________

  Para. 4 ___________________________________

  2. 用30个词左右概括阅读理解大意


  Ⅰ. 1.【解析】选D。考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我在医院当志愿者的经历使我更能理解残疾人的需求。sensitive “体贴的; 善解人意的” , 符合句意。

  2.【解析】选B。考查介词短语辨析。句意:如果你以提问的形式来表达自己的请求, 这样听起来更有礼貌。in the form of表示 “以……的形式” ; in search of “寻找” ; in need of “需求” ; in the direction of “往……的方向” 。

  3.【解析】选D。考查动词词义辨析。perform “表演” ; act “扮演; 担当” ; behave “举止; 表现” ; do “做” 。根据句意选D。

  4.【解析】选B。pretend not to have done sth. “假装没做过某事” ; pretend to be doing sth. “假装正在做某事” ; pretend to do sth. “假装做某事” 。由she has been told about every detail可知, B项正确。

  5.【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意:尽管这些食物很有营养, 但是我们不应该太依赖它们; 毕竟我们需要均衡饮食。rely on “依赖; 依靠” , 符合题意。insist on “坚持” ; keep on “继续” ; catch on “理解” 。

  6.【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意:我正考虑买一辆新车, 因为我的旧车损坏严重。break down(机器)损坏, 破坏; break into pieces成为碎片; break through突破; break up破碎, 分解。

  7.【解析】选C。句意:我知道这不重要, 但我还是禁不住想它。can’t help doing sth.

  “禁不住/忍不住做某事” 。



  can’t stand, give up, feel like, keep on, insist on,

  look forward to, put off, devote. . . to, object to, be busy(in), get down to, have difficulty/trouble(in), have a good/wonderful/hard time(in), have fun等。

  (2010·上海高考)I had great difficulty finding the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.

  在那个餐馆, 我很难从菜单上找到合适的食物。


  ①I know it’s important, but I can’t help with it for I have a more important task to do.

  A. deal B. and deal

  C. dealing

  D. being dealt

  【解析】选A。句意:我知道这很重要, 但由于我有更重要的工作要做, 不能帮助处理。can’t help doing sth. “禁不住/忍不住做某事” ; can’t help do sth. “不能帮助(某人)做某事” 。由句意可知A项正确。

  ②I know it’s so important that I can’t help but with it carefully.

  A. deal B. and deal

  C. dealing

  D. being dealt

  【解析】选A。句意:我知道它是如此重要以至于我不得不仔细对待。can’t help but do sth.

  “不得不做某事” 。

  8.【解析】选B。考查定语从句。句意:中央电视台承办的《感动中国人物》旨在表彰那些做出杰出贡献的人, 他们的杰出贡献应该为每一个中国人所牢记。该定语从句的主语是the valuable contributions, 其前要用of whom作定语并引导该从句。注意如果空格后没有the, 则用whose引导定语从句。

  9.【解析】选C。句意:由于忙于做实验, 他多么希望可以有足够的时间放松一下啊! 根据句意, 此处dream of后接动名词结构, there being是动名词复合结构。

  10.【解析】选C。句意:学校对视力保护非常重视, 对此所有家长都非常赞赏。attach importance to为固定短语, 意为 “重视” 。



  一些动词短语词形相像, 让人眼花缭乱, 难以区分。高考试题经常对此设题以考查考生的鉴别能力。解题时应仔细辨认, 不能急于求成。

  appeal to 呼吁, 上诉, 对……有吸引力

  attend to 注意, 照料, 致力于

  apply to 适用于

  attain to 达到, 获得

  adapt to 适应

  attract. . . to. . .


  adjust to 适应

  attach. . . to. . .


  11.【解析】选D。句意:我认为拿残疾人开玩笑是不对的, 尤其是当他们遇到困难时。play a joke/jokes on sb. “开某人的玩笑” 。

  12.【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。above all意为 “最重要的是; 尤其是” , 强调事情的重要性, 符合题意。in all(=altogether/in total) “总共” ; after all “毕竟” ; at all “根本; 全然” 。

  13.【解析】选A。考查固定搭配。sort out意为 “分类; 整理” , 符合题意。

  14.【解析】选B。考查形容词辨析。句意:她对办公室工作比较生疏, 在必要的时候你最好给她提一些建议。fresh “没经验的, 不熟练的” ; familiar熟悉的; similar相似的; sensitive敏感的。

  15.【解析】选B。考查 “介词+关系代词” 引导的定语从句。句意:看过《魔鬼》这部电影的人当他们记起魔鬼吃人的场景时, 他们不敢去黑暗的地方。in which在此指in the scenes。


  不同性别的孩子对于玩具有一种天生的偏爱。男孩子喜欢运动玩具, 而女孩则喜欢暖色的玩具。

  1.【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第一段 “The findings, the first to show differences in very young babies, suggest there is a biological basis to their preferences. ” 可知孩子的选择有天生因素。

  2.【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第二段 “Some were typically boys’ toys—a car, a digger, a ball and a blue teddy. The rest were girls’ toys:a pink teddy, a doll and a cooking set. ” 可得答案。

  3.【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第三段可知A、B两项错误, D项没出现。

  4.【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第四段 “But these findings agree with the former idea that children show natural interest in particular kinds of toys. There could be a biological basis for their choices. ” 可知答案为B。

  5.【解析】选A。推理判断题。由文中these findings, the findings等词语可知应是关于科学研究的文章。

  Ⅲ. 答案:1~5. CFDBA
