师说系列2024届高考英语一轮复习讲义:3.5Canada—“The True North”(人教版)

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师说系列2024届高考英语一轮复习讲义:3.5Canada—“The True North”(人教版)

  【点拨】① is

  ② are

  ③A. home

  B. house

  C. family family 是集体名词,指家庭整体时,视为单数,谓语动词用单数形式;指家庭成员时,视为复数,谓语动词要用复数形式。 family/house/home Their house was burnt,

  so the family had to make their home in a hotel for a time.

  他们的房子被烧掉了,于是他们一家人暂时在旅馆里安了家。 Ⅰ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空(5分钟,10分) 1.

  These are _______ (Daming) pens.

  2. Helen’s _______ (photo) are on her desk.

  3. What are _______ (you) names?

  4. My mother is an English _______ (teach).

  5. There are two _______ (university) in our city.

  答案:1. Daming’s

  2. photos

  3. your 4. teacher

  5. universities Ⅱ. 从Ⅱ栏中选出适合回答Ⅰ栏的答语(5分钟,10分)


  Ⅱ 1.What’s your father’s job?

  a. Yes,

  I can.

  2. Can you speak English?

  b. A worker.

  3. Where are you from?

  c. China.

  4. Are these your parents?

  d. No,

  she isn’t.

  5. Is his sister a doctor?

  e. Yes,

  they are.

  含情态动词can的基本句式 Ⅰ. 句型转换 1.

  Daming can type. (改为否定句) Daming _______ type. 答案:can’t

  2. Mary can play the piano. (改为一般疑问句,

  并作肯定回答) — _______ Mary _______ the piano?

  — _______ ,

  she _______ .


  Can he sing an English song?

  ( 作否定回答) — _______ , he _______ .

  答案:2. Can; play; Yes; can

  3. No; can’t 含有can的基本句式






  Ⅱ. 单项选择 1.

  I can _______ English.

  A. speak

  B. speaking

  C. to speak

  D. speaks 2.

  They _______ sing Japanese songs.

  A. not

  B. can’t

  C. can’ts

  D. not cans 3.

  Betty _______ draw.

  A. cans

  B. canes

  C. can

  D. is can 1. can 后跟


  。 2. can 不能单独作谓语,要和后面的动词一起构成谓语。 3. can 没有




  的变化。 答案:⑥动词原形



  “勾勾手,好朋友”!在实际生活中,友情是必不可少的。每个人都有自己最知心的朋友。你的好朋友是谁?请以“My good friend”为题,把她 / 他“秀” 给大家吧!可适当发挥。(词数:

  40左右) 提示:










  This is. . .

  I can speak English.

  My father is a teacher at Beijing International School.

  My mother is a secretary. . .

  My good friend

  This is my good friend,

  Betty. She is from England. She is thirteen years old. She is in Class Five,

  Grade Seven. She can speak English,

  but she can’t speak Chinese. Her father is a teacher at Beijing International School. Her mother is a secretary in a hotel. Betty and I are good friends.

  Ⅰ. 单词闯关 1. 乒乓球(n. )

  _______ _______ 2. 骑;开(车)(v. )

  _______ 3. 欢迎(v. )

  _______ 4. 医院(n. )

  _______ 5. 向,朝(prep. )

  _______ 答案:1. table tennis

  2. ride

  3. welcome 4. hospital

  5. at

  6. 家庭(n. )

  ________ 7. parent (n. )

  → ________(复数) 8. piano (n. )

  → ________(复数) 9. university (n. )

  → ________(复数) 10. photo (n. )

  → ________(复数) 答案:6. family

  7. parents

  8. pianos 9. universities

  10. photos

  Ⅱ. 短语过关 1. 欢迎……来……


  2. 打网球

  play _______ 3. 弹钢琴

  _______ _______ piano 4. 骑马

  _______a horse 5. 讲汉语

  _______ Chinese 答案:1. welcome

  2. tennis

  3. play the 4. ride

  5. speak

  6. 一个英语老师

  _______ _______ teacher 7. 我的父母

  my ________

  8. 一张……的照片

  a _______ _______

  9. 宾馆经理

  ________ managers 10. 一个工厂工人

  a _______ _______ 答案:6. an English

  7. parents

  8. photo of 9. hotel

  10. factory worker Ⅲ. 句型攻关 1. 我来自英国并且我会讲英语。 I ______ ______ England and I ______ ______ English.

  2. 我不会讲汉语。 I ______ ______ Chinese.

  答案:1. am from;

  can speak

  2. can’t speak 3. ——你会游泳吗? — _______ you _______ ?

  ——不,我不会。 — _______ ,

  I _______ .

  4. 你的父母是干什么工作的? _______ are your ______ ______ ? 答案:3. Can; swim;

  No; can’t

  4. What;

  parents’ jobs 5. 你妈妈是一个老师吗?

  _______ your mother a _______? 答案:Is;


  Ⅰ. 选词配图

  A. play basketball

  B. play table tennis

  C. ride a horse

  D. sing

  E. swim 答案:1~5. CDBEA Ⅱ. 句型展示 1.


  _______ Betty and Tony _______ our school.

  2. 我会踢足球,会打篮球。 I ______ ______ ______ and I ______ ______ basketball.

  答案:1. Welcome;


  2. can play football;

  can play

  I can play football and I can play basketball.

  我会踢足球,会打篮球。 (1)play与球类名词连用时, 不加冠词。 (2)play与乐器名词连用时, 需加定冠词。

  He likes playing ________ cards after class.

  A. the

  B. a

  C. an

  D. / 【点拨】选D。play意为“打,玩”,在与球类、棋类、牌类等名词连用时,不用冠词。

  Please welcome Betty and Tony to our school.


  welcome 动词,“欢迎”,welcome (sb. ) to. . . 欢迎某人来到……

  ——谢谢你! —Thank you!

  ——不用谢。 —You’re _______ .

  【点拨】welcome。welcome还可以作形容词,意为“受欢迎的”。You are welcome. 意为“不用谢;别客气”,是回答别人道谢时的客套话。

  Ⅰ. 单项选择(5分钟,10分) (

  )1. Do you like playing _______ football? A. a

  B. an

  C. the

  D. ∕ (

  )2. My parents _______ teachers.

  A. are

  B. is

  C. am

  D. not (

  )3. —Can you ride a horse? — _______ .

  A. Yes,

  I can

  B. Yes,

  I am C. No,

  I can

  D. No,

  I am not (

  )4. My mother can’t _______ .

  A. play the basketball

  B. play the table tennis

  C. play piano

  D. play the piano (

  )5. Welcome you _______ my school.

  A. at

  B. to

  C. on

  D. with Ⅱ. 句型转换(5分钟,10分) 1.

  She can play the piano. (改为否定句) She _______ _______ the piano.


  We can speak Chinese. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) — _______ you speak Chinese?

  — _______,

  we _______ .

  答案:1. can’t play

  2. Can; Yes; can

  3. —Can Daming ride a horse? (作否定回答) —No, ______ ______ .






  speak(. )(连词成句) ___________________________________________________ 5. Betty can play table tennis. (对划线部分提问) ______ ______ Betty ________?

  答案:3. he can’t

  4. She can not speak Chinese.

  5. What can; do 句型展示 1. 这是我的父母。 _______ _______ my ________.


  你的父母是做什么的? _______ your _______ _______?

  答案:1. These are; parents

  2. What’re;

  parents’ jobs 3.

  我妈妈是医院的一名医生。 My mother is a doctor _______ _______ _______ .

  答案:at the hospital

  选词配图 university,





  答案:1. hospital

  2. factory

  3. university 4. hotel

  5. office This is Daming’s father.



  ①学生们的书包 _________ ②这是露西和莉莉的卧室。 This is _________ bedroom.

  ③这是露西和莉莉的外套。 These are __________ coats.

  【点拨】①the students’ bags

  ②Lucy and Lily’s ③Lucy’s and Lily’s 名词所有格 ①在以-s结尾的复数名词词尾,加上“’”即可 ②表示多人共同拥有时,只在最后一个名词后加“’s” ③表示多人分别拥有时,则分别在名词后加“’s”

  worker n. 工人 They are factory workers.

  其动词形式是work, 意为“工作”。在英语中,一部分动词在词尾加上 “-er”, 变为动作的执行者;以不发音的“e”结尾时则加“-r”。 Ⅰ. 单项选择(5分钟,10分) (

  )1. They are _______ in a factory.

  A. a factory worker

  B. factory workers C. factories workers

  D. factories worker (

  )2. ________ are my classmates.

  A. This

  B. That

  C. These

  D. He (

  )3. — ________ ?

  —I am a factory manager.

  A. How old are you

  B. How are you

  C. What’s your job

  D. Where are you (

  )4. ________ father is a worker.

  A. Tonys

  B. Tony’s

  C. Tony

  D. Tonys’ (

  )5. — ________ he play table tennis?


  he ________.

  A. Is;


  B. Can;


  C. Can;


  D. Is;

  can’t Ⅱ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空(5分钟,10分) 1. The man _______ in a factory and he is a good _______ (work).

  2. Betty is ________ (Tom and Jack) sister.

  3. These ________ (be) my students.

  4. His two sisters are________ (secretary).

  5. My ________ (parent) are teachers.

  答案:1. works; worker

  2. Tom and Jack’s 3. are

  4. secretaries

  5. parents This is my family. 这是我的家庭。


  即families, 表示“家,家庭,家属,亲属”。

  ① His family _______ (be) big. There are ten people.

  ② My family _______ (be) very well.

  ③ 把family,



  【点拨】① is

  ② are

  ③A. home

  B. house

  C. family family 是集体名词,指家庭整体时,视为单数,谓语动词用单数形式;指家庭成员时,视为复数,谓语动词要用复数形式。 family/house/home Their house was burnt,

  so the family had to make their home in a hotel for a time.

  他们的房子被烧掉了,于是他们一家人暂时在旅馆里安了家。 Ⅰ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空(5分钟,10分) 1.

  These are _______ (Daming) pens.

  2. Helen’s _______ (photo) are on her desk.

  3. What are _______ (you) names?

  4. My mother is an English _______ (teach).

  5. There are two _______ (university) in our city.

  答案:1. Daming’s

  2. photos

  3. your 4. teacher

  5. universities Ⅱ. 从Ⅱ栏中选出适合回答Ⅰ栏的答语(5分钟,10分)


  Ⅱ 1.What’s your father’s job?

  a. Yes,

  I can.

  2. Can you speak English?

  b. A worker.

  3. Where are you from?

  c. China.

  4. Are these your parents?

  d. No,

  she isn’t.

  5. Is his sister a doctor?

  e. Yes,

  they are.

  含情态动词can的基本句式 Ⅰ. 句型转换 1.

  Daming can type. (改为否定句) Daming _______ type. 答案:can’t

  2. Mary can play the piano. (改为一般疑问句,

  并作肯定回答) — _______ Mary _______ the piano?

  — _______ ,

  she _______ .


  Can he sing an English song?

  ( 作否定回答) — _______ , he _______ .

  答案:2. Can; play; Yes; can

  3. No; can’t 含有can的基本句式






  Ⅱ. 单项选择 1.

  I can _______ English.

  A. speak

  B. speaking

  C. to speak

  D. speaks 2.

  They _______ sing Japanese songs.

  A. not

  B. can’t

  C. can’ts

  D. not cans 3.

  Betty _______ draw.

  A. cans

  B. canes

  C. can

  D. is can 1. can 后跟


  。 2. can 不能单独作谓语,要和后面的动词一起构成谓语。 3. can 没有




  的变化。 答案:⑥动词原形



  “勾勾手,好朋友”!在实际生活中,友情是必不可少的。每个人都有自己最知心的朋友。你的好朋友是谁?请以“My good friend”为题,把她 / 他“秀” 给大家吧!可适当发挥。(词数:

  40左右) 提示:










  This is. . .

  I can speak English.

  My father is a teacher at Beijing International School.

  My mother is a secretary. . .

  My good friend

  This is my good friend,

  Betty. She is from England. She is thirteen years old. She is in Class Five,

  Grade Seven. She can speak English,

  but she can’t speak Chinese. Her father is a teacher at Beijing International School. Her mother is a secretary in a hotel. Betty and I are good friends.

  Ⅰ. 单词闯关 1. 乒乓球(n. )

  _______ _______ 2. 骑;开(车)(v. )

  _______ 3. 欢迎(v. )

  _______ 4. 医院(n. )

  _______ 5. 向,朝(prep. )

  _______ 答案:1. table tennis

  2. ride

  3. welcome 4. hospital

  5. at

  6. 家庭(n. )

  ________ 7. parent (n. )

  → ________(复数) 8. piano (n. )

  → ________(复数) 9. university (n. )

  → ________(复数) 10. photo (n. )

  → ________(复数) 答案:6. family

  7. parents

  8. pianos 9. universities

  10. photos

  Ⅱ. 短语过关 1. 欢迎……来……


  2. 打网球

  play _______ 3. 弹钢琴

  _______ _______ piano 4. 骑马

  _______a horse 5. 讲汉语

  _______ Chinese 答案:1. welcome

  2. tennis

  3. play the 4. ride

  5. speak

  6. 一个英语老师

  _______ _______ teacher 7. 我的父母

  my ________

  8. 一张……的照片

  a _______ _______

  9. 宾馆经理

  ________ managers 10. 一个工厂工人

  a _______ _______ 答案:6. an English

  7. parents

  8. photo of 9. hotel

  10. factory worker Ⅲ. 句型攻关 1. 我来自英国并且我会讲英语。 I ______ ______ England and I ______ ______ English.

  2. 我不会讲汉语。 I ______ ______ Chinese.

  答案:1. am from;

  can speak

  2. can’t speak 3. ——你会游泳吗? — _______ you _______ ?

  ——不,我不会。 — _______ ,

  I _______ .

  4. 你的父母是干什么工作的? _______ are your ______ ______ ? 答案:3. Can; swim;

  No; can’t

  4. What;

  parents’ jobs 5. 你妈妈是一个老师吗?

  _______ your mother a _______? 答案:Is;


  Ⅰ. 选词配图

  A. play basketball

  B. play table tennis

  C. ride a horse

  D. sing

  E. swim 答案:1~5. CDBEA Ⅱ. 句型展示 1.


  _______ Betty and Tony _______ our school.

  2. 我会踢足球,会打篮球。 I ______ ______ ______ and I ______ ______ basketball.

  答案:1. Welcome;


  2. can play football;

  can play

  I can play football and I can play basketball.

  我会踢足球,会打篮球。 (1)play与球类名词连用时, 不加冠词。 (2)play与乐器名词连用时, 需加定冠词。

  He likes playing ________ cards after class.

  A. the

  B. a

  C. an

  D. / 【点拨】选D。play意为“打,玩”,在与球类、棋类、牌类等名词连用时,不用冠词。

  Please welcome Betty and Tony to our school.


  welcome 动词,“欢迎”,welcome (sb. ) to. . . 欢迎某人来到……

  ——谢谢你! —Thank you!

  ——不用谢。 —You’re _______ .

  【点拨】welcome。welcome还可以作形容词,意为“受欢迎的”。You are welcome. 意为“不用谢;别客气”,是回答别人道谢时的客套话。

  Ⅰ. 单项选择(5分钟,10分) (

  )1. Do you like playing _______ football? A. a

  B. an

  C. the

  D. ∕ (

  )2. My parents _______ teachers.

  A. are

  B. is

  C. am

  D. not (

  )3. —Can you ride a horse? — _______ .

  A. Yes,

  I can

  B. Yes,

  I am C. No,

  I can

  D. No,

  I am not (

  )4. My mother can’t _______ .

  A. play the basketball

  B. play the table tennis

  C. play piano

  D. play the piano (

  )5. Welcome you _______ my school.

  A. at

  B. to

  C. on

  D. with Ⅱ. 句型转换(5分钟,10分) 1.

  She can play the piano. (改为否定句) She _______ _______ the piano.


  We can speak Chinese. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) — _______ you speak Chinese?

  — _______,

  we _______ .

  答案:1. can’t play

  2. Can; Yes; can

  3. —Can Daming ride a horse? (作否定回答) —No, ______ ______ .






  speak(. )(连词成句) ___________________________________________________ 5. Betty can play table tennis. (对划线部分提问) ______ ______ Betty ________?

  答案:3. he can’t

  4. She can not speak Chinese.

  5. What can; do 句型展示 1. 这是我的父母。 _______ _______ my ________.


  你的父母是做什么的? _______ your _______ _______?

  答案:1. These are; parents

  2. What’re;

  parents’ jobs 3.

  我妈妈是医院的一名医生。 My mother is a doctor _______ _______ _______ .

  答案:at the hospital

  选词配图 university,





  答案:1. hospital

  2. factory

  3. university 4. hotel

  5. office This is Daming’s father.



  ①学生们的书包 _________ ②这是露西和莉莉的卧室。 This is _________ bedroom.

  ③这是露西和莉莉的外套。 These are __________ coats.

  【点拨】①the students’ bags

  ②Lucy and Lily’s ③Lucy’s and Lily’s 名词所有格 ①在以-s结尾的复数名词词尾,加上“’”即可 ②表示多人共同拥有时,只在最后一个名词后加“’s” ③表示多人分别拥有时,则分别在名词后加“’s”

  worker n. 工人 They are factory workers.

  其动词形式是work, 意为“工作”。在英语中,一部分动词在词尾加上 “-er”, 变为动作的执行者;以不发音的“e”结尾时则加“-r”。 Ⅰ. 单项选择(5分钟,10分) (

  )1. They are _______ in a factory.

  A. a factory worker

  B. factory workers C. factories workers

  D. factories worker (

  )2. ________ are my classmates.

  A. This

  B. That

  C. These

  D. He (

  )3. — ________ ?

  —I am a factory manager.

  A. How old are you

  B. How are you

  C. What’s your job

  D. Where are you (

  )4. ________ father is a worker.

  A. Tonys

  B. Tony’s

  C. Tony

  D. Tonys’ (

  )5. — ________ he play table tennis?


  he ________.

  A. Is;


  B. Can;


  C. Can;


  D. Is;

  can’t Ⅱ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空(5分钟,10分) 1. The man _______ in a factory and he is a good _______ (work).

  2. Betty is ________ (Tom and Jack) sister.

  3. These ________ (be) my students.

  4. His two sisters are________ (secretary).

  5. My ________ (parent) are teachers.

  答案:1. works; worker

  2. Tom and Jack’s 3. are

  4. secretaries

  5. parents This is my family. 这是我的家庭。


  即families, 表示“家,家庭,家属,亲属”。

  ① His family _______ (be) big. There are ten people.

  ② My family _______ (be) very well.

  ③ 把family,

